Far empty!

Star Reacher Martin is falling towards the Kyoto battlefield like a meteor!

The gravitational field of neutrons bombarded Li Mingshan's body heavily, and the surrounding earth was crushed to the point of sinking!

But Li Mingshan was safe and sound!

"You bastards, use the Huangyan volcano to blow up my country? This is not over!"

"Thanks to you, Grandpa and Lao Pi have nothing left now, so they can work hard with you without any worries!"


With a bang, it landed heavily in front of Ye Zhenguo, and the super repulsive force burst out, blocking the pressed dimension space building!

In the distance, Sea King Senna turned into a giant kun, and charged over with Kecraig Merlin on his back!

Senna roared angrily: "All the fish kingdoms are heavenly, come and join the battle!"

This wave of his is betting on his family's old bottom!

Clegg laughed loudly: "Although there is one member absent from the Daotian Kuangkuang Beating Squad, I can't miss this one!"

All the gods from abroad came to the scene to support!

Yang Jian was stunned, staring at this scene in a daze, his eyes were a little red!

"Everyone... are you here?"

Originally, he had no hope at all, but Yang Jian had already told the world about the situation on the battlefield when he sent the call for help!

A basket of Bose bodies, Zack who is as perverted as Carl, and even the extraordinary Li Mingshan!

Under such circumstances, coming to support is tantamount to courting death!

But gods from all over the world, those who can spare time, all came to support!

Yang Jian never thought of this!

They knew in their hearts that there was a high probability that they would not survive this trip to Kyoto, but they all came anyway...

Martin grinned: "Do you really think of me as a wolf-hearted person? Huaxia is gone, and the country of America will be finished!"

"I remember all the helping hands in the weekdays!"

Pierce smiled wryly: "If you lose this wave, you will all die, and we will die soon after, our lips will die and our teeth will be cold!"

"It's better to choose to fight here, the chance is better!"

"It's a big deal that everyone dies together, and it's better to be more lively while riding a horse, than to die alone in battle!"

Looking at the strong men from all over the world who came to help, Yang Jian, who was ashamed, once again ignited hope!

"Then fight him to the death and live!"

The battlefield in Kyoto, which was supposed to be crushed by the Holy Star to collapse, was injected with fresh blood because of the help of strong men from all over the world!

Especially the arrival of Pierce magician Momo, the effect is simply not too big!

Li Mingshan looked at Pierce standing next to Jiang Ning, and he felt a little relieved in the depths of his eyes!

His life was not spared!

And Pierce was also looking at Li Mingshan!

Today, Pierce finally understood why Li Mingshan, who was fully capable of killing him back in the desert, chose to spare his life!

Maybe it's for this moment?

Pierce clearly remembered what Li Mingshan said, "There should be more space systems in this world!"

Pierce said hoarsely: "I'm standing here now, what about you? Where are you standing?"

Li Mingshan's eyes were dim, and his iron fist seemed to be crushed, but his tone was surprisingly calm!

"I'm different, I chose the path myself! There's no turning back!"

Zach looked at the powerful players from all over the world who came to support him, and the smile on his face became more and more insane!

"Tsk tsk tsk~ Interesting, one side is in trouble, and all sides support it? You humans are really happy to find death!"

"It's just a bunch of rotten fish and rotten shrimp, and they are still trying to change the situation of the battle? Don't be moved!"

"But it's okay, I'll find it one by one to clean it up, it's just a matter of chopping a few more knives!"

While speaking, the holy knife in his hand was raised high, his eyes fell on Bai Kou, and a sinister smile appeared on his face!

"Let's start with you!"

However, a roar came from the sky, and I saw Batty the excavator carrying two huge gas storage tanks with a height of hundreds of meters on his shoulders!

The ? logo on it is extremely eye-catching!

The whole body has turned into an atomic state? No self!

The face is full of madness!

"You bastards! Blue Star is not a place you can trample on at will! Give it to you! Me! Die!"

"Atom control? Super? Helium flash!"

What is stored in those two gas storage tanks is nothing but highly compressed helium III!

Since the completion of the lunar joint base, Batty has not been idle. I don't know how much helium three has been extracted from the moon and stored!

It was originally intended to be used to clean up the herd of beasts for Maple Leaf Country!

But if Batty really collapsed one by one, the spirit beasts would be gone after a wave of bombing, and Maple Leaf Kingdom would be gone too!

So it's useless to keep it!

As soon as Huaxia wanted to support, Batty rushed over with two gas storage tanks on his shoulders!

Huaxia is a big place, so it is not afraid of bombing!

Batty hated Saint Star to the bone!

Yang Jian:! ! !

Is this from a self-destruct player?

Invincible iron-headed baby!

Are you going to blast the Holy Star into the sky, or flatten the capital? Hey!

"Hide! Hide behind Xingcheng!"

As soon as the words were finished, all the helium three stored in the two giant gas storage tanks were fused!


At this moment, the world was reflected in white, and lost his voice for a while!

The unparalleled violent nuclear explosion swept away in all directions, and the space was torn apart!

Batty, who was closest to the center of the explosion, was directly blown into atoms!

On this day, the largest artificial nuclear explosion in human history exploded over the Chinese capital!

The clouds in the sky were torn apart, the earth trembled, and it was as bright as day!

The terrifying explosions are clearly visible even from space!

Xing Cheng, who had nowhere to run due to his size, was directly treated as a meat shield by everyone!

Half of the worm's body was roasted, exuding a burst of meaty aroma!

Xing Cheng: (#)??口??(#) ah~

Chengbao is bitter, but Chengbao doesn't say anything!

Um? What smell is quite fragrant? bark~

Zach's eyes were full of bad luck, and he opened the dimension door directly in the direction of the nuclear explosion!

"Why do you have all kinds of abilities? Atomic control? Tsk~"

But he didn't realize that Bai Kou in front of him turned into wind and snow and dissipated!

The rest of the Bose bodies also had to ascend in dimension to avoid the space cracks torn out by the nuclear explosion!

After the nuclear explosion, the earth was devastated, magma spewed out, and the continental shelf was split open. It was a scene of the end of the world!

Atoms gathered in the void, Batty reorganized himself directly!

"Do you still like the gift I gave you? Dog bastard?"

Zach was unharmed, with sullen eyes!

"You managed to piss me off, human! Then I'll take you first!"

But at this moment, a cold voice came from behind Zach!

"I think you'd better kill me first! Of course, if you can!"

Zach turned around sharply!

I saw that the Transcendent Snow Demon had turned into a huge blue iceberg, frozen forever!

The body is incomplete, and the extraordinary spirit beads in his body have disappeared!

In Bai Kou's hand, a snow-white Lingzhu slowly turned into ashes!

There was an astonishing chill exuding from his body, and his eyes were cold!

Two blue veins burst out on Zach's forehead!

Did this female monkey, using the cover of the nuclear explosion just now, actually kill the extraordinary Snow Demon?

Lingzhu let her suck it?

The iron-headed Batty's helium flash nuclear explosion was not useless, at least it gave Bai Kou a perfect cover!

"Are you qualified to challenge me? Huh?"

Turning around and stepping out, the dark blue negative zero spread out at an astonishing speed!

Wherever it passes, everything is wiped out!

I saw Bai Kou slowly opening his arms: "The field is unfolding? Extremely cold snow country!"

"Deadly Snow? Blizzard!"

A black blizzard blew up in the originally white snow country!

The temperature in the snow country has dropped to the extreme, and it is almost like breaking through absolute zero!

"Great cold? Eternal sleep!"

The temperature in the field dropped again, but this was not enough!

I saw Bai Kou whispering softly: "Extraordinary skills? Hansha Guying!"

In an instant, a veil of cold air turned into a white dress and landed on Bai Kou's body!

The cold gauze is flying, freezing everything, as beautiful as a wedding dress!

I saw Bai Kou grabbing it casually, turning his cold air into a sword, and stabbing hard at his feet!


All substances in the Snow Country are disappearing like fly ash!

At this moment, Bai Kou, relying on his extraordinary skills, successfully made the Extremely Cold Snow Country break through absolute zero!

"Snow country? Cold sand lonely shadow? Ink painting!"

Endless black blizzards raged, only a snow-white figure in a cold veil stood with a sword!

It constitutes a world like an ink painting!

Lonely and lonely, the city is beautiful!

However, this snow country was ruthlessly torn apart by Zac's holy knife!

Even though Bai Kou is so powerful, he is still not as good as Zach's field, and the top ten is not a parallel importer!

But at least Bai Kou didn't have to be as embarrassed as before!

And Bose Rhine and the others were not idle either!

After Shengwei escaped the space crack torn out by the nuclear explosion, he went straight to Zhao Dezhu who was hiding behind Xing Cheng, and Martin and the others killed him!

As everyone knows, some time ago, at the same time as the nuclear explosion, a trendy man wearing a Shiba Inu turban had 18 Tang knives on his waist!

Carrying a huge package on his back, riding a pocket rabbit, facing the nuclear explosion, he rushed all the way here!

It's none other than Liu Qiutian, the knife forger!

He raised his hand to say hello from afar:

(??口?)? "Am I late? Are you dead or not?"

Zhao Dezhu stared at his eyes:

(??? Yi??) "Just waiting for you? Why are you so slow? If you don't come again, the brothers will have a feast on Huangquan Road!"

"The grass on the grave is two feet high!"

Liu Qiutian said angrily, "Are you in a hurry? Do you really think this thing is so easy to forge? The first batch has just been equipped, and the second batch has not been finished before I send it over!"

"There are only a few pieces in total, so you can use it sparingly, don't use it... hey hey hey~"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Dezhu grabbed Liu Qiutian and pressed him to the ground. The bag was opened, revealing a bunch of weapons from the universe crystal source inside!

Beautifully crafted and sparkling!

At this moment, Zhao Dezhu, Martin, and the others' eyes were straightened, and they didn't care about their image at all.

Everyone was going crazy, because there was no way to injure the Bose body, everyone was always passively beaten!

What's the difference between this and the fact that you can't pick up a gun when you're eating chicken, and you use your fists to be tough with other people's full squads?

And he couldn't hit his fists, so he was beaten!

Now that Killing Shenwu has finally been sent over, it's a guy's business!

They even tore off their baggage, and even started to grab the knife on Liu Qiutian's waist!

"Hey! That stepping horse is my Tang Dao, not Shenshenwu. What are you grabbing?"

The magician looked at the Huanyu Jingyuan stick in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched!

What have you forged with virtual nails?

Swing stick? Killing God and throwing a stick?

I thought it was a telescopic magic wand tailored just for me!

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