You know, the diameter of the entire lunar eye is 800 kilometers!

And after falling for such a long time, the depth of the moon's eyes is even more unimaginable!

Jiang Nan wondered for a while whether these one-eyed species had dug up the moon core!

You know, the diameter of the entire moon is only 3476.28 kilometers!

And the depth of the moon's eye is more than a thousand kilometers!

The limit distance of Jiangnan's teleportation is only 10,000 meters, 10 kilometers!

100 times of teleportation to the end? What is the depth of horror?

And what caused such a huge moon-eye mine to shake violently?

Geological activities on the moon have long since stagnated!

With the sharp increase in the depth of the fall, the temperature inside the moon's eye has also reached an astonishingly high level!

Even the space suit can hardly bear it anymore, it's as hot as a steam oven inside!

Even Jiangnan is sweating profusely!

Although the moon has already stopped geological movement, the temperature of the inner star core is still not low!

The closer to the star core, the higher the temperature!

And can Cyclops mine in this environment? It is enough for livestock!

At this moment, Li Bing couldn't help pulling Jiang Nan's sleeve!

"Brother Jiangnan! Look? It's almost over!"

I saw that the bottom of the dark moon was full of bumps, and there were tens of thousands of faint lights, scattered everywhere!

It is the one-eyed mining team!

They are all in sleep mode at the moment, saving the energy stored in the eyes as much as possible!

Both fists turned out phantoms, digging crazily at the bottom of the moon's eye, like a human-shaped impact drill!

They even smashed sparks and made a "dang, clang, clang" sound!

It can be seen how hard the moon rocks at this depth are under the high temperature and high pressure environment!

Jiangnan teleported and brought a few people to the bottom of the moon's eye!

Stop the downward trend!

Looking at the scene where tens of thousands of one-eyed army are mining, the corners of their mouths are also twitching!

"Fuck? Just dig with your hands? This is unscientific! Even if the Cyclops is full of energy once, it can dig mines continuously for a month!"

"It's impossible to come up with such a large project in just a few months!"

"And where did the moon rocks dug out go?"

No matter how you dig a hole, the soil you dug out should still be on the moon!

It is impossible to reduce the mass of the moon as a whole, right?

Everyone in Jiangnan fell into deep doubts!

I saw that each Cyclops had its own mining site, and the hard moon rocks dug out were piled up into mountains!

The bottom of the entire lunar eye was dug like a honeycomb!

The one-eyed species also turn on the full energy form from time to time, and use perspective to investigate to determine whether there is an origin fire or associated mine below!

When you come across a moon rock that you can't dig, use star pupils to bombard him!

Then keep digging!

This made Chen Daoyi, Li Bing and the others nervous, for fear that they would be discovered by the one-eyed races running on full energy!

However, this worry is completely unnecessary!

The one-eyed people mainly rely on vision, but Jiangnan, which is extremely dark, doesn't reflect light at all, okay?

The eyeballs couldn't receive the reflected light, so naturally they couldn't spot the people in Jiangnan!

It has truly become one with the darkness!

Just strolling at the bottom of the moon's eye in such a grand manner, the one-eyed species can't see it at all!

It is simply better than the effect of the invisibility cloak!

And some one-eyed species dug and dug out a huge associated mine!

I couldn't help standing up with joy in my eyes, and wiped the sweat from my forehead!

Pointing at the associated mine excitedly!

?(#?) "Ha! Look what I dug up? You can go back and rest after handing it in!"

The other one-eyed species looked over one after another, but curled their lips and said!

?(#?) "Are you stunned by digging? Did you dig a piece of wool?"

(#¬) "Old iron? Are you afraid you have mining syndrome? You can't go back and do some eye exercises~"

(# ?) "Hey~ Hurry up and dig, I still have 78.4% of the energy reserve, I don't know how long it will take to use it up!"

(#??#) "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, so I can go back to the city to rest, but fortunately there is still 17% of the energy left, so I can go out to absorb energy soon!"

The one-eyed species was stunned for a moment, and glanced back, with a look of horror on his face!

(???‖) What the hell? What about the spicy large associated ore I dug out just now?

Just... gone?

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, but there was nothing in front of him except the mine!

Could it be that he really dug out the daze?

The lost one-eyed species sighed, and started digging again!

Li Bing and Alice looked at Jiangnan by the mine and covered their faces!


You took it away and stuffed it in the barrel as soon as they dug it out?

It can't be stolen from the warehouse, so it's all stolen from the source?

"Brother Jiangnan? Is it really okay for us to do this?"

Jiang Nan has a serious expression on his face!

(??ˇ~ˇ??) "Alice! I don't call it stealing! Taking it behind their backs is called stealing! And I took it in front of them!"

"This is robbery!"

Alice suddenly: (*???) "It makes sense, it makes sense!"

Li Bing: (·????? )? ? ?

Hey Hey hey!

Does it make a difference?

At the bottom of the moon's eyes, one-eyed species kept exclaiming in amazement!

"Hey, I'm going? Where's the large piece of origin fire that I just dug out? I clearly saw it!"

"Where did you come from? You have blue eyes and purple cataracts, right?"

"Hiss~ No! I also dug it here, why did it disappear all at once?"

Some one-eyed ones scratched their heads in circles in a hurry, and some unbelieved and hammered their eyes crazily, thinking they were hallucinating for a while!

Jiangnan is robbing and confusing!

Where did these origin fires and associated mines come from?

Is it the original ore that existed on the moon?

But the shapes and everything are extremely irregular, more like broken pieces, and the scattered positions are also irregular!

This is not the performance of the mine layer at all!

Moreover, the original fire and the associated mine did not grow together, which made Jiangnan even more suspicious!

Is there a high probability that the origin of fire on the moon is not a primary mine, but a foreign thing?

And at such a deep level?

How did this origin fire come from? Who put it here again?

Jiang Nan is now full of doubts!

And hit the eye!

Ava, the head of the mine team, couldn't help frowning watching this scene!

(?@) "What are you doing? Hurry up and work for me! The energy reserve is not less than 0.33%, and you are not allowed to leave work!"

"Those who have dug the associated mine can get out of the pit in advance, and those who have dug the original fire can go back to the city to rest!"

"Let me see who is being lazy! I will poke the eyeball blind for you!"

In front of the rock wall on the edge of Moon Eye, a female Cyclops, nearly five meters tall, reprimanded her seriously!

Like Iger, it is also a watermelon-level one-eyed species!

Belong to leadership!

Her pink hair was tied up in a dreadlocked braid behind her head, and her figure was bumpy and explosive!

At the moment, I am holding a small mirror and applying eyeshadow to myself with mineral dust.

Seeing Ava's reprimand, the one-eyed race looked fearful, and stepped up their work!

Jiangnan is a thrill!

Another watermelon-level cyclops?

Still a female?

There is also the head of the mine team?

Is it okay to get off work now?

get off work non-stop, and the energy is not lower than 0.33% so that you will not be allowed to leave work?


The director of this operation cried when he saw it, and the capitalists knelt down when he saw it?

and many more!

At this moment, Jiang Nan's eyes suddenly lit up!

The reason why the one-eyed species are difficult to deal with is because the energy stored in their one-eyed is extremely powerful!

Whether it's regeneration, star pupil cannon, and a series of abilities, they all need energy to activate!

If there is no energy, wouldn't the one-eyed species be just like a mobile phone with no power, a brick?

No wonder many one-eyed species who hung on the wall and climbed up before could not escape the falling rocks!

Wouldn't it be a piece of cake for a pomelo-level one-eyed species to avoid falling rocks?

Was it because the energy in their bodies was only enough for them to climb out of the mine, and they couldn't do the rest of the operations?

At this moment, Jiangnan's mind suddenly became active!

Quickly looked towards the hole!

I saw hundreds of Cyclops covered in slag and sweating profusely!

With a tired look on his face, his grapefruit-sized eyes were only opened a tiny slit!

Line up at the hole like a zombie!

Ava sat in front of the hole, and slapped the one-eyed miner's eyes with her big hand!

"Huh? 0.32% left? Go go go go!"

"Oh? 0.17%? Did you work so hard? This time you are considered an excellent miner!"

The one-eyed species laughed straight: "Sister Crab Ava!"

"Get out! Don't call me so close, do I know you very well? It's wrong to be indifferent, you and I are not of the same class at all! Get out!"

As he said that, he kicked the one-eyed species away, the next one!

"Hiss ~ 0.66%? You still have so much energy left and you want to go to get off work? You are so beautiful! Go back and dig!"

"I remember you, don't even think about going out if you don't have 0.1% left!"

The one-eyed species made a mournful face, walked back silently and continued digging!


Jiang Nan couldn't stand it anymore!

Cyclops work hard and dig mines hard, don't they have human rights?

This is too cruel, right?

Jiang Nan felt very angry, so he decided to help these poor one-eyed people!

Help them get rid of oppression from miner supervisors!

So they greeted Chen Dao, Li Bing and the others!

Hastily came to the vicinity of the rock wall behind the hole!

Alice was surprised: "Why are you here? It's dangerous to be so close to a watermelon-level one-eyed species, right?"

Jiang Nan looked straight: (??????)? "Don't you think these one-eyed people are very pitiful?"

"Migging mines day and night, only to be squeezed dry to get out, this is simply too inhuman!"

"Let me just watch, my conscience does not allow me to do this!"

Alice was stunned, think about it carefully!

( ??~??) "Yes... it's a bit inhuman~"

Chen Daoyi:? ? ?

What the hell? Are you starting to feel sorry for the Cyclops?

Why didn't you feel sorry for them when the nuclear bomb was dropped in Tongcheng just now?

Doesn't it mean that the struggle for the survival of the race must be ruthless?

Why do you still have compassion now?

Jiang Nan nodded: (???) "So! I decided to catch these off-duty Cyclops back as our experimental samples! Get rid of Ava's oppression!"

"Catch a hundred or eighty strong men first!"

Alice: =????(??? ????) Huh?

Li Bing's eyes sparkled with excitement!

?(?﹃??) "Catch! Catch more! Goose box~goose box~"

Chen Daoyi: (?)′-﹏-`)...

I think too much, worry about me!

This guy has no conscience!

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