Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1484 Retaliatory Siege

There are hundreds of binding spirit beads in the iron box!

They were all collected when Jiangnan went down to the abyss!

Since Batty's ability is difficult to deal with, wouldn't it be over if he just blocked it?

Don't give him the slightest chance to release helium flash!

Restoration atom reorganization? I see what you are doing to reorganize!

The spirit-binding force field immediately covered a three-kilometer radius!

Not only is Batty's ability blocked, even the four in Jiangnan can't use their abilities at this moment!

At this moment, the four of them have formed a siege, surrounding Batty in the middle!

Batty:! ! !

(?`Yi')? "Are you playing with me? What you told me before was just perfunctory?"

Jiang Nan curled his lips: (乛义乛?) "Do you really think you are someone? You are awesome, you? Come to the City of Silver Moon to play wild? Do you want a star gate?"

"I think you're here to get a beating?"

[Resentment value from Batty +1001! ]

"Okay, okay! Shake me a little bit, right? Do you really think that you scumbags will eat me up in the spirit-binding force field?"

"Even if I can't use the ability, my level is still Daotianqi!"

"Physical quality can hang you, since you are shameless, then don't blame..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiangnan directly opened the burning blood, and thought of Shura!

A violent charge on the spot rushed to Batty like an arrow from the string!

A head hammer slammed into Batty's space suit helmet!

The mask was smashed to pieces by Jiang Nan!

(???Dish??)? "You're the one who talks too much nonsense? Brothers! Let me beat him to death!"

Needless to say, Jiangnan, Ye Zhenguo and Clegg have already rushed forward!

Especially Wang Dalei, he was so excited that he couldn't help himself!

How many brothers? Is this dad going to be a super senior?

And Batty's reaction was not covered, he clenched his iron fist and slammed towards Jiangnan's face fiercely!

I saw a short figure in Jiangnan with a fist blowing above his head, barely dodging it!

But Wang Dalei who just rushed up was not so lucky!

Batty's punch hit Wang Dalei's helmet visor firmly!


The helmet was smashed, and his entire face was dented!

The whole person flew several thousand meters, and hit earth drift in the moon sea!

Strictly speaking, Wang Dalei is a legal system, and his physical fitness is not too outstanding!

And Batty's own atoms have been arranged extremely densely by him due to his supernatural powers, and his physical fitness is not ordinary!

As soon as Wang Dalei was hammered here, Craig rushed over from the side!

His punches are like machine guns, and he fought Batty to the extreme!


The two punched each other's body, making a muffled bang bang!

The space suit on Craig was directly smashed into rags, and he has no protection!

Hold your breath and exchange punches with Batty!


In less than three seconds, and I don't know how many punches the two exchanged, Clegg's body was thrown out like a broken sack, vomiting blood!

His chest was smashed flat!

And Batty's body also flew upside down, with blood on the corner of his mouth!

"Come on! Horse riding... HO!!!"

Before he finished speaking, Batty's voice stopped abruptly, and the air in his lungs was evacuated!


The space suit is broken, and there is no air for him to breathe!

If normal, Batty can use atomic recombination to repair the spacesuit!

But the problem is that now he is bound by the spirit!

Even if he is Daotian, he is not sure that he can continue to survive in space?

damn it! The reason why Jiangnan pulled himself out of the Yinyue force field was for this purpose in the first place?

So just hammered his own helmet first?


Want to use the environment to restrain Lao Tzu? Then don't think about it!

Hiss~ wait!

The three of Wang Dalei and the others were wearing spacesuits, but Jiangnan seemed to be wearing shorts and short sleeves from the very beginning?

Haven't worn them all the time? how did he...

Before Batty could figure it out, Ye Zhenguo had already rushed behind him!

Hold Batty's two arms tightly!

(? ?? Yi???) "Quick! Hurry up! Hit him!"

But Batty turned ruthless, "I'm not out of breath, so don't even think about it!"

Immediately, he threw his head back and hit Ye Zhenguo's spacesuit hard!

The helmet exploded and the oxygen leaked! Ye Zhenguo's face turned red, and it was covered with hoarfrost!

Then turned to look at Wang Dalei and Clegg!

Without the oxygen supply from their spacesuits, these two guys turned green from the high-intensity battle!


The feeling of suffocation is almost unbearable!

Batty stares!

Let's see who can hold back more!

Jiang Yuetu was in a hurry: "Don't panic! Brother Ye, hold on, I'll make medicine for you right now!"

While speaking, he spit out a big lump of saliva in front of everyone, and rubbed balls like crazy!

In a blink of an eye, a rabbit pill was produced, and it was accurately ejected into Wang Dalei's mouth!

Wang Dalei: (#?口?#)! ! !

Wang Defa, what the hell did you feed me?

saliva? This is the first time I heard of using saliva to make pills?

However, after taking the pill, Wang Dalei's head suddenly lit up with the halo of the protagonist!

The body has formed a self-circulation, and it is fully able to adapt to the space environment, and the suffocation immediately dissipates!

The whole person was dumbfounded!

Fuck? Does Uncle Jiang's saliva have such a big effect?

And here, Jiangnan has rubbed out the second one!

Grab Clegg by the neck and stuff it into his mouth!

Craig was full of resistance!

Ask with the last breath in your chest!

(??ˇ得ˇ?) "Did you brush your teeth this morning?"

Jiangnan:! ! !

Is now the time to grapple with this question?

(? ?° ~ ?°) "You care so much? You earn money even if you don't use it, you know? I don't know how many girls want it!"

"Besides, you Meilin old woman can swallow it, why can't you swallow the Nanshen-flavored rabbit vomit pill? Don't hesitate!"

Craig: ? ? ?

Can it be the same? By the way, how did you know about me and Merlin?

Under Clegg's resentful eyes, he still took the pill after all, survival is no longer a problem!

But Batty is in a hurry!

What are you guys doing?

Although I don't know the reason, but after taking Jiangnan's saliva pills, it seems that they have adapted to the space environment?

Batty is in a hurry now!

People got immune buffs, but I didn't!

If you go on like this, if you don't get beaten to death, you will be suffocated to death, right?

So he suddenly exerted strength, grabbed Ye Zhenguo over his shoulder and fell hard to the ground!

On the other hand, he rushed towards the iron box full of binding spirit beads without hesitation!

As long as the spirit binding is broken, everyone present will want to live!

However, where would Jiangnan give him this chance?

At this moment, Wang Dalei and Clegg have already drank Dali 1.0 and Big Green Stick!

Physical fitness and physical crit have been raised to the limit!

Even had a horse biscuit!

With a violent charge, Batty was pushed to the ground, and he hammered his face violently with his fists!

However, Jiangnan took this opportunity to give Ye Zhenguo many layers of buffs!

This is good!

Wang Dalei and Clegg held one of Batty's arms, raised their legs and kicked violently in the ribs!

And Ye Zhenguo rode on Batty and beat him up!

The ground trembled violently, blood spattered!

Batty was stunned by the beating. It was clear that he wasn't so violent just now?


Why does it look like you've been spat out every time you turn your head?

Little did they know that the physical strength bonus of Dali, plus the physical attack of the green stick +300%!

And the horse biscuits are at full throttle! After one set, it's no wonder that it's not strong enough!

Barty vomited blood from being hammered!

The grievance value was once over the top!

Jiangnan has no place for himself? Can't handle the addiction?

Where can this work?

So he hurried forward: (??????) "Brother Ye? You go and beat the bottom, I'll beat the stomach!"

Batty is going crazy, do you still share the horse?

Ye Zhenguo quickly gave way to Jiangnan!

But Batty was not afraid at all, the attacks of those three Daotians were really powerful!

But you little diamond still dare to join in the fun?

Believe it or not, I can kill you by spitting on it? But if you break the skin for me, I will call you Dad!

However, Goose Jiangnan doesn't have so many flowers, and just raised his hand, he took out the little horse that all beings are equal!

"Unique skill! Mosaic stool method!"


While speaking, he slammed down on Batty's face!



(#)??口??(#) "Dad!"

A stream of blood burst out from Batty's face immediately!

This is more than broken skin? It's all bleeding!

I have only heard of the random cloak wind hammer method, but what the hell is your mosaic stool method?

Are you going to turn people into mosaics?

Do you want to be so cruel to you?

What the hell is this? Why can break my defense?

However, Goose Jiangnan didn't intend to stop at all, and the little Maza hammered out a phantom, like a hydraulic impact drill or an electric breaker!

That posture is more ruthless than Li Fengtian wheeling an ashtray!

Batty's face has been directly mosaiced, so it can't be seen, okay?

The four of them worked together and kicked around Batty!

While beating Jiangnan and cursing at the same time!

o(▼皮▼メ;)o "I want a star gate! You want silver vines and a curse array? Why is your face so big? I'll give you all of Huaxia?"

"I think you are a sister who has been beaten by the society, you? Make you arrogant? Make you rampant? I will clean you up!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Batty opened his mouth wide and couldn't utter a single word. That would make a stool fall like rain!

What the hell do I want the silver vine and the curse array? Isn't that what you want to give me?

I want a stargate, huh? Hit back! You can't be unreasonable?

[Resentment value from Batty +1001! ]

Jiang Nan, who was meditating while hammering, felt unsafe!

He raised his hand and grabbed a handful of the binding spirit beads in the iron box and stuffed them into Batty's mouth!

Batty's eyes widened. If he ate this thing, he would really die!

So he clenched his steel teeth, struggled frantically, and kept his mouth shut!


However, Jiangnan hit Batty's teeth with a pony pony!

They were not knocked out in rows, but knocked out one by one!

Just stuff the spirit beads in between the teeth!

"See if I don't knock your teeth into the walls of the battlements? Make you a lion?"

"Are these bound spirit beads enough to fill your teeth? Ah?"

"If I don't hit you today, the psychological shadow area is as big as the back of the moon, and you have Nanshen stress syndrome, so you don't want to leave! Ola Ola~"

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