Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1440 Oranges? orange? Grapefruit? watermelon?

Looking closer, Jiangnan noticed the scale of the one-eyed city!

It's really big and scary!

The architectural style of the whole city is extremely abstract, and there are almost no scenes of tall buildings!

They are all one-story buildings, and the whole is made of black moon rocks!

And the roofs of these houses are leaking.

The sun can shine directly into the house!

The whole city has a back-shaped structure, and the planning is reasonable!

Outside the city, tens of thousands of one-eyed species are still working on city expansion!

The further out the city was, the simpler the houses were!

And in the center of the city, the palace built by the black moon rock is extremely luxurious!

In the city, there are still a large number of Cyclops patrolling the streets!

All half-open eyes to maintain order in the city!

When many one-eyed people on the street saw the patrol team, they offered to let out the way, closed their eyes and saluted, appearing very respectful!

And the transportation team that rushed all the way, disgraced, attracted a lot of envious eyes as soon as they entered the city!

Many one-eyed species came to watch and join in the fun!

Looking at the square origin fire, the big eyes are full of longing, and more envy!

But immediately, a large number of patrols came to escort them, preventing the one-eyed people watching the excitement from approaching!

Breed trouble!

Jiangnan's eyes were always on the transport team, and he wanted to see where these origin fires would eventually be transported!

I saw the transportation team driving straight into the city, heading straight for the most central palace complex!

Under the escort of the patrol team, they came to a huge black stone warehouse!

There are thousands of one-eyed guards standing guard around the warehouse, all of them are in sleep mode with half-open eyes!

Obviously, this is more like guarding against one's own people!

And after the transport team entered, there was no movement...

Jiang Nan swallowed: ?(o﹃o?) "The building in the center of the city must be a treasure house for Cyclops!"

"I'm afraid that the origin fire dug out from the moon's eye is all put in it!"

"Let's go! Help them transfer their wealth!"

Li Bing:! ! !

Do you want to make the robbery so fresh and refined?

=????(??? ????) "Are you really going? You are crazy! This city is full of one-eyed people!"

Chen Daoyi sweated profusely on his forehead: (??﹏???) "This world is so beautiful, what can't you think about?"

"The five of us steal from others at the beginning? Have you always been so straightforward in doing missions?"

David: (~_~;) "Don't treat me as a human being, I'm the background. The core meaning of the world's top photographers is that I don't exist!"

Chen Daoyi: ...

"There's a video camera! Can this work?"

Jiang Nan laughed straight: ( ?° ?? ?°) "What are you afraid of? Don't forget! Cyclops don't know we're coming to the moon!"

"I thought there was only one-eyed family on the moon, so the patrolling guards are all guards in dormant mode!"

"Once the countries have successfully landed and the one-eyed species perceives the threat, this house will not be easy to steal!"

"At that time, maybe everyone will turn on the battle mode to defend the house! Then you're stealing a fart? It's better to strike first! It's worse to strike later!"

A few people were taken aback by Jiangnan's words, so it seems quite reasonable, huh?

Jiangnan strikes while the iron is hot: (? ̄???????) "You forgot? The one-eyed species that are difficult to deal with are the one-eyed species in the combat mode. They are stupid when they are in the dormant state!"

"It's estimated that even the brain is functioning at least! As long as we don't let them feel threatened or hostile, perhaps the one-eyed species will not enter the combat mode!"

"In this way, the house is not stolen casually?"

At this moment, even Li Bing's heart became hot, and he felt that if he missed this opportunity, he would never have it again!

Chen Dao swallowed his saliva!

(?? ﹏ ??) "Then if they are discovered, they will face the siege of the one-eyed species in the whole city!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Why don't they just find out? Do you think I'm unprepared?"

While talking, he took out 5 sets of Teletubbies clothes from the alien space!

Li Bing's eyes widened!

(?'口'? ?)? "This... isn't this your battle suit? You want to sneak in stealth?"

And Jiangnan has already started to put the Teletubbies on the spacesuit!

"Try to see if you will be discovered by invisibility, and then think of a way if you are discovered! Wear it quickly!"

A few people saw that Jiangnan didn't hear anything outside the window, and they only wanted to steal his house, so they could only put clothes on their bodies!

Fortunately, the head of the Teletubbies is big enough, and there is no sense of disobedience when stuffing the helmet of the spacesuit into it!

It’s just that David’s way of dressing is a bit scary, and the camera is stuffed into it with his shoulders!

The camera shoots along the mouth of the Teletubbies suit, which looks like a tumor on the Teletubbies face...

"The invisibility time is only 30 minutes. Start the timer now. Once the time is approaching, remind me to put another layer on the outside. Do you understand?"

Several people nodded one after another, their palms were sweating, they were even more nervous than going to space before, hey!

The house-thief team who pinched the antenna above their heads went directly into stealth mode!

Just teleport and do it in Tongcheng!

The figures of several people in Jiangnan have completely disappeared from the camera!

I can only see the camera flashing, and I'm about to go to other people's cities!

In the main control hall, everyone held their breath and concentrated, with nervous expressions on their faces!

The corners of Wang Dalei's mouth twitched: "Uncle Jiang is really a coward? He just went to steal the one-eyed species' house less than three hours after arriving on the moon?"

Ye Zhenguo covered his face: "Why do I feel that Brother Jiang is so proficient in this small business?"

"Have you used the invisibility cloak?"

Xia Yao was too nervous: (???﹏??)? "Let's not talk about the hometown of the one-eyed species, even if it's a city's top Daotian powerhouse!"

"As long as there is a treasure inside, Xiao Nan will get it back if he wants to break his head!"

Yang Jian took a deep breath!

(??ˇ?ˇ??) "Let's let this kid do it! He's more experienced in this area, as he's been pulling babies from home all the year round!"

"By the way, you can also look at the specific structure and defense force in the Cyclops city!"

Jiang Tianchen nodded: "The entire process of the battle with the one-eyed species has been handed over to the expert group for analysis, and it will not take long to evaluate the various abilities of the one-eyed species!"


At this moment, Jiangnan has already led a team to sneak into Tongcheng, just walking on the street in such a grandiose manner!

Although several people are invisible, they are invisible at the same time, and the Teletubbies can still see each other!

However, the appearance of several people obviously did not attract the attention of the Cyclops!

I saw that Jiangnan bravely came to the patrol team, waved his hands, and twisted his waist! He even shook the antenna above his head!

But even so, the patrolling one-eyed captain still walked down the street with his eyes half-opened!


Didn't notice the existence of Jiangnan at all!

Li Bing and Alice's nervous atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath!

Once it is noticed, it is bound to be wiped out by the group!

Chen Dao always felt that what he had experienced in just a few hours was more exciting than what I had experienced in my entire life!

Jiang Nan couldn't help being a little happy!

Sure enough, they can't be seen in the dormant state, and the Teletubbies will always be gods!

Since he couldn't see it, Jiang Nan had confidence in his heart, and led the team straight to the black palace group in the center of Tongcheng!

Saw a lot of one-eyed species along the way!

Some were walking on the road in a stately manner, looking contemptuously at the people next to them with one big eye, with a look of arrogance on their faces!

And when the other one-eyed species saw him, they also consciously avoided their eyes, their faces full of fear!

Jiang Nan was stunned!

Are the one-eyed races so strict? How do they tell the difference?

Seeing the members of the patrol team, the proud one-eyed species immediately faltered and looked away respectfully!

It was only then that Jiangnan discovered that the patrol team's eyes were bigger than that brother's!

Is it possible that the one-eyed people are graded according to the size of their eyes?

The bigger the eyes, the bigger the cup?

Jiangnan also saw a one-eyed species with eyes the size of oranges!

Walking down the street with a face full of inferiority, the other one-eyed species looked at him with contempt, and even spat at him!

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Do you want to be so miserable?

Li Bing said quietly: (*? ??) "Hey~ It seems that the bigger the eyes, the higher the status, the more powerful they are!"

After a long period of observation, Jiangnan has initially understood the class system of the one-eyed species!

( ?? .? ?? ) "It's easy to understand! Just like your girls' cup position, ABCDEFG! The bigger the cup! The more popular it is!"

Li Bing stared: (???~??)? "Bah! What kind of weird metaphors are you talking about? Eyes are the same as... that!"

Jiang Nan laughed straight: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Why is it different? Like your level, if you change to a one-eyed species, you have to be a patrol commander!"

"If the little table board Mo Tian comes, I think she will be the one-eyed king!"

Li Bing's face turned black, so I'm a leader?

Jiang Nan looked serious!

(???~??)? "Preliminarily classify Cyclops according to their eyes!"

"The orange class is the smallest one I've seen so far. It has a low status and belongs to the lowest one-eyed species!"

"There is also the orange class, which belongs to the common people, and is engaged in urban expansion outside!"

"If it's not the Grapefruit class, this kind of people are members of the patrol team or mining team. The one-eyed species on the side of the moon eye basically have such big eyes!"

"As for the smaller walnut grade, I don't know if there are any Cyclops..."

Li Bing on the side is already going crazy, why does the level you assigned always sound wrong?

orange? Grapefruit? No papaya?

The one who blew himself up just now is the grapefruit-level one-eyed species!

But I have to say that Jiangnan's division is quite appropriate!

Is it true that the bigger the eyes, the more and purer the stored energy?

So this kind of hierarchy was differentiated?

And at this moment, several people from Jiangnan had already strolled to the palace square as if no one else was there!

For some reason, there are a lot of one-eyed species gathered here!

Jiang Nan's eyes widened suddenly, with a look of horror on his face!

(*???) "Fuck! It has appeared! A watermelon-level one-eyed species! This should be able to beat several Chen Daoyi, right?"

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