Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1844 I can testify to him

Everyone's expression froze when they looked at Jiangnan!

The god special meow didn't kill enough!

In the defense of Kyoto, a total of 13 Bose bodies came!

Seven ten decisions, five lower family bosons!

Not to mention the 11 Bose bodies killed in World War I, including Zach, the leader of the ten finals!

Even the red-haired Wei who came along with her also died!

This is estimated to be the battle with the most damaged bosons in several eras!

Even Yu Shen back then was only nine kills!

And this battle killed 11 statues!

Now the number of Bose bodies that died in Jiangnan's hands definitely exceeded ten fingers!

Bai Kou looked at the glass corners scattered all over the ground, and still can't believe it!

How crazy is this day and age!

Yang Jian clenched his fists tightly, releasing the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time in his heart at this moment!

Today, because of the existence of Jiangnan, human beings finally have the capital to struggle under the weight of the holy star!

"Then let Sheng Xing see the counterattack that belongs to human beings. We have never been submissive and soft persimmons that are kneaded by others!"

There was a fire in everyone's heart, and their eyes fell on Jiang Nan!

Now the three extraordinary are still mired in the quagmire, and they must rush over to support them as soon as possible!

I saw Aijiang's navigation elf shooting a blue light along the space!

"That's the direction of Eagle Country Shell City!"

Jiang Nan held the God Killing Saber in his hand, and his eyes were ruthless!

"Everyone follow!"

During the speech, the warp speed bubble formed, and Jiang Nan's figure disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in an instant!

The bad beasts were full of excitement, saying that they came out to dry the boson body, but they didn't expect to get it right away as soon as they came out?

And directly took an 11 kill

Eleven Q?

This is too exciting, isn't it?

(?へ`?′)へ "Follow Nanshen Boss, go! You all come up, I'll carry you there!"

Magician Pierce and the others looked at the Dao-level space beasts and their eyelids twitched!

In the blink of an eye, everyone jumped onto the backs of the bad beast group, holding kitchen knives and wrenches in their hands, full of momentum!

Roaring, he teleported towards the city of Shell, the Eagle Country!

However, there was a small figure left on the field, but it was too busy for her!

Carrying a sack, he teleported back and forth in the arena, and stuffed those glazed corners, holy knives, and source quality armor that fell on the ground into the sack!

The entire battlefield was wiped clean!

Needless to say, it was Xiaolan's child of course!

(?'?'? ?)?Bag "Hey, hey, why are you running so fast? Wait for me!"

So he frantically teleported and chased after the big army!

With so many treasures dropped on the ground, don't they pick them up?

At this moment, the two Ten Jue who are hiding in the four-dimensional space can't help cursing secretly!

It's unbelievable that Master Zach actually died!

I didn't even see how he died, the old man's domain was too scary!

Zach, the leader of the ten decisive battles, known as the Executioner, has been safe and sound for many years in the extremely dark star dome battlefield, but he did not expect to die on the blue star in the end!

Originally, the two of them wanted to recycle Zac's equipment. After all, the holy knife and the source quality starlight armor are quite expensive!

But with Jiangnan present, how dare they stand up?

Even if Jiang Nan left, seeing Xiao Lan's child picking up the things, he didn't dare to come out and snatch them away!

What if it was Jiangnan's trick to lure the enemy?

It is very likely that it will be directly killed if it shows up?

02 molar way:

(? °? Yi °?) "What should we do now? It's all because Master Zach didn't retreat, everyone is dead now!"

"Damage so many Bose bodies in one breath, this is really a big deal!"

01 Not in a good mood:

(?)′-﹏-`) "What else can I do? Inform Master Karl and the others?"

"If they are all killed by him, where can we go to reason?"

"Master Carl is much stronger than Zach, and the old man is dead, so he will definitely kill Jiangnan and avenge Master Zach!"


Eagle Country Shell City, this place has long been a mess!

Now Koronov, Luo Jiaoyang Bigger and the others can only hide in Mi Ye's crimson realm!

They were all in a state of embarrassment, but they were still alive anyway!

At this moment, they are nervously preparing for an attack that may come at any time!

Freya's huge tree of life keeps showering light and rain, restoring it for everyone!

If it weren't for her, even Mi Ye wouldn't be able to survive now!

The ugly corpse of the Cursing Ghost had fallen to the side, and had been cut into countless pieces!

Mi Ye, the extraordinary-grade Lingzhu, was naturally not polite, so she sucked it on the spot!

I saw blood-red spider webs stretching out in all directions!

And Mi Ye stood in the center of the spider web in blood armor!

The eight blood-red spider spears on the back looked extremely ferocious!

It's just that the difference from before is that her eight spider legs are now covered with the Huanyu crystal source point cover!

Very sharp!

He even has two knuckles on his fist!

This is also the reason why Mi Ye can persist until now!

This god-killing suit was tailor-made by Liu Qiutian for Mi Ye!

Every time I go out on a mission, Mi Ye will carry it with me to deal with possible boson attacks at any time!

Back then, when Xiao Chuihuo asked if he had brought anything, that's what he asked!

After the first batch of Killing Gods were completed, they were of course assigned to Chaofan who had no restraint on the power of the Bose body!

With this in his body, Mi Ye can be said to be even more powerful!

However, Mi Ye's eyes are full of worry at this moment, so much time has passed!

I don't know what's going on in Kyoto, but the most worrying thing is Grandpa Xiao who faces Karl alone!

Whether you can resist or not is another matter!

But at least Karl has not appeared on the battlefield of Shell City now!

Here comes the good news!

"Hmph! So what if you kill the curse ghost? How dare you distract yourself from fighting with me? You want to die!"

The figure of 07 suddenly appeared in the crimson domain!

Due to the characteristics of the boson body, the Crimson Domain doesn't have a great influence on them!

Spider silk and ordinary physical attacks can't touch their bodies!

It's just that the universe crystal source weapon on Mi Ye made them a little afraid!

The Bose particle epee in 07's hand slashed at Mi Ye's back!

At the same time, 08 is not polite!

Appeared next to Freya in an instant, the absolute zero bloomed, trying to kill Freya!

The other four lower clan bosons also besieged them one after another!

However, the moment they appeared in the Crimson Realm!

The bloody spider webs under their feet fluctuated, making Mi Ye instantly aware of the location of the boson bodies!

At this moment, Mi Ye is like a spider king squatting on a spider web and hunting!

Turning around sharply, his fist was fiercely thrown towards 07 like a heavy artillery!


It hit 07's chest almost at the moment of punching!

The defense of the source quality armor has been raised to the limit, so it can block the attack of Jingyuan knuckles!

However, Mi Ye's strength is not limited to this, the battle armor was directly smashed and pierced by the ferocious strength!

But 07 tried to avoid Mi Ye's attack by partially increasing the dimension!

The big Bose sword in his hand doesn't stop!

With a sword slash, Mi Ye's body was covered with hoarfrost, as if his soul was about to be frozen!

But Mi Ye gritted her teeth tightly, and the countless black death curses spread wildly on her body, and even emitted black smoke like hair strands!

"Very poisonous? The ghost king's death curse!"

On Mi Ye's fist passing through his chest, countless death curses spread wildly!

In a blink of an eye, 07's whole body was covered, and even the source quality armor was corroded and smoking!

This kind of death curse has actually acted on the body of Bose!

Enduring the extreme cold, Mi Ye's eight spider legs turned into spears, and stabbed fiercely at 07 in front of him!

07 The eyes are full of bad luck, a dimension ascending disappears, and Mi Ye is in a void!

But Freya, who was about to be beheaded by 08, was pulled by Mi Ye casually and pulled away from where she was!

Several people are tied with slender spider silk!

The light rain fell, and Mi Ye kept recovering from his injuries!

I saw 07's eyes full of bad luck, and the power of the death curse spread everywhere in his active body!

07 has no choice but to use the method of annihilating his own Bose particles to erase his own power of the death curse!

Mi Ye sneered: "I'm glad you're not human, otherwise you'd be dead at this moment!"

"Does the death curse taste good? I also want to thank you for the extraordinary skills you sent me!"

This ghost king's death curse was precisely the innate skill of that curse ghost, which was sucked by Mi Ye!

The power of the death curse can actually have a certain impact on the Bose body. Although it is not fatal, once it is touched, it can only be erased by annihilating the Bose particles!

It can be regarded as adding a little bit of means to deal with boson for Mi Ye!

07 out of breath:

(¬得¬??) "Mirage! Look at what you've done!"

Cooper spread his hands: ?( ?′??`)? "What does it matter to me? You also agree with the spirit beast I found, saying that this death curse is extremely troublesome, and it will kill humans in the future. It's convenient to die!"

"You didn't protect the curse ghost, so what do you rely on me for? My human body is just a god, and it's just a distraction for me! You don't expect me to deal with superhumans with domains, do you?"

In fact, my heart is happy, my sister is busy with work, I feel that this Lingzhu is suitable for Mi Ye!

After all, she was sucked by her, ah, it's just Ness!

07's eyes were full of sullenness, but he couldn't say anything, the existence with Yu was extremely difficult to kill, and 07 didn't expect people like himself to take down this guy named Mi Ye!

As long as you hold her back, the mission is complete!

It’s good to save it for Mr. Karl to kill afterwards, after all, the original purpose is to disperse several extraordinary powerhouses of human beings!

Just as 08 was about to speak, at this moment, the horns on the top of his head flickered, and his complexion changed suddenly!

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Master Zac is more than enough to deal with those humans, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible!"

"How could there be a human being who is more brave than Lord Zach? Whose general is this?"

Obviously, 01 and they communicated to 08!

Following the communication, 08's face also became horrified, with an expression of disbelief!

07 frowned: (????~??)???? "What's going on?"

08 muttered: (° △ °??) "The battlefield in Kyoto was defeated, so many people went to grab the psychic, all of them died in the battle, only 0102 is still alive, and even Lord Zach is dead!"

07 sneered: (??д????) "How is it possible! How could there be creatures on this blue star that can kill Lord Zach!"

"Stop making me laugh!"

08 said anxiously: (?????﹏??)? "Why am I teasing you? It's true! Master Zach is really dead!"

07 rolled his eyes: "Ah, that's right~ Then tell me how he died?"

08's expression sank: (??????) "Created to death by a human!"

As soon as these words came out, the air froze!

07 waved his hand indifferently:

(?_? ) "You have to find a plausible reason for lying, right? Was he killed by someone? You really can't laugh!"

08 said anxiously: (??????) "It's true! You believe me! Believe..."

A wormhole opened behind him in an instant, and a glass-colored light and shadow slammed into 08's body, looping endlessly in the time-space corridor, killing thousands in an instant!

Annihilate all its boson particles!

07's expression suddenly froze, the glass-colored light and shadow dispersed, and Jiang Nan's figure emerged!

The two glazed corners fell to the ground, and 08 was no longer in the field!

I saw Jiangnan's scarlet eyes falling on 07, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"I can testify to him! He didn't lie!"

07:! ! !

Mi Ye, Freya and others all looked at Jiangnan with horror on their faces!

Just die... die?

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