Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1671 The truth is not important anymore

(???) "Hey~ Did you hear that? Not long after Jiangnan came to the mountain city, he robbed the territory of the mob organization, and even slept with Hope's wife!"

(*???) "Huh? Are you so brave? Offended the two giants of the mountain city in one go?"

(????????) "It's more than that! Not only did he sleep all of Hope's wives, but he also slept with the wives of Hope's subordinates! The thief is comprehensive!"

(??ε???) "Pfft~ This is really a catch? There are pictures and the truth. Now Hope is chasing and killing Jiangnan frantically. I'm afraid this mountain city is about to change!"

Xiangori, who was hiding in the dark, snickered, and couldn't wait to see Jiangnan's indisputable expression!

And Jiang Nan was standing in the camp, wondering if he should check to see what happened to the spatial fluctuations!

The constantly refreshed resentment value always gives Jiangnan a bad feeling!

At this moment, Liu Mang rushed out in a hurry!

(?? Mouth?)? "Nanshin! A large number of people are coming towards us!"

Jiang Nan frowned: (??~??) "Oh? What's the situation? Is it the staff of the mob organization?"

But before Jiangnan went to check, he heard bursts of sonic booms coming from far away!

And Hope's roar!

(?`亮′) "Bastard! I caught you, where else can you go? Think my beetle sensor is a vegetarian?"

"Strength? Golden Armored Cannon!"

I saw Hope rushing like a shell!

The arm became extremely thick, covered with a bright golden carapace, filled with an unparalleled sense of power!

Go straight to Jiangnan in the camp and smash it!

Zhong Yingxue Shanmao and the others rushed out after hearing the movement!

As soon as he came out, he saw a beast of Tianliuxing wanting to kill Jiangnan!

And it's a big move right from the start?

what's the situation?

Seeing Hope approaching, Jiang Nan didn't panic at all!

It's a small scene, but it's still amazing!


I saw Mira and Lan holding small hands, and suddenly teleported to appear in front of Jiangnan!

??(?????)?? "Time still field!"

Mira's light wings spread out, and a three-meter golden light ball emerged, holy like an angel!

Hope slammed a fist on the ball of light!

Boundless power poured out, the ground rolled up, and the arsenal exploded!

In the exclamation of Qin Shou and others, the entire camp was blown flat by Hope's angry punch!

However, Jiangnan in the sphere of light was safe and sound, not even a single strand of hair was lifted!

(? ̄? ~ ̄?) "Hope? The boss of the Arakawa Society? Did I provoke you? Are you going to fuck me?"

However, Hope has fallen into a hysterical rage!

He tried to pull his fist out of the ball of light, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free from the fist trapped in the ball of light!

(?°?喜°??) "Are you still messing with me? I just ~%?...;# *’☆\u0026! Beep beep beep!"

Hope opened his mouth and sprayed furiously, silenced the whole process, spit was flying everywhere!

Lan pursed her mouth: (?`~′?) "You are not allowed to scold brother Jiangnan! Get out of here!"

As he said that, a teleportation appeared beside Hope, with a glazed light shining brightly on his head!

"Space ejection!"

The powerful ejection force exploded, and before Hope could finish cursing, he was directly sent flying by the expanding space!

The fist caught in the ball of light was torn off directly, and blood gushed out!

While bouncing Hope into the air, Lan swiped his small hand, and a crack in space more than ten meters wide opened!

Hope is about to be thrown in!

However, Hope's natural sense of crisis made his blade wings tremble wildly, causing his body to deviate from the ejection route!

I escaped the ending of falling into a space crack, but I don't know how far I was bounced!

Hope suddenly lifted the concrete slab that was pressing on him!

"Ahhh! Die to me!"

"Regeneration of severed limbs!"

His torn fist grew out in a few breaths, and once again he desperately went to kill Jiangnan!

It's just that this time, he no longer shakes the golden ball of light, but controls the golden carapace in his hand, and grows two long golden saw-bladed knives!

Crazy slashing at the golden ball of light, like a meat shredder!

The camp has been completely destroyed, and every slash has set off gusts of wind.

Even if the saw blade is torn apart by the golden ball of light, new cuts will soon be born!

While Hope was attacking, the troops of the Huanghe Society had already surrounded all of them in Jiangnan!

Liu Ming Heiya and the others were all shocked!

Isn't it supposed to be a mob who comes to make trouble? How did Huang He come here?

And fight like a lunatic?

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (??~??*) "Are you afraid you have rabies? What did I do? You hit me?"

[Resentment value from Hope +1007! ]

I saw Hope's face full of madness:

('Yi'?) "What are you doing? Don't you know the shit you did?"

"You fucked my wife! All the wives! Now pretend to be okay with me? I'll hack you to death!"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Nan's eyes widened suddenly!


Not only Jiangnan was dumbfounded, Zhong Yingxue Shanmao and the others were also dumbfounded!

"(o Д o*) What?

Liu Mang opened his mouth wide!

=????(?o?o ?)? "This... is this cheating? So fast? Four?"

Gu Gua on the side was full of grief and indignation:

(:?′?????`) "Four? More than four! There are two of mine!"

"You can't find it with both hands!"

Liu Mang was shocked: Σ(っ?°Д °)っ

"Nan Shen? You... are you working so hard?"

Jiang Nan glared: (??????)? "Fart! Don't talk nonsense, you! With your ugly appearance, what good-looking wife can you marry?"

"I don't even want it for nothing, Sister Xuexuelang Mieshan Miao! Don't believe him!"

"Conspiracy! There must be a conspiracy!"

Zhong Yingxue and the others rolled their eyes, it's no wonder we believe it!

After being together for such a long time, I don't even have this little trust!

Besides, Jiangnan has been researching materials in the conference room just now, and Zhong Yingxue has been by his side the whole time!

He never left her sight!

How could it be possible to go out and fall in love with other people's wives?

Hope was very angry, not only the green old man, but also scolded me for being ugly?

If you think my wife is ugly, don't go!

"I'm afraid your wife will find out now, so pretend to be serious, right? You can act again! That's not what you said just now when you were green!"

"There are only so many space systems in this world! Who else can teleport if they know space barriers?"

"It's you, dare to do it or not to be it! Are you still a man!"

Jiangnan suddenly remembered the space fluctuation just now!

Depend on!

Shouldn't he be dumped by others?

Gu Gua was also furious:

(:???Yi??) "Don't you admit it? I'll ruin your reputation today!"

"Jiangnan wife! See clearly! There are pictures and the truth! Your man is a scumbag who sleeps with other people's wives and destroys other people's families!"

While speaking, he took out his mobile phone and showed the scene he just took in the hotel!

That picture is so hot that I can't even look at it!

Jiang Nan also looked shocked!

(??? д???) Damn!

Is it really me? The battle scene is too exciting, right?

I greened others without my knowledge?

yo yo!

However, at this moment, Zhong Yingxue blushed and clasped her fingers:

(????) " talk nonsense!"

Bobcat turned his head to the side unnaturally, his cheeks flushed a little:

(︶~︶?) "You... don't show me, I... I'm not Jiang Nan's wife!"

Xia Yao's face was full of excitement, and she gave Gu Gua a thumbs up!

(????) "Hey~ This little guy is quite good at talking! I like to listen to it, remember to add chicken legs to him later!"

Gu Gua: ( ̄??:?)? ? ?

Are you afraid that you have some serious illness?

Is Jiang Nan's wife the most important thing?

I have taken out the picture and hammered it. Damn, you are not angry?

Your southerner went to steal fish behind your back!

However, Xia Yao leaned on her chin to appreciate the picture!

( ?° ? ?°)? "Don't say it's really similar, oh, even the details are not bad? It's amazing!"

(?? .??) "Giggle~ Xiaonan! Could it be you?"

As he said that, he looked at Jiangnan with a smirk on his face!

How could Xia Yao believe such a thing? Even if she saw it with her own eyes, she wouldn't believe it!

After all, Xiao Nan has always had a wicked heart but no guts, a southerner who helped me back to my room when I was drunk, changed into my pajamas and tucked in the quilt, and then ran to practice!

How could he run off to cheat on a girl he didn't know?

Come on!

Guess who turned into Jiangnan's appearance, you want to pour dirty water on him to incite hatred?

And Jiang Nan's face turned dark: (????????????) "If there is such a good thing, just ask me to go, why bother?"

Hope was extremely angry: "What? You still want to have such a good thing? I must unload you today!"

As he spoke, he continued to output wildly at the golden light ball, completely enraged, and fell into a state of madness!

Jiangnan spread his hands: ╮( ??w?? )╭ "Hey, hey, hey! Don't be used as a gun, okay? It's not me who slept with your wife! Someone else made it in my image!"

"I want to pour dirty water on me, just to draw your hatred!"

Hope's eyes were full of killing intent: "What about the space barrier and teleportation?"

"Stop quibbling! It's you! Do you think I'll believe your explanation?"

"You must give me an explanation for today's matter!"

Jiang Nan sneered: "What's the matter, you ask me, where do I know? You ask him?"

"As the boss of Huanghe Guild, don't you have no brains at all?"

Hope's face turned red, but the killing intent in his eyes remained!

"The truth is not important anymore! The truth is that you slept with my wife! You have to pay the price!"

Even if someone else poured dirty water on Jiang Nan, he really wasn't Jiang Nanlv himself!

so what? Forget it?

Now everyone in the city knows that Jiangnan greened him, so he just stopped? I don't want to lose face, do I?

How will you lead the organization in the future? Are you still in the mountain city?

Hope can't think of it? He wants it!

But from the moment Hope kicked open the door, the situation was overwhelmed!

Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is a fact that Jiang Nan slept with his wife, and he must give an explanation!

Make a name for yourself and vent your anger on yourself!

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