Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1819 Don't Fight Anymore

In the blink of an eye, the four small cupping pots completed the star cutting operation, but there were more and more cracks on the eggshells!

Senben Sakura breaks out in a cold sweat:

(??????﹏??) "This... can this work? How about putting her in a dumb sack, it's safer!"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "It's useless to pretend, we didn't call Fei Yan's name, and she didn't agree, so we can't generate anti-angel mode!"

"In that case, the dumb sack is just a storage space, useless!"

Besides, Fei Yan is an idiot now, so he can't agree?

Lan was taken aback.

( ??~?? ) Is there anything else to say? So he quickly turned around and poked his dumb sack!

I saw her dumb sack was bulging, and I didn't know what it contained!

Jiang Nan was so focused on the angel egg that he didn't pay attention at all!

But just to be on the safe side, Jiangnan picked up the angel egg and walked towards Mira!

In order to prevent fried eggs, it is more reliable to do it in the time-still light sphere!

But the moment Jiangnan picked up the egg, the eggshell cracked, and countless eggshell fragments flew in all directions!

It is also mixed with vigorously pulped soybeans and an unidentified liquid of expired Didivos!

Everyone was shocked and fled in all directions, as long as it gets a little bit, it will be fatal!

A snow-white figure stretched out suddenly, eyes full of rage!

?(?`Yi′メ)? "Jiang! Nan! I'll kill you!"

Hysterical shouts came out!

I saw that Feiyan didn't wear any extraneous things, after all, he just came out of Nirvana!

But his body was covered with bloody scars, and there were five cyan pot marks, and the curse of the black fallen angel spread everywhere!

Hair and eyebrows are all gone, even the feathers of the angel wings on the back are gone, as bare as chicken wings that have lost their feathers!

Became a terminal patient with no problems!

Wang Gang blushed, and quickly closed his eyes!

(?????┏益┓????) "Sin, this is really a sin!"

But Jiang Nan's eyes were staring wide open, with a look of horror on his face!

(*???) "What the hell? This... why is there nothing here?"

Fei Yan is quite ambitious, but there are no important parts! It is impossible to distinguish between male and female gender characteristics!

"Frenzy Angel!"

Directly opened the violent Fei Yan to charge, and went straight to Jiangnan to kill!

However, Jiangnan opened the space wormhole casually!

Fei Yan's body passed through the wormhole like a golden cannonball!

And at the moment of passing through, Jiangnan closed the wormhole!

Fei Yan's lower body was cut off immediately, and blood gushed out!

Jiang Nan picked it up curiously and studied it:

(?? .??)? "You Kang, you really don't have it~"

Fei Yan:! ! !

Don't get so close to research! Damn!

"The Flawless Holy Body!"

In an instant, the injury from being cut in half recovered crazily, but no matter how she gave birth, the hair, eyebrows, and even the feathers on the wings just couldn't grow back!

Even the imprint of space left on her body has been refreshed by the flawless holy body!

But the skin was still extremely itchy, Fei Yan scratched his body like crazy, but the scratching became more and more itchy!

He was so angry that he directly exploded the flesh all over his body, and then healed up again, so it didn't itch anymore!

But the stench on my body couldn't be cleaned up, and I would "vomit" when I gasped!

I have never suffered such a serious crime in my life!

Jiang Nan's eyes flickered, and he licked his scarlet lips. This angel was killed by himself, it seems that it is not so hot anymore?

Should be able to handle it!

(? ̄??? ̄??) "Tsk tsk tsk ~ I thought you were a woman, but it turned out that you are not a man or a woman? What are you doing?"

"I'm so excited for nothing!"

Fei Yan was extremely angry: ?(?°?优°?)? "What do you know? You are not allowed to insult noble angels, angels have no gender!"

"After adulthood, in order to reproduce, you can change into the gender you want to be according to your own wishes! It's not like you humans, bah! Low-level!"

"Look? Are you still watching? See if this angel doesn't goug out your eyes and kill you a hundred times!"

While I'm playing tricks on the egg? There is no such thing as bullying!

How could the eggshell, which is almost the hardest substance in the universe, be broken open by him?

What exactly is that bench?

Seeing that Jiangnan was still staring at him non-stop, Fei Yan waved his hand and directly put the holy light on his body!

Feiyan is now in the process of transforming into a female angel, and the transformation is not over at all!

Jiang Nan looked disappointed, and then sneered!

( ?????) "Kill me? You don't seem to have this strength anymore?"

Fei Yan was taken aback, looking at the small cupping pot in Jiangnan's hand, he looked horrified!

"Damn it! What the hell did you do to me? How did my level drop so much?"

It stands to reason that his strength should have skyrocketed once he was re-Nirvana, but now it has fallen sharply!

It can't even be called a 12-winged angel anymore, falling from the broken star? how can that be!

[From Fei Yan...]

Jiang Nan laughed:

( ?? .? ?? )?Ω "Feiyan, right? If you are sensible, just listen to me, otherwise..."

Fei Yan narrowed her eyes, and was about to speak, but suddenly stopped and sneered!

"Cut~ Don't think I don't know what the hell you're up to, you want me to agree? You want to cover me with a sack? No way!"

"My physical fitness is still there! Even if my level drops, killing you is like killing a dog, without my spiritual skills! You are nothing!"

"Holy Judgment!"

While speaking, he raised his foot and stomped fiercely, a 10,000-meter golden light array unfolded, and infinite golden chains flew out, entangled towards everyone in the south of the Yangtze River!

Under the light array, directly seal the spiritual skill!

Jiang Nan's face is dark, does this guy know what's going on outside?

"Mila, Lan, retreat! You can't take advantage here! Sakura, Ai, Gang, follow me!"

With a range of 10,000 meters, Mira's ability can't be used anymore!

I saw Feiyan grinning, raised his hand and grabbed it, the light array formed again, and the phantom of the Wanmi Holy Sword was born, shrinking crazily!

In a blink of an eye, it became a big sword that could be held, with the addition of the Berserker Angel!

Rushing towards Jiangnan at an astonishing speed!

"Armor-piercing cross sword! Die for me!"

In the blink of an eye, the great sword was approaching, but Jiang Nan didn't panic at all!

Under the seal skill, even the one-eyed skill can't be used!

But burning blood and spiritual arts are not restricted!

"Burning blood? Immortal Yan Mo! Open!"

A violent aura rose from Jiang Nan's body, and the blood that flowed at a high speed glowed crimson like magma!

The astonishing heat wave seems to melt everything!

In a blink of an eye, the source quality armor on Jiang Nan's body turned into Tiancheng Baosteel, covering his whole body!

Raise your arm to block the armor-piercing cross sword!


The brilliant sparks scattered, and the phantom of the great sword that counterattacked was raised high!

On the other hand, Jiangnan stepped forward and punched, and a big swing punched out fiercely like a heavy artillery!

Heavy bones? Super muscular strength? Hydrogen bomb boxing? Absolutely brilliant!

Coupled with the full horsepower and the physical attack bonus of the green stick!

This punch was so powerful that it exploded, and the air was smashed like firecrackers!

The iron fist hit Fei Yan's face heavily!


His body hit the ground fiercely, the ground exploded, and pieces of ancient wood forest fell down due to the fierce fist wind!

Fei Yan's jaw and cheekbones were smashed on the spot!

My head is buzzing!

Are you telling me that this is Xingyao?

Just as Jiang Nan finished the punch, Wang Gang followed closely behind!

The heavy bones and seven doors are fully open!

Wang Gang, who was covered in bright red, clenched his hands together into fists!

"Absolute Flash? Smash!"

As if the materialized power came out, it hit Fei Yan's face with one blow!

The giant pit expanded again!

Fei Yan, whose face was covered with blood, was furious: "The flawless holy body!"

"Angel Guardian!"

In an instant, a phantom of an archangel took shape, but it was not as solid as before!

But at this moment, Ai-chan's Valkyrie came over, and the black heavy mace in his hand flicked away, and the thunder flashed on it, smashing heavily on the phantom of the angel!

But the phantom of the angel just swayed and failed to break through!

Fei Yan's eyes were full of anger: "Thunder!"

Infinite lightning burst out from its body, and the thick lightning was enough to destroy everything!

However, the eight energy-absorbing disks popped out from the back of the Valkyrie Machine, and all the infinite thunder light was absorbed by it!

The energy beam flowing on his body is extremely bright!

Aijiang: ╰(◣~◢)╯ "Thank you! I'll pay you back!"

The energy cannons above the head converged, and immediately blasted out at the phantom of the angel!

The bright energy cannon seems to be the only one in the world!

The angel phantom was washed away for a little while!

Fei Yan was shocked and angry. Why did the mechanical prosthesis of the silicon-based family mix with humans?

Silicone also intervened?

At this moment, she is still trying to restore the angel guardian phantom!

Kawaii-chan's palm gun has been aimed at Feiyan's head!

"Shen Shi? Nian Dongbo!"


A highly compressed mental fluctuation bloomed, and Fei Yan was thrown up, bleeding from the seven orifices, and the phantom of the angel was completely shattered!

Wushen Ji hit Fei Yan hard on the head!

She wanted to stand up and struggle, but Wushen Ji grabbed her arm!

"Mechanical lock? Neurotoxin!"

I saw that the arm of the Valkyrie machine deformed, and directly locked one of Fei Yan's arms. The needle was inserted, and the toxin was crazily injected!

And Qianben Sakura finally had a chance to intervene, go up and grab Feiyan's other arm!

Set her up on the spot!

"Hit! Beat her to death!"

How could Jiangnan let go of this opportunity and stand in front of Fei Yan!

(???Dish??)??3?? "Diamond Star Fist! Ah da da da da~"

For a while, all 12 arms of Jiangnan shot phantoms, and every blow was a full blow!

Fei Yan was so poisoned that he lost his strength, with a look of shock and anger!

Jiang Nan yelled: "Brother Gang! What are you doing in a daze? Hit?"

Wang Gang gritted his teeth: "This is a crime!"

On both sides are Wushenji and Qianbenzakura, and Jiangnan is in front!

Wang Gang had no choice but to run behind Fei Yan, close his eyes and beat him repeatedly!


"Piston Heavy Cannon Punch!"

"Bang bang bang!"

At this moment, Jiangnan Wang Gang attacked back and forth, and he had already beaten Fei Yan!

Fei Yan was poisoned badly at first, but for some reason, she gradually regained her strength!

The next moment, his face suddenly became terrified, and he vomited blood while struggling frantically!

?(#?﹏?#)? "No... don't fight anymore, if you fight again, I will..."

Jiang Nan sneered: "If begging for mercy is useful, what's the use of asking me Jiangnan?"

"If you hit again, you will die, right? I don't need you to tell me! Ah da da da~"

Feiyan is going crazy:

?(#???????????#)? "No! If you hit me again, I will..."

?(?ж?#)??3?? "Ah boom!"

A heavy fart blatantly exploded, and the roaring Wang Gang straddled his horse and was blown hundreds of meters away, his face deformed by the blow!

Immortal energy billowed around the surroundings for a moment, and the sound was even louder than the old man who burst popcorn downstairs!

Startled layers of birds.

I saw that Wang Gang's face was blackened, his hair became afro, and he was still emitting yellow smoke~


The whole person froze, and the brain froze directly...

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