Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1855 Does anyone want to travel to Mars?

Going to the City of a Thousand Planets?

As soon as he appeared, he was immediately stunned by Jiangnan's words, with an unbelievable expression on his face!

"Are you serious? Are you trying to find a chess player to take advantage of? Silicon base?"

Jiang Ning had some guesses about Jiang Nan's thoughts!

I saw Jiang Nan nodded: "I originally wanted to fix the communication device and see if I could get in touch with Siji!"

"But it's obviously hopeless now. If you want to negotiate with Si Ji, there is only one way left, and that is to visit the City of Thousand Stars yourself!"

Jiang Ning's scalp was numb, and he paced back and forth restlessly!

"Have you thought about it? Are you really going to bring the silicon base into it? The mechanical species are a group of absolutely rational guys who pursue the maximization of profits, and they are a group of emotionless machines!"

"They will definitely do things that are good for themselves! But you have to understand that the essence of the silicon base is no different from that of the Bose family!"

"The mechanical species is huge and spread all over the starry sky. They are among the best among all races. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out!"

"The risk of seeking skin from a tiger is too great. To put it bluntly, with the current background of human beings, we can't make any waves at all, and we don't even have the qualifications to talk to Silicon Foundation!"

This is the truth, the two are simply not on the same level!

Humans haven't even made full use of the solar system yet!

People's silicon base can even integrate the resources of a galaxy, or even multiple galaxies.

Jiang Nan looked calm: "I know the risks, but do human beings really have a choice?"

If you don't bring in the silicon base, you will be played to death by the Bose family!

To seek skin from a tiger, at least there is still a chance!

Jiang Ning smiled wryly, yes, if you want to win, you have no choice!

Jiang Jiang continued: "Besides, I want to go to the City of Thousand Stars, not just to contact Siji! There are many more things I want to do!"

While speaking, Jiangnan looked at the boundless starry sky through the tattered sword mark, his eyes full of yearning!

(??????) "I want to see what kind of world Uncle Li sees outside, I want to see how bright the world under the starry sky is!"

"Only by knowing the gap can we examine ourselves more clearly!"

"The starry sky is so big, I want to see it..."

Looking at Jiangnan's profile, Jiang Ning knew that Jiangnan's heart was drifting away, and he was no longer satisfied with the little blue star!

Finally... Finally, he made it all the way to this point!

Jiang Nan murmured: "Mechanical prosthetic body, war fortress, chanting beads, source quality armor, I have gained too much knowledge, these are things I didn't even dare to think about before!"

"Even that black barrier directly paralyzes the communication of a planet!"

"I also want to see if there are any powerful gadgets in the City of Thousand Stars that can help humans grow as quickly as possible and increase their heritage!"

Jiang Ning stood beside Jiangnan silently, and said softly: "Yes, yes... There are too many magical things under the starry sky, but we have no money? What should I do..."

I saw Jiangnan's mouth curved up:

(? ?° ? ?°) "Who said there is no such thing? I still have a mining machine on Jupiter!"

Jiang Ning's expression froze suddenly:

=????(??? ????) "Hiss~Xiangzhu? You have planned this for a long time?"

In terms of the value of the fragrance beads, it's definitely enough!

Jiang Nan smiled and raised his hand to grab the starry sky, as if he wanted to hold the starry sky in his hand!

"It's always right to make some preparations in advance!"

Jiang Ning smiled wryly, how many plans did Jiang Ning secretly make for the future?

"It's okay to go, after all, it's a matter of time for you! Just remember to remember! You must never appear in the City of Thousand Stars as a human being!"

"Otherwise you will be beaten, I tell you!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: ('?w?) "Huh? Can't even be a human being?"

Will be beaten?

Jiang Ning said helplessly: "That existence's notoriety is too great. He also demolished half of the City of Thousand Stars back then. The word human is taboo in the City of Thousand Stars!"

"Don't mention the name of that existence! If you don't want to be chased and beaten, you'd better hide your human identity!"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, wow! Are humans so notorious in the City of a Thousand Planets?

Jiang Fan is really reckless!

( ???w??) "I think I'd better keep a low profile!"

After all, with his current strength, compared with the thousands of people in the starry sky outside, he is just a fool!

Jiang Ning looked straight: "Since you want to go, then go! But how do you get there? The star gate in our hand is broken, and we can only use it by inserting a hole first!"

"If you think that with warp speed bubbles, you can forcefully rush to the city of a thousand stars, but you are completely wrong, you will die of exhaustion!"

"It's not bad to break out of the star-light island of the Milky Way!"

Judging from Jiangnan's strength, the curvature is not that great, and it is unrealistic to go directly to the City of Thousand Stars!

Blue Star is the starry sky suburb!

Jiang Nan laughed straight: (??????) "The star gate in our hand is broken, isn't there a good one in Sheng Xing's hand? Let's go! I'll take you to grab a good one!"

While talking, he pulled Jiang Ning in a hurry and set off!

Jiang Ning:? ? ?

This is going to grab the star gate, what about the agreed to ease the action against the holy star?

In the training room, Jiang Nan pulled Jiang Ning to appear suddenly!

I saw Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and other team members sweating profusely in training at the moment, not relaxing for half an hour!

Seeing Jiangnan appearing suddenly, they were startled, are they done with work?

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: ( ?? .? ?? ) "Anyone want to travel to Mars? Kiss me if you want to go!"

“Tickets are only sold for one bobo~”

Hearing this news, everyone's eyes lit up after holding back in the training room and practicing madly!

Hearing the roar of the big wolf Mie Ya, he jumped up and gnawed at Jiang Nan's face!

?(? ? 3?)?(o?╰╯o??)

"Go, go, why not go?"

Jiang Nan wiped the saliva off his face:

( .? ??)? "Ai ai ai ai ai ai ai ai a kiss is enough, you can't pay for the group ticket alone!"

However, Xia Yao didn't stop at all, with a wave of her little hand!

(︶ε︶*)? "Humph! I, Dalang Mie, invited you for the ticket for this trip, it's so generous!"

Xiong Er was speechless: (⌒﹏⌒;) "You just want to have a few more mouthfuls of Brother Nan, right?"

Jiang Nan looked expectantly at Zhong Yingxue!

Zhong Yingxue's pretty face was flushed, and she wrapped her fingers around her sweat-drenched hair:

(?? ? ???) "I'm sweaty all over, can I get credit first and kiss later? Wait for me..."

Before she finished speaking, the space wormhole opened, Zhong Yingxue exclaimed, and before she could react, she was slapped on the face by Jiang Nan, her face was so red!

"Hey~ Nonsense! My Xuexue's sweat is fragrant, let's go!"

Seeing Wu Liang scratching his head, pouting his lips and laughing, he came over!

(?????*) "Goose Box ~ Brother Nan..."

(¬益¬?) "Fuck me, you don't want tickets! Ugly reject!"

Due to the limited number of people that warp bubbles can bring!

Zhong Yingxue turned into a flame suit and wrapped Jiangnan, and Great Wolf Mie took the position on his back!

Mira and Lan are sitting on Jiangnan's shoulders on the left and right!

Wu Liang and Xiong Er hugged Jiangnan's thigh, and the princess in his arms hugged the dimple!

Lan looked solemn:

∠(`~′#) "Report to Brother Jiangnan, all the passengers have boarded the car, the doors have been welded shut, you can send them rough!"

After many years, the capital team that Jiangnan talked about reunited again!

Jiang Ning's body was covered all over, and Jiang Ning on the side laughed, you are really dragging your family, you?

I saw Jiangnan grinning, teleported out of the star palace, and the warp bubble formed in the blink of an eye!


Shoot into the stars at breakneck speed and head straight for Mars!

No matter what the near point or the far point, it's over!

I don't bother to take the Liuyin at all, and the speed of a hundred times the sound is too slow. I don't know how long it will take to get to Mars!

Or warp bubbles come fast!

Xia Yao, Zhong Yingxue and the others all stared wide-eyed, looking out of the warp bubble with an incredulous expression on their faces!

Everything is stretched, and the starry sky is distorted and blurred!

Jiangnan kept eating durian pulp to supplement his own consumption!

Although it is impossible for Jiangnan to cross the starry sky now, it is quite easy to take a walk in the solar system!

It takes eight minutes for light to travel from the sun to the blue star!

And Jiangnan will only be faster than this!

Seeing a khaki planet zooming in rapidly in his eyes!

Xia Yao hurriedly said: "Attention Xiao Nan! As the first human being to land on Mars, you must never kneel on the moon like you did on the moon!"

Jiang Nan's face turned black, can you stop mentioning my black history?

The warp bubble passed through the thin atmosphere of Mars, and crashed heavily at the foot of Mount Olympus!

With everyone's physical fitness, there will be no problems if they are exposed to Mars for a short period of time!

But just to be on the safe side, I still took the rabbit pill!

Zhong Yingxue gently picked up a handful of soil on the ground and held it in her hands, the shock in her eyes still did not dissipate:

(??﹏???) "Just... to Mars?"

Is there any blue star first express?

She never thought in her life that she still had a chance to go to Mars!

In just a few years, everyone has witnessed too much history with Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "Okay! Disintegrated, I have a business to do here! The Holy Star Youdao Star Gate is placed at the foot of Mount Olympus, help me find it!"

Everyone quickly spread out to search, and Wu Liang turned into a muscle monster and rushed towards the top of Mount Olympus as if he had been injected with chicken blood!

The mountain is more than 20,000 meters high, making it the tallest mountain on Mars!

Said to be the first man to reach the top of Mars!

Mount Olympus is too big. Uncle Li said there is a star gate, but it will take a lot of effort to find where to put it!

This guy Igor really knows how to hide!

At this moment, Wu Liang's exclamation came from the top of the mountain!

∑(°口°?) "Damn! Brother Nan, come and see!"

Jiang Nan was taken aback, what's the matter? The door is on top of the hill?

The two teleported to the top of the mountain and came to Wu Liang!

The scene in front of him made the corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitch!

On the top of the mountain, there are two large characters with a length and width of more than ten kilometers, painted with iron hooks and silver hooks!

Although it has been covered by wind and sand, it can still be seen clearly what is written, as if it was drawn randomly with a finger!

ginger! Fantastic!

Jiang Nan's face darkened: (???Yi???)? "Wow! Do you want to be so ruthless? It doesn't matter if the moon has been there, and Jiang Fan has also been to Mars?"

"Still engraving your own name on the top of Mount Olympus? He's a little coquettish, huh? He's unqualified!"

"It's not like he walked around all eight planets in the solar system three thousand years ago?"

Jiang Nan smacked his lips, and Wu Liang and the others twitched their mouths. These two big characters are really eye-catching!

The more I thought about it, the more unconvinced I saw a warp bubble in the south of the Yangtze River disappear, plowing wildly on the vast Martian wasteland!

─=≡Σ((( つ??义??)つ"The name of more than ten kilometers is not aggressive enough, if you want to write it, write a bigger one! I also draw emoticons!"

Since the goal is to surpass the ancestors, naturally the spirit cannot be weak. Although the strength is not as good as it is, the engraved name must be bigger than his!

Zhong Yingxue couldn't stop laughing as she looked at Jiangnan who was plowing wildly with warp bubbles!

(??????) "This damned competitive spirit, the competitive spirit of southerners always appears in inexplicable places!"

I saw that Jiangnan plowed out names hundreds of kilometers in size directly on Mars with warp speed bubbles, which are even clearly visible in space!

Jiangnan (? ?° ? ?°)?!

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