Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1656 Battle! It should be like this! (plus more)

Zhong Yingxue was numb with shock, this kind of person can also condense into a phantom of the nine-headed phoenix!

But... How did Grandpa Xiao condense such a large flame body?

This is too spectacular, right?

The eight fire flags were buzzing, and the Great Yan Emperor was blazing!

Even the people who were far away in Rongcheng were clearly visible, shocked, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures!

The astonishing heat radiated into the void, and I still felt my face scorching from such a distance!

The crowd started talking!

Σ( ° △ °|||) "Wow! What is it? Is the real god descending into the world? Such an exaggerated flame giant!"

=????(??? ????) "I thought it was dawn and there was an earthquake, so... isn't that the direction of the Pioneer Academy? What's going on!"

╮(︶﹏︶)╭ "As long as there is Nanshen around, nothing unusual will happen! This is too scary!"

However, a middle-aged man in his fifties was standing by the window holding his full moon grandson!

There was a hideous scar on his forehead, and he was looking at the Great Yan Emperor standing in the void with a shocked face at this moment!

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something, and his eyes were red, and tears rolled down his face!

"Little Bao'er! Grandpa Great Yandi saw it more than ten years ago. If he didn't have it back then, grandpa would be gone!"

"Vulcan! It's the old Vulcan! He's back!"

Little Bao'er looked at the flame giant curiously, stretched out her two little hands to reach for it, and giggled!

Seeing that Great Yan Emperor roared, he raised his arms high!

Hands intertwined in the air!

Facing the phantom of the fallen angel below, it smashed down like a flaming hammer!


The moment it hit it, the phantom of the fallen angel seemed to be exposed to the nozzle of a rocket engine!

Infinite flames gushed out wildly, clinging to the ground and spreading in all directions!

It even formed a giant wave of magma!

Gabriel in the center needs to withstand the most intense high temperature, and the phantom of the angel was burned to the point of melting!

"Ahhh~ Damn it! Dark Mire!"

A large black formation bloomed at the feet of the Great Yan Emperor, trying to seal its skills!

But the dissipated Great Yan Emperor gathered from other places again, and then violently smashed the angel phantom with both hands!

Xiao Chuhuo's body can't be sealed at all!

Even if the giant Judgment Blade fell from the sky and pierced the phantom of Emperor Yan to the point of chilling, Xiao Chuhuo didn't care at all!

After a while, the phantom of the Judgment Blade pierced in the body was melted by the burning crimson!

With the smashing blow of Emperor Yan, the phantom of the angel has melted and deformed, and it seems that it can't last much longer!

Gabriel stared: "Don't underestimate me! The curse of the fallen angel!"

Infinite black and purple rays of light burst out from the Judgment Blade, soaking in the Great Yan Emperor!

The burning crimson fire was dyed with a large black and purple!

As the firepower fades, Gabriel finally has a chance to tinker with the Angel Guardian!

Jiang Nan was full of anxiety: (? °? Yi °?) "Grandpa Xiao alone may be a bit embarrassing, this guy can still nirvana with a phoenix!"

"The bird man sent to the mouth can't run away!"

I saw Jiangnan taking out his mobile phone and making crazy calls!

(?? Mouth??)? "Crooked? Little brother? I'm your big brother! Come here quickly! I hold an angel here!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes! It's... well... it's in the Pioneer Basin, hold on tight! It's cooking!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang Nan, and his face was full of astonishment!

"(o Д o*)

Who is Nan Shen calling?

After hanging up on Odin, Jiangnan turned around and called Yang Jian again!

( ??口?? )? "Crooked? Brother Jian? I'm holding down an angel here, so hurry up and send a few Daotians over to help out!"

"If you catch it, you have to study it carefully! Hurry up!"

Immediately hung up the phone with a look of hesitation:

(#??~??) "Do you want to give the excavator a shot? He's a little far away?"

"Badr? If you call him here, what if someone steals the moon again? Sister Jiang Ning? Is she in the Tianchen Bureau?"

Xia Yao hurriedly pressed Jiangnan, shaking her head:

( ?? ﹏ ?) "No, no, no! No need to shout! There are already enough!"

Qin Shou and the others looked at Jiangnan in horror!

He... who is he called? Damn!

Badr? excavator? hiss~

The little brother in the mouth of Nanshen should not be the only extraordinary of mankind, Odin, right?

Suddenly, Qin Shou and the others came to assassinate Jiangnan's angels with a little pity!

Who is not good for this unlucky child to kill? To kill Nanshen?

He is a southerner who can call Chaofan and a dozen Daotians to fight together!

If you didn't kill him the first time, then you won't die!

Yang Jian who just hung up the phone was also stunned, what's going on?

Σ( ° △ °|||) catch an angel?

What did you use to catch you?

Did Shengxing really go to assassinate Jiangnan?

At this moment, the door of the office was kicked open, and Nightingale rushed in holding the laptop!

- =???? =???? ?(???﹏??)? "Scheduler! Look! This is a picture taken in Rongcheng, and someone is broadcasting it live online!"

Yang Jian glanced at it quickly, and there was a phantom image of a flaming giant madly hammering an angel in the picture!

I saw Yang Jianmeng's complexion turned red!

"Hiss~ This is the old Vulcan! The Vulcan is now in the world, and Uncle Xiao is starting to work hard!"

"Hurry up! Hurry up and call Daotian to help!"

Yang Jian picked up his coat and rushed out of the office, feeling extremely anxious!

It's over! This wave of Uncle Xiao is gone!

"Ah Chiu!"

A flame sneeze burst out, and the flame giant rubbed his nose!

Gabriel was so angry that he not only bombed me with his fist, but also sneezed on me?

"Die! Die for me! I curse you to death!"

At this moment, most of the flame giant has been dyed black and purple, and its size has shrunk a lot!

Jiang Nan said anxiously: "Grandpa Xiao? Is that okay? No, I'll fix it for you first, and it won't be too late for you to go back and hammer him?"

"Support is coming soon!"

Xiao Chuihuo stared: "Okay! Why can't it work? I still don't have enough firepower!"

"Curse me? The flames are burning wildly! It is enough to burn everything in the world!"

"Just let my fire burn a bit more!"


With a bang, boundless spiritual energy frantically gathered towards the flame giant!

It even formed a spectacular spiritual cloud funnel!

The flames of the Great Yan Emperor, who had been poisoned by the curse, rose again, and the red fire was so intense that it burned all the curses in his body!

Jiang Nan glared: ∑(°口°?) "Wow, wow! It's ten days old? A breakthrough in the battle! Is Grandpa Xiao trying to show me to death?"

Just now, in order to break the curse, Xiao Cuihuo got a star?

This is not an ordinary star, but a star of Daotian!

Zhao Dezhu on the side was full of contempt!


You still have the nerve to say others? Didn't you get a star in the battle just now?

"Break it!"

Under the fierce attack of Emperor Yan with a roar, the phantom of the angel was smashed into pieces, and it collapsed into a little bit of aura!

I saw Xiao Chuihuo waved his big hand, stared and roared angrily: "Liu..."

Zhao Dezhu was in a hurry:! ! !

(??Y??????) "Damn it! No way! This trick will never work! Do you want to flatten the entire Rongcheng?"

Xiao Chuihuo, who had just yelled a word, held back, with a blue and thin face!

Jiang Nan's eyes lit up suddenly:

(?口?#)? "Lingxu! Pull into the Lingxu and fight! Close the door and beat the dog!"

At this moment, Han Menglu embraced the core and shouted: "The space has been vacated long ago, over there!"

There is also a Lingxu in Pioneer College, which is the Monroe Dollhouse!

Xiao Chuihuo stared, as long as he goes in, can he display it to his heart's content?

I saw that Great Yan Emperor raised his hand and grabbed behind him, directly grabbed a flaming flag, and the flagpole turned into a scarlet flaming spear!

It's a blow to Gabriel!

Gabriel, who heard that he was going to beat himself up in the Lingxu, would not do it!

Turn around and flash!

But Zhao Dezhu beat his chest and roared angrily:

"The whole world is an enemy!"

A bright red light flashed on his body, Gabriel's eyes were red, and his killing intent surged, and he rushed towards Zhao Dezhu!

"you wanna die!"

But at this moment, the giant flaming spear came fiercely!

Stab Gabriel's body fiercely and provoke him!

Flames erupted from the feet of the Great Yan Emperor, and his body shrank rapidly!

Just like that, holding a flaming spear, he drove Gabriel into the space door of the toy house!

Everyone in Jiangnan hurriedly followed into the dollhouse to watch the excitement!

Han Menglu here has long controlled the terrain to free up a wide battlefield!

Move the spiritual pet base, garden villa and so on to the edge!

As soon as the two came in, the earth started to burn, and the Great Yan Emperor swelled up again, and started to fight Gabriel crazily!

And at this moment, beside Jiangnan, a fiery figure emerged!

(?~??) "This bird man is not easy to deal with, what did you just say to be dead?"

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Emperor Yan, who was fighting with Gabriel!

I looked at the flame figure in front of me again...

Fuck? Did you hang up and call him? The main body is going to hang up here?

I saw Jiangnan frantically taking out his treasures!

Xiao Chuihuo immediately spun two bottles of green sticks, ate the horse biscuit durian pulp, but did not drink the nuclear bomb milk, he thought it was unnecessary!

And Jiangnan took Dali 2.0 and stuffed it into Xiao Chuihuo's arms!

(??ˇdishˇ?) "Grandpa Xiao! Listen to me, you have to drink this, work hard to make a miracle! We..."

Xiao Chuihuo rolled his eyes angrily: "Go, go! I still have hair, so I can still be tricked by you?"

He wouldn't drink it even if he was beaten to death, he felt that a green stick was enough!

I saw Xiao Chuihuo's gaze fell on Zhong Yingxue, and he smiled kindly!

(????) "Xiaoxue girl, watch out! The output of the fire system should be like this!"

While talking, the flame figure in front of him dissipated!

Jiang Nan was shocked: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ "What's wrong? You plan to teach while playing angels?"

I saw Great Yan Emperor raised one hand high to the sky, and then swung it down fiercely!

"Vulcan? Meteor fire shower!"

I saw that the clouds on the sky of Lingxu were dyed red, forming a spectacular fire cloud!

this moment!

Giant fireballs with a diameter of 10,000 meters smashed through the clouds like meteors, and the number was so large that it made one's scalp tingle!

The clouds were torn apart almost in an instant!


And these fireballs all slammed into the ground fiercely, bursting out! Dazzling fire swept across the earth, expanding non-stop!

A white cloud ring was even formed above the fireball, and air waves spread out, shocking the sky!

The power of just one is comparable to the explosion of a nuclear bomb, and the sky falls apart!

But such a fireball poured down like rain!

Jiangnan was stunned. When Odin said that it was ten days, it was a burst of supernovas!

And Grandpa Xiao released it at the same time, although the power of a single fireball is not as powerful as a supernova, but it can't hold up to a large number, it's like raining on a horse!

Who can stand this!

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