Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1664 Rotating Kaleidoscope

A Peregrine gunship took off from Rongcheng military base!

Jiang Nan sat in the driver's seat, Shanmao was in the co-pilot, and the two piloted the plane to lead the crowd straight to the mountain city of the Mayan Rainforest in the Rain Country!

Qi Yu and Ye Xinghe all stared wide-eyed, watching Jiangnan skillfully maneuvering the armed helicopter with a look of bewildered criticism!

What else is Nan Shen not capable of? Damn!

Armed helicopters will fly?

This...this riding horse is a little handsome, isn't it?

( ′?w?) "By the way, why don't we go there in a dimple? Do we have to fly a helicopter?"

Professor Qin stared: (?i yi i) "What do you know? Sitting in the dimples, why is Nanshen pretending to approve? Why can't you get the order?"

Jiangnan: (?_? )

"You can also ride on the dimples, but you are all paying tickets, my little dimples, so I won't let you ride!"

Professor Qin: (??w???)...

Hanging from here to the rainforest? That's better than flying!

Xia Yao was a little excited:

(︶?︶〃) "No, no, no! It's not right, the plane that flew out of the military base belongs to Xiao Nan!"

"Don't lie, don't lie!"

Jiangnan: ╭?(?? .??)╭?

"It's still Big Wolf Mie who understands me!"

Professor Qin:! ! !

Just praise, but can you stop talking about it?

I saw Tieniu holding some documents and handing them out to everyone one by one!

"This is all the information on the Rain Country, and about the rainforest maze. It's better to find out the situation before going!"

Xing Cheng tilted his head to look at the document in his hand, opened his mouth and ate it like a shredder!

Liu Mang: ∑(°口°?)? She, she, she!

But everyone looked like they were not surprised!

Jiang Nan took the document casually and looked at it. The small leather whip stuck out, grabbed the joystick and continued to help Jiang Nan fly the plane!

Looking at the document, Jiang Nan smacked his lips!

"Tsk tsk tsk, isn't this situation so complicated?"

It turns out that although the country of rain is called the country of rain, there are a group of domestic turmoil, various armed forces organize self-government, and there are constant frictions!

Although Yuguo has Daotian, there is nothing he can do in the face of such a chaotic situation, and the high-level presence is not too high!

I didn't attend the previous Blue Star roundtable meeting, and I don't understand my own affairs, so I don't care about the moon!

Just one word! chaos!

And with the appearance of the rainforest maze a year ago, a large number of spiritual warriors poured into the Mayan rainforest!

It was even more chaotic for a while!

Because there are countless gold and silver, diamond veins, spiritual material veins, and rare earth resources in the rainforest maze!

There are also rare spirit beasts in other spirit markets, and the resources of spirit beads are also eye-catching!

Everything starts with profit, which is a fatal temptation for all kinds of desperadoes!

There are countless private mines, hunting grounds, and underground black market transactions!

As the hub city closest to the Mayan rainforest, the mountain city is full of fish and dragons!

In short, this rainforest maze is like a big uncultivated cake!

These gathered spirit warriors and armed forces are the ones attracted by the cake!

On the bright side, the rainforest maze is the property of the rain country!

But Yuguo is weak and unable to govern at all. Anyone who comes can take a bite, and as time goes by, he will let go of it!

However, Jiang Nan was taken aback!

(???.??) "Rainforest labyrinth? What do you mean by multiple complex spirit ruins? Is it the same as the one in the abyss, one layer after another?"

Shan Mao shook his head: "No! Compared with the rainforest maze, the abyss seems a bit childish!"

"The rainforest maze has no specific entrances and exits! It can be said that the entire Mayan rainforest is a rainforest maze!"

"The space gates are opened randomly, teleported randomly, there is no law at all!"

"So far, the number of compound spirit ruins that have been proven has already exceeded 300, and it is still growing!"

Jiang Nan took a breath:

(*???) "What the hell? Are there so many?"

If we compare each Lingxu to a small room, then the entire rainforest maze is like a hive!

Every hexagonal grid is a Lingxu!

Moreover, these Lingxu are still changing at any time without any rules!

You never know where the next door leads to!

"The that what it means?"

Bobcat nodded: "Someone compares the rainforest maze to a kaleidoscope that is always spinning!"

"If you're lucky, you can still come out if you go in and around. If you're unlucky, you can't get out even if you die inside! Lost in endlessness!"

"But even so, driven by interests, there are still people rushing in one after another, because they all think they will be the lucky one!"

"In fact, there are countless people missing in the rainforest maze. Life is more expensive than gold, but life is also cheaper than grass!"

"The night warriors we went to investigate, including the pioneers, are still lost in it, and few of them can be transferred out. He..."

Suddenly thinking of something, Shan Mao stopped his voice and took a peek at Xiong Er!

( ′? ??`)

Seeing that Xiong Er was dumbfounded at the time, he inevitably became worried!

Although he knew that Qiqi and the others had entered the rainforest maze, Xiong Er didn't know that the maze would be so dangerous!

During the video chat with her, Qiqi still looked relaxed and didn't mention it at all, obviously not wanting to worry Xiong Er!

(?`н′?) "Kiki and the others won't..."

Jiang Nan smiled: "Don't worry about it, what are you thinking? Xiao Zhen, Mo Tian, ​​and the others are excellent pioneers, so how could something happen so easily?"

"This thing is like you are sick. If you check it on the Internet, it must be cancer, and it turns out to be just an ordinary cold!"

"Isn't there still so many spicy transfers? No matter how bad it is, there is still your brother Nan! Just put your mind in your pants!"

Xiong Er took a deep breath and nodded heavily!

Liu Mang suddenly remembered something:

(?′?w?) "By the way, Nanshin! Did you leave someone behind? Isn't there a bear in your team? Why didn't you see it?"

"Shouldn't you go to hibernation?"

The corners of Xiong Er's eyes twitched:

(?~?o) "So who do you think I am?"

In the next instant, Xiong Er's head suddenly turned into a bear's head!

Liu Mang: ∑(°口°?)? He he he!

This is riding a horse!

This little fat man belongs to Xiong Er? It's been a while since I saw you, I'm no longer a bear, I'm starting to be a master!

Or star-level?

Did you make a mistake? Hey!

Before, Liu Mang always thought that there was a fat man in Nanshen's team!

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes, I just like you who have never seen the world!

If you found out Xing Cheng's real identity, you'd probably be scared to piss your pants, right?

At this moment, Jiangnan held the document and meditated!

There are too many rumors about the rainforest maze. Some people found Mayan stone carvings and prophecy pillars in it, and it even has something to do with the disappearance of Mayan civilization!

It stands to reason that Lingxu was created by the Creator Beast!

That triangular fat man would spend so much effort to combine so many Lingxu, what kind of maze would he create?

Jiang Nan instinctively felt that this maze was not easy, and Vivienne refused to leave after working here for so long!

What are you looking for? What kind of weapon are you still working on?

Jiangnan, who was holding the document, started to analyze it, and the helicopter unknowingly rushed into Yu Country!

There is no air control at all, and it is obvious that Yuguo has broken the pot!

All the way to the sky above the mountain city!

And Jiangnan finally knows why it is called a mountain city!

This is a modern city built in the nest of mountains, a winding Dahuang River flows through the mountain city!

It is the second longest river in the world, and the water is muddy yellow!

Surrounded by mountains, the eyes are all green, and the Mayan rainforest is surrounded by mist!

It is worthy of the other name of having the lungs of the blue star, and you can't see the end at a glance!

The mist above the rainforest is transpiring, and it is misty. It is not a morning mist, but a spiritual mist formed by the materialization of spiritual energy, which lasts all year round!

Just found an open space, and Jiangnan was ready to descend towards the city!

Overlooking the mountain city, large-scale camps can be seen everywhere in the city, and there are many people walking around with guns on the street!

Before landing, I heard a "beep beep" siren from the helicopter!

The red light is flashing!

Qi Yu was shocked: (??^???) "What's the sound?"

Bobcat's face remained unchanged: (??ˇ~ˇ??) "It's nothing, it's just the siren sounded by the missile lock!"

Professor Qin: Σ(°Д°?)

You call it all right?

In a camp below, two surface-to-air missiles were launched directly!

The two missiles sprayed white smoke and shot straight at the helicopter!

Jiang Nan stared: (? °? Yi °?) "Why do I always get bombed when flying?"

The private plane going to the fish country was bombed, and the plane going to the frozen land exploded!

This time I was flying a plane and was bombed with a missile?

Just about to take the whole plane to teleport and land, but the spirit-binding force field unfolds in an instant!

Platelet said anxiously: "Be careful, this is a spirit-binding missile. The warhead has its own spirit-binding beads, and it will automatically deploy when it reaches a high enough altitude!"

"Jump off the plane! Let's..."

Jiangnan Qidao: (???Dish??)? "My plane! If you say it will blow up, you will blow it up? He did it!"

"Sister Shanmeow! Come on!

As he said that, he kicked open the door of the helicopter and stood on the landing gear!

Facing the two incoming missiles, Jiangnan's black hair danced wildly under the downdraft of the propeller!

Immediately jumped hard!


The helicopters in the air were kicked crookedly by Jiang Nan, spinning continuously in the air!

Liu Mang almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

"Come on, let's start with missiles in the air!"

And it's still under the spirit-binding condition, so passionate?

But Zhong Yingxue and the others all looked indifferent!

what is this? Can Xiaonan take all the nuclear bombs with his bare hands? Flying on a missile, compared to those, this is too childish!

I saw Jiangnan's body passing two missiles in an instant like an arrow leaving the string!

Using the hand as a knife, a white glow in the void is fleeting, it is instant killing and slashing with the knife!


The two missiles were split into two, and then a violent explosion occurred!

The binding orb was also destroyed by the explosion, and the force field dissipated!

I saw Jiangnan Lingkong standing in the sky, staring and cursing angrily: "Who stepped on a horse and bombed Lao Tzu's plane with missiles? Don't you want to live?"

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