Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1553 The money in your hand! All stolen goods

Baldr is shocked, lose money to him?

The key point is that I am not rich now, am I?

If you practice every day, how can you have time to make money? The Tianshen group is gone, and I am alone, and my life is very tight!

The money I am using now is all the money I saved before!

But looking at the Mazar in Jiangnan's hand, Bader's face darkened again!

Losing money is better than being fired for more than 3,000!

(?)?¬利¬) "How much do you want to pay?"

Jiang Nan is confident: (︶~︶(#) "One punch is not too much for me, right? It's all God, isn't this small amount of money worthless to you?"

Badr almost had a heart attack on the spot!

"What? You want more than 300 billion? Where do I have so much money? Do you want me to grab Haitang?"

Bombardier: (?_? )? ? ?

Jiangnan frowned: (#)??.??)???? "Don't have any money? Then it's better to open the dipper. If you suffer, it's equivalent to earning 100 million yuan, just bear it and pass!"

Speaking of holding a small maza, he was about to hammer Badr on the head!

Badr stared: "Stop, stop, stop! Pay! I will pay! But can you ask for a reliable price?"

After some tugging between the two, in the end, Bader swiped 1 billion knives to Jiangnan with a black face!

This matter is considered a downer, and the grievance value from Baldr has never been broken!

At this moment, Jiangnan let Freya step forward to treat her wounds!

But Freya looked astonished, could she get money for being beaten?

One billion?

This... this seems to be a new path?

I can take the beating myself, but I don't know if I can get money!

I have to say that Freya's treatment is terrifying!

Not to mention that Jiangnan's injuries have all recovered, the rich source of life has been injected, and the little leather whip has been upgraded to a star level, and the level has reached Diamond Nine!

At this moment, Jiangnan is having fun, and another 1 billion has been brought in to fill in Freya's hole!

Even if I don't want to come back, I can't lose it!

This wave of beating my sister is in vain~

Badr's face was black: (????????????)? "Help me push my arm too!"

Freya smiled brightly, and was about to take out the POS machine from the treasure bag!

Badr gritted his teeth: (why?) "Don't step on the horse!"

I spent 1 billion tonight, but I can't spend any more!

Seeing Badr's expression of hatred, Jiang Nan grinned!

"Seeing that you have spent a lot of money tonight, I can't let you suffer too much. How about giving you a present?"

While talking, I stretched my hands into the alien space and started tinkering!

Badr was startled, turned his head and spit...

(?? `Yi?') "Cut! Who wants the broken things from you? I..."

The corner of Jiang Nan's mouth curled up!

(?  ̄? ?  ̄?) "Oh? Really don't want it? You'd better watch it before talking!"

While talking, he took out a piece of origin fire brick directly from the alien space!

The huge origin square brick is 3 meters by 3 meters, exuding a faint blue light!

Bader raised his hand to take it, and the whole person was dumbfounded!

(!!? Convex?) "Spark of origin? Or chalcedony?"

Badr's entire voice was raised an octave, with a look of horror on his face!

I took the entire Tianshen group into it, and only then did I get a piece the size of a human head in the hands of Sheng Xing!

And got a beating!

But Jiangnan just took out a piece this big? Gave it to me?


At this moment, not only Bader was dumbfounded, but all Daotian's eyes were straightened!

Origin stone marrow, this thing is something that breaks through the peak of the ten stars of Daotian and crushes the limit gate of the human race!

At the beginning, the stick of origin was so big that it was crazy to grab it, but there are so many in the south of the Yangtze River?

Odin leaned on his chin and pretended to be amazed, but the depths of his eyes were not very interested...

But I have to sigh with emotion, there are really many treasures in the hands of such a big brother!

Badr was stunned: "Souvenir? Did you really give it to me?"

Even if you spend 1 billion to buy it, it won't be a loss, right?

Jiang Nan stretched out his hand: "Don't give it to me!"

However, Baldr immediately took the fire brick into the alien space!

"Yes! Why don't you give me something for nothing?"

The smile on Jiangnan's face was even bigger!

Of course, I will not be taken advantage of, Jiangnan rarely does things that are disadvantaged!

One is because there are really a lot of tinder bricks in the south of the Yangtze River!

The second is that Jiangnan can't determine which camp Bader is in, or whether there is a possibility of falling to the Holy Star!

After all, there was an assassination by the Tianshen Group, Jiang Nan had to doubt it!

The reason why I gave Baldr the origin fire is to let him know that what the Holy Star can give, now I can give it too!

And the shot may be even more generous than them!

In this way, the possibility of Badr's defection is reduced. After all, it is a top-level space system. When this guy hits the Bose body, the lethality is absolutely amazing!

But people's hearts are unpredictable, and Jiangnan has to guard against it!

As for what was tampered with on the Origin Brick...

Probably only Jiangnan himself knows!

I hope Bader is kind, otherwise, even if it is the top space system, Jiangnan really wants to do it. Although it may not kill him, he can still do it!

These days, the head is far easier to use than the fist!

However, Bombardier was red-eyed!

?(?口?,)? "Jiangnan? Is there any more? I'll buy one with you! 1 billion! Not 3 billion!"

This is stone marrow, which is much better than the associated mine that I mimicked!

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮( ??w?? )╭ "Hey~ I don't really want to sell~ I don't have much either!"

Bai Kou covered her face, only ghosts will believe you, you are so many that you can use it to lay floor tiles and it would take up space, okay?

Bombardier looked ruthless: (`へ′?) "Ten billion? Make an offer! As long as you are willing to sell me a piece! Money is not a problem at all!"

I can make money by riding a horse, but can I still make money?

Jiang Nan laughed all over his face: (*???) "Oh? Boss Pang has one himself? Why are you still buying it from me?"

The smile froze on Bombardier's face!

(′-?-`;) "No... Nothing, the only thing left was destroyed by Ruisen, how can I have anything else?"

"Seriously! You can make any price!"

However, Jiang Nan didn't care at all: "Don't sell it, don't sell it~"

Bombardier gritted his teeth and turned to look at Badr!

"How about... Is it okay to transfer your piece to me? I will pay a high price!"

Bader turned his head: ( ̄亿 ̄?) "I don't want the money you pulled out! All the money in your hand is stolen!"

Bombardier:! ! !

Isn't all the riding horses pulled out?

God damn money is stolen!

Bombardier's face was full of bad luck, and he was mad, but Jiang Nan obviously didn't want to give it to him!

Jiang Nan has a look on his face, it's not about money!

What I want is not Bombardier's money, but his ability!

The reason why I took out the Tinder bricks tonight for everyone to see is also to warm up for tomorrow's meeting...

At this moment, Quinn's eyes were flickering, and he clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Okay, okay! The matter is settled!"

"And the night is getting dark, everyone will go back to the island to rest first, and the round table meeting will be held as normal tomorrow morning..."

Having said that, everyone's grievance value began to refresh again!

(?_? ) "It's all collapsed, where is there a place for people to rest?"

The smile on Quinn's face also froze. This group of Daotians came to the meeting, so they couldn't sleep on the street in shabby condition, could they?

Jiangnan's expression turned positive: ( ????? ) "Selling camping tents, sleeping bags, wood stoves and other camping tools, as well as RVs, the price is beautiful and economical..."

But before Jiang Nan finished speaking, the major roads turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia!

Jiang Nan hurriedly greeted: (? Mouth?)?

However, no one responded at all. Experience and lessons have proved that if it is not necessary, don't buy things on the street stalls in Jiangnan!

A batch of pits!

In a blink of an eye, only Mi Ye and Freya standing in the distance were left!

I saw Jiang Nan grinning, and teleported to Mi Ye!

(????) "The skirt~ is really pretty!"

Mi Ye's pretty face flushed suddenly, and she turned her head away!

(?ˇ~ˇ) "Okay... what do you think? They were all stabbed by spider legs!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand to cover her back, her eyebrows frowned slightly, but the corners of her mouth still curled up in an imperceptible arc!

Jiang Nan couldn't help but stepped forward and tugged on the corner of Tie Mi Ye's skirt

(? ??~??)? "The bad sister is not angry anymore?"

Mi Ye raised her pretty face!

(?? ~?) "Hmph! Who said that? I'm still very angry. Go away, I don't want to see you!"

"I just had a personal enmity with Bader, and it has nothing to do with you!"

Jiang Nan snickered: (?????) "Really? Still angry? But don't you want to listen to my explanation?"

Mi Ye crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows!

(??????) "Oh? How are you going to explain it to me?"

Jiang Nan smiled: (?????? ????) "My explanation is very long, why don't you go to the RV and listen to me slowly explain it!"

Mi Ye swallowed, looked at Jiangnan with big eyes, and moved her index finger!

(*?? ???) "Such a long explanation, is this night finished?"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "It's up to you! The kind that is full!"

How could Mi Ye hold back, she was already too hungry!

Pull Jiangnan and rush towards the island!

Freya on the side was dumbfounded, she was still waiting for Jiangnan to finish chatting with Mi Ye, and then tell herself about the little secret!

Who knew they were gone together?

Oops...Jiangnan can't tell Mi Ye about me by the way, can he?

Then Mi Ye told others, and then passed it on from person to person, so wouldn't the whole Blue Star know about it?

Then am I still alive?

No no no! You have to watch yourself!

And all his wine was taken away by Jiangnan, so he didn't have anything to drink at all!

There is simply no way to pass this day!

In the RV, Jiang Lan couldn't handle the bad sister's style of play at all!

She is more proficient at teasing than before, it seems that she has practiced with Mei a lot on weekdays!

How could Jiang Lan stand up to this?

Mi Ye, who couldn't bear it for a long time, sips directly, and bites Jiang Lan's neck, showing a fascinated expression on his face!


That's what it tastes like! I just love it!

At this moment, Jiang Lan's whole body seemed to be electrified. Under Mi Ye's toxin, she lost all strength and her whole body was limp!

In a daze, Jiang Lan suddenly noticed the outside of the window, and couldn't help widening her eyes!

"(o mouth o*)

At this moment, Freya was clasping the window sill with both hands, peeking outside with only half of her head exposed!

His eyes were wide open, and two nosebleeds flowed down his nostrils involuntarily!


Goose box ~ goose box ~ really exciting!

Rao is the goddess who is knowledgeable and well-informed, and this is the first time I have seen her like this!

Jiangnan! Jiang Lan? tsk tsk ~

Did Mi Ye have such a complicated relationship with him?

Suck ~

Jiang Lan:! ! !

You perverted goddess, don't just peek outside the RV, hey!

You are useless, you! Wait until I wake up!

In a daze, Jiang Lan fainted, and now Mei came back from the outside with two food boxes!

The moment the RV passed by, his expression froze!

I saw Freya wearing a long skirt, posing outside the caravan in a horse gait without any image!

Let out the perverted laughter of goose box~goose box box, and wipe the nosebleed with his hands from time to time!

Rubbing on the skirt...

The corner of Mei's mouth twitched slightly, she turned her head and left without making any sound!

Dreaming... this must be dreaming!

How could it be possible that the one with horse gait outside the caravan is the goddess of life?

The unbelieving Mei looked back again!

Σ(?口??) It’s her!

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