Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1783 Look at how this child has been suppressed?

How could he become deaf if he didn't eat Tangerine himself?

Jiang Nan, who didn't believe in evil, quickly clapped his hands beside his ears, making a crisp "pop" sound!

( ′?~?`) people

He can be sure he is not deaf!

It's not that I became deaf, but everyone who ate the sugar orange was silenced?

So I can't hear it?


It was only then that Jiangnan realized that the low-key Tangju's function said to hide all fluctuations in himself!

So even the sound fluctuations are hidden?

And everyone who also eats Tangerine can not be affected by each other?

Are you not on the same vocal track as yourself who didn't eat Tangju?

Do you want to be so extreme, isn't this a little too low-key?

Looking at everyone having fun, it's like watching a cartoon without turning up the volume!

It was only then that Jiang Nan discovered that the fluctuations emitted by everyone's bodies were all hidden in a state of nothingness!

Level, spiritual pressure, even the temperature emitted by the body, the breath exhaled, etc...

It's just scary!

Jiang Nan thought that the role of Tangju would be like that of the third brother, with no sense of existence!

But now it seems that it doesn't have no sense of existence and can be seen and discovered, but it is hidden by the fluctuations in the whole body?

This is a perfect match with the dumb sack, right?

It's perfect for sneaking into kidnapping or something?

What if you add the Teletubbies clothes? Could it be that Temeow can't even see it?

Jiangnan's eyes are full of excitement, can the space fluctuation be hidden?

I saw Qianben Sakura got up, waved wildly in front of Jiang Nan, and shouted while pulling her neck!

?(???口???)? "Hey! Did you hear what I said? Jiang Deaf! Jiang scoundrel! Big idiot! Hehehe~"

The blue veins on Jiangnan's forehead are throbbing violently:

(?°??°?) "Although I'm deaf, I'm not blind, and my lip language is at the full level. You're a bad worker, are you bold? How dare you scold me?"

"Cracked Sawblade~"

While speaking, the saw blade condensed directly and slashed towards Qianben Sakura!

Qianbenying was terrified: (?﹏?.) "Damn! Bad Jiang, are you serious?"

Then disappeared in front of Jiangnan without warning!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Damn! really! The space fluctuations of teleportation are also hidden!

Jiang Nan didn't perceive any spatial fluctuations on Qianben Sakura's body at all, and she disappeared!

If you can't notice it yourself, the same is true for the Bose body!

What about other space skills?

Jiang Nan licked his lips and chased him out!

Qianben Sakura looked at Jiangnan who teleported to the north with a confused face:

(???~??)???? "Che~ and you still say you're not blind? You're chasing after me, I'm here?"

"Can't he sense my spatial fluctuation?"

While talking, she waved at Jiangnan, but unfortunately Jiangnan couldn't hear what she said.

Instead, he saw Qianben Sakura waving, and rushed towards this side with the saw blade in hand!

Qianbenzakura: (?????????????)?…

I'm afraid that there is some serious illness, and it will be fine if the cat stops, so why call him?

Apparently, Jiangnan regards the thousand cherry blossoms as a test product, and wants to further test the effect of the low-key sugar orange!

And the people in the room didn't notice the abnormality at all, everyone ate the Tangerine, so they didn't affect each other!

It's just that Jiangnan's performance was a little weird!

Only Xia Yao looked suspicious while chewing on an orange!


wrong! Something is wrong!

Xiao Nan disappeared for a day and a night for no reason, and when he came back, he carried a bag of sugar oranges and kept urging everyone to eat.

He doesn't eat a bite himself?

And when he just came back, he had a guilty expression, didn't he?

As a perennial victim of small props, Xia Yao was shocked.

Could this Tangerine be another snack with unknown side effects?

Xiao Nan used everyone as an experiment inappropriately again?

Suspicious Xia Yao suddenly felt that the oranges in her mouth were no longer fragrant.

Seeing the bag on the table, the Tangerines are all dazzled by everyone!

Xia Yao's forehead was sweating profusely, and she had a bad premonition in her heart!

And at this moment, bursts of hearty laughter came from outside the tent!

(?? ? ?) "Hahaha! What delicious food do you want to eat? I can smell the fragrance of sugar oranges from a long distance away. Is there still such a good thing hidden?"

I saw the three of Xiao Chuihuo, Odin and Miye walking in, with smiles on their faces!

Apparently it was a great day!

"Does anyone want the Daotian ten-star peak Lingzhu? How many can I arrange for you?"

"Huh? Why don't you talk?"

While speaking, he unceremoniously grabbed the sugar oranges in the bag and ate them!

Xia Yao immediately became furious, if these three eat it, if something goes wrong and she dies, if she wants to beat Xiaonan, there is no existence on Blue Star that can stop her?

Can't help but get up and hold down Xiao Chuihuo!

(???﹏??) "No...can't eat, this orange is poisonous!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was eating Zhengxiang froze, and then grinned!

(︶.?︶) "Hi~ Sister Yaoyao, your reason for protecting food is untenable~"

( ?????) "Oh~ she is a canine after all, she protects the food, please understand!"

Xia Yao: (?°??°?) Huh?

Xiao Chuihuo rolled his eyes: (??~??〃) "You little girl, why don't you open your mouth and say nothing? What's wrong with eating your orange? Grandpa, I'll exchange the Lingzhu with you!"

As she spoke, she took out a huge Lingzhu from her pocket and slapped it on the table, Xia Yao's eyes went straight!

An unexpected effort, Xiao Chuihuo has already opened the orange and ate it!

Odin and Mi Ye also started to build it!

"That's right, we've all fought hard all day, can't we just eat an orange and enjoy ourselves?"

Xia Yao's expression froze, Xiao Nan... I may not be able to save you.

And at this moment, I saw Qianbenying, who was pouting his mouth and looking like he was being bullied, returned to the camp!


"Yo~ Grandpa Xiao is back too?"

Xiao Chuihuo laughed loudly: "Where did you go yesterday? Why didn't you come back all night?"

The smile on Jiangnan's face froze instantly, because he was silent when he heard Xiao Chuihuo speak!

Good guy! These three are also recruited?

Looking at Xia Yao, I saw Xia Yao's face was full of resentment, and she spread her hands to express her powerlessness!

?( ?′~?`)?

Jiangnan was sweating profusely on his forehead, so he couldn't show his secrets, or his butt would bloom?

I can barely tell what everyone is talking about with their lips!

(?ˇ?ˇ??:) "Aha~ahhaha, I didn't do anything. Isn't this a search for supplies, and I went to get a bag of sugar oranges and came back?"

While speaking, his little hand stretched out like lightning, took away the peak Daotian-level Lingzhu on the table, and stuffed it directly into his own alien space!

('?w?)? "My God, who accidentally dropped such a big spirit bead on the table? I'm such a good picker!"

Everyone: (?~? )

You really know how to pick it up, why don't you pick it up in other people's pockets?

Jiang Nan quickly changed the subject: "Don't you have something serious to tell me? It just so happens that everyone is here, let's discuss it together!"

Qianben Sakura looked suspicious:

( ′???`) "I'm only telling you whoa!"

While talking, he stuck it to Jiangnan's ear, and there was a whisper of plotting!


"Got it~"

Jiangnan:! ! !

I can't hear anything. Hey!

"Liu Mang, get in touch!"

The corner of Liu Mang's mouth twitched, Brother Nan is really deaf, right?

So he directly opened a spiritual link for the two of them!

Qianbenying passed all the news she got to Jiangnan!

I saw that Jiangnan's expression became completely serious, and his eyes were filled with extremely suppressed excitement!

Did Cooper pass the news by letting Musashi pretend to be dead?

I was still thinking about how to contact him, who knew that the news would come over on my own initiative?

Tsk tsk tsk ~ Pyramid, black barrier? Alien technology of silicon-based machinery?

No wonder the global communication was interrupted. Was it really the fault of Sheng Xing?

This is really breaking news!

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "I should know how to restore Bluestar communication!"

Everyone's eyes lit up: "What's going on?"

Jiang Nan's expression sank: "Sacred Star built a black barrier in the Pyramid of Sand Country, and the energy wave enveloped the entire Blue Star!"

"That's why the Blue Star communication is paralyzed! If you want to break it, you can only find a way to get rid of the black barrier device!"

Xiao Chuihuo's eyes narrowed: "Is the news accurate? Don't be a hole dug by Sheng Xing!"

Jiang Nan nodded: "Absolutely accurate, but the information channel must be kept secret. Let's say that the scumbag predicted it in a dream, and it is enough to pass!"

"But such an important thing, the holy star must be protected!"

"Once we steal the tower with great fanfare, with the characteristics of the Bose body, it won't take long for everyone to rush over to support!"

"We don't know what other means of Shengxing are beyond our knowledge!"

"Once Karl is on guard and defends the black barrier device with all his strength, if we want to take it off guard and get rid of it, the chances are not great!"

At this moment, everyone began to brainstorm and come up with crazy ideas, and everyone was talking!

But for Jiangnan, the woolen voice can't be heard, and it was originally based on lip language to distinguish what everyone said!

But when there were too many people talking, Jiang Nan's reaction couldn't keep up!

I saw Jiang Nan's expression turned ruthless, you guys forced me to do this, and I must not reveal my secrets!

How long can I hide it for a while?

Burning blood? One thought of Shura! Concentrate on it!

In an instant, Jiangnan's blood mist was flying, his whole body was scorching hot, and the sound of his heartbeat exploded like a ghost howling!

The pupils rotated wildly, distinguishing what everyone said, and processing them intensively!

Before I knew the side effects of Tangerine, I wouldn't eat it if I was killed!

At this moment, everyone looked at the smoldering Jiangnan who was full of smoke, and they all looked horrified!

∑(°口°?) "Fuck, Nanshen, calm down, don't be impulsive, the meeting is in progress, the fight hasn't started yet, don't you need to start burning blood now?"

Σ(°Д°;) "What kind of suffocation is this for the child? Just talking about becoming a holy star, you are so excited?"

"Brother, is he so passionate? I'm on fire right now!"

Jiangnan: (???Yi????)

You can stop talking a few words, it is very tiring to tell what you are talking about?

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