Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1574 Ready to open a shop? It's over. This is it?

At this moment, Jiang Youzi burst into tears, crushing the stone bed with her big hands!

Σ(|||?) "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

At this moment, Qianben Sakura was lying on the ground, rolling back and forth, covering her stomach with a smile and patting the ground!

Sympathy to tears!

(′???)σ "Ah ha ha ha! Like you do eye exercises, and use the mission to do bad things? Have you been punished?"

Jiang Yuzi, who was so poisoned by the true blindness eye cream that she was almost blind, couldn't take it anymore!

I got up and rubbed my eyes frantically, but the more I rubbed, the more painful it became!

Are you almost lost?

The cute girl with shofar braids was also frightened by Jiang Youzi's fierce reaction!

When I polished other people's eye masks before, others couldn't enjoy it!

It's the first time I've seen myself like Brother God!

"Huh? No... isn't it exciting? How about we change it?"

"I still have a lot of tricks that I haven't shown?"

Jiang Youzi burst into tears: "Let's pass it! Don't mess with those bells and whistles, just show what you are best at!"

The cute girl with shofar braids was taken aback, and the smile on her face gradually changed!

?(?)? "Oh shit? Straight to the point? I didn't expect Brother God to be such a straightforward person, okay!"

While talking, he untied his headband shyly, his hair was scattered, and while unbuttoning, he leaned towards Jiang Youzi!

At this moment, Jiang Youzi was rubbing her eyes when she saw the cute girl with big eyes rushing towards her!

Jiang Yuzi:! ! !

So is this the topic?

"I'm lost! Third brother, you're screwing me to death! Didn't you say there's still this step?"

Even Zhang San and the others were dumbfounded!

We haven't seen this step when others do eye exercises?

Could it be that it comes with the highest level of eye exercises?

At this moment, Nightingale and the others looked dumbfounded with their mouths wide open!

Qianbenying: (¬皮¬?) "Bah! This eye exercise is really not serious!"

At this moment, Jiang Youzi has been cornered!

Seeing the big-eyed cute girl pressing her pouting lips towards him, Jiang Nan's eyes were full of anxiety!

"Third Brother, save me!"

Zhang San couldn't care less about the hotness at the moment, he rushed forward and kissed Jiangnan before the big-eyed cute girl!

Under the action of bobo lip prints, absolutely ignore the activation!

The big-eyed cute girl's one-eyed eyes suddenly lost their target, ignoring Jiang Youzi in front of her!

Can't help being confused: "Where are people... people?"

Jiang Youzi quickly put on the fiery little gloves, and flirted with the big-eyed cute girl!

After a burst of crackling, Leng Shi fanned her memory back to before she entered the store, and even shoved back the accompanying mine that she had paid for from the treasure bag!

The cute girl with big eyes was full of ignorance, she rubbed her cheeks and muttered, "Strange, why did I come here?"

So scratching my head out of the cubicle!

Jiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief: "It has to be my third brother! If it wasn't for... hiss~"

The expression on Jiang Nan's face froze in the middle of the sentence, and his eyes slowly turned to the bedside!

I saw Qianben Sakura Nightingale and a large group of people standing by and watching, filling the small cubicle!

At this moment, they all looked at themselves with teasing eyes!


At this moment, Jiang Nan's face was as black as coal balls!

(??? ?????)?

Shente Meow is just me and the third brother!

Wipe the lip marks and look back and forget about it? Does this absolutely ignored passive talent skill work like this? Hey!

Was it all seen by them? live?

Thanks to the fact that I stuck to my heart just now and nothing happened, otherwise would I still be alive?

I saw Jiangnan pinching his fingers: "It seems that I can only let you feel my enthusiasm!"

While talking, I'm going to rush forward and give everyone a wave of amnestics!

However, Senbon Sakura Rokka and the others turned pale with fright!

I don't want to be slapped in the face!

I saw Qianben Sakura anxious!

(??????)? "Autumn bean sack! The reason why you want us to forget this is because you are afraid that we will tell others secretly, right?"

Jiang Nan stared: "Isn't that nonsense?"

Qianben Sakura spread her hands: ?( ?′??`)? "Now we all know, and there is no chance to tell others secretly, so what are you afraid of?"

"So there's no need to slap your mouth?"

Freya rested her chin in thought!

(??ˇ?ˇ?) "It makes sense, it makes sense!"

Jiangnan: (?_? )…

"I have no grievances with you, why do you take me for a fool!"

Does it make sense? My appearance is not traded with IQ, hey!

Nightingale said anxiously: (????) "You... You came here for eye exercises, so you're really just curious and want to experience it?"

Jiang Nan put a fork on his waist: "Heh~ how is it possible! I told you that I'm here to learn techniques! I'll use them later!"

Qianben Sakura was stunned: "(o ~ o*) "Why are you learning this? "

You don’t practice all day long, and you learn something useless?

Jiang Nan smiled mysteriously: "What are you doing? Of course you opened a shop?"

Nightingale let out a long sigh of relief, huh~ The topic has been successfully changed, what a clever little ghost I am!

However, the next moment, Nightingale's eyes widened suddenly, and her voice was an octave higher!

∑(°口°?) "Huh? Open a shop?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ?(?)? "Of course? Otherwise, why would I bother? Find a good location later and set up a storefront!"

"I already know the techniques of eye exercises. When the store opens, the business is bound to be booming!"

At this moment, Miyazaki Musashi and the others are already confused!

"What's the matter? Are you planning to live here? Aren't we coming to Tongcheng to instigate rebellion against the one-eyed species?"

"In the end, you are going to open an eye gymnastics shop in another city?"

Is it okay to start a business?

Jiang Nan curled his lips: "What do you know? See how I won the entire Tongcheng!"

"Go! Set up a shop!"

Under everyone's bewildered gazes, Jiang Nan swaggered onto the street!

Just about to wipe off the lip marks, Jiang Nan gritted his teeth and stomped his feet suddenly when he remembered something!

Take out a lot of gold chains and small watches from the alien space!

They all put it on for Qianbenzakura!

Everyone is shining with gold, full of local tyrant style!

Now don't be afraid that you will forget!

Freya touched the gold chain around her neck with an obsessed expression!

( ???﹃ ??) "Goose Box ~ You are so kind!"

Jiang Nan glared: "I borrowed it from you! It's not for you! If I lost a gram when I returned it to me! I'll take a rib off of you!"

Jiangnan, who was walking along the street of eye exercises, picked a shop with the most deserted business but a good location!

When I went in, I found out that the proprietress was a one-eyed old lady with dizzy eyes. It's no wonder that the business is doing well!

Quietly stuffed her with an associated mine, and the one-eyed old woman cheerfully gave Jiangnan the business of the shop!

See Jiangnan's drastic decoration, and even set up several darkrooms!

Nightingale was completely stunned, she couldn't keep up with Jiangnan's thinking!

"No... Really open a store? Is it going to be the end of the world? What kind of store did you run to Tongcheng?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "If you want to instigate against the pupil clan, you can only start with the oranges at the bottom. However, no matter how many one-eyed species instigate rebellion, they will not be able to form effective combat power!"

"It won't be of any help to the counter-offensive, it's just doing useless work!"

"But don't forget, those who have the strength to come to the store to consume are all grapefruit-level one-eyed species! This is a great opportunity for us!"

Qianben Sakura tilted her head: ( ??~?? ) "No... I was fooled, are you going to use the opportunity of opening a shop to instigate a Yuzu-level one-eyed species?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "We can instigate rebellion against them! Grapefruit-level one-eyed species has a very high status in Tongcheng!"

"If you want them to give up what they currently have, it is almost impossible to betray the race. Instead, they will safeguard their own interests!"

"Even if you accept a batch, you will not be loyal. The main thing is to instigate those at the bottom!"

"It is extremely necessary to open a store as a cover! Just watch my performance! See how I can eat away the entire Tongcheng little by little!"

Everyone couldn't help swallowing, obviously Jiangnan already had his own plan!

Based on the information collected just after entering the city, a detailed operation plan will be worked out in such a short period of time!

And trying to swallow the entire Tongcheng?

What kind of head melon is this?

But can this really work?

Jiangnan looked up and glanced at Qianbenzakura!

"But before that, we need to get our protagonist this time done!"

"Go to the alley at the 14th street in Beicheng District and get Little Walnut. If it's as expected, where should he be waiting!"

Qianbenying's eyes were full of excitement: "Did you still choose him? I'll go right away!"

As he said that, he ran out of the store in a hurry!

The reason why Jiangnan hid the origin fire in the stone pot is to see how the little walnuts are chosen!

If he had given up trying, he would not have found the opportunity in the stone pot!

If you don't have the heart to break the rules, you don't even dare to go to the meeting place, and you don't even dare to absorb the original fire!

Jiangnan needs someone who dares to break the rules and take action!

Hope the little walnuts are!

Looking at the storefront that was almost ready, Jiang Nan grinned!

"Now... is there just a beautiful proprietress missing?"

I saw another change in Jiangnan's appearance under the action of Little Pudding!

She has become a big-eyed cute girl with star-like eyes, graceful curves, and alluring looks!

Even the hair has become a black long straight princess cut!

I even ate a packet of popping candy to increase my charm!

At this moment, Zhangsan, Musashi, Miyazaki and the others spurted blood collectively!

Depend on! Can Jiangnan even do this kind of thing?

And what's the matter with this inexplicable heartbeat?

Miyazaki was blushing from embarrassment, he was in his late 70s, how could he be tempted by a little girl?

The problem is that this little girl is not human yet!

The most important thing is that she is special or a southerner?

At this moment, Musashi has slapped himself crazily!

"Honey! I'm the one who's sorry for you! I'm so attracted to a one-eyed woman from the south! I'm not human!"

Mrs. Jiang laughed, it seems that the effect is good?

At this moment, Little Walnut is hiding in the alley, feeling a little flustered!

After waiting for so long, why hasn't anyone come to meet me?

But at this moment, Little Walnut felt a mysterious force pulling him!

Go in one direction!

I couldn't help being shocked, and I was even more in awe of that mysterious existence!

Can that mysterious person even do this kind of thing?

How strong is he?

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