Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1642 everyone in the world is my teacher

Xiao Chuihuo didn't expect to be able to live again even after being beaten to death!

How can it be like playing in Jiangnan's mouth for three hundred years?

Jiang Nan looked proud:

(︶?︶?) "Don't look at me like this, I can live to be more than three hundred years old now!"

"It's all about this!"

While speaking, he took out a fragrant bead from the alien space!

In the beginning, Jiangnan got nine, and he ate one for himself, one for Li Bing, and one for Mira and Xingcheng each!

Now there are only five left!

Xingcheng doesn't know when he will be able to produce incense beads for himself, and the alien mining team has just set off not long ago!

These are the only ones left!

But to arrange one for Grandpa Xiao, Jiang Nan doesn't feel bad at all!

The old pioneers used their lives to open the way for the younger generations, and now they should be rewarded!

Xiao Chuihuo was completely intoxicated just by taking a sip, with a melting expression on his face!

(???????) "God! What kind of treasure is this? It smells so good? Can it increase people's life?"

Jiang Nan said mysteriously: "This is called Xiangzhu! Absorbing all of them can greatly increase life span, wisdom, six senses, and even possess spiritual power for a short time!"

Xiao Chuihuo was shocked: (?°口°) "This...isn't this the elixir of life? Where did you get it? Didn't the grave of Emperor Qin be dug?"

Jiangnan was agitated and rolled his eyes: "How dare I? This fragrant pearl is extracted from the giant star devouring insect eating the planet!"

"Even if a planet is swallowed up, not many can be extracted. It is extremely precious! But I am not afraid! I have Xingcheng at home!"

"And I have a mining team on Jupiter's side, which specializes in eating Jupiter's moons, and help me refine the fragrant beads! Grandpa Xiao, just use it!"

While speaking, he took out an aromatherapy ball, put the aroma beads in it and twirled it! I saw the rich orange aroma drifting out along the aromatherapy ball!

If you don't smell it, it won't disperse, just gather around the aromatherapy ball!

Jiang Nan's eyes are bright, and Sister Li Bing is also a real fairy, she can do this kind of treasure!

However, Xiao Chuihuo was already paralyzed by shock!

Listen to what Jiangnan is saying. Hey, eat satellites to refine fragrant beads!

Is this treasure refined by that little girl with excellent teeth?

"Then that's the case! Grandpa, I will not be polite!"

So I grabbed the aromatherapy ball and took a sip, with a clear face, I felt like I was several months younger after taking this sip?

At that time, Xiao Chuhuo hung it around his neck!

Then Jiangnan distributed the ten-color creation particles in his body to Xiao Chuihuo to open the door after reaching the peak!

Although only one out of ten copies is kept, that's enough!

Now there is very little left in Jiangnan's body, and if he wants to give another one, it may not be enough!

Is the three statues already the limit?

Now this guy Badr wants to lose his share!

At this moment, Xiao Chuihuo's muddy eyes were filled with brilliance!

"Give me a period of time, and then I will show you what Vulcan is!"

Xiao Chuihuo, who was originally depressed, seemed to have a new energy at this moment!

Jiang Nan grinned: "Hey! Grandpa Xiao, come on! I'm just waiting for you to take over! I'll go back and work hard too!"

Said a teleport disappeared!

Xiao Chuihuo's face was filled with emotion, what a boy! Really promising!

This wave of operations by Jiangnan can be said to have given him a second life, and he just continued the way he had cut off!

I saw that Xiao Chuihuo's eyes were full of determination, but he couldn't let his family down!

The next moment, due to Jiang Nan's departure, the floating curse array disappeared!

Xiao Chuihuo, who was in mid-air, fell straight down and sat down on the floor!

At this moment, I saw his eyes protruding suddenly, and his mouth opened wide!

∑(?口??lll) "Ah!!!"

Groundhog-like screams echoed throughout the academy again!

Feeling the sharp pain of a needle prick on his buttocks, Xiao Chuihuo raised his buttocks fiercely, and came to a flat iron bridge!

But there were big red envelopes all over his back, and when he hit the ground suddenly, the extreme pain spread all over his body!

(?′??Д???`) "Howling~"

The pained Xiao Chuihuo's five sense organs were all twisted together, and he let out a scream like killing a pig, and a carp instinctively stood up!

But Xiao Chuihuo forgot, there are two big red envelopes on the soles of his feet?

Is this step worth it?

(??? Mouth???) "Ah!!!"

I saw Xiao Chuihuo made a big jump and took off on the spot. Due to the excessive force, his head was stuck into the ceiling!

But the eyes are also swollen...

I could hear the screams in the villa endlessly, ding bang!

At this moment, Xiao Chuihuo is jumping up and down in the room like a bouncy ball, there is no place on his body that he can touch!

[The resentment value from Xiao Chuihuo +1001! ]


The grievance value was maxed out for a while, and he didn't say that the big red envelope that was pulled out would hurt so much if touched!

Fortunately, I didn't listen to that kid's improper card removal! Otherwise, I still have my life?

Many people heard the screams!

Zhao Dezhu buried his head under the pillow!

"What's Lao Xiao doing? Killing pigs in his own villa? There's no such thing as fanning pigs, right?"

After tossing around for a long time, Xiao Chuihuo demolished half of the villa, and it was finally safe!

At this moment, he was standing on his hands upside down in a dilapidated room!

? ~ call

There is no big red envelope on the palm!

Fortunately, my wheelchair for more than ten years is not for nothing. Let alone handstand, I can run 120km/h while standing upside down!

This handstand, the aromatherapy ball hanging around the neck is just right near the nose...

Gotta smell it!

[From Xiao Chuihuo...]

At this moment, Jiang Nan, who was in the underground alloy training room on Sky Island, was in a daze!

( ????? )…

I cured Grandpa Xiao's disease, let him live for more than three hundred years, and gave him back the bose particles! What is he blaming me for?

It's so strange...

It will be dawn in a few hours, and Jiangnan won't sleep anymore!

Instead, he took out his mobile phone and poked around for a long time: "Um~ who do I learn from?"

If anyone sees Jiangnan's friend list, they might be scared to pee, because all the special meows in the line are the gods of all countries!

"Let's learn from Musashi first. Koronov is also very good. Then I will improve my close combat skills with him!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes! There is also the old lady Bei, why is her spiritual formation so much hotter than mine?"

Jiangnan mumbled and made a video call to Musashi directly!

There are so many heavens on the blue star, and those who can reach this rank, more or less have their own unique skills!

Jiang Nan decided to use this time to seek advice from them one by one, and gather the strengths of a hundred schools of thought to improve himself!

Everyone in the world is my teacher!

With Jiangnan's current face, as long as he speaks, he will teach!

The video has been played, and it will be picked up soon!

In the video, there is an ordinary-looking woman with freckles on her face, but she is quite interesting!

She suddenly widened her eyes:

(*? Mouth?) "Ah~Jiangnan? It's Nanshen! Siguo~Kakuyi~"


The woman ran into the living room with a thump, the screen flickered for a while, and the camera shot directly to Musashi!

I saw Musashi kneeling on the washboard at the moment, with a sofa, coffee table, and refrigerator on top of his head!

Jiang Nan's forehead was sweating profusely: =????(???????) "Aha~ahhaha~ Hello sister-in-law! Excuse me for disturbing you late at night, I have something to do with brother Musashi!"

The woman's eyes were full of excitement: (? Mouth?)? "Anata~ Nanshen is looking for you, come quickly!"

Musashi swallowed: (′-﹏-`?) "But I haven't knelt enough time, I..."

The woman stared: (??????)? "Come here quickly! Turn your head and kneel again, what if you delay Nanshen's business? You don't even know how rambunctious he is!"

Jiang Nan swallowed, good guy, is my sister-in-law also my little fan girl?

However, your gentlemen are also very good, Rui Sen's head is half of his!

"It's okay... don't worry! Well, next time I visit, I'll bring hundreds of diamond durians to my sister-in-law. That thing is stronger than a washboard when kneeling!"

Musashi took the phone with a dark face:

(????????????)? "Then you better not come here!"

"What do you want me for? Time! Location! Who will you kill?"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth twitched, good guy, is it so direct?

"No! Didn't you say you were going to teach me a trick before? How did you do that quicker than teleportation?"

Musashi's eyes brightened: "You mean instant kill and draw your sword, right? If you ask this, I won't be sleepy!"

Then he ran to the dojo at home in a hurry!

"It's very easy for you to learn this! You're only familiar with it!"

"Let me tell you the simplest truth! Your brain is born with the idea of ​​drawing the knife! Then it sends instructions to your body through nerve transmission! The body responds! Then draw the knife!"

"No matter how fast you move! It won't be faster than the limit reaction time!"

"The reaction time of a normal human being is between 150 and 180 milliseconds! After training, reaching 100 milliseconds is already the limit!"

"This way! It's impossible for you to draw your sword faster than teleportation!"

Jiang Nan swallowed: "Then...then how did you do it so fast?"

Musashi grinned: "Do you need to actively control your breathing when you sleep? Are you really aware of every blink in your daily life?"

Jiang Nan was taken aback suddenly, his scalp was numb: "You mean..."

Musashi's eyes brightened: "Since you can't break through the limit of human reaction time, then go around it!"

"Continuously draw the knife! Pull until you vomit! Let the action of drawing the knife and chop become an instinct that does not need to be actively controlled by your brain! It's like breathing and blinking!"

"This way! The moment your brain conceived the idea of ​​drawing the knife! Your body has already been cut out at the same time, and you didn't even realize it!"

"In this way! Your drawing speed can even be faster than teleportation! Of course, this principle can be applied to any moves! Even punches! Whip kicks! Or spiritual skills!"

"As long as you can turn this into instinct!"

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of shock: "Let the body move faster than the brain's instructions? Damn it!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan really realized how terrifying Yu Yidao's ascension to the top is!

Musashi is well studied!

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