Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1442 Fragrant Beads

Chen Daoyi's hairs all exploded!

(′-皮-`?) "Are you crazy? Are you planning to detonate a nuclear bomb? I'm afraid the Cyclops won't find it, right?"

Detonate a nuclear bomb in the lair of the Cyclops? Thank you for doing it!

Jiang Nan's face is taken for granted!

(???~??) "If you don't detonate it, why don't you keep it for them? I managed to bring so many firecrackers from home!"

"If you don't click and listen to the sound, wouldn't it be a waste of money?"

"We don't call it stealing, it's called an exchange of equal value. How can I, Jiang Ping, take other people's things for nothing? I exchange intercontinental missiles and nuclear bombs with them for the source of fire!"

Li Bing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

You are too good at business, right?

The equivalent exchange of God Meow, it's better to grab it directly!

Originally, they just threw a little spark of origin, but now their family is going to be gone!

Alice had a frightened expression on her face!

( ?? ﹏ ?? ) "This... can this really work?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮( ??w?? )╭ "What's wrong? One-eyed species are going to dig up the moon and destroy all human beings. What if I blow up his house?"

"Don't have psychological pressure. When it comes to matters of the survival of the race, you have to be ruthless and steady! The heart is soft and kind, and the one who hesitates and repays the bitter fruit will only be yourself!"

Alice was stunned, thinking of the creatures on the blue star, her own Landis, and her own Lailai, her eyes gradually became firm!

Li Bing leaned on his chin: (????) "It makes sense, it makes sense..."

"Wait...what smells so good?"

Chen Daoyi also frowned: "I've wanted to say it for a long time, I smelled it when I first came in!"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

"I'm afraid your spacesuit is leaking air, right? It's fully sealed, how could it be possible to smell the fragrance? This..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan couldn't help being startled, because he also smelled a strange fragrance!

(oˉ?˙?˙ˉ?) Sniff~sniff~

This kind of fragrance is simply refreshing, making the mouth water, and fascinated!

It is a taste that Jiangnan has never smelled!

Taking a deep breath, the whole person seems to be in the clouds, it seems that the cells of the whole body are happy, cheers!

It's like the feeling of relaxation that you've been standing for a lifetime and suddenly sit down when you smell this scent...

Jiangnan halazi is about to flow out!

?(o﹃o?) "It must be a good thing, take it back and give it to Xuexue Langmie as a gift!"

Girls must like fragrant things, right?

This extravagant aroma, no other perfume on Blue Star can compare to it!

A few people were also aroused, and they followed the scent to search for it!

Finally saw a box made of Origin Tinder on the desk in the very center of the warehouse!

It is filled with orange-yellow clouds!

Jiang Nan was stunned, what the hell was going on? Precious needs to use Origin Tinder to make a box for it?

But even though it was sealed in a box, the fragrance still came out, and even passed through the Teletubbies clothes and space suits, was it smelled by Jiangnan?

Jiang Nan swallowed, and couldn't wait to open the box!

There are nine orange beads the size of pigeon eggs inside!

The bead is not transparent, with a little bit of starlight shining on it, like a planet that has been miniaturized to the extreme, and there are beautiful lines on the surface of the bead!

The moment the box was opened, orange-yellow clouds and stars flickered, spreading out from inside, like a nebula!

The fragrance is so strong that it makes people intoxicated, and Alice's face is even flushed, looking drunk!

Li Bing said in surprise: (* ?????????) "I'm so fragrant, what the hell is this? This kind of substance has never appeared on the blue star, or..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan picked up a fragrant bead, and the space wormhole opened!

Just stuff it in your mouth and eat it!

Li Bing:! ! !

Σ(?口??)? "Wow! Why did you eat it? You didn't even know what it was, so you just ate it? What if it's poisonous?"

Why does Jiang Danjing dare to eat anything?

How dare you suck the vine marrow of the mother vine, you almost sucked yourself into a vegetable!

This incense bead was made just after seeing it?

What Li Bing didn't know was that Jiangnan had even sucked the tears of the gods...

I saw Jiangnan burped and spewed out an orange nebula!

(o'~'o) "My sister held back and ate it. I can feel the desire in every cell of my body. It shouldn't be a bad thing, right?"

However, in the next second, Jiangnan's entire skin turned orange, and an amazing fragrance escaped from every pore on his body!

Li Bing stared: ?(??? ????) "Hiss~ you said it's not poisonous? Your whole body has turned yellow!"

Jiangnan: (Huang?????) "Nonsense! I am a hero!"

Li Bing's face darkened: (?????????????)? "It means your skin color, skin color!"

Jiang Nan, who swallowed the incense beads, felt that the whole world became clearer!

If the world in my eyes was covered with a veil before, but now it seems that the veil has been lifted!

Let Jiangnan have the illusion that he is truly alive now!

Hearing, seeing, smelling, smelling, touching and the sixth sense are infinitely strengthened, and the thinking in the mind is extremely clear!

I can even remember everything I have experienced in my life!

Even when I was 8 years old and saved a long time of pocket money to buy a pack of white rabbit toffee for Xuexue, I casually glanced at the ingredient list on the package when I tore the package!

Jiang Nan can recall it now, and can recite the ingredient list!

All the memories are strung together in my mind like a movie!

Jiang Nan was horrified!

Fuck! Is this really something the human brain can do?

You know, the human brain is very interesting, it will store some irrelevant memories, because they are not used at all on weekdays!

You will never remember how many fallen leaves were blown by a gust of wind when you were walking on the street 10 years ago!

But Jiangnan remembers, 347 pieces! Even remember the shape and texture of each leaf!

Even some problems that cannot be figured out on weekdays can be easily solved!

Studies have shown that not all of the brain is used in daily life, and only a small part is used.

But now Jiangnan felt that his thinking was so clear that it was terrifying!

(o?□?o) "Sister Bingbing? I...I seem to be smarter!"

Li Bing staggered: (?)???) "You are so smart! How can a smart person eat recklessly!"

"You talk as soon as you talk, why poke me?"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

But Jiangnan obviously didn't move!

In the next moment, I saw many of the surrounding fire bricks floating up by themselves!

Jiang Nan opened his mouth wide in surprise!

(??д?) "I... I have telekinetic power?"

Throw it!

What kind of fairy treasure is this fragrant pearl?

Not only can it infinitely enhance the six senses, make people smarter, develop their brains, but it can even make people have mind power?

Moreover, Jiangnan felt that the cells in his body were full of vitality!

It was an indescribable feeling...

Getting younger?


A few people are also confused, Nianli? Is there a mistake?

Is this kind of ability extremely rare on Blue Star?

Can Jiangnan do it too?

Li Bing looked at the remaining eight incense beads in the box in astonishment, and couldn't help becoming excited!

"This thing is absolutely extraordinary, you must study it carefully when you go back!"

Not waiting for Jiangnan to feel the changes that Xiangzhu brought to him!

In the next moment, Jiang Nan's hair stood on end, and an extreme sense of crisis flooded his body!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

(*???) "I...why do I feel so dangerous?"

Chen Daoyi:! ! !

"Nonsense! Have we been safe for a second on this journey?"

At this moment, Iger, the watermelon-level one-eyed species outside the warehouse, looked a little puzzled!

The transportation team did come just now!

Why is the number of origin fire that can be transported different from the number given by the mining area?

It looks like a piece is missing!

Did I make a mistake? Or is there a one-eyed species that violates the taboo?

Iger decided to check again, the source of fire is extremely important, and if one piece is missing, the pupil family may be destroyed!

He dare not be careless!

So I opened the warehouse door and checked it out!

Li Bing and the others all stared wide-eyed!

Damn! Do you want to be so accurate? Is it really dangerous?

So Jiangnan took the incense bead box away, and led everyone to hide behind the source of fire to hide their figures!

But Iger's complexion changed suddenly when he opened the door. Is this aroma so strong?

Has the box containing the incense beads been opened?

In the next moment, Iger opened all his eyes and entered the battle mode of full energy operation!

At this moment, the whole warehouse became clear in his eyes!

Even if you encounter a wall or an obstacle from the source of fire, you can see through it directly!

Cyclops eyes have the effect of perspective detection, which is more terrifying than X-rays!

You can even see through the human body at a glance!

Otherwise, the grapefruit-level one-eyed species wouldn't have seen at a glance that Jiangnan and the others were low-level carbon-based life forms!

Of course, these functions will only be activated in the combat state of full energy operation!

In order to save energy to the greatest extent and maintain uninterrupted mining on weekdays, they are all in sleep mode!

Iger, who opened his eyes, discovered immediately that there was more than one piece missing in the warehouse!

Temiao has lost thousands of dollars, hey!

All turned into some unknown metal products?

And the incense beads stored in the center are gone?

Five Teletubbies were found behind that brick wall of Tinder Origins?

Iger:! ! !

"The Antenna Clan? Dare to steal the Fragrant Beads and Origin Fire? You are really courting death!"

"How on earth did you end up on this planet?"

"Defense team! Alien invasion! Confirm the hostility and prepare for battle! Open your eyes!"

"All energy is open, the second combat form? Thunderfire form! Open!"

Infinite turbulent energy directly flooded Iger's body!

The energy fluctuations emanating from his body made the whole earth tremble violently!

Thunder raged, and red flames blazed wildly!

It's not at the same level as the grapefruit-level one-eyed species that Jiangnan and the others dealt with at the beginning!

At this moment, not only Iger opened his eyes, but also thousands of pomelo-level one-eyed species outside the warehouse all opened their eyes!

They all gathered around!

Jiangnan:! ! !

My hunch was correct, the one-eyed species running on full energy could see through the invisibility of the Teletubbies suit!

It's true!

Chen Dao was shocked: "This is the end of the calf!"

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