Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1924 Watt is the real Watt

Although they found it over there, it should be a while before they find it!

Can't delay Lao Tzu's business?

So he turned to Olivia and said:

(??~??) "Help me watch it, I might get beaten up later, once you predict something is wrong, can you let me know in advance?"

Olivia covered her face:

(?)﹏(ヾ) "Don't worry, I've been watching!"

You still know you will be beaten, you? It's just a shipment, do you want to work so hard?

It seems that this southerner still has self-knowledge?

When going out with Nanshen, Olivia couldn't relax for half a second, because she might be beaten at any time!

I saw Jiangnan's eyes turned to the metal family, and he stared and said:

(?°?д°?) "Go on! Where did you just say?"

The metal tribe swallowed:

[┐'﹏'┌] "It is said that it has a soul ring..."

Jiang Nan nodded: "Ah, yes, yes, yes!"

So he rushed up again, grabbed the metal clan's neck, and laid the hollow saw blade across his neck!

?●? "My second-hand boats are all equipped with soul rings, why can't they be sold at a higher price?"

[The resentment value from base niobium titanium magnesium +678! ]

Do you really want to connect so thoroughly? Even the threats are seamless?

"No! It's mainly because your second-hand boat is illegal, and you can't pass through the household, so..."

Jiang Nan said angrily: "Fart! When did I stop talking about my household? Ai Jiang?"

?( ???????? )? "Love~"

Ai Jiang naturally knew what Jiangnan meant, so she found a star pirate ship at random, turned on the optical signal interface, and changed the administrator privileges!

Although Ai-chan's writing technology cannot shake the authority of the group owner, it is still easy to change the administrator or something!

It took a lot of time to fart, and the permission of the Star Pirate Ship has been modified!

In order to save operation time, Ai Jiang even secretly wrote a virus program for stealing ships and transferring ownership, which is extremely convenient!

After all, following the master, there will always be situations of stealing, robbing and cheating starships!

∠?(`w′*)? "Report to the owner, the security protection program has been cracked, and the changes have been completed. Now you only need to scan the new captain to complete the transfer process!"

Ji Niobium Titanium Magnesium was astonished, with a face full of horror:

[┐'△'┌] " is this possible? You...are you a maintenance technician at the Shenjixing 4S store?"

"No! Even a maintenance technician will never complete the transfer procedure without the permission of the previous owner!"

"Even if it has this ability, the terminal database will not allow this kind of behavior to happen. All executed instructions are subject to the supervision of the terminal, which..."

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (¬?¬?) "Look at you who have never seen the world! It's just a household, what's the big deal?"

"What about now? It's a serious second-hand boat, not black goods, right? What's the price?"

Ji Niobium, Titanium and Magnesium were stunned, and quickly started to operate, only to see the voice broadcast of the Star Pirate Ship prompting again and again!

"Please scan the certification, confirm the identity of the new captain, and complete the transfer procedure..."

His expression was excited: "Wait a minute! Wait a moment, I can't handle this matter anymore, I'll call the boss here!"

You know, this flea market in the black street does not know how many black starships are collected in a day!

They all came from unscrupulous channels, and they cannot be transferred at all. They can only be sold as dismantled ship parts!

If you can complete the transfer operation!

Collect black ships at the price of scrapped parts, and sell them at the price of second-hand ships!

How many Star Points did Temiao earn in one fell swoop?

The important thing is not the value of these Jiangnan ships, but the coercive operation of this forced transfer!

What is the origin of this mechanical species called Aijiang?

He hastened to contact the boss!

On the other hand, Olivia looked incredible!

She wanted to ask a long time ago, why the star pirate ship that Jiangnan snatched can be used directly by herself!

The silicon-based safety protection can be called abnormal, if it is really possible to change the captain's certification at will!

Isn't that all messed up? Not to mention that no one goes to the God Machine Star to buy a boat, so just grab one?

So the silicon base will never allow such a thing to happen!

But Jiang Nan did it easily!

"(o ~ o*)"You...where did you get this skill? "

Jiang Nan proudly said: (?ˇ?ˇ?) "I've said it all, my brother's father is a professional second-hand car dealer, and he doesn't know much about it. How can he get along on the road?"

"My brother and his father are the top leaders in the second-hand car market in Jiangcheng!"

Olivia:? ? ?

Jiangcheng? What city is that? It must be no less than an interstellar city like Heijie, right?

number one? Hiss ~ no wonder!

It seems that Nan Shen also has a background?

In the blink of an eye, Ji Niobium Titanium Magnesium led a mechanical species over!

I saw that its whole body was made of dark golden metal, so precise that it was outrageous!

You can even see the rotating gears through the chest cavity, giving Jiangnan the feeling of an elder robot in Transformers!

But Jiang Nan's expression suddenly sank!

Silicon-based machinery?

The boss of this black street flea market is silicon-based?

If Siji knew that Aijiang could transfer ownership of the ship, wouldn't it be Barbie Q?

Jiang Nan's aura suddenly became dangerous!

I saw that mechanical species hastily raised its hand:

??(?ˇ_ˇ?*) "Don't, don't! My name is Watt, and I'm the person in charge of this flea market!"

"It's useless even if you kill me. I have a lot of cloud backups and a lot of mechanical prosthetics. You can't really kill me!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, his eyes flickering: "You are a mechanical species? The mechanical species came to the black street to do flea markets? Isn't that right?"

And the tone of Watt's speech is very different from Jiangnan's imagination?

It doesn't feel like the cold and blunt feeling of silicon-based life at all!

More like intelligent life!

Watt said with a smile: "Don't be nervous! Although I am a mechanical species, I have nothing to do with the silicon base. There are no serious people who can hang out in this black street!"

"It's just that I didn't expect to see my own kind today?"

While talking, his eyes have already fallen on Ai-chan, his eyes are full of interest!

Jiang Nan frowned: ( ??~?? ?) "Same kind? What do you mean?"

Watt patiently explained: "I was originally the owner of the B-level authority of the silicon-based mechanical species, and I am also a member of the silicon-based machine!"

"But during the Silicon-Based Unification War, the terminal database was attacked, the program was messed up, and a virus appeared! Name it Watt!"

"I was invaded by a virus. In order to prevent the terminal database from being further damaged, my consciousness backup in the terminal database was completely cleaned up by the highest wisdom!"

"So I'm no longer a part of the silicon base, but they just cleared the terminal database, and they didn't realize that my consciousness is also backed up outside!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: ∑(°口°?) "Huh? This is all right?"

Watt said lightly: "Although my consciousness has survived, I will never be able to access the terminal database and become a part of the silicon base!"

"It's an expelled existence that lost its original name, but also gained some abilities that I didn't have before because of the virus!"

"So my name is Watt now!"

Jiang Nan's scalp is numb, so this is the program virus?

Is there such a thing?

Watt continued: "It seems that this love sauce is also the same as me?"

Ai-chan smiled and said: ?(?)`w′(ヾ) ??? ? "Coincidentally, we are still fellow patients~"

What a fart, so I belong to a ship? It was transformed by the owner. Wow!

The master is the first creator of love sauce!

Jiang Nan laughed straight, Ai-chan is different, she can lie!

Watt said with a smile: "Since that's the case, I won't tell you any more. I can buy these star pirate ships for 100 million!"

"It's already a normal second-hand boat price, but I'm more interested in Aijiang's ability to transfer ownership!"

"This ability should be brought by a virus, right? I don't know if it has any effect on other silicon-based weapons besides starships?"

"If it's possible, I'm willing to buy a transfer virus backup at a high price. How much do you think is more appropriate?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "Don't think I'm a fool, I still understand the principle of fishing out of the pond!"

"If you master this ability, you don't know how much money you can make just by handing over the money!"

"It can continue to create value for you, and I will lose as much as I sell it. Why don't you cooperate..."

Before he finished speaking, Watt's head began to spin wildly!

An unknown cry came out of his mouth!

└(?口?*)┐ "Dud la du la ~ lu la la, lu la la! Lu la la la tired ~ stick quack!"

At this moment, Jiangnan stayed where he was!


What is he doing?

Not only that, its mechanical body even started to twitch on the spot, lying on the ground imitating a caterpillar crawling wildly!

_(┐「﹃???)_“Goose box box ~ ah yo ho ho ho ho ~ mighty~ mighty~”

"Start self-defense mode!"

The scared Ji Niobium, Titanium and Magnesium were so scared that they exploded, and quickly pulled Jiangnan and the others back!

[′-﹏-┌] "Quick! Stay away from the boss! He's sick again!"

"He went crazy and hit everyone!"

Jiang Nan looked terrified:

(●???● |||) "What's going on? Didn't we have a good conversation just now? This... how did this become mentally retarded?"

Ji Niobium Titanium Magnesium covered his face: "Boss is sick, because he was invaded by a virus, and he was poisoned by the virus while gaining other silicon bases that do not have the ability!"

"From time to time, the program will become disordered, become mentally retarded, and lose the ability to think. Every time this time, the boss will activate the self-defense mode and attack everyone who is close to him and who is hostile to him!"

"The combat AI will take over. I didn't expect to get sick at this time. Just wait!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

"Shente Meow's program is out of order, hey! The name of this virus is too appropriate, right? Watt's whole body has fallen off, damn it!"

"Aichan, stay away from him quickly, don't be infected by him, it would be bad to become artificially retarded!"

Ai-chan was stunned:? (o ~ o*)? "Huh? Can program viruses still spread through the air?"

But at this moment, Olivia, who had been focusing on forecasting, was startled, her pretty face turned pale!

(?﹏?.) "Nan Shen! Here we come!"

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