Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1583 Big gun and girl! big crisis

At this moment, Wu Liang has already opened his mouth to refuse to accept me, attracting a large number of one-eyed species to beat him!

Under normal circumstances, Wu Liang would definitely not be able to stop even if he had a brutal collision with him!

But Mira sat on Wu Liang's shoulder and unfolded the field of time stagnation!

Formed an absolute defense, trapping many one-eyed species!

Wu Liang wheeled two giant steel axes, roaring and slammed into the eyes of the Cyclops!

And Xia Yao also turned on Burning Blood? Wolf King, under the effect of Nine Star Flash, the starlight around her body has turned into a dazzling crimson red!

Coupled with the blessing of Wu Liang's war praise, the speed is extremely fast!

Like a silver lightning that shuttles across the battlefield!

"Wolf King? Steel Claw!"

A sharp cold light emerged from Hitomi's steel wolf claws, and it disappeared in a flash!

The cold light drew an X-shaped trajectory in the air, and cut fiercely on the eyes of the one-eyed species!


The eye mask was broken, the one eye was destroyed, and a violent explosion occurred!

Before the flames hit, Xia Yao had already rushed out, flicking her furry wolf tail back and forth, her eyes full of excitement!

Can't help but straighten the earphones!

(??? ???) "Xuexue! It's the seventh! Come on! If we lose, we'll be in the same bed at night!"

At this moment, the small dimples covered with crimson mad flames are soaring at extreme speed in the night sky!

Zhong Yingxue's body was full of red flames, and she had already activated the flame spirit form, and now she was lying on the back of the little dimple!

In front of him is a Hitomi steel anti-materiel sniper cannon!

The length of the gun is even taller than that of Zhong Yingxue!

I saw Zhong Yingxue with a serious face, aiming carefully through the scope!


The powerful flames outside the body are highly compressed and poured into the compression combustion chamber inside the sniper gun!

Because of the high compression, the flame even emitted a hot bright white light!


With a bang, the flame in the compression combustion chamber exploded, bursting out with powerful power!

The crimson tongue of flame rushed out tens of meters along the barrel and the annealing port!

An armor-piercing Hitomi Gundam was pushed out of the barrel by the powerful explosion force!

The entire bullet is surrounded by inextinguishable black flames!

The speed was astonishingly fast, and it directly hit a one-eyed species who was rushing towards Xia Yao from behind, right in the middle!

The eye mask shattered and exploded violently!

Zhong Yingxue pulled the plug, reloaded, and compressed the flames again!

(? ?????????) "Don't even think about it! I'm the 11th, you pay attention behind you, don't be distracted!"

Xia Yao stuck out her tongue:

?(??????)? "Xuexue is handsome!"

As he said that, he turned his head and gave a thumbs up towards the sky, and rushed forward again!

What Zhong Yingxue used was a sniper cannon specially made by Boss Pang for the output of the fire system!

It didn't use any gunpowder to detonate, after all, gunpowder wouldn't work in the lunar environment!

Instead, use the compressed flame explosion of the fire-type supernatural being to propel the Hitomi steel bullet!

The solid pupil steel can also withstand this kind of impact, but the Fire Dragon Sniper still burns red under Zhong Yingxue's bursts of fire!

The combination of big guns and girls is so handsome!

As a fire system turret, Zhong Yingxue faced the one-eyed species on the moon battlefield, and the super output that she was usually proud of was useless!

But Zhong Yingxue is still fighting in this way!

And the number of kills is not low!

The continuous firing of black guns can always catch people by surprise, and many one-eyed species have already started firing star-pupil cannons into the air!

And the little dimple is taking Zhong Yingxue to maneuver at high speed to avoid the Xingtong cannon!

Even if there is no air, the dimple can still fly, and she can still be propelled by flames!

The most outstanding ones are Lan and Xiong Er. Xiong Er is in charge of shaking the ground, attracting the attention of the one-eyed species with earthquake thorns, interfering with the action, and leading them to avoid it!

Lan teleports and space ejects to fly up, and then cuts a space crack and takes it away directly!

But even if they continue to kill, there will be no speed, and blood will be seen when the spear shoots out!

Entwined with spider silk, is it okay to kill the enemy with a spear? Fairy taste full!

And at this moment, Batty rushed over with his Atom team and Clegg and Merlin's Sunset Red team!

I could hear Batty laughing from afar!

"As expected of the Crimson Queen! She moves fast enough!"

Mi Ye rolled her eyes angrily: "It's still not fast enough, please slow down, I will finish work later!"

Craig rushes into the battlefield with a brand new Hitomi steel gauntlet, killing everyone!

"Don't blame the queen! I lost a little time by eating another one-eyed team on the way!"

Mi Ye didn't care either: "Clear the battlefield quickly!"

For some reason, her fighting instinct always made her feel uneasy!

Merlin was even more insane, the old woman was holding the Hitomi Railgun!

As for the source of the high-energy current is herself!

The multiple types of weapons manufactured by Boss Pang Armory allow various elemental systems to burst out with their due lethality!

It won't be long before this one-eyed species will be swallowed up!

And at this moment, Zhong Yingxue's pupils shrank suddenly and her pretty face was pale!

"Oops! I was tricked! Withdraw! Hurry up..."

Before he finished speaking, the dense star pupil cannons lit up the entire night sky almost instantly!

Zhong Yingxue and Xiao Dimple, who were in the air at the moment, had nowhere to hide!

Mi Ye raised her hand and shot out the spider web, trying to pull the little dimple down from the sky!

But it was too late!

I saw Lan rushing into the air with a teleportation, and raised her little hand!

"Space Rubik's Cube!"

In an instant, Zhong Yingxue's dimples in the air shifted and changed positions, and the star-pupil cannon shot smashed in an instant!

Flatten the distant mountains outside the crater, and the flames are everywhere!

Before everyone could clear up the formation, the crater on one side was violently smashed to pieces!

Yege opened fire with full power, charged at a speed beyond the naked eye, and came to Mi Ye's side almost in the blink of an eye!

The killing intent in the eyes is violent!

Mi Ye drew his spear instantly, and was about to make a move, but Yego's visual lock had already landed on Mi Ye's body, and she couldn't even move, the blood armor covered her face extremely quickly!

However, a swinging fist hit Mi Ye's temple fiercely,


The earth was shattered due to the pouring of wild power, and Mi Ye's body was spun and sent flying!

Like a bulldozer, it plowed deep ravines on the ground!

Ordinary Daotian, just this one, his head will be smashed!

Yego's physical fitness is no joke!

Zhong Yingxue's expression was serious: "It was a premeditated ambush, and the number of one-eyed species rushing over is probably close to tens of thousands!"

"Notify the Secretary-General quickly if there are other teams nearby who can come to support! If it doesn't work, we can only break through!"

Craig is already in touch!

But at that moment, there was a harsh rustling sound from everyone's communicators!

Looking up at the sky, I saw a few purple lights flashing!

Flames burst into the dark night sky!

Batty looked gloomy: "The satellite was blown to pieces, tsk tsk tsk ~ these grandchildren have learned the best?"

At this moment, the three guerrilla detachments were surrounded by tens of thousands of one-eyed species, and the communication was cut off!

Is there only one way to go to break through?

Batty's eyes hardened!

"One-eyed king? I've been wanting to try you for a long time!"

While speaking, all the substances around Batty's body were crumbling to pieces!

"Hey, hey! Don't talk to yourself! Are you looking down on me?"

"Snatch the king's prey? Have I agreed?"

I saw Mi Ye's eight spider legs protruding from the huge pit that was smashed out, supporting her body to stand up from the pit!

The blood armor on his face was shattered, his black hair was a little messy, and the brown sunglasses were already shattered, and Mi Ye casually took them off and threw them aside!

The noise from the communicator made Mi Ye a little annoyed, she raised her hand and tore it off and threw it on the ground to be crushed!

Blood gushed out from the hideous wound that was torn open on the forehead, ran across the cheek and dripped to the ground along the chin!

The corner of Mi Ye's mouth curled up, and he stretched out his scarlet tongue to lick his lips!

The eyes are extremely red!

"I can't meet an opponent as interesting as you on Blue Star!"

"Ready to die? Scum!"

Ye Ge stared, his vision locked and looked straight at Mi Ye!

But in an instant, Mi Ye leaned forward slightly!



The ground under his feet exploded violently, and Mi Ye disappeared from Ye Ge's sight almost instantly, and the visual lock failed!

At this moment, Mi Ye was like a bloody shooting star, appearing beside Ye Ge in a blink of an eye!


Ye Ge's pupils locked onto Mi Ye's figure fiercely, and he raised his arm to block it!

But as soon as he lifted it, he suddenly found that he couldn't move his body. He saw streaks of crystal spider silk as slender as a knife's edge, covering the surroundings at some point!

It directly restricted Ye Ge's movements, and under his constant struggle, the tough spider silk even cut Ye Ge out of blood!

"Have you moved? Give it back!"

A high kick hit Ye Ge's head hard!

Its huge body was instantly kicked away, and Mi Ye who landed on the ground raised his hand and shot out two glittering and translucent spider threads!


Yego, who was kicked away, directly smashed a crater, showing how terrifying the strength of this kick is!

However, Mi Ye clenched her teeth and her eyes were full of coldness!

"It's not over yet! Don't you know that women hold grudges? Come back to me!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled his hands together, and the spider silk was stretched straight, and Yego, who had just been kicked out, was pulled back at an astonishing speed!

Mi Ye grabbed a steel spear with pupils and stabbed fiercely at Ye Ge's one eye!

However, Ye Ge didn't dodge or dodge, his pupils narrowed slightly, staring straight at Mi Ye's eyes!

Mind control exercised!

But Mi Ye's pupils also changed accordingly!

"Spider King Compound Eyes!"

In an instant, Mi Ye's pupils turned into a hexagon shaped like a honeycomb structure, exuding a strange red glow!

It looked extremely intrusive, and the mind control didn't have any effect on Mi Ye at all!

Hearing a "clang", the steel spear in Mi Ye's hand pierced Ye Ge's eye mask fiercely!

The entire pupil steel spear shattered, leaving no trace on Yego's eye mask!

Mi Ye's expression was a bit astonished!

But Ye Ge's punch had already slammed into Mi Ye's face!


Mi Ye's body was thrown into the air again, blood splattered in the air, and even the spider silk in his hand straightened and then broke!

I saw Ye Ge frowning and looking at the spider silk wrapped around his body!

After such a short period of time, the poison on the spider silk has corroded his skin and muscles to the point of white smoke!

Ye Ge grabbed the spider thread with a ferocious expression, and the spider thread was torn apart in a burst of strength!

The bad blood was discharged, and in less than a breath, the injuries on his body recovered to the original state!

During the energy gathering of the whole body, the thousand-meter-thick star-pupil cannon was shot out in a blink of an eye!

The target was Mi Ye who was blown away!

The rippling purple energy seems to be the only one in the world. The power of Yego's star pupil cannon is even more terrifying than that of the God Killing Cannon!

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