Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1550 Yes, yes, yes! how do you know?

[Resentment value from Balder +1001! ]

At this moment, Baldr's face is full of bad luck, and he is mad with anger!

It's clear that Jiangnan is putting a pot of shit on his face?

Relying on being the core figure of the meeting, he was protected by many Taoists!

Once something happens, there is a high probability that all countries will give Jiangnan a head start!

And he will also end up with the reputation of destroying the Blue Star Round Table Conference, and he will definitely be accused by thousands of people!

This is on the Sun Islands, where a group of blue star masters gathered!

In this case, the reputation of the god Baldr will be completely ruined!

Is the old man still messing around?

Originally, I just wanted to teach Jiangnan a lesson, but I didn't want to kill him. Let him know how powerful he is, and it's over if he saves some face!

Who knew Jiangnan was serious about it?

It's fine if it's really Lao Tzu's beating, I admit it, at least it can relieve my anger!

But I didn't touch you even once, so you fucked yourself up?

You acted both the good guy and the bad guy, right?

[Resentment value from Balder +1001! ]

(?? Mouth?) "Stop it! You fucking stop it! Don't hit me any more!"

At this moment, Badr rushed forward, and he was about to stop Jiangnan's movements!

If you really let him make things worse, you can't end it!

Jiang Nan glared: (#)????? (#) "Do you know how powerful I am now? It's not easy to use! Today we have to fight to the death! Hydrogen bomb punch! Puff~"

With one punch, Jiangnan's front teeth were blown out by himself!

Badr:? ? ?

tooth! Is that a tooth?

Can you be more ruthless?

Σ(っ °﹏ °;)っ "Don't fight, it's almost enough, I..."

Having said that, Bader was stunned for a moment!

Didn't I come to fight Jiangnan on horseback? Why are you trying to persuade him now?

do not care!

"Stop it for me!"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan: ('口'(#)? "Look at my saw blade!"

Bianshengnan: (#)¬~¬) "Hmph! How dare you show off your petty tricks? Space expansion? Expulsion! Get out of here!"

Jiangnan: ∑(°?口?°(#) "Hiss~ you..."


With a bang, the Amplified Space Saw Blade exploded violently in the air, and countless space blades slashed wildly in all directions!

Badr dodged to dodge, and saw that Jiangnan had teleported away!

The body flew out like a missile, and flew out of the island in an instant!

Continuously smashed through the embassies of all national powers in Sun Island, such as Mi Goose Eagle Fish Hong Xuefan Maple Leaf, Haitang Everbright City Blue Ice, etc.!

If you want to ask how you can hit it completely, of course you aimed at the corner and hit it!

In order to make the demolition more thorough, Jiangnan's "expelled" road has even opened up empty black holes, demolishing the embassy in a mess!

The Sun Islands, which were quite calm 30 seconds ago, are now full of flames, flying like dogs, explosions are everywhere, and billowing black smoke fills the air!

Those who didn't know thought they had come to the frontline theater!

In the end, it crashed into the alliance headquarters building on the main island!

It directly blasted into Freya's room, and destroyed her shack by the way!

This kind of thing shouldn't exist in this world at all!

At this moment, Freya, whose skirt was half covered, just put her head through it!

I saw Jiang Nan crashing headlong into the room, covered in blood and almost utterly disfigured!

Freya was terrified, her face was terrified, and she was about to scream!

I saw Jiangnan staring at Freya!

(??~??(#) "You wait for me!"

Freya:! ! !

You've been beaten up like this, do you still have time to chat with me?


Jiangnan crashed through the headquarters building, and the building was trampled!

All of a sudden, the siren sounded on the Sun Islands, and all the missions rushed out from the ruins of the embassy cursing!

(? ?;Yi?;) "Who! Who is riding on a horse? How dare you bombard our embassy in the United States?"

"And I'm from Maple Leaf Country! I'm Batty, you really think I'm easy to bully, don't you?"

"Badr? Did Baldr go to kill Jiangnan? He will kill him today!"

[Resentment value from Pierce +1001! ]

[From Andy…]

[From Bigg...]


All of a sudden, rows of resentment values ​​were refreshed crazily, and phantoms were all refreshed!

Jiang Pengci is so happy, this effect is too good, right?

(#)???﹃???(#) Goose Box~

I saw the searchlights on the Sun Islands shooting directly at them!

Landing on Badr above the island, a terrifying imposing Daotian rushed out, staring directly at him with fierce eyes!

Those who can cultivate to Daotian, are they afraid of trouble?

I saw Ye Zhenguo's eyes tearing apart: "If there is something wrong with my Nan Zai Zai, I will never end with you!"

While speaking, he rushed straight to the ruins of the headquarters!

Mi Ye also rushed out in a panic!

(? ?????????)?? "What's wrong? What happened?"

Then I heard Bombardier chatting with several Daotians!

"Badr is really daring? He got Jiangnan right up here? It's such a big game? Isn't the fight too fierce?"

"What? Baldr beat Jiangnan? Retaliation? In this period, what the hell? Isn't Baldr a little bit tough?"

"Didn't you hear how loud you just yelled? Tsk tsk tsk ~ Jiangnan is also fierce enough, and the level of diamonds is just on the same level as Badr? Isn't it appropriate to be bullied?"

At this moment, Mi Ye's eyes were red, and he rushed towards the ruins of the headquarters building recklessly!


In the ruins of the headquarters, Jiangnan struggled to climb out from under the concrete floor!

Freya, who had just climbed out, gasped when she saw Jiangnan's current appearance!

How did you get hurt so badly?

I saw that Jiang Nan was covered in blood, covered in scars, his chest was sunken, and his cheeks were swollen.

There was a large area of ​​bruising on the exposed skin, and even one leg was broken!

The eyes are swollen into a seam, and I can hardly open them!

Freya swallowed her saliva!

(??﹏?): "Don't move around, I'll treat you right away..."

Jiang Nan stared and quickly lowered his voice!

(#)? ??????) "Bah! You dare to cure me, I'm in a hurry with you!"

I finally beat myself up like this, if he is cured, won't others see how vicious Bader's attack is?

Freya:? ? ?

(?′?w?) Huh?

Does it need to be cured?

This is the first time I have come across people who are going to heal injuries, and they are anxious to me?

I saw Jiangnan stepping forward, limping, leaving behind a series of bloody footprints!

Blood flowed down his forehead, across his cheeks, and dripped down his chin to the ground!

However, Jiangnan's gaze was full of determination, stubbornly staring at Badr in the air!

The searchlights came directly over, pulling Jiangnan's shadow for a long time!

(#)? ̄??з? ̄??(#) "vomit~"

I saw Jiang Nan tilting his head and spitting blood, with three back molars!

Raising his hand to grab it, the blood-drinking halberd pointed directly at Badr!

"I haven't lost yet! Let's fight again! Come on!"

Badr's face darkened: (???Yi????) "Jiangnan! You act! You act again!"

At this moment, I don't know how many days of eyes fell on Jiang Nan's body, and he was shocked!

How did you get hurt so badly?

Did Bader really kill him?

play? Isn't this blinding your eyes?

If the actor can play himself like this, if he didn't hang up in one breath, Jiangnan might just hang up right away, right?

Jiang Nan was full of dissatisfaction!

(????~???)? "If you have the guts, fight again..."

While speaking, he stepped forward, but his broken leg softened, and his body lost his balance and fell forward!

Mi Ye turned into a red light, and supported Jiangnan's body that was about to fall!

Eyes were reddening: (???????~???????) "How did you get hurt like this? Don't you know how to hide? Are you a fool? You are only a diamond, what are you fighting with Baldr? "

"Don't you know how to find me?"

Jiang Nan felt a twinge in his heart: "Bad sister, I...

Mi Ye clenched her teeth, trembling with anger!

(??? Dish??) "He knocked out all your teeth? Watch me knock out all his teeth and swallow them in my stomach!"

While speaking, he turned around and rushed towards Badr!

Jiang Nan grabbed Mi Ye's arm with an anxious expression on his face: "Bad sister! Don't go, I'm fine, I..."

Without looking back, Mi Ye shook off Jiang Nan's hand!

"Don't worry about it! Stay here, the rest is up to me!"

While speaking, eight blood-colored spider legs pierced the black skirt, covering her body with blood armor, and her eyes were full of murderous intent!

"Injured him so far! I want you to pay the price!"


With a bang, Mi Ye shot straight into the sky!

At this moment, looking at Mi Ye's back rushing towards the sky, Jiang Nan's eyes were full of tenderness!

What do I have to pay for this?

Get sucked and get sucked, she deserves it!

Seeing Mi Ye rushing over, Bader's eyes were full of bad luck, and he dodged to dodge!

(??口???) "I never touched him at all. I didn't hit him from the beginning to the end. I didn't do it!"

Mi Ye was very angry: (??????)? "You fart! How did Jiang Nan get hurt? It wasn't you who beat him, but could it be Jiang Nan who beat him?"

Badr was startled, then nodded!

(??ˇ_ˇ?) "How do you know? That's right! He did it himself!"

Mi Ye:! ! !

"Badr! You are enough! Who will believe your nonsense? Do you dare to do it or not? Go to hell!"


At this moment, Yang Jian also rushed to Jiangnan, and supported the seriously injured Jiangnan, furious!

(?`⌒′) "Badr! Now that the moon is in crisis and mankind is at stake, now we are counting on the Blue Star Roundtable Conference to launch a counterattack!"

"In this special period, you actually attacked Jiangnan in the middle of the night? What is your intention to destroy the Sun Islands? You want to be anti-human?"

"I'm afraid you're going to seek refuge with the Holy Star, aren't you?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone looking at Bader changed!

Jiang Nan swallowed, brother Jian is worse than me?

This pot is too big!

Badr:! !

"I'm not! I..."

Now I can't wash it off even if I jumped into the Pacific Ocean!

This is really a shit pot that fell from the sky, and it fell directly on the crotch! It is shit!

(? ̄? ~ ̄?) "Do you care? Dare to hurt Jiangnan? Have you asked me? Blizzard!"

Bai Kou also rushed forward at this moment!

"Hit my brother? The gods are not good at it!"

Koronov is on too!

Chen Daoyi even raised his voice and yelled: "Badr wants to kill Jiangnan, destroy the Blue Star Round Table Conference, and put human beings in danger, everyone, come with me! Teach him a lesson!"

"Don't think that you can do whatever you want because you are a space system!"

During the roar, Huaxia San Daotian also rushed up!

As the three of them rushed forward, more and more Daotian raised their momentum and rushed towards Balder madly!

At this moment, two streaks of scarlet blood appeared in the night, and Cooper was seen stepping out of the night, entangled in death, where plants withered and everything withered!

"God Baldr! Openly attacking the Sun Islands of the Lingwu Alliance. On the eve of the round table meeting, he intends to kill the members of the council! Will the islands be destroyed to this point?"

"What do you want to do? Do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes?"

Balder is numb at this moment! Completely numb!

Jiangnan! I just ~%?...;# *’!

[Resentment value from Balder +1003! ]

[From Baldr…]

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