To make this decision, Liu Mang also made a lot of determination!

"You are stronger than me, and more important than me. You need to take charge of the overall situation here. If something goes wrong when you are unlucky, it will not end well!"

"Whoever eats it will have the same effect!"

Fakawi sighed:

(︶~.︶?) "Let me get a Lucky Wei to eat, I have more experience!"

Mo Tian is also determined:

?(??~???) "Me! I'm done eating, I only have diamonds, which don't play a big role, even if I'm unlucky..."

But before everyone finished speaking, Jiang Nan raised his head and stuffed the lucky little cherry into his mouth and ate it!

Fakawei directly blew up:

"(o Д. o*)" Jiangnan, are you crazy? How well do we eat? Why do you..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "Let me be the child of luck again. I just took advantage of this luck to upgrade a level. It seems that the ten diamond stars are not enough!"

While speaking, he took out two small cupping jars with stars in them, and pressed them on himself without hesitation!

With the red glow of the small cupping pot shining, two stars rushed into Jiangnan's body!

These two stars were pulled out when Jiangnan was leveling up in the depths of the moon's core!

The purpose is to save it for when I break through Xingyao!

Now Jiangnan's level has successfully reached the diamond ten stars!

But not long after breaking through, there is still a long way to go before the real peak!

Jiang Nan is not sure that after using these two stars, he will successfully break through to Xingyao!

So it has been useless!

But now that I have eaten the lucky little cherry, I no longer have such worries!

Must go!

In the current situation, Jiangnan doesn't feel that Diamond Ten himself can play any decisive role!

Then you can only go to Xingyao!


Two stars went in, and with the blessing of luck, Jiangnan directly broke through the barriers of the big ranks!

Brutely raise your level to the peak of Xingyao Yixing!

Attracted infinite spiritual energy clouds, turned into a spiritual energy funnel and drilled madly towards Jiangnan's body, his physical fitness and total spiritual power advanced again!

Whether it's a talent skill or all the spiritual skills that were absorbed later, the power will all skyrocket with the increase of the big level!

Liu Mang, Motian, and the others' eyes almost fell out of shock!

Σ(?口?|||) "Wow! This is an upgrade? If you say you will be promoted, you will be promoted? Didn't you just get promoted to Diamond Ten not long ago? Why is this..."

The promotion is not a small star, but a big level?

Breaking through in battle is pretty good enough, you just hit yourself with two cans to shine?

Is it okay to rush to upgrade? Can you be more casual?

Jiang Nan spread his hands: ?( ?′??`)? "Don't be envious, you just gave yourself two stars to enter, don't let the basics go!"

Liu Mang has a black question mark face!


Shente Meow went in with two stars, were you playing games at the time? Krypton is Krypton?

Is it possible to beat the level? Give me a rush? I also need it?

People on Xingyao are exhausted, but Nanshen is fine...

Fakawei swallowed her saliva, when Jiangnan was a diamond, she could kill at the star level!

Now that Jiangnan Xingyao is shining, how strong will he be?

Maybe others are not clear, but Mo Tian knows that from this moment on, the strongest star in the world is born!

I saw a dangerous arc curling up at the corner of Jiangnan's mouth!

(?ˉ? ? ˉ?) "It's time to settle the score!"

In the next moment, Jiangnan took everyone teleported away and disappeared, and this teleportation covered a total of 30,000 meters!

Now Jiangnan is only looking forward to being lucky enough to go to the road stud where Bobcat Zhong Yingxue is!

Not "lucky" to find another spike!

Hold on, everyone, and wait for me to pass by!


At the same time, there was chaos on the battlefield at the road studs of the Spirit Ruins in the River Valley!

Solomon didn't even move, still standing on top of the muscular giant overlooking the brutal battlefield!

( ?° ? ?°) "Tsk tsk tsk ~ you are really tenacious enough, please pay attention to me, don't play to death, you can't use it if you die!"

In the field, two thousand-meter behemoths and monsters with infinite muscles attacked madly at the location of the curse array!

The sound of explosions and roars is deafening!

Bobcat has already raised himself to the limit, a charge? Valkyrie Kaitian ruthlessly collided with the fist of the kilometer muscular behemoth!


The sound of explosion came, and the surrounding incandescent sea of ​​flames was swaying endlessly by the air waves!

The bobcat's body was pressed into the ground by the muscular monster, the power of this thing is too terrifying!

The body let out an overwhelmed scream, and the smell of blood spread on the tip of the tongue!

The muscular behemoth was also badly injured by the terrifying punch, and its arm exploded with blood, but it was using the source of life to crazily regenerate!

Fist against fist, the two were deadlocked!

At this moment, a bright silver glow rushed over at a speed that surpassed everything!

"36 stars in a row!"

The ultimate silver edge bloomed, and hit the muscular monster's chest heavily, blasting a blood hole hundreds of meters away!

Cooperating with Bobcat's heavy punches, the giant muscular beast was blown back thousands of meters!

Xia Yao fell to the ground, covered in white smoke, her legs were trembling!

(#?﹏?) "Damn it, what kind of monsters are these! We will be consumed!"

These parasitic beasts can not only use the original talent skills, but also have extremely strong physical fitness, and can also regenerate and repair!

It can even be fused into a larger muscular beast, which is extremely difficult to kill with everyone's means!

Zhong Yingxue's side was alright, the powerful white fireballs were continuously fired, and the other muscular monster was blown back, and the whole body was ignited with raging fire!

Many muscle monsters were directly burned to carbon ashes!

But the consumption is undoubtedly astonishing, no matter how you kill it, there will be no shortage!

The durian pulp has been completely used up, Zhong Yingxue can only rely on absorbing spirit beads to maintain consumption for the time being, but it is not enough!

Fortunately, it can maintain the white flame clothes of everyone, so that they will not be parasitized. Before the parasitic species can enter the body, they will be burned into nothingness!

Solomon sneered: "You three, give it to me!"

Beside him, three muscular behemoths rushed up through the magma!

Zhong Yingxue bit her lower lip tightly, and could only cast Bai Yang Burning World again!

Try to fight off the charging muscle behemoth!

But those three monsters didn't dodge or dodge, they didn't care about being burned at all, they rushed up with muscle pumping!

Zhong Yingxue:! ! !

"I can't stand it anymore! Back it all up!"

Everyone retreated to the curse array, and Zhong Yingxue turned into a nine-headed phoenix, spreading her wings wildly!


The thousand-meter sun took shape, and the incandescent fireball exuded astonishingly high temperatures, and the surrounding area has become a lava hell!

The muscle monsters were cremated into ashes as soon as they rushed into the scorching sun!

And the five muscular behemoths are punching wildly around Yanyang!

Even if the arm is carbonized, a new one will grow and continue to smash!

At this moment, everyone is under the protection of Yang Yan and surrounded by monsters, there is no way to retreat!

Zhong Yingxue's complexion was extremely pale, and Xia Yao said anxiously: "Who still has durian pulp? It's fine if you can recover your spiritual power? Once Xuexue's spiritual power is exhausted, it's all over!"

But until now, everyone's inventory has been used up!

Ye Xinghe's eyes are full of remorse, if he knew that he would collapse directly, what face do he want? Two big durians were wasted!

I saw that Yanyang slowly faded from white to blue, and then turned to blue again!

The temperature continued to drop, and the damage caused to the muscular giant was getting smaller and smaller, and it seemed that it couldn't last much longer!

Qin Shou's expression became ruthless, he picked up the dagger and stabbed it straight into his heart!

(??优??#) "It's all because of my bad luck! Maybe I won't be unlucky again if I die. Anyway, I deserve to die before. It's worth living so long!"

If my death can give everyone a chance to live and make things turn around, then death is worth it!

But before Qin Shou stabbed himself to death, the dagger in his hand was melted into molten iron by the high temperature!

Zhong Yingxue's eyes were full of determination: "I won't allow it! If you are unlucky, you have to live well!"

"Xiao Nan brought you in, and he will take you all out alive, not one less!"

The molten iron melted and all dripped on Qin Shou's card!

I was so hot that I got blisters all over my body, screaming and crying in pain!

?━=????(??? ????) Yo Ho Ho Ho ~

You said you don't want me to die, it's fine if I don't die, don't melt my knife!

Now I am unlucky enough to drink cold water and get stuffed between my teeth, and the hot metal is still hot for house sparrows!

In the blink of an eye, Yan Yang has cooled down to blue!

Solomon smiled unscrupulously: "Ahahaha, Jiangnan! If you don't come here again, I will accept all of your companions!"

"Or do you not care at all?"

Five muscular behemoths forced their way into the scorching sun carrying the high temperature, grabbing the fleeing people with their big hands without restraint!

It's like playing a game!

Solomon's eyes flicked back and forth between Wu Liang and Zhong Yingxue!

"There is no little girl I want? It seems a bit too boring to activate it now!"

"But it should be interesting to attack your companions, right?"

The smile on Solomon's face was even crazier!

The only one with the lowest temperature in the hot sun is orange. For the muscular monster, it is not an unbearable high temperature!

But at this moment, I saw thunder light raging in the distance, slashing towards this side!

It was Bracelet Wei!

"Hey? You're fast enough! Give me those stinky girls! I want Jiangnan to taste how life would be worse than death!"

At this moment, Wu Liang Ye Xinghe and the others' eyes were full of despair!

Another Daotian? Is this Bracelet Wei?

But this is not over yet, on the other side, Sen Luo is also rushing with tens of thousands of muscle beasts and mercenaries!

"I finally found it!"

Bobcat clenched its teeth, and what else? Sen Luo is here too?

This is good, everyone is almost here!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Qin Shou!

Qin Shou blushed with sweat and cried:

(;#?????`) "I just said that I just died and counted! Why should I be so unlucky!"

Do I, Qin Shou, have such a big face? Come three days to beat me?

Can you get together in the rainforest maze? To some extent, this is considered a miracle, right?

However, this is not over yet, I saw a flash of glass in the void!

Ruiya's figure suddenly appeared in the burning sun, and rushed straight to the spike inserted in the center!

Eyes full of excitement!

─=≡Σ((( つ?????)つ "I got it!"

Five giant beasts squeezed into Qingyang, pressing down with their big hands, three Daotians stared at them, and one Bose directly went to pull out the road nail!

The operation of guarding the spikes has completely collapsed!

Zhong Yingxue stared blankly at this scene, couldn't help but clenched her little hands, closed her eyes, and shouted loudly with all her strength:

(??? Mouth??)? "Jiang! Nan!"

The sound echoed on the battlefield and went straight to the sky!


A response sound that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell exploded in everyone's ears, resounding loudly!

Firm and calm, killing intent but reassuring!

It's Jiangnan's voice!

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