Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1733 Adding One Achievement

Jiang Nan smiled kindly and came to Cooper in no time!

( ?° ?? ?°)? "Iron Juice! Didn't you also come to support us? It wouldn't be too much to charge us a hundred million Onion Swords, right?"

Daotian Eight Stars~ Chong's Onion Sword must be particularly good at fighting!

Cooper:! ! !

Sure enough! This guy is holding back my fart!

His eyes flickered and he said:

(乛?乛?) "I...I'll forget it? I can't dance, and I have special abilities, so I can't fill the onions..."

However, Jiang Nan looked serious: "I said you can and you can! To be a man, you must believe in your own possibilities!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Nan's eyes flickered: "If you don't even do this little favor, you don't treat us as your own?"

Cooper's heart tightened, and then he smiled helplessly: "Ha~ What is Nan Shen talking about? They are brothers who lived and died together, and shared weal and woe. Of course they are our own?"

"It's just that I, an old man, really can't get rid of this face, can't afford to lose this person, me?"

Jiang Nan stuffed two green onion swords into Cooper's hands!

(??????) "What are you afraid of? Aren't you the only one who is ashamed? Isn't there someone else to accompany you?"

As he said that, he raised his eyebrows at Fakawei!

[The resentment value from Vivienne +1001! ]

[From Vivienne…]

You also know how embarrassing you are?

?(??﹏.?)? " spiritual power is not enough, can I rest..."

Jiang Nan glared: (??? Mouth??)? "What's the rest? Isn't the ground full of pulp? Eat whatever you want! Don't stop until you fill up the mountain of green onions today!"

[The resentment value from Vivienne +1003! ]

You can be a person!

Cooper's face became even darker. Even if he said he would break the sky today, he would have to dance?

In order to better gain trust, I have worked hard!

[Resentment value from mirage +1000! ]

So I jumped up with two green onion swords, but the movements were much stiffer, but at least it could charge the green onion swords!

Jiang Nan looked at Cooper's expression unchanged, still smiling, and stepped forward to pat him on the shoulder!

(?⌒?⌒) "Good job!"

Qin Shou and the others on the side couldn't wait to go forward and hand the green onion to Cooper!

Passing and receiving at the same time, the three brothers Qin Shou have an almost morbid obsession with Cong Jian!

Liu Lailai once hanged and beat him with wicker sticks for stealing shallots. This time, no matter what he said, he had to experience the feeling of cutting out sword energy with shallots!

???(??????)っ[]? "噗~"

Xia Yao couldn't help laughing out loud, she quickly turned her head away, took out her mobile phone and kept taking pictures!

Zhong Yingxue's suffocated shoulders trembled, and the corners of Shanmao's eyes twitched watching Cooper's moving dance!

A majestic eight-star Daotian powerhouse danced with a full face of aggrieved onion. I'm afraid you won't see this scene in other places!

Cooper asked urgently: ?(??Yi?)? "Is she kidding me? Still laughing! You still caught it? I won't dance!"

Xia Yao shook her head like a rattle:

??(???*) "No, no, I didn't laugh at you, I just remembered some happy things!"

Cooper:! ! !

Isn't stepping on the horse laughing at me?

I'm here to make cupping pots, why is Temiao pulled over and used as a tool to dance here?

Jiangnan watched Cooper's eyes flicker!

All the resentment points of Mirage were brushed out several times, but none of the ones belonging to Cooper?

If it was a coincidence at the beginning, it might have been the mirage itself that was drawn out of the small cupping pot!

But it can't be a coincidence again and again!

Jiangnan's little brain is running wildly, and he and Cooper are not familiar enough to let him take the risk to help, right?

Reminiscent of the previous Saint Star Slashing Dao plan, Cooper also proposed to Yang Jian to come and protect himself!

It may look nothing at first glance, but now it looks very suspicious!

Cooper is here for me!

Is it possible to be possessed by a mirage? The chaotic body can control the gods!

During the moon counterattack, Cooper had a direct confrontation with Mirage, and Cooper was even stepped on the head by Mirage!

Was it when he was possessed?

Because the main body was later pulled out by himself, so he wanted to approach himself as Cooper and regain the main body?

Otherwise, why is there no Cooper's resentment value, all mirages?

Otherwise it doesn't make sense!

Jiang Nan laughed straight: (???????‵) "Look what other treasures I can use?"

While speaking, he directly opened his own alien space to look around, there was a burst of pulling, the cupping pot hit, and it made a jingling sound!

Cooper's attention was immediately attracted, he was so eager, even his dancing posture became a little stiff!

Seeing Jiangnan looking back, Cooper quickly retracted his gaze, showing a reluctant expression!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Mua's! Almost sure!

Cooper has a problem, and there is a high probability that he will be possessed by a mirage!

It looks like that Solomon, not the original!

Damn it, Cooper is so strong that he fell, and the main body can still make trouble after being sucked into the small cupping pot?

How much did he know during this time? If it weren't for the system baby's ability to detect the value of resentment, this wave might really fall into his hands!

Of course, all of this is my own guesswork, and I can't be 100% sure, and Jiang Nan didn't expose him on the spot!

Why don't you let him fill himself with some onion sword? Anyway, he's still acting, let's squeeze out his surplus value first!

And this guy's unlucky time hasn't passed yet, so wait until it's almost time to get him!

It's just this Tianba! A bit awkward? And Cooper can't be spoiled by the game, otherwise the human camp will lose a great general!

In the blink of an eye, more than two hours passed, and the recharged Onion Swords had piled up like a mountain. Every half an hour, Jiangnan replenished the curse array with Didivo!

Everyone has hundreds of onion swords glowing green on their backs!

Fakawei lost a lot of weight and couldn't dance anymore. She threw up and danced. I'm afraid I don't want to eat durian in my life!

?(????.???)? "Hey! Nanshin! Papa Nan! Is it almost enough? I really can't charge it anymore?"

There was already a little pleading in the words, but Jiang Nan ignored it at all, but grinned, got up and came to Cooper!

Just in case, it's better to test it. After all, I made up my own brain. If there is no such thing, wouldn't it hurt Cooper's heart?

( ?° ? ?°) "Ahem, are you tired?"

Cooper rolled his eyes speechlessly: "You said..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiangnan made an instant move, burning blood? One thought of Asura, plus heavy bones? Absolutely flash!

He even used the force method of the whirlwind big B pocket, and slapped Cooper on the face with a slap!

He knocked Cooper's head to one side, his face was in hot pain, and the crisp sound of "snap" echoed!

(?°?д°?)?(#)??3??) Poof~

At this moment, everyone looked at this scene in horror, Qin Shou and the others almost stared out their eyes!

(?? д ???)!!! Damn wow!

When Nanshen went up, he gave Daotian eight-star powerhouse a big mouth!

This... is this too brave?

Cooper was stunned, and then his eyes were full of anger!

(?)?Yi?) "Why are you beating me?"

[Resentment value from mirage +1003! ]

Jiang Nan shrugged: ?( ?′??`)? "Oh~ nothing! You have mosquitos on your face!"

Cooper:! ! !

(?)`依`) "Fart! You fart! Where are the mosquitoes on this horse? Does it take so much force to beat a mosquito?"

"You can kill Xingyao with that slap just now! You just want to hit me, you, I..."

Before he could finish speaking, the little mazar smashed out like lightning, and slammed on Cooper's forehead, and the bright red blood came out in a flash!


[Resentment value from mirage +1003! ]

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes: (?????) "You're pretty smart, I just want to hit you! Blue Star Daotian Opening Scoop King Achievement +1!"

Fakawei on the side is almost crying, isn't she? Is Nan Shen so fierce?


If the dancing moves are not standard, will you be beaten if you are lazy and fish for something?

He must be killing Ku Jingwei, right?

Maybe it will come to open a ladle for me in a while!

The frightened Fakawei danced the green onion dance even more vigorously, and Li's father shouted with tears in his voice!

[from mirage...]

Cooper was completely angry, and the clay figurine was still angry, this guy was here to find fault!

"You think I'm a bully, don't you? Open me up? I just..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Nan said lightly: "Swap!"

In the next moment, Lan and Cooper suddenly switched positions!

I saw Cooper instantly appearing on a square picnic cloth!

Meera and Lan were sitting here having a picnic!

And the moment Cooper appeared, Mira's whole body was full of aura, and golden light bloomed!

At the same time, Zhong Yingxue and Shanmao on the side all burst into flames in an instant!

Even Da Lang Mie rushed forward!

And the ground is not a picnic cloth at all, but a spread!

The picnic or something is just Jiangnan's disguise to make it all look less out of place!

In an instant, Jiangnan stuck out a small leather whip, holding more than twenty small cupping cans on it, and he was going to give Cooper a full back!

This is a dead end, Jiangnan dug a huge hole for Daotian Baxing!

On the floor, Jiangnan is invincible!

"Mark teleport!"

And Cooper's reaction was not unpleasant. The moment Jiangnan took out the small cupping can, he knew he was exposed!

Seeing that Mira's time still field is about to be released!

Energy blast!

In an instant, a ripple of energy rushed out of Cooper's body!

Everyone's skills were interrupted, their spiritual power exploded uncontrollably, and blood exploded all over their bodies!

Jiang Nan even fell out of the void, the mark teleportation failed, and his spiritual power was out of control!

Didn't even enter the spread range!

On the contrary, Jiangnan reacted very quickly, holding on to his body that was blasted into a sieve by the out-of-control spiritual power, and cast the mark teleport again!

Back on the floor spread, just about to make a shot, but Cooper has already rushed out of the spread!

Filled with lifeless energy, he rushed straight to the Pillar of Absolute Spirit in the center of the curse array!

Jiangnan:! ! !

This guy's skill release speed is too fast, Mira is not as fast as him!

And it's not Cooper's skill at all, but belongs to the Chaos Body!

I was not on the floor spread just now, but he released his skills! Even caused spiritual power to go out of control?

Jiang Nan's eyes instantly fell on Liu Mang!

Liu Mang closed his eyes, and suddenly a dazzling golden light appeared!

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