Among other things, there are only a few of the most famous ones in the world at the Nanshen stall!

Dali, and the bomb of Hell's Evil Wind Baba, followed by Little Soybean!

This thing once blew up the city that never sleeps in the abyss, and artificially created a terrifying existence of a planetary engine!

Who doesn't know the power of little soybeans?

Is Nanshen trying to use the little soy bean to kill the star devouring giant worm?

Seeing the gigantic size of the giant star devouring worm, everyone was shocked!

What kind of scene is this?

As everyone knows, Jiangnan is helpless!

Watch me score twice!

However, the total amount of grievance points in Goose Jiangnan can't hold it anymore!

The original remaining two million yuan was used to smoke small cupping cans, but in this wave of wars, it was hard to save up to one million yuan!

Let Jiangnan spend it all, and dry the skin directly!

Not much, just 10,000 catties of small soybeans!

Compared with the generous 50,000 jin last time, it was nothing compared to the big deal after all.

But as long as it works, the little soy bean will always be a god!

Jiang Nan also wants to feed the giant star devouring bug nuclear bomb milk or something!

But with its size, the moon would probably be gone if it collapsed all at once!

See if I don't kill you!

At this moment, Mi Ye in the city that never sleeps in the abyss watched Jiangnan feed the giant star devouring worms and eat small soybeans, his face turned black!

Reminds me of all Nan Wang's memories!

(???~????) "Sure enough! I still have to cry!"

[Resentment value from Mi Ye +1001! ]


Jiangnan: Huh?

New grievance value again? Another 10 catties!

At this moment, Rui Sen is also frowning, what is Jiangnan planning to do?

So far, do you still want to struggle?

However, when the one-eyed army saw this scene, their eyes widened!

You know, these one-eyed species are all following Ava's group, and they came out of the Moon Eye Mine!

That's all seen the big scene!

Seeing Jiangnan throwing soybeans in, he immediately understood what was going on!

Before the star devouring giant worms started, they rushed towards its tail nozzle one by one, and lined up!

They even fought for the front position!

Ruisen was stunned, what are they doing?

But Chen Daoyi, who was using Clegg as a shield at the moment, was stunned, as if he realized something!

He stared fiercely at Clegg's Houqiu!


next moment!

I saw the star-eating giant worm directly fell into a berserk state, and thunder bursts from its abdomen!

The huge body writhed restlessly on the ground!

Even Clegg twisted up!

Ye Zhenguo was terrified!

(??﹏?|"Hey, hey! You can't learn from him! We are still behind you!"

Speaking of which, the whole person shrank behind Chen Daoyi!

And Wang Dalei also shouted!

|?`Yi?′o) "That's right! Don't collapse! It's everywhere, so we won't be able to hit you!"

Then he hid behind Ye Zhenguo!

Chen Daoyi:! ! !

(Fuck pan?) "Craig, if you dare to spout, I will fight you hard! If you die, hold back!"

"Believe it or not, I will block you with tree vines right now?"

Frightened, Chen Dao quickly turned his head away, his face turned pale with fright!

Craig: (#)??benefit??)! ! !

God stepped on the block! It's fine to use me as a shield, but you still want to stab me?

Be human!

At this moment, Clegg fell into a fierce ideological struggle!

Follow or not, if you follow, you will be buried, and they will definitely dislike you, so you won't start beating yourself, but you will be blocked!

Although you don't need to be beaten, you will die socially, right?

But if you don't follow! If you still have to be beaten, you may really die!

So why is it another multiple choice question!

After struggling for a while, Clegg still chose not to follow. After all, once he followed, he would lose his qualifications to be a human being!

Old Merlin will despise me!

At this moment, Clegg's eyes are full of determination!

With the full fermentation of the detoxified soybeans, the star-eating giant worm finally couldn't hold back!

The body trembled for a while, and the refining mouth slowly opened!

In the next moment, a gust of orange-yellow fragrance gushes out at an astonishing speed!

The one-eyed species who were crowded in the front had their face deformed by the blowing, and their mouths were shaking from the blowing!

However, the one-eyed army at this moment is excitedly cheering!

ヾ(??)? Yahoo~

Bathed in the orange fragrance, I inhaled fiercely with my nostrils widened!

Showing an expression of enjoyment and fascination!

At this moment, they are even a little grateful to Jiangnan, otherwise how would they have the opportunity to smell such a strong fragrance!

But at this moment, the people in the God Killing Curse Formation all looked at the one-eyed army bathed in the orange storm with horror on their faces!

Turn your head and throw up!

Σ_(???」∠)_"Hey~ I never thought that the one-eyed people still have such a strange hobby!"

"Are they still sucking farts? What does this smell like?"

The universe is so big, there are so many wonders!

Ruisen's face in the sky turned black!


I just said why are they running around behind the star devouring giant worm?

Is this what you were waiting for?

The fragrance beads were discharged before they were condensed and formed?

Wouldn't everything I ate in my stomach during this time be in vain?

You know how much a fragrant pearl is worth, don't you!

Not only the defenders in Silvermoon City were stunned, but the people who watched after dawn also vomited!

What is this? A large crowd sucking fart scene?

You guys really deserve it too Wow you!

Even Ye Zhenguo and the others are disgusting, they are going to collapse, can you go and continue?

(?¬依¬) "I said, why do they all go to queue at the tailpipe, and the co-author is to suck farts?"

(??????) "Whoa, whoa! Fortunately, Craig didn't break out of something? Otherwise, we would be no different from the one-eyed species!"

"Hurry up! Otherwise, wait for the orange wind to come, and then pickle it for us!"

He was about to run away, but Chen Daoyi quit. Looking at the orange fragrance, his eyes were red!

(?????????) "Run? Run, run, run! Hurry! Hurry up and suck with me!"

"Even a waste of it is a desecration of this gift!"

While talking, holding Craig is about to rush into the orange fragrance wind!

Ye Zhenguo was terrified, and grabbed Chen Daoyi!

=????(?口??????) "Old Chen! Are you crazy? That's fart! Why didn't I know you still have this hobby?"

"Is it because Huazi is not easy to smoke, or is there a groove in your head? God's gift to you!"

Chen Dao raised his hand and shook off Ye Zhenguo!

(?? Mouth?)? "Do you know what? I understand! This is an unformed fragrance bead! Smell it to delay cell aging, increase longevity, increase six senses, wisdom!"

"Jiangnan ate a fragrant bead, and now he can live for more than 300 years! Smelling it can add several months to his life!"

"Where is riding a horse? That's life!"

While speaking, he resolutely took Clegg and rushed into the orange fragrance wind together!

Ye Zhenguo's eyes turned red when he heard it!

What? Can increase life?

What kind of magical fart is this? So awesome!

There is nothing to hesitate, and I rushed in at that time!

- =???? =???? ?(??????)? "Whoever stops me from sucking farts, who am I to worry about!"

Even Wang Dalei and Nicole couldn't resist this kind of temptation, who wouldn't want to live two more years?

By the way, Uncle Jiang ate one? Wouldn't that be the same as eating...



Several people immediately rushed into the fragrant wind, inhaled heavily, showing intoxicated expressions on their faces!


Even if Clegg couldn't move now, he was panting wildly with his mouth open at this moment!

I'm not eating fart! You are fighting for your life!

Daotian Kuangkuang battering group suddenly evolved into a humanoid air purifier!

Inhale madly at the orange fragrance!

Nicole even used her supernatural powers to suck in the fragrance around her!

Ye Zhenguo was in a hurry, and turned into a 100-meter blue dragon, and opened his mouth wide!

"Dragon Tun!"

Even sucked out the orange swirl!

Jiang Nan, who was standing on the back of the giant star devouring insect, couldn't stand it any longer!

You are not Long Tun, this is clearly Pi Ka Ping's breathing!

Because he sucked too much orange wind, Ye Zhenguo's entire dragon turned yellow!

This may be the real reason why Pikachu is yellow!

At this moment, Jiangnan is also somewhat unable to resist the temptation, and wants to join the army of sucking farts together!

But thinking of so many people watching, I can't get rid of this face after all!

Can't help but look heartbroken!

(#??Yi??) Tsk~

And this scene was also seen by all the staff of Silvermoon City and the people of Blue Star!

All of them touched their foreheads with their hands!


What are you doing, you, is this still the Daotian-level master in my impression?

He actually has a soft spot for the farts of giant star devourers?

A real warrior dares to face up to the tail spray of the giant worm and the howling orange wind!

The fart-sucking warriors are talking about you guys, right?

At this moment, the star devouring giant worm has gone crazy, and its huge body began to wriggle uncomfortably, swaying from side to side, and throwing around!

And the fart-sucking warriors also roared, following the swaying tail nozzle and chasing the fragrant wind to suck wildly!

The scene is spectacular!

But after spraying, the orange scented wind from the tail nozzle began to be intermittent, and it seemed to be about to stop!

Ye Zhenguo, who enjoyed the benefits of the fragrance, was in a hurry!

(??? Mouth??) "Why is it gone? I haven't smoked enough yet!"

"After just smelling Kung Fu for a while, I feel that I am seven or eight years younger, and the aging pipeline may be healed!"

Chen Daoyi was also in a hurry, and his eyes fell on Clegg anxiously!

(??'Yi?') "Slap him in the stomach! It works, let the giant star devourer spray out again!"

While speaking, he punched Clegg's stomach with a punch, Ye Zhenguo and the others' eyes lit up, and they stepped forward to punch Clegg's stomach wildly!

Craig: (#)?????(#)! ! !

Ahhh! You guys just be human!

Originally, I did my best without following me.

Now you are all going to hammer me out!

How could Clegg, who was being hammered in the stomach, bear it? From behind, the suona began to be blown rhythmically with the hammering of several people!

The music is melodious and intoxicating!

Sure enough, the belly of the star devouring giant worm also began to sag!

Star Devouring Giant Worm:! ! !

Don't wow! I really can't help it!

Sure enough, with the frenzied hammering of several people, another orange scented wind blew out!

But before they were happy, the orange wind disappeared, and a thick black smoke billowed out, covering the entire audience in a blink of an eye!

Followed by, there are pieces of hot magma!

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