As the saying goes, there are three women in one drama, and when the three of them are circling, Jiang Nan also has a lot of resentment points in his mind!

And Vivienne is a big list!

After all, if one Wei knows, then all Weis will know too!

Jiang Nan was taking inventory of assets in the camp, and couldn't help but laugh out loud!

Stinky fabric? Rhea? And Vivian?

How long have you been here, and you already know? Is the news so well-informed?

It's all old resentment girl!

Especially Vivienne, Jiangnan's favorite!

After all, as long as one Wei is angry, all the Weis will be angry together, that is dozens of times the resentment card?

And they are all defeated, isn't that right?

I just don't know how to trigger the affair with Vivian!

Thinking about it, I'm looking forward to it!

At this moment, Liu Ming and Hei Ya's exclamation was heard from a distance!

Behind him was a team of dark nights in casual clothes!

(??д?) "Hiss~ Nanshen really snatched a camp? Are you so brave?"

Black Crow sweated profusely on his forehead: (?д? ????) "If I remember correctly, this should be the camp of a mob organization?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said hello: "Have you not been with me for too long? Why are you making such a fuss?"

"Isn't this fundamental? The mob organization is difficult to deal with?"

Everyone walked into the meeting room while talking!

Liu Ming grinned and said, "That's not true! Originally, the mob organization was created by a man named Solomon here, and it belongs to the stateless world!"

"Compared with these native forces, there is no advantage. After all, some things cannot be done with high levels!"

"But some time ago, I don't know what Solomon has done. His strength has soared, and he has suddenly emerged!"

"A large number of small forces have been annexed, and they are developing rapidly. They are flourishing here, and they have become a powerful faction that can compete with the Huanghehui and the Vientiane Alliance in one fell swoop!"

Jiang Nan was a little surprised: ('?~?) "So it's a dark horse? Does Solomon have something?"

Liu Ming looked serious: "Solomon's toughness is one aspect, and all the people under him are also extremely fierce, and they are not afraid of death!"

"They can use a secret technique to greatly improve all aspects of physical fitness and self-healing ability, which is abnormal!"

"The Dove that was kicked away by you is actually not dead!"

Jiang Nan was stunned: Σ(°Д° "What? Didn't die? What's going on? Is it a vegetable again? Or some kind of undead serum or something?"

Jiang Nan knew the power of his absolute spirit flash. With that kick on the head, his head could be torn apart by the blasted space. Isn't this dead?

Black Crow shook his head: "At first we also suspected that it was something similar to the West Frontier Vine Man, or the Undead Serum!"

"I also secretly caught the thug's younger brother and investigated, but nothing abnormal was found in their bodies!"

"The thugs confessed that this ability was given to them by Solomon! If we want to continue to interrogate, that person has been inexplicably brain-dead!"

"It's also because of this! A large number of spiritual warriors and mercenaries joined the mob organization in order to obtain this ability!"

Jiang Nan remembered that when Dove was about to fight with him, his eyes were red and his muscles were swollen abnormally!

Is this the ability?

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin and pondered, his eyes couldn't help showing a little bit of interest!

(? ?° ? ?°) "It seems that Solomon should have a little secret of his own?"

If possible, I really want to see it!

"What is the strength of the Huanghe Society you mentioned, and the Vientiane Alliance?"

Liu Ming smiled and said: "This is all the information collected by the Dark Night Army and the pioneers in the mountain city during this period of time!"

"I don't know if there is anything I can do to help you!"

Everyone quickly checked the information!

It turns out that the Vientiane Alliance belongs to Yuguo Road Tiansenluo, and it is considered the most influential organization in the mountain city!

There are also many small forces following him!

I have been committed to the development and exploration of the rainforest maze, and my subordinates have also mastered many resource points!

Even called for several large-scale exploration operations!

And the Huanghe Society is interesting. Although the leader Hope is a native of Yu Country, he was born and raised in the mountain city!

But he does not admit that he is Yu Guodaotian!

Instead, they supported themselves and established the Huanghe Society with one hand!

Mastering a lot of mineral resources, relying on the rainforest labyrinth, it is said that last year, the income from the explosion alone was higher than the total output value of the rain country!

Coupled with a recently rising mob organization, a three-legged situation appeared in the mountain city!

Because of conflicts of interest, there were many fights!

But it's not just these three companies here, the cake of the rainforest maze is too big, even if it leaks from the fingers of these three giants, it is enough to feed a bunch of forces!

There are as many as dozens of forces, large and small!

Every day, a huge number of spiritual warriors come to the mountain city with dreams of getting rich!

But the rainforest maze swallows more, but spits less!

No one can tell how many people got lost in the rainforest maze.

Anyway, fresh blood is replenished every day, what the hell?

If you can't get out, you are unlucky! Get out and earn!

Jiang Nan smacked his lips: "It's really messy, the place is not big, but there are quite a few Daotians attracted here!"

(?¥﹃¥) "But these three are quite rich, right? Goose Box~"

Jiang Nan couldn't help but think of the tens of billions of money he owed, and his little head began to think again, full of bad water!

Then I turned to the next page of information!

I saw a photo of a stone wall on it, and ancient characters of unknown meaning were engraved on the stone wall!

Not spells!

"What the hell is this?"

The black crow glanced at it: "Ah~ this is a Mayan stone carving that someone brought out from the rainforest maze!"

"No matter the age, almost no one can understand it. I don't know if it's useful, so I sorted it out!"

[Trigger skill! Mayan Ancient Language (Elementary): LV0! ]

[Add skill points: 1,111,100 points! ]

[Skill upgrade! Ancient Mayan language (master level): MAX! ]

At this moment, the obscure words became extremely clear!

"I'm exhausted here, I have no companions around me, Kaifeng is hopeless, and it's a foregone conclusion. I'm very tired and I'm going to sleep... Maggie Liu."

Jiangnan frowned, Kaifeng?

What's the meaning?

Then I quickly flipped back, and there were many written records on various stone carvings!

"Daddy~ Mombi~ where are you, Bao can't find you, miss you..."

"I'm heading east!"

"Turning back again! Do it!"

"Why do we have to do such a thing? If I had another chance to choose... probably... I would still be unwilling..."

The more you look at Jiangnan's expression, the more wrong it becomes!

The information engraved on these stone walls is not important information, it is more like the ancient Mayans recorded it casually!

Similar to talk about? Circle of friends?

But after thousands of years, when Jiangnan read these words again, he felt a kind of powerlessness, despair and deep unwillingness!

"I think the rainforest maze has been around for a long time!"

"Do you know anything about the Mayan civilization?"

Zhong Yingxue raised her hand: (o? ??)? "I have done my homework, the Mayan Rainforest is named after the Mayan people!"

"A lot of Mayan relics, altars, pyramid temples, observatories and so on were discovered in the rainforest before!"

"It has even been developed into a tourist attraction, but since the opening of the rainforest maze more than a year ago, these places have all been covered within the scope of the maze!"

"It's gone now!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "If I remember correctly, according to archaeological theory, the Mayans mysteriously disappeared about three thousand years ago, right?"

Liu Ming's eyes widened: "You mean..."

Jiang Nan's expression sank: "Where is the mysterious disappearance? It should be that the whole family entered the rainforest maze!"

"This rainforest maze has been around for a long time! It should be the first batch of Lingxu that was opened on Blue Star! The content of these stone carvings is enough to prove it!"

"And the time point more than three thousand years ago was the moment when the first generation of Blue Star's aura was revived! It belongs to Jiang Fan's era!"

Shan Mao and the others were startled:

( ??~?? ) "Who is Jiang Fan?"

The matter of the Moon Nuclear Monument is still a top secret, obviously Qin Shou and the others don't know about it!

Even Zhong Yingxue and the others felt their scalps go numb!

Is this rainforest maze so ancient?

Qin Shou said in amazement: Σ( ° △ °|||) "Fuck! Are you saying that the Mayans are actually spiritual warriors? Didn't they disappear mysteriously? They all entered the rainforest maze?"

"Is... so mysterious?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Is this so mysterious? Then our Emperor Qin went to the moon!"

Qin Shou was stunned: ∑(°口°?) "What? Did my ancestors go to the moon?"

Jiangnan: (?_? )

"Can you stop putting gold on your face, kid? When did Emperor Qin become your ancestor?"

Professor Qin quit at that time:

(??? Mouth??) "If you say that, I will have to fight you!"

"How did you get my surname? The surname Qin came from the surname Ying. It would be very troublesome to continue to be named Ying after the country was destroyed, and would be beheaded. So the surname changed later is Qin! Take the name of the country as your surname!"

Jiangnan: (?????) "Ah, yes, yes! I believe it~ I believe everything!"

Professor Qin:! ! !

(?`Yi?′o) "Really, why am I teasing you? My family tree has been written! You believe me! Trust me, you?"

However, Jiang Nan didn't bother to talk to Qin Shou, but continued to read the content of the stone carvings on the materials!

Liu Mang swallowed: "So those Mayan prophecies, is it possible that there are people in the Maya who are as capable as Sister Ziyuan!"

"It came out of a dream, and then it was specially engraved and recorded?"

Jiang Nan leaned on his chin: "I can't rule out the possibility. Are these all the Mayan stone carvings brought out?"

"Is there anything else? The content is not dry? I feel like I have scrolled through the Moments of Wang Yiyun from three thousand years ago..."

Liu Ming's eyes widened, what the hell? Do you understand everything? Even linguists who specialize in this research are not 100% sure that they can decipher them all!

"It's really different! I heard that someone brought out the Mayan prophecy stone carvings! It has been privately collected by the Huanghe Society, and we will never see it!"

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