Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1731 She's just a child?

Cooper yelled in horror, why did I have to face the meat grinder just after I found the Lingxu of the First Realm?

Isn't it lucky?

This is not right, is it?

Is this a star devouring giant worm? How could it be in human form? Damn!

?(′?口?)? "Ahh! Don't eat! Don't eat me! I'm my own! We saw it during the moon counterattack!"

"The alliance sent me to support here! Shut up! Shut up, you!"

"Live to die!"

In the blink of an eye, Cooper's body burst out with a strong sense of death, and he turned into a zombie-like existence!

However, Xing Cheng completely ignored it, this shrimp cracker can be called out, right?

I just don't know what it tastes like!

In the blink of an eye, Cooper's lower body was crushed, and Xing Cheng's mouth was like a meat grinder!

Even if it is the space system of Jiangnan, within the range of the giant phage, it is difficult to escape with teleportation!

Not to mention Cooper, high level is useless!

Naturally, Mira and Lan also noticed Cooper, and couldn't help being confused!


Did someone from above send support? Do you remember which vice president he came from?

He was quite heroic in the counterattack!

Mira hurriedly greeted: (???)? "Xingcheng! Stop! This shrimp cracker is not edible, it belongs to our own people!"

Xing Cheng frowned, his face full of confusion, why can't he eat again?


But the next moment, her expression became disgusted, she terminated the macrophage, and spat Cooper aside!

?*??* spit~(乛ε乛;)

At this moment, amidst Cooper's screams, he was strangled above the sternum!

Everything below the chest was crushed, and he lay on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up!

I saw Xing Cheng spitting violently to the side, spitting Cooper's scum aside. It's full of broken bones and rotten flesh!

(??????) "Voom ~ it's really unpalatable! Drink ~ pee pee pee!"

After a while of dry vomiting and saliva, he spit out his tongue and wiped it with his small hands, his eyes were full of disgust!

(乛盘乛?) Tsk~

Cooper gritted his teeth tightly. It's okay to eat me, but he hates it too much?

My sister has you doing this!

Even if you spit it out, I can't use it anymore?

Putting it on other Daotian, I'm afraid he would have died long ago?

Fortunately, this body knows some unique skills!

I saw Mira and Lan looking at 0.33 Cooper sweating profusely on their foreheads, with a guilty expression of having done something wrong!

(??????????) "No... I'm sorry, I ate the wrong person. Is he here to help Brother Jiangnan? Just wait here, he hasn't come yet!"

Cooper hammered the ground indignantly:


"You can't do that, can you? We are comrades on the same front!"

Lan pulled Lamila's sleeve and said weakly:

(??~???) "Sister Mira? about you treat him? I think he is quite miserable!"

Mira sympathized: (?ˇ~ˇ?) "Isn't it cured? Isn't he still dead? I don't know him well~"

For strangers, Mira has always been indifferent!

Cooper has a dark face, you call this not dead? Already dead! Hey!

But still under the effect of dead energy, the shattered lower body gradually recovered...

While recovering from that rattling, Xing Cheng became more and more angry as he thought about it, and rushed directly to Cooper!


Cooper looked up at Xing Cheng and swallowed:

(????????) "You... what are you doing?"

Without further ado, Xingcheng kicked Cooper directly on the head. With a football kick, under the shocked eyes of Mira and Lan, Cooper was kicked into the abyss!

The bridge of the nose is broken!

(.?`~′?) "Bah! Unpalatable! Smelly stuff!"

Mira: (?)﹏(ヾ)

How disgusted is Cheng Bao? Hey, he kicked him even if he spit it out?

Just like Master Pei can't conquer preserved eggs, is there anything Xing Cheng can't eat?

Cooper held his nose, eyes full of anger!

(;′?????`) "It's been said that they are reinforcements from the United Front, why do you still..."

Mira hurried forward to hold Xing Cheng, with an apologetic expression on her face!

(??????) "I'm sorry, my Chengbao is still a child. She is young and sensible. You won't make things difficult for children, will you?"

Cooper:? ? ?

He couldn't help but looked at Mira with a dazed expression. You are only eleven or twelve years old, and the eating girl is obviously in her twenties!

You have the nerve to say she is a child?

You are right?

But in order to integrate into the team as soon as possible and gain trust, Cooper can only bear it temporarily!

But he didn't dare to get too close to a few people, but hid aside and recovered slowly, his eyes flickering!

See Lao Tzu endure the humiliation, break into the enemy's interior, then regain his body, and go to the pinnacle of life!

At this moment, the space gate fluctuated again, and thousands of muscular giant beasts rushed out of it!

Xing Cheng's eyes brightened, she opened her mouth wide and devoured it, the parasite was useless to her!

As long as it is eaten into the mouth, whether it is matter or energy, it will be refined and decomposed into the most primitive energy!

But Cooper's pupils shrank!

Fuck? Parasite? What the hell, how could there be parasites on the blue star?

I secretly brought one over with the body of the ebony tribe, is it not dead? Is this a thug?

Cooper's eyes couldn't help flickering, damn it, made him stand up?

Immediately, he turned his head and glanced at the Pillar of Absolute Spirit in the distance, and flew towards that side amidst the dead air!

Ke Lan's gaze locked onto Cooper in an instant!

With a small hand raised: "Space Rubik's Cube!"

In an instant, Cooper shifted shape and came to Lan!

I saw the glass-colored light above Lan's head shining brightly, and a swipe of his small hand directly tore a space crack, his eyes were full of vigilance!

(???~??) "What were you going to do in the past?"

Mira's expression also turned cold, and her body was filled with aura!

Cooper was sweating profusely on his forehead, and the corners of his eyes twitched as he watched the crack in the space behind him. Is it really a set?

(¬?¬?) "Don't...don't be nervous, aren't you going to protect the Pillar of Absolute Spirit? I think I shouldn't be idle here, go and deploy defense first!"

"In this way, it can increase the success rate of defending!"

Lan shook his head, eyes full of vigilance:

(?~? ) "No need, we can defend ourselves, you'd better not leave our line of sight!"

"Wait for Brother Jiangnan to come over and he decides what to do, otherwise you'd better leave!"

Lan's experience since she was a child made her not trust anyone easily! Because she has been cheated more than once, this vigilance is almost instinctive!

The Pillar of Absolute Spirit is so important, Lan will not let an ignorant person approach at will!

Mira smiled: (????) "You'd better cooperate and don't doubt our ability!"

"Whether it's throwing you into the gap between dimensions or killing you, we can do it, it's just a matter of how much you pay, you can't run or hide!"

Mira, who has a moment of time, naturally has the confidence to say this!

Cooper's face turned dark. Are these two little girls threatening an Eight-Star Daotian?

Although the smile on his face is very healing, but the words he said are murderous!

But he still grinned: "Don't... don't be nervous! It's right to be more vigilant, you guys are awesome!"

"Since you don't want me to approach, then I won't approach, just wait for Jiangnan to come over, and you will know that I am a good person!"

Only then did Lan retract the space crack, but his eyes still fell on Cooper from time to time and kept peeking!


Cooper was indignant, why are these two brats so vigilant?

There is no chance to do some tricks, and I still think that when the time comes, I will threaten Jiangnan with the Pillar of Absolute Spirit and hand over the body!

Just to see if there is any chance!

What followed was a period of waiting. It started to rain, and Cooper was naturally going to be struck by lightning!

The eyelids of Mira and the others twitched. Why does he look a little unlucky?

And during this period, Xingcheng ate up several waves of mercenaries and muscular monsters who tried to enter the initial realm of Lingxu!

Except for putting Cooper in, so far none of them have managed to get in, and they all went into Xingcheng's belly!

At this moment, the space fog fluctuated violently, and a harsh buzzing sound came!

A death off-roader rushed in directly!

Qin Shou laughed loudly: "I'll tell you! Let's say it belongs to Nanshenfang, right? Once the bad luck passes, won't this be found right away?"

Jiang Nan stared: (*???)!! "I'm so good! Is it such a big one? Hey hey hey~"

In the next moment, the whole car fell towards Xing Cheng's mouth uncontrollably, under the pressure of the space, it was about to disintegrate!

The startled Jiangnan widened his eyes:

∑(°口°?) "Cheng Baoer! Shut up, you!"

Why did she come here first! And still guarding the space door to eat?

How can you do this, you?

When Xing Cheng saw that it was Jiangnan, he would not eat again, so he quickly shut up, after all, she still recognized the long-term meal ticket!

Even Cooper is confused, why do you have cars? What kind of skill is this?

It doesn't matter if you have a car, why is there someone tied to the front of the car?

Although Xingcheng didn't swallow it anymore, the death cross country was still crushed and disintegrated!

Cooper felt a huge shadow falling towards him!

=????=????(?口? |||) "Hey~ don't don't!"


The death cross-country directly hit Cooper's body, the wheel made of the saw blade disintegrated instantly, and the infinite space blade was thrown everywhere!

The startled Jiangnan hurriedly hugged his head to defend, but this time, none of the space blades fell on him!

Instead, it looked like it had eyes, and slashed at the mirage that was crushed under the car!

(;#′???口??`) "Howling~howling~"

Even if I'm dead, I can't bear this huh huh?

[Resentment value from mirage +1003! ]


When Mira and Lan saw Jiangnan coming, they all smiled and rushed towards Jiangnan like swallows returning to their nests!

Slam into his arms!

─=≡Σ((( つ?????)つ

???(?????? ????)???

"Brother Jiangnan ~ Hug!"

Jiang Nan's mouth was almost cracked to the base of his ears, and he hugged the two little girls in his arms!

"Haha! My brother is here! By the way, how did you find the Lingxu in the first stage? Faster than me?"

Cooper:! ! !

Can you go to another place to talk about the old days? You stepped on my head!

[Resentment value from mirage +777! ]

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