When the first ray of sky rose from the horizon, Bai Kou finally finished dealing with the matter at hand in Goose Country!

Putting on a beautiful white gauze dress, she ran to the capital city in a dreadful manner.

But as soon as he entered the city, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw a group of leopards scolding and slapping each other. The scene was extremely lively!

Bai Kou's eyes widened, his face was confused, and he thought for a moment that he had gone the wrong way, and that he came not from the capital, but from Yinwu Mountain!

(??? д???)

Is this stabbing the leopard's nest?

The ground outside the city roared, and flames shot up to the sky!

The foul language in the city is unbearable!

Jiangnan was even more tied up in the air by spider threads, Mi Ye used the spider threads to whip him non-stop, and even went up to suck a couple of mouthfuls from time to time, showing an expression of enjoyment on his face!

*?( ???? ??)?*

On the other hand, Jiang Nan was so poisoned that he had given up struggling!

Even Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao didn't let go, they were also sucked by Mi Ye.

Bai Kou covered her face, is this really something I can see?

(づ?﹏?ど) "Didn't the inner one say that he was going to go on a mission? So our mission is to catch the Buddhist monk who can live forever after eating it?"

Seeing Bai Kou coming, Jiang Nan, who was stupefied by the poison, immediately cheered up!

"Okay, okay! Don't suck, it's time to go on a mission, why don't I let you suck enough later?"

Mi Yeqi let go with a snort, licked her scarlet lips, turned her head and raised her eyebrows and said:

(?? ?????) "Yo~ Isn't this the old lady Bai? I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you so much!"

"Why did you come here? Don't you know that everyone is waiting for you? You are very famous, you? I think you are... um~"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan's face turned pale with fright, and he went up and covered Mi Ye's mouth!

Now everyone is as if they have taken gunpowder, whoever they see is angry?

The veins on Bai Kou's forehead popped up, and the cold air overflowed all over his body, even the breeze that blew past was condensed by the cold air!

With a smile all over his face, he said: (?⌒?⌒) "Can I beat her up? Nobody cares, right?"

Mi Ye stared: "Hey? I eh~ woohoo, oh! Bran~"

He bit Jiangnan's hand with one bite, and Jiangnan's tears were about to flow out. Was the bad sister infected with rabies by the big wolf?

(?????????) "Aha~ahhaha~ it's okay...it's okay, don't be angry, everyone has a disease that will kill you if you don't hate others!"

"Grandpa Xiao! Bai Kou is here, ready to go on a mission!"

A blaze flew over from the sky, and it was still carrying the bawdy Odin!

I saw Odin's eyes were black and blue, his cheeks were swollen, and half of his eyebrows were not burned, and his face was full of dissatisfaction!

(??? 乛(#) tusk~

Obviously, he didn't take advantage of Xiao Chuihuo's hands!

Xiao Chuihuo's face was filled with rage:

(?°?口°?) "Mua is a scumbag, is he a holy star? See if I don't give him a fire in that broken star palace!"

Odin curled his lips: (#)???????) "No! It's enough for you to piss in the past, and the Beacon Star Palace specifies that there will be no residue left after being burned!"

Xiao Chuihuo was furious: ( ?? ̄) "You're so stupid, I..."

Jiangnan:! ! !

(?>口<?) "Stop! Dead woman! Autumn bean sack! Stop arguing!"

"Since everyone is very irritable and their hearts are full of fire, then go and talk to Sheng Xing!"

[The resentment value from Xiao Chuihuo +777! ]

[From Odin…]

Who do you think everyone gets angry because of? Damn, isn’t it because your pit is better than sugar orange?

I saw Xiao Chuihuo throwing a broken jade bead to Jiangnan: "I'll let you know when it's done, hurry up!"

While talking, they pulled Miye Odin and the two of them, turned into the shining sun, and rushed straight to the polar ice field beacon star palace!

And Jiangnan is a migrant worker who has come to hide from the disaster!

"Let's go! Go steal the tower!"

Qianbenying trembled and said: (?﹏?) "I... I still have no idea, can I go back on my word..."

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "You want to get off Lao Tzu's boat after boarding it? You have a good idea! Follow up!"

Bai Kou looked at Qianben Sakura in bewilderment!

(???~??)???? "This... why is this person so silent? Hiss~ Why can't I feel her breath?"

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth twitched: "She's turned on silent mode, don't worry about it!"

I really don’t know how many low-key sugar oranges Qianbenzakura showed off yesterday. Damn, the effect has continued until now and hasn’t disappeared?

Glancing at Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao who were stunned by the poison, Jiang Nan didn't even look back. He pulled Bai Kou and Qianben Ying straight to Sha Country!

Did not bring two people!

It's not that Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao can't help her. With the strength of the two of them and her words, it's no problem to kill the ordinary Daotian!

It's just that there is a high probability that they will have to face the Bose body, and the means of the two of them are a bit stretched!

Although Xuexue's plasma flame had a slight effect on the Bose body, it was far from growing!

It's better to stay at home and help, even Mira didn't bring it!

After all, her time system is a life-saving means, staying at home is far more effective than going out with her to take risks!

As for Musashi, it's better not to show up in this operation, otherwise Cooper will be in danger!

Jiang Nan really didn't believe that he couldn't steal a broken black barrier!

On the way, Jiangnan kept teleporting, and the weather gradually became hotter.

Qianben Sakura felt panicked:

(o??~??) "Boss Jiang, tell me the truth, will I also become a leopard later?"

Jiang Nan laughed straight: "Remove it!"

Qianben Sakura's face darkened: (???﹏???)? "Then...then if I say something against the boss later, you must forgive me, I'm not the same as the two of you!"

"That's not from my sincerity. If my life is in danger, you must save me. Don't leave me and run away?"

Jiang Nan patted his chest and assured:

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "Don't worry! I, Jiangnan, never hold grudges. I usually take revenge on the spot!"

"If you are in danger, I will definitely abandon you and run away. It is not my style at all!"

Qianben Sakura breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good!"

Bai Kou: (??ˇ_ˇ??:)? ? ?

This pink hair is so easy to deceive?

You are saving only yourself, right?

It didn't take long for the three of them to cross half of Blue Star and arrive at the Kuji Desert in the Kingdom of Sand!

There are hundreds of pyramids inside, scattered all over the desert!

Today's Saudi Arabia has completely turned into a hell on earth, and there are raging spirit beasts everywhere.

After experiencing the first wave of beast attack, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has already existed in name only!

The three of them lay on the back of the extremely distant sand dunes, observing the pyramids with binoculars!

The sun is shining, and the golden sand dunes exude a high temperature of more than 50 degrees Celsius!

Changing into the Teletubbies clothes, Jiangnan feels hotter and hotter!

Instinctively leaning towards Bai Kou's side, she felt much cooler immediately!

Bai Kou felt Jiang Nan squeezed over, two blushes rose on her pretty face, she didn't dodge, but turned on the air conditioner a little bit more!

"Tsk~ Which pyramid did Yemei say it was? It's kind of hard to find, isn't it?"

Jiangnan observed the past one by one with an ultra-high-power telescope!

"Are you still looking for a fart? Why don't you just do it? You have an extraordinary master! Are you afraid of a ghost?"

"How can I say you are a man with a handle, can you be more cowardly?"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Turning his head, he saw Qianben Sakura leaning on his head, lying on the sand dune, in an extremely indulgent posture!


Her calves are upturned, and she doesn't care if the pleated skirt is turned up!

The whole person turned yellow, and the little pink hair turned into a little yellow hair, digging his nostrils with an arrogant expression!

Jiang Nan's eyelids twitched. If he didn't watch for a while, Qianbenzakura turned yellow?

Where is this image or a beautiful girl with pink hair? It's clearly the yellow-haired little sister, hey!

Seeing Jiang Nan looking over, Senbon Sakura rolled her eyes:

(??д??*) "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful girl?"

(????) "Oh oh oh~ Could it be that the scenery under the absolute realm has attracted my attention?"

"Then do you want to see it more clearly?"

As he spoke, he pulled his skirt with a smirk on his face, and pulled it up bit by bit!

The antenna above Jiangnan's head suddenly collapsed and straightened, and the hairballs on the antenna exploded!

╭i╮! ! !

A K with a knife ruthlessly landed on Qianben Sakura's Tianling cover!

(〝▼~▼)っ"Look at your sister! What scene did I not see? What's so good about you Ladou Sakura? "

Qianbenying covered her head and stared, with an exasperated expression on her face: "How can I pull my pocket? Didn't you pull your pocket when you were young?"

"Believe it or not, I'm suing you for mistreating employees?"

But the smile on his face gradually changed again!

(????) "Ah la la ~ you are not in love with me, are you?"

"You didn't take Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao from your house all the way, and you want me to come with you?"

"It's just to create a chance to be alone with me, and then find a chance to be a hero to save the beauty, so that I can secretly promise something, right?"

"Heh~ As far as the southerners are concerned, this girl can see through it at a glance, okay?"

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched: ( ?°喜 ?°) "Bah! Can you be more narcissistic? You don't bring Xuexue Langmi because it's too dangerous, and I'm afraid they will get hurt!"

"I took you because the space system is easy to support. I like your second uncle!"

"Besides, are you blind? Alone? Isn't Bai Kou human?"

Taimei Sakura: (σ???)σ "Are you in a hurry? Are you in a hurry? Explain? Explaining is covering up. Is it so difficult to admit that you like me?"

"Bai Kou? How can Bai Kou be competitive? You're already old, so you can't be interested in her, can you?"

"Just that old woman over 2,000 years old can be you too Lai Lai! Compared with me, how about she has no competitiveness at all?"

"Hey ~ the energy-saving air conditioner, turn up the air conditioner, my girl feels a little hot, why are you so blind? My girl..."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of cold air drifted over directly, and Senbon Sakura, who was lying on the sand dune with her arms propped up in an indecent posture, froze and turned into a lump of ice!

???∠(???_?? 」??∠)_???…

Was frozen on the spot!

Bai Kou smiled gently: (?⌒_⌒) "Is it cold enough now? Huh? This young beautiful girl?"

Jiangnan: (?????)?


[The resentment value from Qianben Sakura +777! ]

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