Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1446 Self-sacrificing Pierce

At that time, there were many one-eyed figures submerged in the star pupil cannon!

Huge deep pits were blown out on the surface of the moon!

At this moment, Chen Daoyi, who was in the middle of the two space wormholes, turned pale with fright!

This operation is too extreme, right? The ability of the space system is really not in vain for you, right?

After raging a wave of hatred, borrow guns to kill people?

Can you be more coquettish, can't you?

At this moment, Chen Daoyi is a little lucky, now he and Jiangnan are teammates!


Iger looked at the dozens of star-pupil cannons shooting towards him, his eyes were tearing apart!

When did the antenna family become so difficult?

How could they master the divine power of space?

"Energy-absorbing mode activated!"

In just an instant, the thunder magic pattern on Iger's body turned orange!

Absorb all the energy of those dozens of star pupil cannons, and gather them in Cyclops!

Immediately, he shot towards Jiangnan again with a more domineering attitude!

The diameter of the energy column exceeds 300 meters, and even tears the space into tiny cracks!

Jiangnan:! ! !

Can the ability of the one-eyed species be more difficult?

The moment the Iger Star Pupil Cannon hit the space wormhole, the space shattered directly because it couldn't withstand such an intense attack!

It simply couldn't be transferred anymore, the bright purple light seemed to swallow up the people in Jiangnan!


In the next moment, a moon rock appeared in the field, and several people from Jiangnan had already appeared 100,000 meters away!

This is the backhand left before Jiangnan was besieged!

Jiangnan, who had just rushed out of the siege, teleported and ran away without looking back, his eyes couldn't help but look to the north, and Geigei laughed straight!

Seeing Jiangnan running away, Iger quickly stopped the star pupil bombardment!

After assembling the team, they chased the Jiangnan people at an astonishing speed!

This is obviously the rhythm of immortality!

Chen Dao panicked!

(?′?﹏??`) "The moon is so big! Where are we going? How about hiding in space?"

It's cold and desolate here, and the one-eyed species is super perverted, I hate this place so much, don't you?

Chen Daoyi just wants to go home now. If it weren't for the super mobility of the Jiangnan space system, several people would have been blasted into scum!

Jiangnan Jiejie couldn't stop laughing!

( ???) "Hurry up? Someone will pick up the order for us, afraid of wool?"

"The first few hours are not for nothing!"

After taking the fragrant pearls, Jiang Nan's thinking is very clear, at least the situation is still under control now!

Maybe he really became smarter?

The Tianchen Bureau has a moonnet sky eye, and the situation on the moon is always under control!

Naturally, they noticed Martin Pierce who crashed on the back of the moon!

Jiang Tianchen had already notified Jiang Nan of his location!

And Jiangnan's plan is far crazier than imagined!


At this moment, after being blown up into a crescent-shaped crater, the US lunar conquest troops are sitting in front of the pile of rubble and resting in situ!

Others put flags on the ground as a souvenir!

Pierce took out a palm-sized metal object from the crowded alien space and stuffed it to Winnie!

Winnie held the thing in her little hand and threw it to the ground!

Just hearing a "bang", that thing directly turned into a radar signal base station over 30 meters in size!

Restored to its original size!

A staff member hurriedly stepped forward to debug the equipment and establish a connection with the communication satellite in order to restore communication with the ground!

When she's done with her work, Vinnie starts bouncing around on the floor again!

?(*′ ? `*)?

The gravity of the moon is only one-sixth of that of the blue star. This kind of experience is quite amazing!

At this moment, in the main control room of the Star Space Administration, Napa is going crazy!

Don't meow, run away, you guys!

The army of one-eyed species is coming soon!

However, I can only watch and worry, the satellite communication has not been successfully re-established, and the ground can't contact the lunar conquest troops at all!

At this moment, Pierce suddenly looked to the south, frowning!

"I feel again..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a harsh noise from the spacesuit communicator!

The staff shouted excitedly: "We have successfully established communication with the ground!"

And at this moment, Napa's roar came from the communicator!

(???Yi?)? "Run on the horse! The one-eyed army is chasing you! If you don't run, the group will be wiped out!"

This sentence shocked Pierce and the others!

The next moment, Pierce suddenly noticed a violent spatial fluctuation coming from behind him!

"Jiangnan? Is that you?"

But before Pierce looked back, Jiangnan slapped Pierce's helmet on the back of his head!

The beaten Pierce bowed his head and took two steps forward!

Pierce turned around and slashed out in one dimension. The crescent moon crater was chopped into pieces, but there was no one behind him!

When everyone heard this, their eyes were red!

(??? Dish??)? "A horse-riding man! Jiangnan? Where? Cut our solar panels! I won't let him down!"

(`⌒′メ) "Still feigning death? The dead should lie in the coffin honestly!"

Martin's body was distorted by gravity, the moon rocks under his feet were crushed into dust, and his eyes were blood red!

(??ˇyiˇ?) "Jiangnan? Did you blow up the Zeus just now? One battle! One battle!"

At this moment, the Zhengyue Troops are excited, their eyes are shooting everywhere, but apart from the Yuezheng Troops, there is no one around, right?

And the five Jiangnan people in the invisible state are standing in the middle of the moon conquest troops at this moment!

not moving at all!

Li Bing was in a hurry: "Run? Why didn't you run away? They came after them right away?"

I saw Jiangnan standing in the middle of the line with his hips akimbo, with a satisfied expression on his face!

(︶ .?︶*) "Run? Why do you want to run? As a member of the Moon Conquest Army, I finally fell into the warm embrace of my teammates! I won't run!"

"There are so many teammates who can fight side by side, I'm not afraid at all!"

"This kind of strong sense of security is something that old Chen can't give!"

Chen Daoyi:? ? ?

Li Bing covered his face, God Meow teammates!


When did you become a member of the Lunar Conquest Force?

This is obviously going to pull Pierce and the others into the water, right?

There is also the wreckage of Zeus blown up next to it!

It's already very pitiful if the spaceship blows up, and they are going to be beaten by the one-eyed species?

After the bamboo shoots on the blue star were taken away by you, did you start to take the bamboo shoots on the moon again?

Just as Martin and the others were looking for Jiangnan's figure everywhere!

Behind the crater, the Cyclops army came with billowing moon dust!

Looking at more than 3,000 humans, Iger's pupils shrank!

When did so many low-level carbon-based life come to this planet?

Did it come from the blue planet next to it?

An associate of the antenna clan? still…

"I don't care about you! Give me a blast!"

All of a sudden, thousands of star pupil cannons streaked across the void, blasting towards the Moon Conquest Troops!

At this moment, the 3,000 combatants of the Moon Conquest Army looked at the one-eyed army that was chasing after them, and they were numb!


so much?

Our base hasn't been established yet, are we about to be attacked by Cyclops?

Winnie's face was as white as paper: ?(??﹏??)? "Don't look for Jiangnan! Run for your life!"

Faced with so many one-eyed species, they don't know the details of their information at all, so they fight as soon as they come up. These thousands of people are not enough for them to fight, right?

Pierce's face turned green!

"Damn it! Jiangnan must have brought you here! Go to someone's residence to do something, and then be hunted down by the one-eyed species!"

"Now you want us to take over for you? No way!"

The limit distance of diamond-level teleportation is only 10,000 meters, but Lao Tzu has 100,000 meters!

Have you ever run past Lao Tzu?

Take the blame for yourself!

Want me to recite it for you?

Don't think about it!

While speaking, all the members of the Moon Conquest Troop living there were surrounded by a space force field!

A teleportation appeared 100,000 meters away!

But the few people in Jiangnan were left in place!

Seeing the star-pupil cannons coming like a torrential rain!

Jiang Nan didn't hide, he frantically calculated the limit time!

Chen Daoyi kept shaking Jiangnan's arm, his face pale!

(??口????) "Run! You run, you? Can't you be my uncle?"

The moment the Star Pupil Cannon was about to arrive!

Jiangnan instantly launched a space replacement!

At this moment, Pierce suddenly noticed a faint spatial fluctuation coming from behind his helmet!

Then he stared fiercely at the corner of the crater!

The fuck didn't run away? Just stand there?

A bad premonition rose in Pierce's heart!

In the next moment, Pierce disappeared in place and was replaced at the foot of the mountain!

And five invisible Teletubbies appeared in the center of the Moon Conquest Force!

Martin looked around fiercely!

Where is Pierce? Teleported back?

∑(°口°?) "Are you crazy? Why go back? Keep running?"

There is a voice in the void!

(*???) "I see! It must be Mr. Pierce who sacrificed himself for others. He knew that he couldn't take everyone away. He wanted to be the last one and buy time for us to escape, right?"

(???__???) "Woo~ This kind of fearless sacrifice is really touching!"

(??????)? "Master Pierce, come on!"

Winnie was in a hurry: "Has Lao Pi lost his head? He's the queen! Hey! All the supplies are on him! How can we live without him?"

"Come back! Come back soon, meow, you? Find out the situation. Although we are very touched by your appearance, do you want to die and not bring us with you?"

Pierce:! ! !

Who wants to die?

I don't want to either?

It must be the space replacement of Jiangnan's pitiful goods, oh shit, the imprint left on Lao Tzu's helmet?

This is in outer space, I can't take off my helmet, can I?

Even if Pierce wants to teleport now, he can't run away, his body is locked by Iger's sight, and he can't even say a word!

Star pupil cannons hit like rain in front of my eyes!

I can only resist!

"Space confinement!"

And the Moon Conquest Troops!

?( ′~`)? "Leave Mr. Pierce alone, we can't waste his consciousness? Let's run!"

( ??????﹏???????? ) "That's right, there are so many one-eyed species, we can't beat them! We should hurry up and run away!"

(*??????) "Woooooo~ I'm afraid, let's go quickly, shall we?"

At this moment, Li Bing, Chen Dao, and the others looked at Jiang Tiantian, who was playing the role of a triangle in situ, with unrequited love on their faces!


And the tone and demeanor of each voice is different, hey!

No one will convince you to set off the atmosphere!

Martin said anxiously: "What the hell? Don't disturb the morale of the army! We are dead without Lao Pi!"

The Zeus couldn't go back after it exploded. The materials in Pierce's alien space are the hope of the whole village!

"By the way, who exactly is talking next to me?"

In the next moment, countless eyes of the Zhengyue troops focused on the five Teletubbies that suddenly appeared in the team with a look of horror!

One of them had a tumor on its head!

Apparently, invisibility time has just passed...

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