As Jiangnan drew his sword, the roar soared into the sky!

All the members of the God Killing Legion showed their shit, and they all went into battle with sticks and wrenches!

Even Batty roared and pulled out the god-killing shovel hanging on his back!

Like Qianbenzakura, they naturally use exquisite god-killing daggers engraved with cherry blossoms!

It was agreed to remake it for Barty Pierce and the others, but in fact, Liu Qiutian didn't bother to do it twice!

I'm still too busy trying to make something custom for others, so naturally I don't have the time to pay attention to their demands!

Kitchen knives and shovels have been used all the time!

It works!

Thanks to the blessing of popping lipstick, all members of the God Killing Army can teleport!

He rushed into the space gate directly following Jiangnan, and appeared on the unformed continental plate!

There is desolation everywhere, and there is a gap between boundless dimensions outside the air membrane!

Many people saw the unfinished Lingxu for the first time!

It should be said that the ruins are more appropriate!

As soon as he came in, he saw the extremely huge creation beast being impaled by a false nail!

There is also a crab boss being beaten!

Only two bosons in the field?

01 and 02 were having a good time fighting, and as soon as they turned around, Jiangnan rushed in with more than 30 people!

Everyone has a sword to kill the gods!

Immediately it exploded!

Why the hell is this scourge everywhere?

You came here just after I found the Creation Beast? There are still so many people?

Jiangnan's eyes are bright:

(?????) "Haha! That's right, something really good happened?"

"Sister Ningning?"

Jiang Ning immediately handed Jiang Jing to Mira's arms!

Two people aim at 01, one at 02!

It is necessary to use Warp Speed ​​Bubble to directly kill these two goods!

But the moment the warp bubble just took shape, an extremely powerful mental shock rushed like a raging wave!

It is even more powerful than that of the chanting beads!

Jiangnan, who had just entered the ruins, was in a hurry!

Hearing a "boom", as soon as more than thirty god-killing legions came in, they were killed by the mental shock!

Before the ruthless words were released, all thirty people were thrown to the ground and scrapped!

Jiang Nan even lay on the ground bleeding from all seven orifices, kicking his legs straight!

(?????????# )…

This feeling is really too familiar, right?

I was knocked unconscious on the tenth floor of the abyss before!

This is really a good time to pass away, was it so exciting when you first came in?

Freya, who had wiped her nosebleed, made seals with her hands!

(* ???????) "The tree of life! Get up quickly, you guys!"

The phantom of the giant tree of life emerged, and the entire ruins became green due to the splashing of light and rain!

Jiangnan and the others wiped the blood from their faces one by one, cursed and got up!

Although the Jiangnan Warp Speed ​​Bubble was interrupted and did not launch, it didn't affect Jiang Ning!

Just a warp bubble, and the 02 on the crab ran past!

02:! ! !

Lai Lai, have you copied that Jiangnan's ability?

Two warp bubbles?

Damn it!

Almost the moment Jiang Ning used the warp bubble, 02 used the space control!

Dominated the space of tens of thousands of meters!


The warp bubble traveling at high speed unexpectedly stopped suddenly after crashing into the control range!

The highly compressed and expanded space cannot break into the dominated space!

Because 02 has the final say there!

02 grinned grimly: "Do you think you can hurt me at will if you master the warp speed? Don't take it for granted, can you come in?"

However, Jiang Ning gritted his teeth!

"Don't let me in? I want to go in!"

While speaking, he pulled out the holy scissors and slashed straight into the dominating space!

The spatial fluctuations on the holy scissors became more and more intense, and the spatial dominance was directly reproduced!

With one slash, the dominant space was torn apart on the spot!

Then a warp bubble crashed into it!

02 Grinding teeth: (?????? ?2) "Damn it! Is this knife in your hands?"

Facing the warp bubble created by Chuang Lai, 02 did not dodge or dodge, and directly activated the space absorption!

The warp bubble crashed into the space vortex and disappeared suddenly, and rushed out of it the next moment!

Jiang Ning:? ? ?

What the hell kind of skills are these?

02 Whose is the replica again?

As soon as the Jiangnan side regained its momentum, his eyes immediately locked on 01 above the head of the Creation Beast!

"Put nails in again? You guys are not as good as Qin Shou, isn't this taking advantage of me?"

I'm going to go there while I'm talking!

At the same time, boss Crab, who was left alone, struggled to get up from the ground!

The moment he saw the God Killing Army, his eyes were straightened!

They even started spitting bubbles excitedly!

"Yahoo~ human! Is it a human? This crab has grown up! It's grown up!"

So the eight crab legs crazily scrambled towards this direction at an astonishing speed!

Odin stared: (?°?д°?) "Huh! Dimensional creature? I can't beat the Creator Beast, and I can't beat you?"

"Cloud piercing finger!"

"Meteor Volcano! Ghost King Death Curse!"

The three superhumans shot at the same time, and how many mountains have been leveled just by the aftermath of their spiritual skills!

However, the crab boss didn't stop at all, and directly used the space to absorb!

A shocking thing happened, the three extraordinary attacks were all absorbed into the space vortex outside the crab boss's carapace!

Then return it with no loss!

In the blink of an eye, the powerful enough to destroy the world's spiritual skills attacked in the direction of the God Killing Army!

The big white goose stared: ????????? "What kind of crab is this? More flamboyant than a reflex arc?"

Bai Kou squinted: (? ̄? ~ ̄?) "Ninety-nine snows!"

Huge snowflakes condensed out, blocking the counterattacking spirit skills!

The entire continental plate was shaking!

Baldr was stunned:

∑(°口°?) "Damn it? Is this more stupid than my virtualization?"

Jiang Nan was immediately attracted by the big crab, this thing is so wow!

The halazi is about to flow out!

But I didn't have time to pay attention to it. Carl hasn't come yet. The most important thing is to take down the creation beast as soon as possible!

His eyes locked on 01, and the warp bubble shot out instantly!

But 01 naturally wouldn't sit still, so with a smirk, he raised his big foot and stomped on the nail on the top of the creation beast's head!


More powerful mental fluctuations came out, and the surrounding space was even shattered!

Jiang Nan sneered: "How can I let you show me?"

While talking, he directly took out the spread cloth, folded it and turned it into a scarf and tied it on his head!

Make Lao Tzu unconscious again, my surname is yours!

The powerful mental fluctuations have been attenuated by the warp bubble, and the power has dropped greatly, but it is still enough to turn people into idiots!

But the hood in the south of the Yangtze River is completely fearless!

He directly gave 01 a broken hand, and was preparing for a killing streak, adding another star to the God Killing Knife!

At this moment, a spatial fluctuation so strong that it made Jiangnan blow his hair came!

Raising his head suddenly, he saw an extremely huge warp starship appearing outside the ruins in the blink of an eye!

The star cannon at the bow of the ship has been recharged!


The energy column over 100,000 meters thick is launched directly, showing orange-red color, tearing apart all the space along the way!

The diameter of the gun column is even much thicker than that of the starship!

Karl's figure appeared instantly, eyes full of ferociousness:

(? °? Yi °?) "There are you everywhere! Just taste the taste of this star cannon!"

This guy fired indiscriminately, and the Xinghui Cannon even enveloped the Creation Beast itself!

Karl is not afraid of the creation beast being killed at all, this thing is not so fragile!

But it enveloped everyone in the ruins!

Xiao Chuihuo and the other extraordinary figures did not dare to neglect, and directly released their respective domains!

Start the fusion of the four domains and resist the incoming star cannons!

Besides, none of those who can join the God Slaughter Legion have a dish, and all of them have teleportation, this thing can't kill anyone!


With one blast, the continental plate floating in the gap between the dimensions was torn into three pieces on the spot, and I don't know how far it extends into the deep space!

Countless broken rocks rushed in all directions!

The surging energy passed through the body of the creation beast without causing any damage to it!

The shattered 01 boson also took this opportunity to recover!

But Jiang Nan was not idle. After the warp bubble rushed out of the shelling range, he threw a golden bucket outward!

Then there was a bend, and a warp bombardment was directed at Carl!

Replaced myself!

Karl narrowed his eyes, the domain instantly bloomed, and the holy sword in his hand slashed down!

It's not that he didn't learn to be smart, it's just that he had to behead the first time!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to reproduce the ability of Warp Speed ​​Slash with the holy sword!

With a sound of "Shua", Warp Speed ​​Bubble was cut in half by a sword!

The golden explosion exploded, destroying Karl, but was blocked by the source matter starlight armor!

It stinks for a while!

Carl sneered: (乛????????) "It's really a routine. Now that things have happened, I think I'm still afraid of your fleshy attack?"

"It's nothing more than a bit stinky. I asked Igor, and he said that this thing can be eaten. You use it to restore your spiritual power, right?"

"I've noticed it before, this thing doesn't disgust me anymore!"

In order to show his ruthlessness and fearlessness while speaking, he took a little bit from the Starlight Armor with his finger and put it in his mouth to savor it carefully!

It is said that eating this thing can relieve the stench on the body!

(???︶??′?`??︶??) "Hmm~ the taste is good, but a bit bitter!"

Jiangnan:! ! !

Σ_(???」∠) "Whoa~ vomit wow~ vomit!"

Jiang Nan, who had just finished playing Warp Speed ​​Bubble, saw Carl's movement, turned around and threw up, his eyes full of horror!

(?Yi??) "The horse riding is real!"

The expression on Karl's face froze, and he looked down at the mighty bucket floating in the air that had been cut in half!

Immediately, the taste is not good in the mouth!

Not pulp?

What was cut before was a diamond case, how did it become a bucket?

Jiangnan looked at Carl with eyes full of admiration, of course it wasn't the flesh. The last time he went back after beating Carl, he wondered what Warp Speed ​​Pao had in mind to be strong enough!

So I found the big white goose and asked for a bucket of real ones, after all, this guy is still good at throwing his hips up to the sky!

Big White Goose even asked Jiangnan if a bucket was enough, saying that he could provide it for a long time...

I wanted to disgust Karl and earn some resentment points!

Who knew Karl was so ruthless, he was so ruthless!

[Resentment value from Karl +1008! ]

[From Carl…]

Can't help but sneer, expression unchanged:

(¬?????¬???????) "You fart! Really? Huh, you just want to say that, to disgust me?"

"You think I'll fall for your tricks? Heh~ Don't be naive, this is durian pulp! You can fool the world, but you can't fool me, the God of the Stars, with his piercing eyes!"

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely, it's over, has the good guy card been stimulated and started to lie to himself?

Gabriel frowned, leaned on his chin and analyzed carefully:

??(??ˇ?ˇ??:)?? "Master Karl, the golden yellow on your body is indeed consistent with the metabolites of carbon-based organisms according to the analysis of the characteristics!"

"It's not the same as the previous pulp..."

Carl:! ! !

(?′???Yi???)? "Shut up! You're the only one who has a long mouth, right? Do you want to taste all the flavors too?"

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