Tolu slowly picked up the roast leg of lamb on the table and ate it!

There is no intention to speak immediately!

(?┏~┓?) "Before I talk about the content of the meeting, shouldn't you fulfill the promise you made earlier?"

Rhea sneered: "Make it clear, you don't have the capital to negotiate terms with me!"

"If it wasn't for the holy star to infuse you with boson particles to help you break through, with your talent and age, would it be possible to go further?"

"Who do you think gave you your five-star level now?"

Tolu looked ugly: "I took such a big risk to cooperate with you, if I don't give me what I promised, don't expect to get half a word from me!"

Rhea narrowed her eyes: "You are willing to take the risk! Do you really think that our holy star has to be yours? You can't get it from your mouth!"

"I can still get it from other people's mouths! Opportunities don't come all the time. Whether you can seize them depends on yourself!"

Tolu was startled: "There are still people from you in the council? Who?"

Ruiya was expressionless: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask! If you know more, be careful of your life!"

"As long as you cooperate, Daotian six-star, eight-star, peak, or even surpassing Daotian is not a dream!"

"Follow the pace of Sheng Xing, Sheng Xing will not treat you badly, you know, we have this ability!"

"When Blue Star becomes Star Market, maybe you, as a hero, can make you king, but this person can be you or someone else! Do you understand?"

Tolu swallowed, his eyes were brighter than ever before, surpassing Daotian! Are you king?

This is something that Tolu didn't dare to think about before, his potential has long been exhausted, and he has been stuck in Dao Tian Si for who knows how many years!

Even if humans ignite the moon, so what if the shackles of humans are broken under the radiation? Tolu can't wait!

I can't even touch the door, so what's the use of opening it? I can't climb up by myself!

But with the help of Shengxing, I can!

Tolu looked ruthless: "Okay! I'll tell you the details of the meeting!"

In the empty hall, Tolu revealed everything he had heard at the round table meeting!

Rhea listened carefully, all guerrilla strategies, matrix alliances, and resource sharing were all mentioned!

Ruiya almost couldn't laugh out loud when she heard that the plan was to turn against the pupil clan!

What a beautiful thought, a mere slave, how dare to disobey the orders of the Bose clan?

Don't even dare to lend them a hundred guts!

Said Tolu dry mouth and took a sip of wine.

Rhea raised her eyebrows: (??~???) "Say it? Why don't you continue talking?"

Tolu was stunned: (?┏_┓?) "I'm done? I told you all the contents of the meeting?"

Ruiya stared: (????)!! "That's it? You didn't hide it and didn't report it? What about dry goods? What about the specific action plan?"

"I've been sitting here listening to you rambling for half an hour, except for the general direction of action, I haven't heard anything useful, hey!"

Tolu swallowed his saliva: "I really didn't hide it from you! The meeting was just like this, I told you everything, and I promised to give me a star rise! You can't go back on your word!"

Rhea slapped the table angrily!

(?°?口°?) "I'll give you a fart star! Take these useless information and want to exchange my boson particles? Am I so easy to fool?"

"Useless trash! How did you go to the meeting? Did you sleep and didn't listen carefully?"

Rhea got up and was about to leave!

But Tolu was in a hurry, why was it useless? I listened so carefully that I even took notes!

At this moment, Tolu was taken aback!

(?┏口┓?)? "Wait... wait! There is a group! You can definitely use this group!"

While speaking, he took out his mobile phone and showed Ruiya the group chat of Jiangnanjian!

Ruiya looked suspicious: (???.??)???? "What the hell is the hope of the whole village? You still want to fool me? Are you fooling me like a fool?"

At this moment, Rhea's breath was already dangerous!

Tolu quickly explained: "Really! It's true! This group is for us to communicate with each other, share action progress and various information!"

Rhea frowned, leaned over to look through it for a while, and couldn't help but be amazed!

It really is? Is the big hermit hidden in the city? Did you choose to use group chat to communicate?

Heh~ I didn't expect this!

If you have this thing, you can know all kinds of information about the human camp at any time, isn't it very useful?

Ruiya's joy was beyond words: "That's right! Give me a copy of your account and password. You can use this to communicate with me anytime you get any useful information!"

Saying that, he gave Tolu a colorful snail shell!

Tolu breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he took out something valuable!

"The benefits promised to me..."

Rhea sneered, and rushed directly into Tolu's body!

I saw Tolu's face flushed, hoarfrost all over his body, and his body couldn't help trembling!

When Rhea came out again, her body was already a little transparent, and she looked a little weak!

"Be smart ~ as long as you do well, you will get what you want! Everything!"

Rhea disappeared into the void while speaking!

While Tolu was sitting on a stool, he could clearly feel that under the infusion of Bose particles, the barrier to the six stars of Daotian was weakened a lot!

As long as you are willing to work hard, you can go one step further by breaking through the barriers!

However, after being excited, Tolu seemed a little melancholy, but after a while, this melancholy became fierce!

"Sorry! My fate is in my own hands!"

Maybe I will become the sinner of all mankind!

Being spurned and abused by everyone, but so what?

I will eventually become immortal, the king of people, and all speeches will be suppressed at that time!

Just create a world that belongs to Lao Tzu!

Otherwise, so what if we won the counterattack? Isn't he still a daotiansi, with no hope of reaching the top, no way out, and being suppressed by others!

In the end, he died of old age and ended his unglamorous life!

Toru would not like this!

Life is made up of choices one by one, and Tolu made his own choice!

Keriya's actions did not stop, she instinctively smelled danger in this human counterattack!

Master Igor is not here, so there must be no trouble. She doesn't know the specific plan, so she is worried!

That being the case, I can only take some risks and use the hidden ones!


Late at night, the underground base of the Sun Islands Lingwu Alliance!

After the building collapsed, it was used as a temporary headquarters!

Even though it was late at night, Quinn was still processing the documents sent back from all parties!

The correction officer, the Sun Peace Corps is used as a surveillance role, and the information collected will eventually be sent to Quinn for unified processing!

I saw Quinn taking off his glasses, rubbing his sore brows, his eyes were full of exhaustion!

But at this moment, the glass light gathered, and Rhea's figure emerged, as if returning to her own home, she sat down on the sofa!

Quinn looked up at Rhea, twisted his neck, and sorted out the documents on the table!

Before Quinn could speak, Rhea said to herself: "Don't worry! The space system on Blue Star is not near here, and no one can find my whereabouts!"

Quinn was not surprised, but took out a cigarette from the drawer, snapped his fingers and flicked it lightly, a flame ignited on his fingertips, and lit the cigarette!

( ?° _ ?°)?︴

"I haven't seen you for a few years, right? Why did you remember looking for me? What? Is Sheng Xing unable to sit still?"

Smoke puffed out, dimming the lights!

Ruiya crossed her legs, a little yin and yang!

(?¬~¬) "Isn't this afraid that you'd get too involved in the drama and forget who you are? Why? Work so late!"

"Are you very worried about the current situation of mankind?"

A smile curled up at the corner of Quinn's mouth: "Of course! Isn't this what I, the president of the International Lingwu Federation, should do?"

Ruiya narrowed her eyes: "Don't forget how you got here! Without the holy star, there is no immortal holy flame!"

"You will only be a small flame that will go out at any time! Without the holy star to remove obstacles for you, operate in secret, and pave the way, you will not be the president of the International Spiritual Martial Alliance!"

"Don't have any small thoughts, fluke mentality, delusional thinking about threatening the organization with the power and network energy you currently have, and playing the game of bargaining chips!"

"The holy star can push you to the top of the mountain, and naturally it can also make you fall into the abyss forever!"

Quinn smiled and let out a puff of smoke!

"Why are you nervous? Did I say anything? I can only do my job with all my heart and do my best for the sake of human beings!"

"Put yourself in my shoes and try my best to let human beings win this war. This is in line with my current identity, so I won't be suspected, right?"

"After so many years of layout, you don't want to ruin it because of a momentary negligence, do you?"

"Of course I know the energy of the holy star, what kind of existence the Bose family is! I also know that even if human beings exhaust everything and create miracles! It is impossible to win this unequal war!"

"After all! I've seen the outside world, haven't I?"

Hearing what Quinn said, Rhea's face looked better!

"It's best to be like this! People are complicated. I'm afraid that if you stay in the crowd for a long time, you will have some useless shit like empathy, righteousness and responsibility!"

"Then do some stupid things and disrupt Sheng Xing's plan!"

Quinn smiled: "How is it possible! People often make irrational decisions because they can't see the general trend clearly!"

"And I have seen the mountains, and I am very sane!"

"By the way, how is Vivienne? I haven't seen her for many years~"

Rhea shrugged: "She's okay, she's been dealing with things in the Mayan rainforest..."

The two are like old friends who have been away for many years, chatting without saying a word!

I saw Quinn snuffing out the cigarette butt in his hand: "What? You came to me this time, are you going to activate me? Isn't the timing right?"

"With Master Igor's arrangement, it shouldn't be a problem to take down the moon and extinguish the fire, right?"

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