Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1735 Shall I Kill Someone First?

Qin Shou's three brothers were all very excited, whether Cong Jian should be so fierce or not!

Did you really get over your addiction this time?

While the chopped green onions are flying, they are chopping harder one by one!

Fakawei also blew up, thinking that Jiangnan was fooling people, who knew that this broken onion could really slash sword energy?

The Daotian Baxing Cooper should have killed the Quartet, but he was chopped into a bunch of rats by his own onion sword!

Qin Shi Liu Mang and the others all became automatic sword energy transmitters!

Cut the map into pieces like a matcha cake!

And Jiang Nan was not idle, and directly used the void black hole!

Dazed to tear the space into a thousand-meter-large hole, bursting out infinite suction, sucking the dead energy in the kingdom of the dead!

The condensed black beads are as big as a bowling ball!

Grabbed by Jiangnan, he threw it wildly towards Cooper!


"Heavy bones? Crit bowling ball!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Eight consecutive sound bursts came out, and the bowling ball slammed fiercely at Cooper like a fired shell!

But it was easily dodged by Cooper!

"Pfft~ Calling a skill name? I thought it was so tall, isn't it just throwing stones?"

"You don't think you can solve me in this way, do you?"

However, Jiangnan didn't stop at all, throwing black beads at Cooper crazily, but Cooper avoided them all!

Cooper frowned, throwing stones?

Um? What stone did he throw at me?

The next moment, Cooper's face changed suddenly, and he was about to hide aside, and a crit bowling ball had already flown to his side!

Jiang Nan smiled grimly: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Swap!"

In an instant, the bowling ball beside Cooper disappeared, replaced by Xing Cheng who was guarding the goal in the distance!

Under the erosion of death energy, I can't get close to you and leave a mark on you!

Wouldn't it be good for me to throw the mark over there?

In the black bead thrown out, Jiangnan had already imprinted it, but how could Jiangnan not keep Xingcheng?

As soon as Xing Cheng came over, he looked at Cooper with disgust in his eyes, and he didn't intend to launch the macrophage!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Rare opportunity, don't let it go to waste!

(?? Mouth?)? "Chengbao! Eat him! I'll reward you with fragrant pearls later?"

When Xing Cheng heard this, why would he hesitate? If you can eat fragrant pearls, it’s okay to eat a bad shrimp cracker, right?

I saw that Xingcheng launched the giant phage in an instant, the space collapsed, and the dead energy around him was even swept away in a blink of an eye!

Even the sword qi that cuts past will be taken as it is!

No matter how fast Cooper ran, he never ran past the giant phage, his body was crushed by the collapsed space, as if he had fallen into a meat grinder!

Jiangnan rushed over with a teleport of a mark, but Xing Cheng couldn't let Cooper eat him up, he had to take this opportunity to pull out Mirage's distraction!

The space wormhole unfolded in an instant, and the small Jiangnan cupping can directly rushed to Cooper's head and pressed the melon seeds!

Cooper:! ! !

[Resentment value from mirage +1003! ]

"The dead are reincarnated!"

The moment the small Jiangnan cupping pot was about to fall on Cooper, his remaining body exploded into endless death, collapsing everywhere!

The small cupping pot fell through again, and all the rest went into Xing Cheng's stomach!

And in a Bone Legion in the distance, surging death energy gushed out from it, reshaping the body, and it became Cooper in a blink of an eye!

As a result, the level of Daotian eight stars dropped by one star, leaving only seven stars, and the breath also weakened!

The corners of Jiangnan's eyes twitched, is this all right? Depend on!

Cooper knows a lot of work? Dao Tian Ba ​​is really not easy to do!

And Xing Cheng, who swallowed the stinky shrimp sticks, stuck out his tongue with a disgusted face, and then opened his mouth expectantly towards Jiangnan!

(? ????w????)? "Cheng Baoer wants to eat fragrant pearls!"

Jiang Nan's expression froze, then he fondled Xing Cheng's little head and grinned!

(??????)? "Xiao Xingcheng! I was lying just now, making you think that I will give you food, but I won't actually give you food!"

"Society is very simple! People are the ones who are complicated! Don't be deceived again! The more handsome the southerners are, the more they will deceive others. I am teaching you how to grow up?"

The smile on Xing Cheng's face disappeared, and his eyes gradually became angry!


Xia Yao in the distance didn't even notice, Cheng Bao is so cute, how could you have the heart to lie to her? Even boasted about himself?

Xiao Nan really belongs to the devil!

However, seeing that Xingcheng's eyes were wrong, Jiangnan gradually aimed at his own head, and couldn't help sweating profusely on his forehead!

(??ˇ?ˇ??:) "I won't give you the fragrant pearls, but there are still square... square bricks?"

While speaking, he took out a brick of origin, Xingcheng opened his mouth wide, and bit down, even biting Jiangnan's hand!

Bite so bloody!

(??? ~??)? "You are bad! Ignore it! Bah~"

As he said that, he walked towards the mist of space angrily, obviously still thinking about the automatic feeding machine!

Jiang Nan swallowed, why does Xing Cheng seem to have become smarter, is it easier to fool around than before?

And Cooper in the distance is full of fear!

Stepping on mua's! Relying on Cooper's ability alone, it may be a bit difficult for them to win Jiangnan!

Not only the bug girl, but also the onion sword!

It seems that we can only use up the onion sword first?

And Jiang Nan was also thinking about how to keep Cooper at the same time, kill Mirage's distraction, and trick him again!

It seems that the unlucky time of this product has not passed yet, right?

The angry Xing Cheng had just returned to the space fog, at this moment!

Violent space fluctuations came!

I saw Rhea suddenly appearing with super muscular giant soldiers composed of thugs!

The 10,000-meter giant body of the Giant God Soldier was so shocking that Xingcheng almost burst out!


What a big spicy stick, it’s still a feeding machine!

Immediately launch the macrophage!

The mob blew up in an instant: "Be careful! There are sisters blocking the door!"

However, Goose Ruiya immediately locked on to the towering Pillar of Absolute Spirit!

Eyes full of joy, did you finally let yourself find it?

But the aura emanating from the Pillar of Absolute Spirit made her tremble, and subconsciously looked around the battlefield!

So I saw Jiangnan and the others, as well as Cooper!

Did they really take the lead? damn it! Even sent Cooper to support?

During the moon counterattack, Cooper's outstanding performance caused a lot of trouble for Sheng Xing, how could she not know him?

The one-horned blood light above her head is extremely dim, and it won't be long before she reproduces the Jiangnan ability!

Solve the most difficult one first, make the best use of everything, and then slowly study the matter of pulling out the Pillar of Absolute Spirit!

"You solve it yourself first, I don't have time, I'll kill someone first!"

While speaking, his body suddenly disappeared in place!

Colossus: ( ??mouth?? )? ? ?

There is no time for anything, I can solve it myself?

You run and bring me one, you?

Under the giant phagocytosis, the giant god soldier let out a terrifying scream!

Half of his body was ruthlessly eaten off by Xing Cheng!

The remaining half fell to the ground, and the paralyzed Solomon tied at the back of the neck was exposed!

Leng is relying on its huge size to let half of its body rush out of the range of the giant phagocytic!

It hit the ground heavily, and as soon as it landed, the only remaining arm crazily planed the ground, like a propeller on dry land, dragging its huge body wildly!

?(?Yi︴"Don't come here on horseback!"

And Xing Cheng is also in a hurry, can you run away with the spicy strips on his lips?

So I drove the giant soldiers to eat!

Jiang Nan's heart sank when he saw Ruiya and the thugs coming, he directly took out the God Killing Saber, and was even ready to fight Ruiya again!

But I haven't waited for Jiangnan to drink the tears of the gods!

Rhea rushed straight to Cooper without saying a word!

Cooper was also very pleasantly surprised to see Rhea. Didn't he find an organization?

With the help of Shengxing, I don't have to worry about not getting my body back!

(#???)? "Just in time! I..."

Before he finished speaking, Rhea said ferociously:

(? °? Yi °?) "Anyone who stands in the way of my holy star plan! Die!"

"Splitting Void Saw Blade!"

The oversized saw blade slammed down on the head, and Cooper's eyes widened, and he was stunned!

"No! What are you doing? I..."

Ruiya said angrily: (?°?口°?) "Don't say any more, it's useless to say anything now! Being a backer for Jiangnan? There is only one dead end!"

"Sorry! You are on the wrong team and want to stall for time until I exhaust my abilities? Do you think I will give you this chance?"

"Void black hole hole! Space barrier cut! Chain restraint, wormhole cut! Ola Ola Ola~"

While talking, he also made a move, frantically throwing big moves, without wasting a second!

The ability of the Jiangnan space system that she reproduced is about to disappear, so if you say anything, you must take Cooper down first!

Cooper was directly stunned by this series of attacks, and was so beaten that he couldn't even finish a sentence!

The violent space blade chopped up all the surrounding space, and there are hideous space cracks everywhere!

Extreme output!

At this moment, everyone under the spell turned into petrification. Watching Rhea beating Cooper madly, their eyelids twitched!

(?? д ??(???*(?д?(°Д°ノ)ノ

Jiang Nan scratched his head, his face full of embarrassment!

?( ?????)

Shall I remind Rhea that Cooper is not on our side yet?

When you came up, you couldn't help but beat your own people up?

The co-author Rhea didn't know that Cooper was given to Yushen by Mirage, but she thought Cooper was from the Jiangnan side?

As everyone knows, Mirage's distraction has never contacted Shengxing since he took control of Cooper!

How did Rhea know about this? Of course the toughest ones must be tackled first!

Can this Cooper really be said to be unlucky?

Cooper was going crazy, wandering on the edge of life and death, cursing angrily:

(#)??口??(#) "I'm suffocating! My own people! I! Mirage! Mirage!"

Ruiya stared: "Kidney, you mua! It's your kidney that I'm cracking! Go to hell!"

Cooper:! ! !

(?′? Yi?)? "It's not the inner kidney! I'm the mirage of the chaotic body! Cooper is not Cooper! I've been mastered by me! I..."

Ruiya was very angry: "You fart! You still want to mess with my Dao heart now? You have died a long time ago, you god of farts? Do you think I am so easy to deceive?"

Cooper said anxiously: "Not dead! I was distracted! Am I with you? I was still in the south of the Yangtze River just now! You hit him, you! Hit me and fuck your sister!"

"Trust me! Trust me, you!"

It's really bad luck. I thought I could borrow the light of the holy star, but who knew that the one who came up without any reason gave me a hammer?

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