Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1705 Xiaoqi's Unrivaled Bear

The big bear who suddenly appeared in the field stunned everyone!

Slapping the Balrog into the air with one palm, not to mention saving Qiqi, even the level has the level of Xingyao?

Oh my God!

Xiao Zhen spat out old blood, his eyes were full of excitement!

∑(°口°#) "Bear II?"

He couldn't be more familiar with this figure?

How did he come here?

Is this the legendary heroic bear saving the beauty?

At this moment, An Xiaoqi couldn't hold back her tears anymore!


She didn't know how Xiong Er came to the rainforest maze, and how he found himself in the maze!

She only knew that when she needed Xiong Er the most, he appeared in front of her from the sky like a big British bear!

"Bear! You..."

Xiong Er didn't even look back, he shot across the battlefield in an instant, his eyes were scarlet, and he threw the backpack on the wall to An Xiaoqi!

"Don't be dazed! Hurry up and save people! Let's talk about it later!"

While speaking, the two bear paws slammed on the ground!

"Earth escape? Siege!"

In an instant, the ground trembled wildly, and a rock wall tens of meters thick and hundreds of meters high rumbled up!

Huge bear head reliefs appeared on the siege!


The earth-yellow light on the siege flickered and hardened directly to protect the spell array!

An Xiaoqi carried her backpack, wiped away her tears, nodded heavily, and rushed straight to Qi Delong Dongqiang!

The Balrog who was shot flying just got up from the ground, startled and angry, seeing that it was almost done, where did a big bear come from?

"Whoever you are! Flame advancement!"

Blazing flames exploded from under Balrog's feet, pushing his huge body towards Xiong Er!

But Xiong Er roared angrily: "Bullying my Qiqi? Did you ask me? Get out!"

"The Pillar of Incompetence!"

With both hands clapping the ground, the earth trembled, and a thick rock pillar suddenly rose from the ground!

It was inserted obliquely against the body of the Balrog, and the speed was extremely fast!

It is as majestic as Buzhou Mountain standing between heaven and earth!

Even though the top of the mountain pillar was burned into magma by the fire, it still stretched out like crazy!

He just flew far away against the Balrog!

I saw Xiong Er roaring angrily, broke off the pillar of indecision, held it in his arms, and walked towards the horizontal wheel on the battlefield!

One sweeps away thousands of troops and blows away countless people like baseballs!

Then it slashed down vertically, like a general on the battlefield!

"The earth shakes and the mountains shake!"

The ground trembled violently, the earth and rocks exploded, and the mercenaries were shaken and unstable!

I saw pillars of incompetence rising from the ground, flying the mercenaries screaming, and forming a spectacular forest of rock pillars in a blink of an eye!

The scene was extremely shocking!

Xiao Zhen was shocked, what the hell! When did Xiong Er become so fierce? This lethality is too terrifying, right?

And An Xiaoqi also quickly took out the little ginseng from the wall hanging backpack!

Qi Dongqiang's face was completely pale at the moment, and the blood that flowed out had gathered into a small pool!

His throat was cut, and he was about to lose his breath!

She couldn't eat the little ginseng at all, anxious An Xiaoqi opened the wound on Qi Dongqiang's neck, and frantically stuffed the little ginseng into it along the broken throat!

Roll your eyes so hard for Qi Dong!

Depend on! If you can't eat it, you really cut your neck and slap it in?

However, relying on small ginseng alone is not enough, Qi Dongqiang's injury is too serious, and he won't be able to pull it back any later!

An Xiaoqi went crazy:

(#??????????????) "Qiangzi! Swallow it! Hold on! Don't die, you, if you make it through, I'll introduce you to a girlfriend later!"

Qi Dongqiang's eyes widened. If you say that, I won't die!



"Xiong Er! Qiangzi is dead! The little ginseng is not enough, he..."

I saw Xiong Er spread out his arms directly: "Mother of the Earth!"

Infinite yellow light burst out from Xiong Er's body. At this moment, Qi Dongqiang, An Xiaoqi and the others felt a warm force pouring into their bodies from the ground!

Not only is it helping everyone recover from their injuries, but even the spiritual energy is returning together!

Qi Dongqiang's injury even recovered under the influence of the little ginseng and the mother of the earth!

The first sentence I was able to speak was:

( ?° ?? ?°)? "Introduce a female friend, is it agreed?"

An Xiaoqi went up and gave him a loli bang bang punch. When is it? Are you still thinking about your girlfriend?

Qi Delong hugged his younger brother excitedly, tears rolling down his face, just now he really thought his younger brother was going to die!

Looking at Xiong Er's figure is also full of shock!

"This... is really Xiong Er? Isn't it too fierce? Is he close combat or a local method? How can he recover his skills?"

Little did he know that if Yang Jian continued to buckle, he used the best ones for Jiangnan and the others. Xiong Er's spiritual skills were all rare, none of them were bad!

And all of them have been considered and proportioned extremely professionally!

At this moment, An Xiaoqi's face was full of happy smiles!

(??????) "That's why my bear is so awesome? He's my best bear!"

Even Xiao Zhen was shocked. He even has recovery skills?

if it is like this? Maybe he can win this battle?

The Balrog got up from the ground angrily!

(?°? Yi.°?) "Tsk~ I'm so annoying! I want to pull out the nails, but you can't stop me! I don't see who has more! I won't kill you more than one!"

"Call me all! Cluster bombing!"

With Bo Langwei's cover, Xiong Er could only defend passively. After all, Xingyao Qixing's fire attack power is definitely not covered!

And the mercenaries also launched a charge again!

Xiong Er narrowed his eyes: (????) "There are more people than people? Don't open your eyes wide to see clearly, whose territory is this!"

"Little ones! Dinner is ready!"

Accompanied by Xiong Er's roar, the herd of beasts in the distance had already killed them!

It's a pity that they didn't help Bo Langwei and the others, but all of them were the younger brothers that Xiong Er took along the way!

The halazi are about to be thrown into the sky, their eyes are full of excitement, and everyone is hungry!

The big brother and sister fooled us and followed the big brother, can they really have sex?

The number of herds has reached tens of thousands. In comparison, those mercenaries are not enough!

All of them stared wide-eyed, full of horror!


Who is this riding horse surrounding whom?

Even Bo Langwei's complexion became ugly!

Depend on!

Can this bear command a herd?

The situation immediately reversed!

But this is far from over!

I saw Xiong Er grinning grimly: "I don't have many other things, but I have a lot of spiritual skills!"

"Stoneman Legion!"

There was a rumbling sound, and 10 80-meter giant stone bears with a raging appearance rose from the ground!

Holding a huge stone ax and shield, wearing a stone armor, and even being indestructible by Xiong Er!

As long as Xiong Er survives and the supply of spiritual power continues, even if these stone men are broken, they can quickly regroup and go into battle again!

Tens of thousands of herds plus 10 stone bears launched a fierce siege on the mercenaries!

The battle suddenly entered a white-hot state!

As soon as he entered the Lingxu, Xiong Er heard Qi Delong Dongqiang's brothers cursing!

I followed the sound all the way to find it, and I really caught up!

Huanhuanwei was also among the beasts at the moment, her body was golden, but there were no beasts to eat her at all!

After all, they watched Xiong Er suffer from indigestion with their own eyes and excreted her!

Just thinking about it makes me lose my appetite, let alone eat it, I hate it!

I saw Ring Wei excitedly said:

(??? ?.??)? "That one? That's just Wei's bracelet Wei! Kill her and suck her!"

Xiong Er's eyes were full of ferocity: "You don't need to tell me, I will kill her too!"

"Brother Zhen! Fuck her?"

Xiao Zhen twisted his neck, grinned, his eyes were full of killing intent!

"She must die today!"

The two looked at each other, and everything was said without saying a word!

Thinking back to the past, the two started fighting when they first met. Xiao Zhen was bitten to death by a spirit beast because his parents died in a spiritual disaster!

He hated all spirit beasts to the bone, but changed his attitude because of some things!

From the very beginning when they met and fought each other, they didn't like each other, to now they fight side by side and fight against the enemy together!

Everything in the past seems to have happened yesterday!

I saw Xiong Er raised his hand to grab it, and put Xiao Zhen directly on his shoulder!

"I'll assist in creating opportunities! You're the main attacker! Let's go!"


The Pillar of Uncertainty rises, supporting Xiong Er and Xiao Zhen, they go straight to the Flame Demon to kill them!

Naturally, Bo Langwei also noticed the existence of Ring Wei!

"You traitor, I will kill you after I finish them off!"

"Big Flame Cannon!"

Balrog put his hands together, and a fiery pillar of fire spewed out from his palms, and shot straight at Xiong Er and the two of them!

Xiong Er roared: "Scatter!"

Xiao Zhen dodged fiercely, while Xiong Er continued to move forward with his arm in his arms!


In an instant, Buzhou Zhizhu and Dayan Pao collided, and magma splashed everywhere!

And Xiong Er continued to rush forward and jumped over!

Roaring in the air: "The blood of the bear is boiling!"

Xiong Er's muscles were bursting with red light all over his body, and the whole bear had grown stronger, as if he had started berserk!

A shoulder bump hit Balrog's body!

"Earth's core!"

At this moment, centered on the two of them, the yellow light diffused, and countless earth and rocks gathered towards this side!

Crazy bombardment compression!

In the blink of an eye, there was a large rock ball with a diameter of over 500 meters in the sky!

Seal Xiong Er and Balrog inside!

The Balrog crazily generates flames, and the blazing flames spurt through the cracks in the rocks. In the blink of an eye, the rock balls will be melted and turned into magma waterfalls!

"It's now!"

I saw the rock ball smashed towards the ground violently, and a pillar of incompetence rose from the ground!

On the top is Xiao Zhen who has suppressed his big move to the limit!

"Shockwave? Molecule shattered!"


Buzhou Zhizhu pushed against Xiao Zhen, pierced into the rock ball with one blow, and hit the sealed Balrog itself!

The shock wave even annihilated the flames, and the entire Balrog was instantly penetrated!

It turned into a sky full of flames and exploded!

Xiao Zhen said anxiously: "Not dead! Elementalized! Be careful!"

I saw the disintegrated flames turning into human figures again in the air, and endless flames erupted!



The rock ball was immediately blown up, Xiao Zhen and Xiong Er were both blown up, and smashed hard on the ground, the mother of the earth activated, and the injuries of the two were quickly repaired!

Xiong Er's eyes were full of bad luck: "The fire method that can turn into elements is not easy to kill?"

Suddenly remembering something, Xiong Er's eyes fell on Ring Wei!

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