Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1464 Peak Showdown! (plus more)

I saw that Jiang Nan was covered in blood at this moment, his muscles were sharp and angular, and he was full of masculinity!

The hideous wounds all over his body are emitting white smoke in the low temperature environment!

On his shoulders was a 120-meter-long God Killing Knife!

Everyone looked at Jiangnan in horror!

Isn't this stepping horse the Huaxia Nanshen?

What's the matter?

How fierce battles must have gone through to cause a space system to be injured like this?

If I remember correctly, Huaxia, Jiangnan and the others should be the first to land on the moon, right?

Why are you still shirtless and fighting on the moon?

And it came out of the star ring?

What is the situation?

By the way, this must not be from Jiangnan, right? Maybe it's a one-eyed species in disguise?

How can normal human beings survive in space without any equipment?

Hundreds of thousands of Blizzard Troops, with their black-holed spirit-binding guns aimed directly at Jiangnan, became vigilant!

They have been waiting for the star ring to connect!

Who knows that just connected, before entering, rushing out of the person first?

Even the senior officials of Goose Country and those Daotians are on alert!

I saw Jiangnan scratching his head in embarrassment!

?(#?????) "Aha~ahhaha~ It's just an excuse, don't you need such a big scene to welcome me?"

"No crabs! No crabs mine!"

At this moment, Li Bing and Alice were also stunned, they dodged and hid behind Jiangnan!

(?﹏?|目目|﹏?? )

Who knew it would be such a scene coming out of the star ring, hey!

Are you sure they are really thanking you?

Others may doubt Jiangnan's identity, but Bai Kou recognized Jiangnan's God Killing Saber at a glance!

Coupled with this shameless tone!

There is no one else but Jiangnan!

She knows Jiangnan's abilities, how can Xinghuan fight to make Jiangnan hurt like this?

Bai Kou looked serious: (o?~?) "What's going on?"

Jiang Nan hurriedly said: "The One-Eyed King is going to launch the star-pupil cannon at Xinghuan, which is powerful enough to flatten a city! It is more powerful than the God-killing cannon!"

"His strength...I estimate that it should surpass the human ceiling!"

"Hurry up and block it, if you don't go over there, I'm afraid the group will be wiped out!"

"If you can't stop it, remember to remove the star ring, or let the one-eyed species invade Blue Star through the star ring? That would be interesting! Come on~"


After talking about a teleportation, the shadow disappeared!

Jiangnan also has to rush back to the Haitian Tianchen Bureau to send the star map as soon as possible!

Fearing that Ruisen would be out of temper, he planed Huaxia's Yinyue base!


I just left for the time being, and I will be back in a few hours!

It's even more exciting after the ad!

Bai Kou:! ! !

ah? So critical? You didn't say it earlier!

As soon as Jiang Nan left, Bai Kou put on his helmet and rushed in sullenly!

Just passing through the star ring, what Bai Kou saw was a messy battlefield!

And a dense army of one-eyed species!

Ruisen was floating in the sky with a broken leg, and Yego's one-eyed purple light was already shining to the extreme!

Facing the star gate!

Bai Kou was stunned for a moment, Jiangnan and the Goose Kingdom Space Force only had more than 100 people!

How on earth did they spell it like this with the one-eyed species?

Was the leg of the Bose body chopped off by Jiangnan?

There was a look of excitement in Bai Kou's eyes, but it was too late to be happy!

I saw Hart anxiously said: "Master Xuenv! Hurry up! Yego is about to open up! He..."


A kilometer-thick purple energy column shoots out from Yego's one-eyed species!

Dazzling purple light illuminates the night sky and shoots towards the star ring in an astonishing manner!

At this moment, the faces of the one-eyed army were full of admiration, and they cheered excitedly!


Bai Kou's pretty face was icy cold, and her whole body exuded an extremely cold air!

The blue ice armor condensed out, covering Bai Kou's space suit in an instant!

"Winter Solstice? Extremely Cold Ice Peak!"

I saw Bai Kou raised his small hand, and endless spiritual energy gushed out!

*?(? ̄? ~ ̄?)?*?

Face the purple energy column directly!

In everyone's shocked eyes, a huge blue iceberg condensed out in the breath!

The iceberg is as big as ten thousand meters high!

You know, the roof of the world is only 8848 meters!

The visual shock brought by such a huge iceberg condensed out of thin air is really amazing!

The 30,000 meters around the iceberg turned into severe winter, and many cyclops were directly frozen into ice sculptures!

And at the moment when the iceberg condensed, the star pupil cannon directly collided with the iceberg!


The huge iceberg was blown to half of it!

And the purple energy column also blasted out an energy jet all over the sky because of the blocking of the iceberg!

Like falling rain, the surface of the moon was bombarded with holes!

But it's not over yet!

The star pupil cannon is still constantly breaking through the iceberg defense!

And Bai Kou also desperately increased the size of the iceberg!

"Xiaohan? Permafrost ice!"

The chill spread again, not only bless the iceberg, but also freeze the star ring behind him!

It turned into a huge pile of blue ice!

Bai Kou finally knew why Jiangnan said that the strength of the one-eyed king might surpass the human ceiling!

It's really strong!

Faced with such an existence, the 100,000 Blizzard Troops in Goose Country are not enough to see!

how much! How much to die!

It's just a one shot thing, Bai Kou has seen this kind of scene a lot!

All she has to do is defend the star ring! Stop the one-eyed army!

Bai Kou spared no expense for this!

Xiaodi's wish, the hope of God, will never be cut off in my hands!

this moment! Hart and Momo, who were hiding behind Bai Kou, turned pale!

Is this the human ceiling, the duel with the one-eyed king?

The pinnacle battle!

Bai Kou has lived for more than 2,000 years, and her level has already reached outside the door!

That is, the peak of the Daotian Ten Stars!

But even so, against the One-Eyed King, he still couldn't get the slightest advantage?

Has the strength of the one-eyed king really surpassed the limit of human beings?

If Bai Kou can't win, how will humans fight this war?

Risen was also shocked!

He never imagined that there is a human being who can resist Ye Ge's star pupil cannon with his own strength?

Bai Kou? Why does Lao Tzu look familiar to her?

Do you care so much?

I asked you to block it? This sucks you!

I'll see how you block it!

Rui Sen's body suddenly disappeared in place, suddenly appeared beside Bai Kou, and slammed into her body!

Momo was shocked: (?●﹏?)? "Abba!"

(Be careful!)

However, it was too late, Rui Sen slammed into Bai Kou's body, and activated the ability to reproduce!

And the moment Rui Sen crashed into Bai Kou's body!

Bai Kou's body became as white as snow, as white as a corpse!

"Great cold? Eternal sleep!"

At this moment, Bai Kou's body became elemental, and all cells fell into an absolute stagnation due to the extreme cold!

Time seemed to stand still on her body.

This trick is the real reason why Bai Kou can live for more than two thousand years without dying!

Ruisen:? ? ?

Suck! I suck again!

Why can't I suck it?

Bai Kou's head was not lowered: "It's useless! Don't waste your energy, my physical activity has completely stopped, and you, a subordinate, can't reproduce it!"

"I still have some experience in dealing with boson bodies!"

Obviously, this is not the first time Bai Kou has experienced this situation!

The two god-killing wars were not fought in vain!

Rui Sen stared: "I can't suck you, I will crush you!"

A burst of azure glass light burst from his body, trying to freeze Bai Kou to pieces at absolute zero!

Bai Kou said lightly: "Your extreme cold can't kill me, don't forget my attributes, absolute zero is useless to me!"

"Unfortunately, I don't have any means to threaten your life!"

"Save it!"

Ruisen:! ! !

This is the first time for me to see a human being who is so calm in the face of a boson attack!

Seeing that Bai Kou could not be hurt, Rui Sen had no choice but to go out!

I can't kill you, and Yego!

"Increase the power! Boom her to death!"

Ye Ge roared and output the star pupil cannon at full power!


The huge ice peak was completely shattered, and the endless purple energy column completely submerged Bai Kou's figure, and ruthlessly exploded on the eternal ice layer that had frozen the star ring!

After one shot, Yego looked exhausted!

"Little ones! The fourth form? Energy transfer!"

At this moment, the front of the moon is in darkness, and Yego cannot draw energy from the stars!

We can only settle for the next best thing!

Tens of thousands of Cyclops directly aimed their eyes at Yego!

Beams of orange light bombarded him, replenishing his energy!

Everyone's scalps were numb after watching this scene!

Hart's eyes were full of horror, Nanshen didn't say that the one-eyed species would know how to do this trick, did they?

Energy can also be transferred to each other?

The star pupil cannon that exploded in power just now can't be fired again, can it?

Turn to look at Bai Kou!

I saw that most of the permafrost ice layer had been blown up by the Star Pupil Cannon, but the star ring was preserved!

However, outside the perpetually frozen ice layer, Ye Ge's star pupil blasted out a 10,000-meter giant crater!

Boiling lava is everywhere, a piece of red!

Momo is afraid physically and mentally, what level of power is this? Hey!

And Bai Kou, who was standing in the front, was pale and his ice armor was broken!

A mouthful of cold blood sprayed on the helmet uncontrollably!

The most serious injury was the raised right arm!

The flesh of the entire arm has disappeared, bloody and bloody!

There are even bones exposed in the palm!

The sleeves of the spacesuit had long since disappeared, and a large amount of oxygen leaked through the opening!

I saw Bai Kou biting her lower lip tightly, and frost condensed on her arm, sealing the injury!

Even the breach with the space suit is sealed together!

Momo's eyes were red, this was the first time he saw Master Bai Kou injured!

That one-eyed king is too strong!

Rui Sen sneered: "Tsk tsk tsk ~ I didn't expect you to carry it down!"

"But... you can handle one shot! What about the second shot?"

At this moment, Yego's energy has been gathered!

The second star pupil cannon is launched! The kilometer purple beam of light is even more intense than the first shot!

Bai Kou:! ! !

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