Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1773 Is this a long dream?

It took a long time for the people who were thrown into a trance by Jiang Nan's killing force to get out of the fear!

Looking at Jiangnan who was lying on Zhong Yingxue's back, sleeping deeply, it was hard to imagine that this was the same person as the bloody monster just now!

In the blink of an eye, everyone had already returned to Jiangcheng!

All the people noticed Jiangnan who was carried back by Zhong Yingxue!

In addition to being grateful, it is shocking!

It's hard to imagine how Jiangnan survived the 168 hours of uninterrupted killing of spirit beasts for seven consecutive days!

Chop until you become unconscious, and you are exhausted, and you fall asleep on someone else's back!

That tired sleeping face with drooling looks extraordinarily handsome!

When even someone couldn't bear the emotions surging in their hearts, they shouted loudly:

?(??口??)? "Nanshin! I...uh~"

Before he finished yelling, the person next to him covered his mouth, stared and said:

( ?° Yi ?°) "Shhhhh! Why are you so blind? Keep your voice down!"

"Don't wake up Nanshen! He is very tired, let him have a good sleep!"

The brother kept nodding his head. At this moment, the whole Jiangcheng was extraordinarily quiet!

No one spoke, they just cast their gazes towards Jiangnan, the eyes are full of distress and pride!

It's like looking at your own child!

Although Jiangnan had no parents since he was a child, at this moment, in the hearts of the people of Jiangcheng, Jiangnan is like a child of this Jiangcheng.

He walked out from here and soared into the sky! Now I'm back here again, guarding Jiangcheng...

Zhong Yingxue just walked through the crowd with Jiang Nan on her back, following the route in her memory!

She wanted to carry Jiangnan back home to rest. In Jiangcheng, Jiangnan also had a villa.

Wherever they passed, the crowd silently moved out of the way and paid attention!

Zhong Yingxue said, "After Lan finishes collecting the spirit beads, Xingcheng will clean up the battlefield!"

"Then organize the people to board Xingcheng, prepare to transfer work, and send the people to Hongye Valley and Tianchi Lingxu to take refuge first!"

"Although Jiangcheng is relatively complete now, under such circumstances, it is no longer possible to stay there, and it will consume extra manpower to defend it any longer!"

"Let's go when everyone is ready. I'll take Xiao Nan to rest first. He's too tired..."

Qin Shou and Liu Ming nodded and took action one after another!

The entire transfer and evacuation work was quiet and scary, and the people in the whole city were tacitly cautious, trying not to make any noise!

Let Jiangnan sleep peacefully and have a good rest.

Relying on memory, Zhong Yingxue returned to the garden villa in Jiangcheng, but luckily it was not destroyed.

The original villa was destroyed, and this one was bought with the money from Odin when Victoria was captured!

The house book still had Mira's name written on it.

Push the door open and enter the house, everything is still as it is in memory!

Ever since Jiangnan and his party went to the Pioneer Academy in Rongcheng, they have never returned to this home.

Xia Yao quickly raised her hand: (?~?)? "Me! I'm going to boil water!"

While talking, she ran off to get busy, while Mira started cleaning the room.

In the bathroom, the steam was steaming, and the sound of rattling could be heard endlessly!

Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao were blushing and stripped off for Jiangnan, and threw them into the bathtub to wash for nothing!

Jiangnan's whole body seemed to be soaked in a blood vat and colored, and the water that came out was red!

It took several tanks of water to wash Xiangxiang!

The three of them squeezed into the bathtub, and Jiang Nan was tired enough, so he didn't wake up, otherwise, seeing this scene, the nosebleed must have flowed three meters away, right?

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue seemed to have seen some horrifying scene, her face was red and smoking, and she quickly turned her head away!

(?)﹏(ヾ) "Yao...Yaoyao! What are you doing? Stop playing! Be serious!"

I saw Xia Yao's face was astonished:

(? ???????)? "Oh ho ho~ Is it okay for Xiao Nan to fall asleep? It's amazing!"

Jiangnan: (??~??)~Zzz

Zhong Yingxue:! ! !

His face was blushing: (??﹏??) "Bah bah bah!"

Xia Yao had a smirk on her face, and then she seemed to think of something, her eyes lit up, and she quickly shook her head!

(?? .???) "Xuexue! A rare opportunity! Do you think we should take this opportunity~ huh?"

"Make Xiao Nan a little bit happier?"

As he spoke, he kept looking at Zhong Yingxue with an eager look on his face!

(?? .????)?

The expression on Zhong Yingxue's face became struggling, a little thinking, a little hesitant...

(???~??) "Also... let him go for now, I'm tired after chopping up the spirit beast for seven days, if... it's not good if I make him exhausted again!"

"If something goes wrong, it will be difficult!"

Xia Yao turned her head and thought about it, but also, for the sake of sustainable development in the future, she still can't just care about the day and night!

After cleaning Jiangnan, he carried him to the bed in his room, tucked him in the quilt and fell asleep.

Xia Yao took advantage of this time to run to meet his parents, while Zhong Yingxue was guarding Jiangnan in the room!

Although it was moving outside, the city was unbelievably quiet.

Regarding the Zhong family, Zhong Yingxue actually had complicated feelings, and even felt a little repulsive at first!

After all, it was adopted by the Zhong family, who separated himself from Xiao Nan, but he also lived in the Zhong family for five years.

The feelings are not deep, but there are.

Lan, who was digging the spirit beads outside, became more and more frightened. How many spirit beasts did Brother Jiang hack kill!

It's the first time I've dug Lingzhu until my hands are soft! Hey!

Lan digs in front, and Xing Cheng eats behind, it's not a waste at all!

It's still a meal ticket. I have prepared so many biscuit crumbs for Chengbao.


The sun shines on the room through the window, and shines on Jiangnan's face, and the flying dust in the air is reflected golden!

The whole room is filled with a warm smell.

Jiang Nan's eyelashes fluttered slightly, rubbing his eyes and opening his hazy sleepy eyes!

(? ?????) "Hmm~ the sun is shining on your face?"

Jiang Nan, who was gradually waking up, looked at the familiar furnishings in the room, the photo frame by the bed, the figure on the computer desk, and the comics on the bookshelf, and he was completely stunned!

∑(°口°?) "This... this dream of riding a horse is a bit long?"

In a daze, Jiangnan thought he had returned to the time before he went to Pioneer Academy.

Dazed for a while, I fell asleep and felt a sense of time travel, as if everything I experienced was a dream!

Until I saw Xingcheng's huge body that covered the sky and the sun in a city like ruins through the window!

Jiang Nan smiled wryly: "Is there a more real dream than this? If possible, I really hope that all this is just a dream..."

Looking down, I saw Zhong Yingxue half lying on her bedside and fell asleep, with a few strands of hair hanging down on her forehead, the sun reflected on her face, the beauty was indescribable and picturesque in every way!

She almost killed Jiang Nan, even when she fell asleep, Zhong Yingxue's little hand was still holding Jiang Nan's hand!

Jiang Nan smiled brightly, his eyes were full of tenderness, and then he sneaked around!


If I smacked quietly, no one would notice, right?

Just say boo!

Lifting up the broken hair in front of her forehead, pouted and imprinted a mouthful on Zhong Yingxue's forehead!

After the kiss, Jiang Nan's face was full of melting expressions, and he couldn't stop thinking about it!

( ??? ???) goose box ~

As if feeling unsatisfied, he changed his posture, lifted the quilt and leaned over to face Zhong Yingxue!

This time aiming at the mouth!

As a southerner, you must make progress! Damn!

However, when the kiss was about to arrive, the door was suddenly opened, and Xia Yao, who had just run back, appeared at the door with her eyes wide open!


Jiang Nan froze immediately, with a look of horror, and looked down at himself!


There is simply nothing outside the body!

Depend on! Where did my clothes go? This... This action is easy to be misunderstood, isn't it?

Xia Yao's face instantly became funny!


The door closed slowly, leaving only a crack!

Then a thumbs up gradually came in, as if cheering for Jiangnan!

Immediately, the thumbs and fingers changed again, turning into unspeakable strange gestures, moving around!

Jiangnan: Pfft~(?ε??)

What the hell! You can no longer play this gesture, hey!

I heard Lan's voice coming from outside the door!

(??????)? "Brother Jiangnan! The Lingzhu is finished, and the hair is gone~ The people outside have also transferred to Xing Cheng, so they can grow thick hair!"

"Hey sister Yaoyao? Why are you lying at the door? The laughter is so strange!"

Jiangnan:! ! !

Jiang Nan took out a set of clothes from the alien space and changed into them!

Zhong Yingxue also woke up in a daze, her arms were numb from the pressure!

(? ?? ? ??) "Hmm~ Can we go now? Xiao Nan woke up, did you get enough sleep?"

Jiang Nan's eyes dodged, as if he had done something wrong, sweating profusely on his forehead:

(¬?¬?) "Full...full, ahaha~"

The door opened, Lan and Xia Yao walked in!

Xia Yao laughed straight: (?????) "Are you really full? I think it's... huh~"

Before she finished speaking, Jiang Nan rushed over and covered her mouth, so she couldn't speak!

Zhong Yingxue saw that Jiangnan looked full of energy again, and all the worries in her heart were gone!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened suddenly: "Hiss~ Xingyao San? Have you taken urea? Are you rising so fast?"

Xia Yao put a fork on her waist, showing off all over her face:

(︶?︶?) "Then look at it? Didn't Xingyaosan or something casually get on?"

A few people were joking and squabbling out of the villa!

Lan's harvest is indeed quite a lot, only a few tons of Lingzhu, and 4 Dao Dzi!

Jiang Nan didn't want it either, but gave Lan the hard work of several hundred catties of Lingzhu!

Xing Cheng carried all the people on his back and was ready to set off. Jiang Nan and his party stood in front of the villa full of emotion!

Xia Yao murmured, "If I leave this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to return to this home again!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "How could it be! Wouldn't it be better to take it away? Who said that real estate cannot be moved?"

With a wave of Jiangnan's hand, a space barrier was formed, and he shoveled directly into the ground!

Shovel up the entire garden villa and the surrounding land!

As soon as the alien space was opened, the villa was put in with the space barrier supporting it!

Xia Yao opened her mouth wide: ∑(°口°?) "Are you really a shovel?"

Is it okay to take away the house together?

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