It was originally here to put on a sack, how could Jiang Bai Goose not be prepared?

The dumb sack is already hidden under its thick feathers

Call and answer, the logo on the dumb sack lights up, and the anti-dragon loach form is automatically generated!

Looking at the sinister smile on Jiang Bai'e's face, he didn't need to think about it to know that he was done!

He even used rap to set him off? You really have a belly full of bad water, don't you?

The three of Mira are ready to fight!

Jiangnan is about to attack!

At this moment, a terrifying wave erupted instantly!

The sword light slashed out, the original cave was instantly cut off the roof, and the ten thousand tons of earth and rock above it were directly smashed to pieces by the raging force!

The original large-scale disco scene has lost its ceiling!

All the beasts were startled!

I saw Feiyan, the bald dipper, holding a big sword, with a look of anger on his face!

She made a grass skirt out of leaves and wore it on her body, her cheeks were sunken, and she looked extremely thin!

It was obvious that he had lost weight, and his eyes were filled with unparalleled fury at this moment!

?(?°?Benefit°?? )?

"So they are all hiding here? I am an angel, you guys have been hacking around me for five or six hours?"

"Keep interrupting me? You really think I can't do anything about you?"

"Today I will slaughter all of this Lingxu, leaving no one behind, and everyone who sees my unbearable state will die!"

"Holy Judgment!"

In an instant, the 10,000-meter light array unfolded, and the range of skills was blocked. Fei Yan held the big sword, and rushed towards Yi Xulong Loach desperately!

All the bad beasts blew up and fled wildly outside the formation!

Once the skills are sealed, they will definitely be tortured and killed in this light formation!

The dragon loach is also numb, so it's finished so soon?

How did you find Lao Tzu's base camp?

With a flick of its tail, it rushed out of the light array, but a series of golden chains emerged, winding towards Longloach crazily!

Jiang Bai's goose tilted its head and spit, isn't this here to make trouble?

The little soybeans I gave are still not enough!

No matter how fast the Yexu Dragon Loach is, it can't compare to Fei Yan on the premise that it can't use warp speed bubbles!

Hearing the sound of "clang", Long Loach received another blow from the sword, blood spattering!

But because of the powerful impact of this sword, he escaped from the formation!

Feiyan chased wildly, but Longloach, who came out of the light array, disappeared as soon as he swung his tail. Warp Speed ​​Pao is not something she can catch up with!

Fei Yan was very angry: "Run, right? The Lingxu Market is only this big, let me see where you can go!"

"Guang Yu!"

With a flap of two featherless chicken wings, tens of thousands of golden feathers shot towards all the bad beasts like arrows!

Long Loach roared angrily: "Lai Lai! Don't enter the light formation, use long-range shots for me! Kill her!"

While speaking, a broken boundary crossed the sky to block Guang Yu!

But it can't stop all of them!

There were still a lot of light feathers shooting at the bad beasts, at this moment, I saw the nine-tailed fox flying towards it!

"Space reflection!"

The nine tails were raised high, and a large space in front of him was distorted accordingly!

The moment the incoming light feathers rushed into the distorted space, they all turned around!

It was reflected and shot towards Fei Yan!

Black Wolf Sakura's eyes shine brightly:

(????)? "Hey, what kind of skill is this? It also has reflection?"

Jiang Bai Goose swallowed:

??ˉ??ˉ???? "This... this must be the legendary reflex fox, right?"

Okay? Sao Fox will live?

At the same time, the golden retriever punched wildly, and space cannons slammed at Fei Yan as if they didn't want money!

The Dimensional Cut of Qingkong Mantis and the Space Cut of Soaring Parrot are also unambiguous!

Feiyan set up an angel guard to block it, trying to approach the bad beast group again and again!

But the bad beasts all have teleportation, as long as they escape from the light array, it's not so easy to get caught!

Qingkong Mantis said anxiously: "Brother Goose, do you make a move? Now is not the time to fish!"

"Sister Wolf! Where's your black coffin?"

Heilang's forehead is sweating profusely, I want to use it too, I don't even know how to use it!

At this moment, patches of light feathers hit Qianben Sakura!

It instinctively used space shattering, the space in front of him shattered like a mirror, and those light feathers shot into the cracks in the dimension!

At this moment, suspicious eyes looked at Hei Lang Ying!

Miss Wolf doesn't know this skill!

Jiang Bai's goose's face darkened, there was no need to continue acting!

I saw that he directly took out the dumb sack from the feather, and put himself in the sack without saying a word!

Dragon loach:? ? ?

"Big white goose? You..."

Qi suddenly realized that something was wrong, where did the big white goose get the sack?

And when he was rapping just now, he still called his name, so he seemed to agree?

In an instant, the dragon loach exploded its scales!

You are the real punishment, you? In order to put me in a sack, you don't even count as a human being?

Are the black wolf and the big white goose fake? Being transferred by humans?

An extreme sense of crisis welled up in his heart, and without saying a word, Yixu Longqian turned his head and ran away!

As long as you rush out of his skill range, you won't be sacked!

Isn't it just a matter of a few hundred thousand meters?

However, it was already too late, and Jiang Bai's goose, which got into the sack, smiled sinisterly!

??ˉ??ˉ???? "Space replacement!"

In the next moment, the Jiangbai goose suddenly appeared at the original position of the dragon loach, and the dragon loach had already been replaced into the dumb sack!

The moment it entered, the mouth of the bag automatically tightened, even though Long Loach had great abilities, it was useless at this moment!

The anti-long loach mode of the dumb sack is only effective against the dragon loach, so Jiang Nan can also use the replacement if he puts himself in it!

Jiang Bai'e Goose is farting, isn't the Lingzhu already in hand?

A mark teleported and rushed over to grab the sack: "Jie Jie Jie ~ where are you running!"

"I said you will be mine sooner or later!"

The speech room has returned to its human form!

The dragon loach frantically chrysalis in the sack: "You are lazy! Let me out! You sinister villain!"

The dragon loach locked in the dumb sack can't use any tricks, and now its paws are completely numb!

Hei Langying also turned into a little pink hair under the disbelieving gazes of all the villains!

The bad beasts were all dumbfounded, wasn't it Brother Goose and Sister Wolf? Are humans changed?

Boss covered in a sack?

???????????? "Damn it! Let our boss go!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Jiangnan, and the moment Fei Yan saw the two of Jiangnan, he was even more furious!

"Okay, okay! It's easy for me to look for it, so let me die!"

While speaking, he rushed towards Jiangnan with a big sword in his hand!

Jiang Nan didn't say anything, turned around and ran away with the sack on his back, and beat him madly at the sack!

"Hey! I know you can hear me, there are two choices before you!"

"One is that Lao Tzu confiscated the spirit beads, and your younger brothers were all killed by that angel!"

"One is to cooperate, mix with me, and kill angels together, of course~ I still want the warp speed bubble!"

Dragging the virtual dragon loach:! ! !

Isn't Natmeow trying to detain Lao Tzu's tumor? What's the difference?

Co-author, aren't you with that bald girl?

"Fucking with you! There's a way to let me go out and fight! I'll kill you!"

Of course, no matter what Long Loach shouted, Jiang Nan couldn't hear it!

Jiang Nan said to himself: "I know you don't trust human beings, but you know your situation, and you will be harvested by Bose bodies sooner or later!"

"And you know the human situation better, the enemy of the enemy is the friend!"

"As for the boson body, it's not that invincible, at least I've killed three of them!"

"Find out your own situation, you have no choice!"

Long Loach gritted his teeth tightly, he didn't agree that he would die now, but if he agreed, there was still a way to live!

The moment I was put into the sack, I had already lost the initiative!

Jiang Nan: "Poke twice to the left if you agree, and poke to the right if you disagree!"

In desperation, Yixu Longloach could only agree, and Jiangnan had a lot of fun!

"No matter what, I must get the warp bubble. This is the capital I will use to deal with the boson body!"

"In order to prevent you from going back on your word, it's better to take out the warp speed bubble first. If you run away and I can't catch it, wouldn't it be a waste of work?"

Dragging the virtual dragon loach:? ? ?

Isn't Natmeow trying to kill me? There is a fart difference between agreeing and disagreeing. Hey!

However, Jiang Nan didn't care so much, he saw two small whips protruding out, and stretching them into the sack along the mouth of the bag!

Immediately, he took out a large pile of small cupping cans, and the one eye on the vine branch opened!

"If possible, I don't want to kill you, so I'll try first, don't resist! You have no choice!"

Jiang Nan wants to try, if he can take out the skill of warp speed bubble alone without killing Yixulongloach!

After all, the removal mode of the small cupping pot is still very abnormal!

But there has never been a precedent for pulling out skills before, but that doesn't mean it can't be done!

Jiangnan wants to try it!

So under the horrified eyes of the Yixu Longloach, Jiangnan directly gave it a whole body jar!

More than 100 tanks in the whole body open the extraction mode at the same time!

An extreme sense of comfort spread all over the body, and the dragon loach flew away, so it's not as scary as imagined?

However, the moment the removal was completed, Long Loach couldn't be happier!

The big red envelope was pulled out, and all the parts of the body were pulled out into the pot, such as heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, scales and horns!

A wave of full-back removal mode almost didn't let the dragon loach die on the spot!

Jiang Nan glanced at it, his brows were tightly frowned, the Warp Speed ​​Pao was not pulled out!

Not even a single skill!

Seeing that Long Loach was about to hang up, Jiang Nan hurriedly returned the pulled out parts!

Jiang Nan, who never gave up, gave Yi Xulong Loach a full back again!

Originally, she was covered in big red envelopes, but this time she pulled them directly from the envelopes!

(Bag? Mouth?) "Ahhh!"

The screams like killing a pig resounded through the space of the sack, this feeling is so sour that it bursts!

Bag after bag!

But still didn't pull out a single skill!

Jiang Nan stared: "Fuck! I really don't believe it!"

So I began to cup the whole body of the dragon loach again and again!

After more than a dozen times of pulling, the dragon loach has been pulled out into a snake, rolling its eyes in pain and spitting, eyes full of despair!

(●??????●) "You're so meow that I'm going to kill you! I'm dead!"

This is simply torture on earth!

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