Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1727 You can always trust Huaxia

And as China's highest red alarm sounded, a large transfer across the territory began!

The Internet was completely blown up, the server on the International Toutiao website crashed several times, and the posts went crazy.

"Global spiritual disasters? True or false! My family has already begun to have spiritual forces involved, and the organization has been transferred!"

"Nonsense! Could it be a fake? All major cities are taking action? Compared with the scale of this time in Xijiang, it is simply too childish!"

"Why is it now? I'm out of town, and my wife, children, and mother are all in my hometown. I'm so worried about them. I want to go home! It's not over yet!"

"This reminds me of the chaos of spiritual disaster more than 20 years ago. Is there another global spiritual disaster now? What will happen in the future?"

The post is full of discussions about Huaxia's large-scale transfer operation, and panic is everywhere!

No one knows what the future will hold, and in this situation, not being able to reunite with loved ones is undoubtedly the most unreliable!

There are also replies from foreign netizens!

"Fuck! Is Huaxia crazy? It's not enough? Do you want to make such a big move? It's a bit of a big deal, right?"

"What the hell are you talking about global spiritual disasters? How can Huaxia be sure? What are you doing with such a big fanfare? Why is there no news from my side?"

There is everything on the Internet, there are those who question it, and even conspiracy theorists are spouting everywhere!

However, the transfer operation in Huaxia is still proceeding in an orderly manner!

All on-the-job firefighters, security guards, and public officials at all levels were dispatched to organize the transfer of a large number of people!

All the people within the city are moving towards the nearest Lingxu shelter!

As for the rural towns and counties that cannot be covered, the Spark Project some time ago also built a sufficient number of underground shelters in various places, which can provide shelter and living conditions!

But such a large-scale and huge transfer operation can be said to be the first time in human history!

The cars on the street were blocked into a long queue, and the dark sea of ​​people lined up to fill the sight!

Conflicts and curses abound, and some even take the opportunity to cause chaos, not a few!

There is panic everywhere and confusion about the future!

What will this world look like?

And at this moment, all mobile phones, TVs, shopping mall screens and other equipment received a video signal!

It is from the headquarters of the Lingwu Force in Kyoto!

In the screen, Di Rui's figure appeared, the location of the live broadcast was not a formal occasion, but the hut in the courtyard!

You can even see the sand table on the desk!

At this moment, the people all looked at the person in the picture in astonishment, how could they not recognize him!

This is Commander Di!

I saw Di Rui leaning on the desk with both hands, with a solemn expression!

"I know, everyone will feel panic and worry when they receive the transfer notice! But don't be afraid!"

"More than 20 years ago, the spiritual energy of the blue star was revived, and mankind suffered an unprecedented disaster! The spiritual disaster that raged for five years was the darkest moment of mankind, but we still survived tenaciously!"

"And it has been going all the way so far! But now, the spiritual disaster is coming again, sweeping the world! But human beings are no longer powerless, no longer weak! The accumulation of so many years has given us the ability to move mountains and fill seas! Fight against the sky! Even ignite the moon! energy!"

"Then this time! Why can't we?"

Every word and sentence, with a strong voice, makes people feel at ease inexplicably, and ignites hope!

Di Rui continued: "The sun will rise as usual, and tomorrow will still come! The future is still promising!"

"Now, there are soldiers rushing to the forefront, doing everything they can to delay the time for the full-scale eruption of the spiritual disaster, and buy everyone the most precious transfer time!"

"Every minute and every second is precious. I hope that everyone will put their own safety first, obey the arrangement, and move to the shelter as soon as possible!"

"The people are here! Huaxia is here! You can always believe in Huaxia! Believe in the motherland!"

The video was played over and over again, and the panic that was permeating everywhere was suddenly blown away a lot!

"The future is still promising! The only thing we can do now is not to cause trouble for the motherland!"

"I don't know how many soldiers bought this time with their lives, so it must not be wasted!"

A large number of people began to pour into the Lingxu Market, and the underground shelters that had been built long ago were also opened!

And no matter how much manpower China invests in the transfer, it is impossible to take care of everyone!

Those who were not taken care of started to save themselves!

The students of Lingwu University also volunteered to organize people to evacuate!

As a spirit warrior! No matter how high or low your level is, you have responsibilities on your shoulders!

In the courtyard, the camera was withdrawn, Di Rui rubbed his brows, and put on his coat slowly!

Two Longyuan soldiers stepped forward: "Commander Di! The plane is ready for you, do you want to transfer? Kyoto is no longer safe, you should..."

Di Rui stared: "What nonsense are you talking about! I can't leave anyone! Kyoto is a strategic center! Don't lose it!"

"Bring me the crutches, get on the plane! Go to the Ryongyeon base in Kyoto! Contact that boy Red Dragon!"

"Transfer the people of Kyoto, and set up defenses in the city! I will personally command!"

As he spoke, he took the crutches, took out two painkillers from his pocket, threw them into his mouth, chewed them up and swallowed them, and walked out the door with the crutches!

Although people are getting old, Di Rui's eyes are burning at this moment!

I have been trying my best all my life to make Huaxia better and stronger!

But Shengxing wanted to destroy it!

If you want to fight, then fight!

Although I am getting older and my body is getting worse day by day, my mind is still clear and I can still fight!

The helicopter roared, carrying Di Rui straight to the headquarters in Longyeon, Kyoto!


The multifunctional holographic meeting room of the headquarters!

Yang Jian and Nightingale stood in the empty conference room. In the darkness, light and shadow emerged!

Mi Goose, Rainbow Eagle, Snow Fish, Fan Fengye, etc. all the high-level, Daotian emerged one after another, and Huaxia's Daotian also appeared in the form of light and shadow!

Even Quinn Cooper and Freya from the International Spiritual Martial Alliance!

Even the images of Mi Ye, Bai Kou, Odin, and Boss Pang were all there!

As soon as it appeared, Pierce stared and said:

(???????) "Yang Jian! Are you Huaxia crazy? What are you doing? Such a large-scale transfer?"

Bigger was speechless: "Global spiritual disaster? What kind of international joke?"

The rest of the people also had inquiries on their faces!

Yang Jian looked solemn: "Do you think I will make fun of the people of China? Will Commander Di make fun of me?"

"The global spiritual catastrophe is real! This is the holy star's plan to purify the world. It has been prepared for a long time, and now it has reached an irreversible point!"

"The second spiritual energy recovery is inevitable! It's just a matter of time!"

"The concentration of spiritual energy in the world has increased abnormally, and the Dao Slaying plan some time ago, etc., are all paving the way for the counterattack by Saint Star. You have also noticed it, and you should know it in your heart?"

Musashi looked solemn: "How did Huaxia know? How can you be so sure that global spiritual disasters will definitely happen?"

"You know, once you make a wrong decision, you will pay a huge price that is irreparable!"

Yang Jian took a deep breath: "Jiangnan is in the rainforest labyrinth, and Sheng Xing is undoing the magic circle of sealing spirits. Once the magic circle is untied, the Gusu Lingxu three thousand years ago will all return!"

"And this curse array can't hold it anymore. There are two more places like this curse array! The spirit markets of the four eras will all bloom! It will cause spiritual disasters all over the world!"

While speaking, he projected the sorted out information, and all the beings present widened their eyes and took a deep breath!

Qianben Sakura covered her small mouth:

(? ?????????) "Jiang...Jiangnan, did he go to the rainforest maze?"

No wonder there was no news for such a long time, so he entered the maze?

Batty stared: "Hiss~ Is there anything Nanshen can't handle in this world?"

Everyone immediately realized the seriousness of the matter!

But Yang Jian didn't pick up the words, but turned his eyes to Odin!

"Jiangnan said he wants you to support him! It doesn't mean what will happen there, I want you to go there as soon as possible, eat the little cherry and enter the maze to find the Lingxu of the first stage!"

Odin was startled, only to see that light and shadow blooming with infinite light!

"Understood! Tell the big brother, the little brother will go over immediately! Tell him to hold on!"

During the speech, the light and shadow directly turned into snowflakes!

From the underground base of the Illuminati, a bright beam of light rushed out and headed straight for the Mayan Rainforest of the Rain Country! The speed is amazing!

Cooper's eyes rolled, and then he raised his hand and said:

?(??~?? ) "Since we have helped in the past, more people will have more strength! Let me go!"

"Lingwu Alliance doesn't have much to do here, with Quinn and Freya here, it's enough!"

Quinn frowned slightly and didn't say anything, but Freya was surprised, why did this dead man care so much about Jiangnan? Didn't see it?

Yang Jian was stunned: "It's okay, just go there with Odin!"

Cooper nodded, and the light and shadow disappeared when he turned around!

Mi Ye quickly said: (???~??) "I'm going too! I don't worry about Jiangnan! I'll definitely help if I go, just put the lid on the pot on the side of the abyss!"

At this moment, Mi Ye's eyes were full of hope!

Yang Jian naturally understood the meaning in Mi Ye's eyes, but he still shook his head!

"Don't go to so many people in the maze, once they are all dragged away, once the other two magic circles are opened, there will be no way to end outside!"

Mi Ye looked a little disappointed, while Bai Kou bit her lower lip tightly, if she could, she would also like to go!

But now that danger is ahead, Goose Country is too busy to take care of itself, Bai Kou can't leave to go to the maze at will!

Yang Jian looked solemn: "The news has been notified to everyone, this will definitely be an unprecedented disaster!"

"I also want each family to preserve their strength as much as possible. After all, we belong to different camps! Skin color, race, and beliefs are different!"

"But one thing is the same, we are all human!"

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