Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1866 Why didn't you die? it's a pity

While Karl was speaking, he held up the holy sword in his hand, and the boson particles all over his body frantically gathered!

How could he fail to see that Jiangnan is the core of this god-killing army!

As long as he is killed, the morale of mankind will definitely be frustrated!

So this blow, Karl can be said to have used all his strength!

"Warp Speed ​​Slash? Dark Blue Annihilation!"

This blow was really too fast, and the holy sword came out at a warp speed. When everyone noticed, the holy sword had already fallen!

Where the sword passes, the space is highly distorted, and everything is annihilated!

Mi Ye's eyes were full of anxiety: (??? Mouth??)? "Xiao Nan!"

But Jiangnan was locked by space domination, unable to move at all, and the warp speed slash was too fast, which had already surpassed the limit of human reaction!

Jiang Nan had no choice but to bite the bullet and push forward!


The holy sword slashed fiercely on the Tianling Gai in the south of the Yangtze River, and there was a thick and muffled sound like a bell!

Terrifying energy ripples rippling in all directions!

Slashing with a sword, the holy sword in Karl's hand was raised high in the powerful counter-shock force, and the whole body staggered back three steps!

The blade of the sword was broken, and there were even cracks on the body of the holy sword!

At this moment, Carl was dumbfounded, and the eyeballs of all the Bose bodies present almost popped out!


Everyone in the God Killing Army also looked at Jiangnan's head in horror!

∑(°口°?) Damn wow!

Is there a mistake? Xing Yaojiu received Carl's full blow with his head, nothing happened, and even knocked Carl back?

What kind of brain is this? Iron boy?

Jiang Nan shook his head and laughed mockingly!

(???????‵) "Is this your all-out blow? It's so ridiculous! I can take it with my head without injury!"

"I'm standing here so you fight, can you break my defense?"

"I, Jiang Tietou, have earned my reputation? Heh~ A full-strength blow to break the star? It's just me! I can take it at any time!"

"Don't doubt it, I, Jiang Tietou, are just so awesome!"

Mi Ye grinds his teeth, I'm worried that he's going to make a fuss? Just redundant!

Xia Yao in the distance snickered, hey, hey, it's just because you're wearing a headscarf, right?

She knows how powerful the floor spread is!

Carl really knows how to chop! If this sword is a little higher, Xiao Nan will be gone!

I saw Jiangnan laughing on the surface, but the groundhog screamed in his heart, my little money, damn it!

How much does this sword system baby hack me?

Karl looked at his cracked holy sword in disbelief!

Σ( ° △ °|||) Impossible!

Absolutely impossible!

It is impossible for a human head to block his full blow!

With that sword of mine, even an extraordinary human could be killed!

But Jiang Nan didn't even lose a bloody skin? Are you so weak?

And the holy sword is made of Bose horn, how could Jiangnan's head be harder than it?

Igor was stunned: (¬得¬) "What a great opportunity? What did you do, Mr. Carl? You... you must have let the water go, right?"

He couldn't figure out why Sister Li Jiangnan was still alive!

Carl stared: (??ˇ得ˇ?) "What a fart, I just didn't play well just now, the next strike will kill him!"

While speaking, he swiped the holy sword and slashed again, but Sichao's warm winter sun overwhelmed him!

Absolutely can't give Karl another chance to make a move!

Carl narrowed his eyes: "Don't bother me, God Killing Legion? Today I will wipe out all of you, no matter how fast it is, it can't be faster than my Warp Speed ​​Slash!"

But at this moment, the Creation Beast under everyone's feet went completely crazy!

Opening his mouth wide and roaring, the three glazed horns on the top of his head burst into incomparably bright ten-colored rays of light, and the next moment they burst into bloom!


Infinite creation particles spewed upwards through three huge glazed horns, just like a waterfall of ten colorful light particles connecting the sky and the earth!

Covering everyone above the head, Karl's space control was shattered!

At this moment, everyone is bathed in the Light Particle Waterfall!

Carl's eyes widened:

Σ(っ ° 口 °;)っ "Fuck! Don't! Don't do it!"

At this moment, Bombardier, Bader Bati and their eyes shine!

Laughing loudly, he opened his mouth wide and ate the creation particle madly, whether he could keep it or not!

But everyone knew very clearly that this thing was the key to the gate of the extraordinary!

There is only a trace of Bose particles left in Jiangnan's body, and this wave directly filled the creation beast!

Can't help quacking, without the shackles of space control, the little maza just smashed down!

With a sound of "click", the chain of Huanyu Jingyuan broke, and the virtual nail held in 01's hand was left with a root!

With Jiangnan burning blood and immortal Yan Mo fully opened, he roared angrily and pulled out the virtual nail on the top of the creation beast's head!

It's no longer bound!

And Jiangnan even put the virtual nails into the alien space, and turned his head to smile evilly at Carl!

(¬?¬) "Thanks to the old iron for sending the raw materials for killing the gods! Let's report to the big brother!"

[Resentment value from Karl +1007! ]

Carl was furious: "Jiangnan! I'm just ~%?...;# *'☆!"

One dodges and slashes violently with a sword, but Jiangnan has already dodged with warp speed bubbles and rushed into the warm winter sun!

The God Slaughter Legion is having fun, even though they didn't know if they got a bargain in that wave just now?

But looking at the creation beast at this moment is like looking at his own father, lying on it is a kiss!

Whether it can be improved to a higher level depends on it!

His eyes became more and more determined, even if it was a slap in the face, he still wanted to snatch the Creation Beast!

Jiang Nan's eyes turned: ( ?° ?? ?°) "Mila, how is the contract?"

I saw Mira wrinkled her little face:

(???~??) "There is no response to the contract or something?"

"Maybe the Genesis Beast dislikes Jing Jing for being too young, so it doesn't date children?"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Jiang Ning's face darkened, hey, hey, you guys are really in the same line!

The contract between the psychic and the creation holy beast has nothing to do with age!

Is it a matter of mutual love and my wish?

Jiangnan is a little anxious, now that the situation is critical, it's better to get rid of the creation beast first!

In this way, there is only a trick!

( ???? .? ???? ?)?? "Quiet! What do you think this is?"

While speaking, he took out a box of hot sauce directly from the alien space!

Jiang Jing's eyes straightened in an instant, and Mira was drooling all over her body!

?(o﹃o?) "My God, the out-of-print 82-year-old aunt's hot sauce, a collector's edition! Hand-aged, spicy and delicious! This, this, this..."

Jiang Nan smiled triumphantly: (??????) "Want to eat? My brother still has several boxes!"

Jiang Jing clenched her fists and nodded like a chicken pecking rice, her big eyes full of longing!

(?ˉ ? ˉ?) "Hey, if you want to eat, just make an appointment with this triangular fat man. This deed is like your love of spicy food, it is an instinct engraved deep in your soul!"

"As long as you think about it, you can do it! If you can't, just imagine the fat triangle as a hot sauce jar!"

Jiang Jing nodded heavily, clenched her fists and closed her eyes, then opened them again, relying on her powerful imagination!

The huge Genesis Beast turned into a hot sauce jar!

Her body began to emit soft glass light!

And Jiang Nan looked at the Creation Beast again!

(? ?° .? ?°) "Hey! Fat Triangle! I don't know if you can understand me!"

The Genesis Beast's eyes are full of bewilderment, am I a triangle fat man?

Jiang Jiang continued: "You have only two choices, one is to continue to be nailed by others, and you will be caught as a coolie!"

"The other is to sign a contract with a petite and cute soft-cut loli!"

"I know you don't want someone to control you, you want to be free, but the two evils are the lesser, so it's still a choice? Of course you want a soft and cute loli!"

The Creation Beast's big eyes fluttered, and the light fell on Jiang Jing!

Indeed, since the previous owner was hacked to death by a terrifying human monster!

I have been playing with myself for more than three thousand years, and I have lived an unfettered life, which is pretty good!

But are the good days over? I looked at Jiang Jing, then at Karl Igor and the others!

He ran towards Jiang Jing without hesitation!

Karl gritted his teeth:

(‘炸’?) “What kind of weird food do you feed the holy psychic! The 82-year-old hot sauce has expired long ago, right?”

"I'm here today! No one can take the creation beast away, I told you!"

"If you have the ability, just let it go! Space control!"

In an instant, Dark Blue Negative Zero cooperates with the space control, unfolding to the maximum extent!

All the bosons in the field also released space to control self-defense!

The Saint Star Heavenly Group just stood on top of the Creator Beast, obviously not giving way!

The God Killing Legion kept attacking Karl, and Jiang Nan and Jiang Ning also launched sandwich warp bubbles in coordination!

The warm winter sun is also pressing down on everyone in Karl!

This is the peak confrontation between the human camp and the holy star!

But he couldn't attack for a long time, and the warp bubbles fired in the past couldn't attack the dominating space, so he was restricted to death!

As long as Karl uses the warp speed slash, the space can't cut the attack!

Carl's eyes could not help but fall on Jiang Jing, obviously playing her tricks!

But being hugged by Mira, there is no chance to make a move!

Even if it is a high-dimensional attack, the elementary ones can't help but stop time!

The situation reached a stalemate for a while!

Jiang Nan was full of bad luck, and couldn't help rushing to the crab boss, scolding him for a while!

(??ˇ~ˇ?)? "Look at you! It's all up to you, if it weren't for you, would Karl and the others use your skills? Who is it bad for them to use?"

(??? ) "Hey~ Why didn't you die? It's a pity, my Dao and Tian skills will be lost after you die?"

Boss Crab was frothing with anger, didn't he expect his comrades to die?

Are all human beings so devilish?

You wait for me, you, I will cut it for you sooner or later, take it as a sacrifice to the boss of the black god, and then raise the crab to the top!

Jiangnan: (??????) "Hey? Don't you have any seven aunts or eight aunts? Call for help? What if one or two accidentally die in battle?"

Mr. Crab:? ? ?

you step on the horse...

In the current situation, Karl sticks to the creation beast, and under the control of space, his own warp bubble can't help much?

Jiangnan, who was whirling and whirling with big eyes, could not help but focus on the huge warp starship...

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