Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1928 Poison Jiangnan! online teaching

What the hell, no one saw what happened!

The 30,000 Canglan troops vomited blood collectively and knelt down on the spot? Even Wenger from Planet Destroyer?

What happened in that instant?

Saya on the side frowned, looking at this scene full of fear!

What kind of trick did Jiangnan use?

How could it deal such high damage? This might not be able to be done if you try your best, right?

Moreover, the Apocalypse family has the whisper of the gods, and they can predict what will happen in the next few seconds!

Can't even avoid this?

You Lulu looked at Wenger who vomited blood with horror on her face, her face full of disbelief:

( ????口???) "'s impossible!"

With just one blow, the 30,000 army of the Apocalypse Clan directly vomited blood!

I can't even defend against it. I was stunned that no one figured out how Jiangnan did it?

Then my 10,000 order maintenance troops are not enough to give Jiangnan a bite?

At this moment, all the Canglan troops were kneeling on the ground, vomiting blood!

_(???」∠) "Pfft~ This is too poisonous, how could he say that about us! There is such a vicious language in this world!"

One day, the Qi Clan beat the ground frantically, tears pouring down:

(#??义??) "What's the point of being alive, I shouldn't have come to this world!"

The other brother lay flat on the ground, letting tears flow indiscriminately:

(;′??︿??`) "No one in life has died since ancient times. If you die sooner or later, you will die. If I die, I will count!"

"Who can tell me the meaning of life, the true meaning of life, woo~"

(?????|||) "Wow~ this is poison! It's poisonous, hurry up! Whoever has the detoxification skills, I can't hold on anymore!"

At this moment, Cang Lan's troops were collectively poisoned, struggling to stand up, lying on the ground crying for their father and mother, with a decadent look of not wanting to live anymore!

As for Wenger, poisoning is the deepest one!

Kneeling on the ground and twitching, rolling his eyes and spitting white foam!

(?????|||) "Riding horse! Jiangnan, you devil, I shouldn't have whispered to the gods, your words are so vicious!"

"Pffw~ What kind of poison is this? It can corrode even atoms, and it can't be removed at all? Hurry up and detoxify me!"

You Lulu said anxiously: (???﹏??)? "Roentgen! Hurry up!"

Roentgen was also frightened by this scene, and quickly held up his staff!

?(ˊ把ˋ*)? "Absolute purification! Flawless body! Pure white holy spring!"

A series of recovery skills smashed down, detoxifying crazily!

But it was useless to Wenger and the others. They should vomit blood or vomit blood, and they all cried out after being poisoned, as if they drank 2 catties of pesticide!

Roentgen looked pale:

(??? д??) "Impossible! Absolutely impossible, there is a poison in this world that I, the Hidden Spirit Race, cannot cure?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: ?( ??????)? "Is it strange? Otherwise, why is this called a unique move?"

While talking, he took out another bowl of chicken soup for the soul and drank it, and the holy light appeared on his body again!

The prison bird on the side was completely dumbfounded!

??(° △ °|||)??…

What the hell! One move to destroy 30,000 troops?

You're so good at it, why don't you live in Noah's Manor!

What exactly did he do just now?

On the other hand, Olivia was already insanely happy, lying on the ground clutching her stomach and rolling around!

??o·(? ??ж?? )?o·?

Nanshen is too bamboo shoots!

Fortunately, I just turned off the whisper of the gods, otherwise I would be poisoned too?

The side effect of chicken soup for the soul is poisonous chicken soup. You can transfer your own toxins to the other party by instilling poisonous chicken soup into the other party!

Just now, Jiangnan said that he was going to use a unique trick, and tried his best to seduce Wenger and the others to predict the future with the whisper of the gods!

Obviously, he directly predicted the poisonous chicken soup that Jiangnan was going to talk about!

Break the defense in advance on the spot and transfer the toxin!

This also led to Jiangnan not saying a word, and all the 30,000 Apocalypse soldiers on the opposite side were poisoned and fell to the ground!

It's almost at home!

The reason why Jiangnan drank two bowls of chicken soup in a row was because he was waiting for this, right?

It's a pity that Olivia still doesn't know what the poisonous chicken soup that Jiangnan is going to say is!

Is it powerful enough to break the defense of 30,000 people?

At this moment, whether it was the residents of Noah's Manor or the people who came to see the fun, they all looked at Jiangnan in shock!

Discussion suddenly arose!

(*???) "Damn it! What happened just now? What kind of trick? Didn't do anything, just abolished 30,000 Canglan troops? Even Wenger can't handle it?"

∑(°口°?) "It really only needs one move? It's too scary? A causal weapon? Jiangnan hasn't even reached Poxing, how can it be so strong?"

(′-﹏-` ?) "Nonsense! If he is not strong, he will get into trouble with three parties at the same time. How can he survive until now? Famous scene? Nan Shen Niu criticize him?"

"This is so fierce! Damn it! After this wave, no one in the Black Street knows the name of Jiangnan?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes on Jiangnan changed. If he came towards him like this, would he be able to bear it?

Wenger is kneeling!

Jiang Nan said lightly: (? ˉ?ˉ?) "I said it! To deal with you, one move is enough! It's just that I don't want to kill!"

"Get out of here quickly? Don't disturb me eating skewers!"

Wenger's eyes were wide open, his face was blue and black:

?(?????#) "You... puff~"

Another mouthful of old blood spurted out three meters away, shaking everyone!

[Resentment value from Wenger +1009! ]

Ye Yuan on the side is in a hurry, Jiangnan's cup is for him to pretend to be round!

What exactly was he going to say just now? What are you predicting?

As a result, I didn't learn it!

Can't help but hurried to Jiangnan:

(?????) "Hey, what are you going to say just now?"

Jiang Nan looked mysterious: (?ˇ?ˇ?) "Hey~Secret! It won't work if you say it the second time!"

Ye Yuan asked urgently: "What's the relationship between us? Hurry up with me...Puff~"

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Yuan spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and fell to the ground on the spot sobbing!

The holy light on his body also turned black, and the poison was on his head, and he was about to be burped by the poison!


Jiangnan coughs lightly:

(? ?° ? ?°) "What the hell~ I leave the battlefield to you, don't disappoint my earnest teaching to you!"

"Please start your performance!"

You must know that Ye Yuan also drank two bowls of poisonous chicken soup, and the side effects also broke out at this moment!

Ye Yuan was in a hurry at that time, without saying a word, he turned into a black mist, and immediately rushed out of the killing line!

Entering Canglan's army, an abyss gaze fixed an Apocalypse clan and shouted:

(? °? Yi °?)? "I ask you! Failure is the mother of success, so what is the father of success?"

On that day, the Qi Clan looked hopeless:

(??︿??|||) "Love so and so, what does it have to do with me?"

Ye Yuan:? ? ?

(?◣д◢)? "Speak! Tell me quickly! I'm running out of time! Ask me who is the father of success!"

The brother tilted his head:

(#ˇ︿ˇ) "I'm not very interested!"

Yeyuan: (●??3??) "Puff~"

A mouthful of black blood was sprayed on the brother's face, and Ye Yuan was so angry that he changed to another person and grabbed his neck!

(●? Yi?)? "Say! Who is the father of success! You're right, you called me daddy! Tell me quickly!"

Apocalypse: (#¬_¬) "That's right, I call you daddy? Then why do I still say that?"

Ye Yuan:? ? ?

Angrily, he stretched out his hand and slapped the Qi clan on the face!

?(▼皮▼#) "Tell me on the horse! Do you want to say it? Do you want to say it?"

"Who is the father of success! Don't tell me, believe it or not, I'll show you to death?"

Apocalypse warrior: (#)? ? ? (#) "Then you die, let me watch?"

Ye Yuan raised his head, and spit out black blood three meters away!

Fuck wow! Why doesn't any of them work?

Wenger was also angry, and staggered towards Ye Yuan to kill!

(||? Yi?)? "Hey ~ let go of our warriors, believe it or not, I will kill you?"

Ye Yuan is in a hurry, if I don't break other people's defenses, I will be poisoned to death!

(???皮??)? "Come on! Let's fight! I have a trick that you will never predict! If you don't believe me, try it!"

However, how could Wenger, who had just suffered a loss, still predict? What should I do if I am recruited again?

(??ˇyiˇ?) "I believe! I won't try, do you think I'm stupid?"

Ye Yuan froze all over, and spit out another mouthful of old blood!

Why didn't this stepping horse follow the script? Damn!

So he looked at Olivia with hope!

Olivia sighed, she couldn't bear it!

So he whispered a god's whisper to Ye Yuan!

next moment:(?_? )…

"Isn't it? That's it? Listen to my sister's persuasion, you should admit it!"

Ye Yuan:! ! !

Ahhh, why can't I break through the personal defense alone?

Did Bai Tama learn?

no! I can't pull anymore, I can't help my butt!

So a Yingzang came to Jiangnan, looking like he was about to burp!

?(?′口`? ) "Brother Nan! God Nan! Help! I've had enough! I don't want to do it any more. Teach me, teach me a little more!"

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely. It has to be said that Ye Yuan really tried his best, and he used all the special meows he knew!

That doesn't work at all!

(?– _ –) “You’re so stupid, I’m heartbroken to have a student as stupid as you!”

In this case, it was specified that Ye Yuan should not be dragged. After all, Jiang Nan didn't want to waste the side effects of his two bowls of poisonous chicken soup!

"I'll tell you with brainwaves, follow along! Pay attention to your tone and expression!"

Ye Yuan kept nodding, as if seeing a great savior!

Jiang Nan's voice suddenly appeared in Ye Yuan's mind!

Ye Yuan's fierce eyes brightened, it had to be Jiangnan!

He really knows it, he?

So she raised her eyebrows at Little Lulu!

(??д??) "Hey! That member of the Hilde Union, do you know why you were cheated by Brother Nan for a bounty?"

You Lulu looked vigilant, fully defended, is it coming again? Could it be that the trick just now is the unique innate skill of the abyss clan?

(?`﹏′?) "Why...why?"

Ye Yuan's wretched way:

( ??? .?.? ??‵) "Heh~ There is an old saying that is good, it is called big breasts and no brains! You have such a big mind, it is normal for you to have a bad brain!"

"Gu Liang is a good Gu Liang, but she is a bit stupid, her head is translucent, and she can't hold any knowledge!"

You Lulu stared, clutching her chest and took two steps back, her face blushing!

(???? ???) "You... Puff~"

In its pink translucent body, there was a fierce poison circulating in the body!

(????) "But don't be too sad, at least you traded your wisdom for a broad mind, unlike these silly seraphs!"

"It's okay if you have a bad brain, but the fierce is quite small, and you're still an angel? You just took advantage of the word angel, right? The taste is quite authentic ~ stinky!"

"But even if you are like this, you will still be liked, and flies like it quite a lot! Dogs like it too!"

Jiang Nan pouted: (¬?¬) "Nonsense! No dog would eat this flavor!"

Saya:! ! !

?(????) "You, you, you... Puff~"

[Resentment value from Saya +1008! ]

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