At the same time that Xinggong started the countdown to self-destruction, Jiangnan and the others had already teleported into the extremely wide equipment library!

The three of them were immediately paralyzed by the scene in front of them!

The antenna above Jiangnan's head collapsed straight, and his eyes were wide open!

Σ(っ °口 °;)っ "This is really a hair!"

I saw more than a dozen spaceship-like things parked in the spacious equipment warehouse!

Not very big, about 30 meters long, the whole is black, and the shape is peculiar!

The shape is blade-like, with a tail spout.

Jiang Nan recognized it at a glance, this thing must be a fighter.

I don't know how many times ahead of Bluestar Technology!

In the center of the hangar, there is a silver flying shuttle with a length of over 300 meters, which is streamlined as a whole and has a mirror finish!

It is as beautiful as a long and narrow flying shuttle!

Qianben Sakura swallowed: "Am I watching a sci-fi blockbuster? There really are flying saucers!"

There is really a saucer-shaped aircraft parked in the corner of the hangar!

In addition, there are various dazzling vehicles of flying armed motorcycles!

Hanging on the weapon rack are handheld plasma cannons and lightsabers!

There are even mechanical armors that cover the whole body like Iron Man armors, placed in cabinets!

This is heaven for Jiangnan, isn't it?

?(o﹃o?) "You two are guarding the door, I'll steal it first!"

During the speech, the alien space was wide open, and the 300-meter-long silver shuttle was stuffed into it when it went up!

Blade fighters, mechanical armor, etc., pack them all up and take them away!

The whole person searched for phantoms!

And just when Jiangnan was enjoying himself, he heard a piercing sonic boom coming from outside!

Bai Kou frowned, and with a wave of his hand, there was an extra layer of blue ice wall more than ten meters thick on the alloy gate at the equipment warehouse!

But the next moment!

Just listen to "Boom!"

The thick alloy gate including the blue ice wall was instantly blasted!

The deformed hangar door rotated and flew out, heavily inserted into the wall of the equipment warehouse!

I saw a humanoid mechanical prosthesis rushing in!

He is three meters tall, his whole body is black, his mechanical structure is extremely domineering, and there are propelling ports in many places on his body!

There are two sharp metal horns on the top of the head, holding a black node-shaped heavy mace, and the mechanical eyes are extremely scarlet!

"Valkyrie mechanical prosthesis, now wipe out the intruders!"

The moment he broke in, the spirit-binding force field had already covered the entire field!

Bai Kou frowned, and the field of the Extremely Cold Snow Country opened up again!

But the power furnace in the chest of the Valkyrie body is delivering energy crazily!

Astonishing heat radiates from its body, and it can actually act in the Snow Country!

One after another ice thorns pierced towards the Valkyrie machine at an astonishing speed!

However, the moment he rushed into the hangar, he raised his palm towards his side!

The palm cannon exploded fiercely, spewing out blazing flames, pushing its body sideways in a daze, avoiding the surprise attack of ice thorns!

Multiple jets on the body emit raging flames, adjust your own walking posture!

She actually went around in a big circle, bypassing Bai Kou, and rushed straight towards Qianbenying!

Qianben Sakura looked eager to try, just about to put the space to strangle!

Seeing an extremely intense spiritual shock blooming instantly, it was the Nian Shenzhu weapon he was carrying!

Qianbenying was stunned at that time, and Jiang Nan and Bai Kou also had a splitting headache!

Taking this opportunity, Wushen Ji opened the black heavy mace in his hand, with an unparalleled blazing lightning flashing on it, and smashed towards Qianbenying in the head!

If this blow is real, my brains will explode!

Suddenly, a space wormhole in the south of the Yangtze River that came slowly unfolded in an instant, and the thunderous mace that smashed into the wormhole emerged from the side of the Valkyrie Machine!

Go straight to its head and hammer!

Hearing the sound of "clang", the Valkyrie machine was smashed by itself like a cannonball and flew towards one side!

It didn't hit the body, but was blocked by the orange energy shield!

Jiang Nan rubbed his head:

(?)′-义-`) "Don't capsize in the gutter, the fighting power of this Valkyrie machine is no less than that of the general top-level Daotian!"

"Catch it completely, go back and modify it for our own use!"

As he spoke, he continued to search. Being in the extremely cold snow country, Jiangnan was also not affected by the spirit binding, because this was Bai Kou's domain!

As for Bai Kou and Qianbenying, Jiang Nan is not worried!

If you can't handle a Transcendence, a Xingyao space system, and a Valkyrie machine, then don't live!

"Oh, so many chanting beads?"

I saw that in the storage box, egg-sized prayer beads were quietly placed on it, which looked extremely high-end!

It is not at the same level as those mechanical soldiers!

It was directly taken away by Jiangnan, and there were boxes of colorful snail shells on the side. I don't know what they are for, so I packed them directly!

Jiang Nan, who was upright in stealing, was immediately attracted by the many silver bracelets hanging on the side!

Confused: ( ????? ) "What is this? Bracelets can also be used as weapons?"

Looking further down, the wall reads "Storage of Elemental Armor!" written in Qianxing language!

Jiangnan's eyes are shining!

(* ??????????) What the hell?

Is this the kind of battle armor that Rhine and the others wear, the one that can mimic and transform at will?

I heard it is valuable!

There were 21 silver bracelets on the wall, all of which were packed away by Jiangnan!

In a blink of an eye, there is nothing to steal in the kung fu equipment library, and this wave can be regarded as making a lot of money!

Looking back, the Martial God Machine hadn't been dealt with yet. Seeing that the chanting bead had an effect, this fellow started to put it in a small area non-stop!

Never let Bai Kou and Qianben Sakura get close!

Qianben Sakura suffered a few mental shocks, and felt that her head was going to be out of whack!

But Bai Kou was completely enraged, his whole body turned into a snowstorm form, and he hugged the Valkyrie machine directly!

"Eternal Embrace!"

The endless extreme cold has invaded, and its power furnace is about to go out!

But he still didn't give up, and concentrated all the energy in his body, converging in the center of the two metal horns!

It forms a black-purple energy ball that has been compressed to the extreme, and it blooms instantly!


The extremely intense energy cannon was 100 meters thick, and it directly blasted through the equipment warehouse, blasting a big hole from the star palace fortress, how far it extended out!

Blowing away Bai Kou's head in the snowstorm state, it's a pity that Bai Kou couldn't be killed!

After using this trick, its power furnace was turned off, and it completely crashed!

Frozen into lumps of ice!

And this dazzling shot has completely attracted the attention of Karl who is doing a good job outside!

I saw Karl and Rhine turned their heads in doubt, and looked at the Beacon Palace!

It was clear that an energy cannon shot out from the right, blowing a big hole in the star palace!

Carl:? ? ?

My sword slashed on the left side, what happened to the right side?

Take a closer look, the lights of the entire star palace are flickering regularly!

Rhine frowned: (???~??) "Master Karl? Why are the lights in this star palace flickering? It looks a bit like it's about to blow itself up?"

Carl stared fiercely: "Like a fart, it is!"

I cut a sword, how could it explode? What kind of shit is this?

Rhine couldn't help being surprised: (???﹏??) "Just now, the voice assistant seemed to indicate that there was an intruder, and it broke down before I finished speaking. Could it be..."

Carl's eyes were about to burst, he abandoned Xiao Chuihuo and the others without saying a word, and rushed back to the star palace!

The shield is intact, how could an intruder come in?

I haven't sensed any abnormal fluctuations, how can I...

Is it possible that the eyes all over my body will be pecked by geese?

Seeing Karl rushing back, the three of Xiao Chuihuo were also stunned!

Why didn't you call home?

As soon as Karl rushed into the equipment warehouse, he saw three Teletubbies carrying the Valkyrie machine into the sack!

The entire equipment warehouse is cleaner than his own face!

The Jiangnan trio naturally also spotted Karl rushing over!

The effect of the invisibility cloak is useless to Karl!

Several people looked at each other in the air, and the scene was extremely embarrassing for a while!

=????(??Yie?)━☆━(??w?? ?)

Without saying a word, Jiang Nan pulled the two of them and ran away!

Carl stared: "Three big cockroaches, where are you going to run!"

Infinite glass light blooms!

Although several people successfully rushed out of the shield of the star palace, the fur balls on the antenna above their heads were also blasted by the glass light!

Get out of the invisible state directly!

At the same time, the flickering frequency of the beacon star palace is getting faster and faster!

Carl was so angry that he rushed straight into the main control room!

Just watch Kaori, who was beaten into a pig's head, poking anxiously on the holographic projection non-stop!

Scratching your head while doing it!

?(#)??~??(#) "This... How did this thing get canceled? I..."

Carl was so angry that he grabbed Kaori's neck, his eyes were full of murderous intent!

(? °? Yi °?) "What did you do? You're going to blow up your horoscope?"

Kaori couldn't help struggling:

(〃)?????(〃) "'s not me, I'm trying to stop it, Jiangnan and the others did it all!"

"With the determination to die, I tried my best to resist, but I was not their opponent at all!"

"But even if I was beaten like this, I didn't disclose any information. I am loyal to the holy star, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other!"

Karl saw that Kaori was gone, and threw it aside with bad eyes:

(¬优¬?) "Trash, you don't even know how to operate the horoscope program!"

Seeing that the Xinggong was about to explode, he couldn't help but quickly started, using his identity and authority to prevent the self-explosion process, he was relieved!

But looking at the state of the star palace, Karl's face turned green!

All the sentinel mechanical legions have been stolen, and the Valkyrie mechanical prosthetic body has also been stolen?

Plus that empty equipment library!

For those who are on horseback, Lao Tzu's fortune in the Star Palace can be regarded as completely lost, right?

Using Xiao Chuihuo and the others to make their way to the east, and then go to steal the black barrier and hit the west, making Lao Tzu think that the main goal of human beings is the black barrier!

Then hit east again?

[Resentment value from Karl +1003! ]

"You really know it!"

Carl, who canceled the self-destruct program, rushed out with a roar!

At this time, the low-key sugar orange time of the Jiangnan trio has passed!

The side effects broke out, and the original red, green and purple Teletubbies clothes on her body turned yellow, with black money spots on them!

One person is carrying a bulging sack!

I heard Jiang Nan say:

(o???)? "Yo~ Immortal, little brother, spider girl? Are you playing?"

With just one sentence, all the blue veins on the foreheads of the three of Xiao Chuihuo burst out!

(?`财′)(?▼供▼)(? ?’~?’)

It can only be said that as expected of Jiangnan, speaking is a crit!

But the three of them were also dumbfounded!

Didn't the three of you go to steal the black barrier? How did you rush out of the star palace?

In other words, it's fine to wear a Teletubbies suit, but you also have the skin of a leopard and a sack on your back? antenna leopard?

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