Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1897 What Did I Say?

Did Temiao play 100,000 times? Cheng Bao'er also tried her best to eat?

No wonder the resentment value refreshed so quickly, so he handed Xing Cheng 10 dimensional beads to eat!

Yeyuan: (#)??口??(#)

You wait for me, you guys!

Jiangnan:! ! !

The key is that the special meow is not the point, hey!

Xingcheng drank chicken soup for the soul? That thing is a consolation prize, maybe it's poisonous?

This, this, this...

Can't help looking at Xing Cheng nervously, her body is so powerful, and she also has the ability to regenerate!

Even if it is poison, it will not kill you, right?

However, after eating a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, Xing Cheng's whole body began to emit a soft holy light!

Especially in the back of the head, there even appeared a wheel of holy light!

For a moment, Jiang Nan thought he saw a living god, a great sage!

Is this the blessing of the legendary positive energy buff?

It's too gorgeous, right? It's so dazzling! Thin rag~

The Titans next to them also looked at this scene with astonishment on their faces!

What the hell, why did Xing Cheng start emitting holy light all of a sudden?

But as a holy angel, it's normal for the Holy Light to shine, right?

At this moment, under the shining of the holy light, everyone felt a burst of warmth and peace of mind, as if their hearts had been healed!

??*(ˊ?????? ????ˋ?)*??

Jiang Nan swallowed:

(???﹏??)???? "Chengbao? Are you okay? Do you feel unwell?"

Xing Cheng looked solemn:

-`(??????)'- "Every day I'm with you, I get better! I'm fine!"

"Even if it is physical discomfort, it can't break my soul chasing delicious food!"

"Don't worry! Now I'm like a chicken cake just out of the pan, soft and tender, full of vitality!"

Jiangnan: (??? 3 ??) Pooh~

What kind of wonderful analogy is this, the chicken cake just baked by Shen Temiao wow!

How could Cheng Bao talk like that? Could it be that she is sick?

I saw Xing Cheng turned to the dumb sack on his knee, his eyes were full of deepness!

-`(︶ ? ︶?)′-“How can you learn to fly without falling down a few times in your life? You will meet the most beautiful scenery in the deepest despair!”

"Don't be afraid! Let me save you!"

While speaking, the little hands started beating the dumb sack frantically again!

Ye Yuan in the sack kept screaming!

(#)??口??(#) "Save your sister! You just want to beat me for food, don't you? Do you want to be so tall?"

"You want to redeem me, but you let me out? Beat me!"

[Resentment value from Yeyuan +1008! ]

Jiangnan: (??w?? ?)

Why did Cheng Bao become so inspirational all of a sudden? Damn, I don’t even know him anymore?

Is it the effect of chicken soup for the soul? It didn't show up in strengthening the power of the mind, did it?


At this moment, I saw Momo's belly making noises, and Jiangnan looked for his reputation!

I saw Mo Mo covering her belly, her pretty face flushed, and she kept swallowing her saliva!


Apparently, the smell of the chicken soup drew the gluttons out, after all, I didn't eat much on the way!

Jiang Nan's eyes flashed, and then he smiled brightly:

( ??? ??)??_? "Momo hungry? Come! Chicken soup for you~"

"It's still hot, while it's hot~"

Then he brought a bowl of chicken soup to Momo!

How can Momo bear it? After serving the bowl, it was done, with a satisfied expression on his face!

After eating a bowl of chicken soup, the holy light also bloomed on his body!

-`(?????? ????)'-"Gift to Tang Zhien, remember five times, I will always remember that this warm current flowing in my body comes from you!"

Jiangnan: (?????)! ! !

Hurrah! Can't you talk like that? If Hart heard this, his face would turn green?

"Don't worry about this, mental power! Has there been any change in mental power?"

Momo was startled, tilted her head to feel carefully, her eyes were fixed on the porcelain bowl in her hand!

I saw that porcelain bowl was directly crushed into slag under the powerful force of thought!

-`(°口°?)'-"Hiss~ Nianli? This, this, this..."

Momo's eyes widened, what kind of magical chicken soup is this? Can people have mind power?

Jiang Nan's eyes are full of excitement, it really works, right?

Turning to the Nita brothers and sisters again, I saw those titans sitting on the bench, hugging their shoulders and shivering, their bodies were even covered with hoarfrost!

Looking at the chicken soup, my eyes are full of longing!

Of course, Jiang Nan wouldn't even give him chicken soup!

(*︶.?︶)??_? "Come on, you're welcome, and ha! Drink some chicken soup to warm up!"

As he spoke, he took out bowl after bowl of chicken soup for the soul and sent it to the Titans!

Nita was a little moved while holding the bowl:

(┘?┏﹏┓?└) "Can we really drink? Is it free?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: (?ˇ?ˇ?)ヾ "Hi~Why do you ask for money? It's just a few bowls of chicken soup, drink whatever you want!"

Well, it would be good to do more controlled experiments!

Even if it is poisonous, I still have the detoxification soybeans, so I can't die!

They are so big, they should be quite capable of causing harm, right?

How can the titans be polite? They raised their heads and drank this bowl of chicken soup!

But just when Nita drank half of it, the entire starship began to vibrate crazily!

The chicken soup in the bowl was accidentally spilled due to the vibration!

There was a commotion in the warehouse!

Wulu said loudly: "It's okay! I just entered the chaotic sea of ​​stars and encountered turbulent space flow, everyone can rest assured!"

However, at this moment, Nita couldn't feel relieved, sweating profusely on his forehead, and looked at the chicken soup that had just been spilled on the ground because of the jolt with a scorched complexion!

"Chi la la ~"

There was a sound of corrosion, and the pool of chicken soup on the ground was bubbling wildly, the alloy deck was corroded and a hole was pierced, white smoke was wailing...

At this moment, everyone who just drank the chicken soup looked at the corroded deck in horror!

?(?'口'? ?)? Nima!

(┘??┏?┓??└) "God...Master Angel! Is this chicken soup poisonous?"

Temiao chicken soup that can corrode the deck, you give us to drink?

Is this stuff a titan can drink?

If you get robbed, it’s fine to earn money for you, but you still want to kill people to silence them?

Momo: (?﹏?.)

Was that the last meal of my life just now?

Jiangnan: (??????)

"No...not poisonous! How could it be poisonous? Captain Momo! Don't you also believe what Nita said? This is completely framed!"

"Ah, that's right! This chicken soup is just like Lei Bi's carbonated drink. Lei Bi will bubble up when she falls on the ground. You can't say that Lei Bi is also poisonous, right?"

"Well, that's it. This is carbonated chicken soup. It's just normal for it to bubble up!"

Momo covered her face! I bother! Ghost Carbonated Chicken Soup Hey!

There are no people in this world who really go out of their way to inject carbon dioxide into chicken soup, right?

What's more, the deck is corroded and worn out?

-`(.?﹏?)′-"Then... if it is not poisonous, you can drink a bowl too! I believe that justice will not be late!"

Jiang Nan's expression froze, and he said decisively:

(????) "I don't drink, I'm not hungry!"

"That was the last bowl just now, hey~ In order to make everyone full, I even let you drink the chicken soup I left for myself!"

"Aren't you all moved?"

Nita nodded frantically, not daring to move, for fear of speeding up her metabolism, she would be killed by poison in the next second!

Jiangnan's eyes were full of firmness, within 60 minutes, before he knew the side effects of Chicken Soup for the Soul!

It is absolutely impossible for me to drink it!

I want to drink I am a dog!

Everyone who had just drank the chicken soup burst into light, and they were worrying unnecessarily, worrying that they would suddenly die suddenly in the next second!

Nita looked lonely:

-`(┘??┏~┓??└)′-"Life is only once, and I have lived a wonderful enough life. I started small and ended with greatness!"

Jiangnan: "(o Д o*)

"I just drank a bowl of chicken soup, do you want so many life insights?"

"Don't worry~ I won't die..."


There was a sudden explosion, and the entire spaceship started to turn over, and the world in the cargo hold was spinning!

The containers and mercenaries inside are scattered everywhere!

The scene was chaotic, and it happened so suddenly that no one could react!

Jiangnan threw out the void chain immediately, immobilizing everyone!

Space barriers are derived to block everyone in front of them, preventing them from being hit by the huge containers that are thrown over!

That day, the four members of the Qi Clan squinted their eyes, their bodies were full of radiance, and they stood firmly in front of the long silver box!

All the containers that were smashed over, even the mercenaries, were all broken down if they got close to a few people!

Nothing can come within three hundred meters of them!

"Damn it! It's so hidden, and someone is here to make trouble?"

"Everyone! Protect the first sprout! You know what this means!"

The other three responded in unison: "Yes! Captain Gu Ze!"

But Wulu let out a roar, pulled out a giant battle ax and held it in his hand, his whole body was covered in black bone armor like crystal!

Scarlet eyes!

"Everyone! Get ready for battle! The goods are gone, and you don't even think about leaving the sea of ​​chaotic stars alive! Don't take chances, fight with all your strength!"

"To send a signal for help to the Star Alliance! Hold on, we can win!"

Then he cursed secretly: "Aren't these star thieves crazy? Dare to rob the cargo ship of the Starlight Alliance? Damn it!"

Jiang Nan shrugged, what did I say? There is no stopping on the road, right?

If it weren't for these few Apocalypse clans, there is a high probability that nothing will happen!

But let them board the ship, the risk factor will naturally increase greatly!

His eyes couldn't help falling on the silver box!

First bud? What it is?

I don't know how much it's worth!

After all, they all came down from the Dimensional Battlefield, and they all have a little bit of skill, so this thing doesn't make everyone panic!

Everyone is ready for battle!

But Jiangnan is more curious, what kind of power is it that can force such a huge cargo spaceship out of the state of warp speed?

Ye Yuan in the sack shouted loudly:

(#)?口?) "Hey! What happened? Did you let me out? I want to watch the fun! Hey hey hey!"

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