In the following days, Jiangnan and Wang Gang just stayed in the training room and couldn't come out!

Not a quarter of an hour is idle, and Jiangnan even uses wormholes to solve the problem of going to the bathroom!

They are all crazy!

What is sleep? It doesn't exist at all!

Even Qianben Sakura was motivated by the enthusiasm of the two and joined the training!

Hmm~ I can already climb in a field of 30,000 times the gravity!

During this period, only when he ran into a dimensional creature, Jiang Nan would stop and go out to buy goods!

Every time I come back, I bring a lot of Dimensional Orbs, except I keep some good spares, and throw the rest to Qianbenying!

In the blink of an eye, Qianbenying has sold herself out for more than ten years.

The journey in the gap between dimensions is undoubtedly boring. Jiang Nan, who was immersed in the training and could not extricate himself, simply forgot the passage of time!


But the outside world is extremely lively!

The Huaxia army, Zhong Yingxue and the others drove Xingcheng, joined forces with the sentinel mechanical army, and started to encircle and suppress the cities along the ancient Great Wall!

Every day is spent in battle, and they are extremely busy, but the students of the Pioneer Academy who have been assigned to the army have begun to shine in battle after battle!

The handover of the new and old generations is going on silently!

Fight down for a few days, capture more than five cities, and start the construction of city fortresses!

The huge amount of spirit beads obtained, except for daily expenses and reserves, most of them were sent to the western border, and resources were frantically piled up on the vines in the sky!

Once the state machinery is in operation, it will undoubtedly be terrifying, with the continuous supply of spirit beads!

The level of Tiancong Ivy has reached the Daotian ten-star ceiling, and it is accumulating strength to launch an impact towards the broken star!

The Moon Joint Base, Haitang, and Abyss have all been put into production, continuously supplying materials and weapons to the battlefields of various countries!

All the superfans are also jointly besieging and suppressing the peak beast group in Huaxia, and putting together a set of magic skills for the little dimple!

If there is a suitable one, I will also suck it up. After all, the three of Mi Ye, Xiao Chuihuo and Bai Kou don't have extraordinary skills yet!

Wu Liang and Xiong Er are all stars now, and there is still a skill slot left!

Although Blue Star, which has experienced global spiritual disasters, is in ruins!

But at this moment, it is still tenaciously glowing with vitality!


At the same time, in the Beacon Star Palace, Karl closed his eyes, and the glazed horns above his head were shining brightly, obviously communicating with horns!

Not long after, the corners of his mouth curved up!

(?ˉ?? ˉ?) "Igor, go prepare the plan, I'll pick up the ten finals, they're here!"

When Rhine and Igor heard this, their eyes widened. Has it finally arrived?

Igor stood up: "Then I'll contact the chess pieces and confirm the plan!"

Cooper didn't speak, but followed Igor directly, obviously wanting to go with him!

Igor frowned: (???~??) "You don't need to follow me this time, you go with Rhine and Gabriel, you have other tasks!"

After one confession, the person has disappeared!

Cooper shrugged: (??w???) "At first I thought I could find an easy job, but now it seems that there is no way. I am born to be a hard worker~"

In my heart: riding a horse! The hiding is quite tight, is it a chess piece with a single line connection? "

The helpless Cooper can only go with Rhine Gabriel!

Carl, on the other hand, pulled Li Mingshan up, turned around and told Xiangori: "Stay here to watch the house!"

"Let me know if anything happens!"

Kaori: (?╭╮?) "Yes! Master Karl~"

Under the Olympus Mountains on Mars, Karl suddenly appeared with Li Mingshan!

In the rusty world, the sky is full of dust!

A star gate with a diameter of 300 meters stands at the foot of the mountain!

This star gate was obtained by Igor from the Hanshan Lingxu!

It was used to lead the egg of the star devouring giant insect and a group of pupils to the moon...

In order to prevent it from being taken by humans, this star gate was placed on Mars by Igor a long time ago!

I saw Karl take out the crystal conch and use it as a key to activate the star gate!

The star gate vortex emerged, connecting the star field beyond the unknown distance!

The vortex fluctuated, and I saw a man wearing source quality starlight armor walking out of the star gate vortex!

It is also the upper family of Bose bodies, and the Bose particles all over the body are extremely solid and semi-opaque!

With a holy knife on her waist, her ice-silk long hair was tied into a high ponytail at the back of her head!

With star eyebrows and sharp eyes, handsome facial features, the whole temperament is extremely sharp!

The words 00 are printed on the two corners of his forehead!

And this Bo is the leader of the ten decisions, Zach, code-named Executioner!

And behind him, boson bodies stepped out one after another, and numbers were printed on each person's horns, from 01 to 10!

The ten finals are not one person, but a team with 11 people!

The executioner organized by the holy star, the sword of killing, is a pure murderer, and the decision is also the decision of the judgment!

Each of the ten judges is not weaker than Rhine, there are men and women, and the aura is terrifying!

And it's not just the ten judges, there are also many one-horned Bose descendants!

They're all exiles who don't exist in the Bose family, and they're here too this time!

Li Mingshan looked at the huge group of Bose bodies coming through the star gate, his pupils shrank!

Humans... finished...

Someone immediately spoke in the ten finals:

(¬得¬?) "Tsk~ Why is it a barren land? Is this what Blue Star looks like?"

(-ι_-?) "Cut~ It took so much effort to die in the extremely dark star dome, but ended up in such a place where no shit?"

Carl rolled his eyes:

(??д???) "This is Mars, Blue Star is next to you~"

Then his eyes turned to Zach, and he grinned: "Here we come? Then this is..."

Before he finished speaking, Zac's eyes were cold, he strode forward, raised his hand and slapped Carl's face with a big mouth!

?(???Yie??)?Σ(#)??3??) Pooh~

With a "snap", Carl's head was knocked askew. A splash of jelly on your face!

This slap stunned everyone, what's going on?

Carl was mad, I ran so far, and ended up getting a slap in the face?

"Zack! You are looking for death!"

While speaking, the holy sword was drawn out of its sheath very quickly, and it burst out at Zach!

At the same time, the absolute zero field unfolded, and the Martian world, which was originally a piece of yellow sand, was instantly covered by frost!

But Zac squinted his eyes halfway, raised his hand and raised the holy scissors, the blade was three inches out of the sheath, and he blocked it at top speed!


There was a bang, and the wind howled, and the foot of Mount Olympus was smashed by this sword, but Zach didn't move at all!

His face was gloomy: "I'm afraid it's not you who are looking for death, right? This slap was made by Star Master to slap him on his behalf!"

"You majestic god of the stars, how could you make such a low-level mistake? You stumbled in Blue Star!"

"What happened to the beacon signal that was sent back? Do you think that Blue Star is like other civilizations, and can be developed at will?"

"You should be glad that you are still needed here, otherwise, if you go back to meet the star master, it will be more than just a slap in the face!"

Karl was taken aback suddenly, his body and mind were cold:

=????(?口?????) "The transmission... has been passed back? Has the Saint Star's violation of the Ten Thousand Races Agreement been exposed?"


Zach said angrily:

?(?︶依︶) "It was known by the Silicon-based family, but it has not been announced yet. They are threatening the Holy Law Society with this matter and want to negotiate terms!"

"You also know that with the current size of the silicon-based family, their technology has penetrated into every corner of the starry sky, and their power is growing stronger and stronger!"

"I even have a star path, which has already faintly threatened the position of the Bose clan as the overlord of the starry sky!"

"Now that this happened again, our Saint Star was untenable in the first place!"

Carl's scalp was numb: "How did it get out? How did you deal with it?"

Zach snorted coldly: "How else can I deal with it? Saint Star was held accountable by the Holy Law Society, and was devastated, and the Star Master was scolded!"

"The people above us are almost unable to withstand the pressure. Now we can only play around and refuse to admit it, saying that there is a problem with their terminal database!"

"They can't come up with real evidence, so they can't hold the Sacred Law Society accountable. Anyway, the matter is very tense!"

"The silicon-based family is not stupid. They will definitely hold on to this matter. The conflict has become more and more intense. It is because of your small beacon signal. Do you know how much damage it has caused to the organization?"

Carl's eyes are full of bad luck:

(? °? Yi °?) "The ones on horses! Jiangnan! It's all Jiangnan! This batch of people misunderstood me!"

"~%?...;# *’☆\u0026!"

Zach:? ? ?

"What are you chattering about?"

Carl waved his hand angrily:

(︶~︶?)? "This is the essence of culture, you don't understand! Damn it, this is a big mess!"

"The gang of machine bastards, are they seeing a needle? What should we do now? What does the star master say?"

Zach sighed: "What else can I do? At present, the Sacred Law Society has blocked the silicon-based star road leading here, so delay as much as possible!"

"Let them not get any further evidence, and give us a real hammer on the shitty things we did, but it won't last long, and Siji will definitely find a way to dig further!"

"The organization situation is extremely difficult now. Hurry up and get Blue Star done, develop it into a star market, and cook the raw rice. After the dust settles, even if it is a real hammer, what can we do?"

"The task is completed beautifully, and there is still room for maneuver. How about the creation beast? Have you got it?"

Carl's face darkened: (????????????)? "What the hell do you want if you get it?"

"Igor misunderstood me and lied about the military situation. There are four extraordinary human beings here, and they have domains even on horseback. They can also fuse, which is outrageous!"

Zach stared: ∑(°口°?)? "Four? Do you? Are you a rotten street? How can humans... hiss~ It's really perverted!"

Carl said impatiently: "Stop talking about this, have you brought anything?"

Zach directly took out several diamond-shaped crystals from his arms, which were filled with colorful lights!

Carl was about to pick it up, but Zach dodged: "I borrowed this from another psychic, and I have to pay it back. It's not for nothing!"

Karl stared: "What do you say? When the Creator Beast is recovered here, don't you want as much as you want?"

Immediately, he snatched the diamond-shaped crystal, and his eyes fell on Li Mingshan!

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "The things for you are here..."

Li Mingshan:! ! !

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