Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1458 Bring back some souvenirs? (add more)

Countless amounts of oxygen leaked out through the opening of the space wormhole!

The space troops in the cabin all held on to the safety ropes in horror, for fear of being blown out!

Can you be any more arrogant?

Are we familiar with you?

Is it okay to deflate a spacecraft with a space wormhole?

Jiang Nan buckled his helmet: (o??~??) "Okay~ Then you have to hurry up, it's quite cold outside!"

With that said, he backed out and closed the wormhole!

Only then did the spacecraft's decompression alarm quieten down, and Hart was also relieved!

Quickly opened the door of the pressurized cabin!

The rest of the space force panicked!

(???﹏??)? "Are you really going to put this southerner in?"

"He cut all the solar panels of the American Zeus?"

Hart rolled his eyes: "Don't let it in? It's like we can stop him!"

Jiangnan took a few people and 108 samples into the pressurized cabin!

After being oxygenated, I flew into the core cabin!

(??w?)? "Yo~ I haven't seen you for a few days, do you really miss me?"

Hart stroked his forehead with his hand: "I haven't seen you for a few days!"

It didn't take long for Jiangnan to return from the permafrost!

No one would have thought that in the past few days, we would meet again on the moon?

And not long after leaving the permafrost, Jiangnan's death was revealed!

Hart couldn't help but mourned for the more than 10,000 scavengers, plus the more than 10,000 mouths suffered by the 5,000 flare gun soldiers...

Momo frowned: (?● ??) "Ababa?"

(Why didn't you teleport in?)

Jiang Nan looked shy: (¬?¬?) "Going in a formality, it is still necessary to be polite, I am afraid that I will suddenly come in and startle you, and it will be bad to hit me!"

Momo: ? ? ?

God special meow, take a form, this has scared us, okay?

Hart's eyes couldn't help falling on the sample that Jiang Nan was holding!

It is so strong that it is entangled by vines, and it is impossible to see what is inside?

Hart looked puzzled: (?? ? o) "What is this... What is this thing? You still carry it with you? Don't put it in the other dimension?"

Jiangnan turned back: "Ah~ I'm not thinking about coming to the moon for the first time? It's quite far, so I'll bring some local souvenirs to my family back!"

As soon as the words fell, both Li Bing and Alice looked at Jiangnan with strange expressions!

(?_? )(°ー°〃)

You call this a souvenir?

Hart and Momo were also stunned. Are there any souvenirs on the moon?

Souvenirs? Shouldn't it be soil?

Bring soil back? This southerner can definitely do it!

Seeing that Jiangnan didn't mention much, Hart didn't ask much!

"What's the matter with us? How is Huaxia's moon base built?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I have a prototype, this time I came to you mainly to use your star ring!"

"I'm tired of teleporting back to Blue Star again!"

At this moment, the Goose Country Space Force looked at Jiangnan with a look of alertness!

Star ring? How did he know that the Deep Space Agency had a star ring?

It was very tiring to teleport back to Shente Meow. At this time, everyone remembered that it is useless to come to the moon spacecraft from Huaxia!

Hart was startled, then grinned: "Okay! We'll use it for you when we're ready!"

Jiang Nan grinned: (????????) "Nice ~ but I suggest you fall on the front of the moon at night, so there should be some buffer time!"

"There will be no head-on conflict with the one-eyed species for the time being!"

Li Bing was stunned, is this all right? Just use it?

Is Jiangnan's face so big?

Hart was about to ask for details, but the rest of the Space Force quit!

"Sirius! Isn't that bad? After all, this star ring was collected with great effort by Lord Bai Kou!"

"Jiangnan can use it if he wants? This seems a bit unreasonable, doesn't it?"

"Let him use it, but it is helping Huaxia, which is not good for us at all!"

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Jiang Nan!

( ?? ﹏ ?) "Don't...don't think we're afraid of you, we have Mrs. Momo here, she's shining, she's not worth it at all!"

Jiangnan's mouth twitched: ('-ι_-') "But your words are quite vain~"

Momo hurriedly raised his hands to surrender and glared at the brother fiercely!


Hey Hey hey! Don't take me with you? I can't beat him with one hand!

Even this Xingyao was helped by him?

Seeing that Momo was completely surrendered, that brother was sweating on his forehead, but he still insisted on his own opinion!

(???mouth??) "The star ring can be used by you, but...but why do you have to charge a passage fee? Yes...isn't it?"

However, there is no confidence whatsoever to say!

Hart stared: "Are you crazy? You dare to care about Jiangnan asking for money? I'll ask you if you're going to die!"

Brother finally asked myself a favor, what are you talking about here? Makes me so embarrassed?

Still Bai Kou adults worked hard to collect? One of the star rings was bought by Bai Kou with tens of billions of dollars from Jiangnan!

He was about to repair him while he was talking, and Jiang Nan quickly pulled him!

(?w??)?(???Dish ●)?

"It's worth it, it's not too much. The toll should be paid. After all, you all have a great cause!"

Throwing the three big zongzi to that brother while talking!

"Hey~ I'll give you a few of these souvenirs, and it's easy to do business when you go back!"

Space Force was stunned, a souvenir? What the hell is this?

I couldn't help but open the vines to check, even Hart and Momo came over curiously!

However, it doesn't matter at this sight, but a cold sweat broke out, exclaimed, and took three steps back, his face full of horror!

=????(?mouth? ????) "This, this... one-eyed species? Are all the one-eyed species you brought?"

I saw that the dead one-eyed species felt the lights in the space station, and his eyelids trembled slightly, as if he was about to turn it on!

Jiangnan quickly covered the vines!

"Send it to you, remember not to let them shine in the sun, or these three will be enough for you!"

Hart swallowed, didn't he?

It seems that you caught so many one-eyed species within a few hours of your first visit to the moon?

Then think of the black smoke coming out of the moon's eye, and sure enough, Te Meow was done by Jiangnan!

Cyclops experimental sample? Is this meeting ceremony really heavy enough?

"Thanks! Let's log in now! Momo?"

Momo nodded, the Void Spirit Butterfly flapped its wings, and the Hurricane escaped from the lunar orbit and headed straight for Yu Haizha!

And at the time of the second teleportation!

Jiangnan's pupils shrank, and the hairs on his body stood on end!

Before I can speak, I will draw a knife when I insert one hand into the alien space!

But it was too late, the Void Spirit Butterfly felt the abnormal fluctuation, and directly released the Butterfly Prism, trying to block the attack!

However, a Bose particle knife suddenly protruded from the void, smashing the butterfly prism, and even the body of the void spirit butterfly was covered with a layer of hoarfrost!

The spacecraft was drawn with a huge breach!

The six-layer space barriers released by Jiangnan were all cut open!

The head slash went straight to the Tianling Gai in Jiangnan!

The moment he saw that it was Jiangnan, Risen's pupils shrank and his eyes were scarlet!

His face was unbelievable, but the knife cut harder!

Just when the Bose Particle Knife was about to hit Jiangnan!

A long sword of glass light was in front of them!


The azure glass light blooms in an instant, with the meaning of extreme cold!

The Hurricane spacecraft exploded into a splendid fire in the sky!

Disintegrate directly!

Hundreds of space troops were directly blown apart! Drifting around in space!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of bad luck!

Give up the knife, throw out seven void chains with both hands, wrapping everyone around!

Several teleportation fell to the sea of ​​​​rain!

A lot of spacecraft debris is scattered everywhere like rain!

Hart's eyes are red!

Did it still explode? good guy!

Can any spacecraft land on the moon completely?


It's over! It's over!

At this moment, Hart's body and mind are cold!


Jiang Ning's body collapsed instantly, and even the glass lightsaber in his hand was broken!

The visitor is none other than Risen!

The strength of this product is much stronger than that of Naraya!

Last time in the God Slaying Curse Formation, Jiang Nan didn't take advantage of him when he faced him!

And this time, there is no god-killing spell formation on the moon!

At this moment, Risen is standing above the void with a knife, his face is unbelievable!

Eyes staring at Jiangnan!

"You're not dead? It's impossible! Huaxia's reaction was so big, and Rhea went to investigate it herself!"

"Could it be that Badr is lying to me?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Is your family only connected to the Internet? Do you really believe me, I'm just playing around?"

(??????‵) "As for Badr? Jie Jie Jie ~ just give him more than you give him!"

Risen: ! ! !

Badr you bastard! Sure enough, he was lying to Lao Tzu, was he receiving benefits from Jiangnan?

Also, I cheated a piece of origin fire the size of a human head from my own hands?


Wow wow! You ride a horse and wait for Lao Tzu!

At this moment, Risen's hands are shaking with anger!

Looking up at the direction of the moon eye, black smoke billowed, Risen steel teeth clenched!

what's the problem?

How long has it been since I left?

Risen had never been on the moon before, but ran all the planets near Blue Star!

Confirm whether there are other hidden origin fires on the major planets!

After all, being able to hide fire in the moon, Risen had to be suspicious!

All opportunities must be eliminated!

But who would have known that the moon would be smoky after being absent for such a short time?

Humans on the Blue Star begin to land on the moon? Has the horse been up yet?

What does Rhea do?

As everyone knows, Rhea thought that Risen was watching on the moon... I don't know that he went to other planets to search for fire...

I saw Risen cast a glance at Jiang Ning, his face full of bad luck!

His eyes fell on Jiang Nan again!

"Ha~ Since you're here, don't even think about leaving, just sleep on the moon and witness how this blue planet falls into the abyss step by step!"

While speaking, the Bose particle knife in his hand slashed wildly to the sky!

The azure blue glass shines brightly in the night sky!

"Yago! Come here for Lao Tzu!"

At the same time, Yego, who was absorbing energy at the moon eye, suddenly noticed the glassy light blooming in space!

My heart trembled, and I was very anxious. Has the Holy Envoy returned?

"Leave some people stationed in Yueyan and Tongcheng, don't hibernate to save energy! Put me on high alert in battle mode!"

"The rest! Come with me!"

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