At this moment, the eyes of all the scavengers are full of despair!

Some even sat on the ground and started crying!

(;′??口??`) "Drink~bah! You are not human, didn't you say that as long as you work and find treasure, you can earn your life back?"

(??Dish?)? "Did you specially drag us to the door to kill? Let us see hope and kill again? This is the perverted psychology of the devil!"

"Nine days of work for nothing? Why didn't you kill me in the first place, so that you don't have to suffer from this ghost!"

"I just~%?...;# *’☆\u0026℃$!"

Someone has already started yelling, and the resentment value has been refreshed crazily.

He has the thought of swallowing Jiang Tianqing alive!

At this moment, Team Silver also turned pale, standing beside them trembling!

I saw Yin with a mournful face!

(*?????) "Can you leave a way for us to survive? We have hard work without credit?"

"When I beat Bell, I also spit bullets into his throat! It also made a contribution!"

Bai Lian raised his hand!

(⌒~⌒)? "Me! I restored it to Mira! Please don't kill me!"

Lilith said anxiously: "I'm from the Psychiatric Department, and I can delete the memories of our team, including my own!"

"Please don't kill us, okay? We will never fight against you again!"

While speaking, he clasped his palms together and begged!


Bai Kou couldn't bear it either!

(′-﹏-`?) "It's a bit cruel to hack so many people to death, or I'll be exiled to the Hanshan Lingxu!"

Jiang Tianqing's face was dark: (??_???)? "Did I say I wanted silver? How could I do such a crazy thing?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was stunned!

Eh? Not a shark?

Silver: (??w?? ?) "Eh...what did you do along the way that didn't stop you from being insane?"

Jiang Tianqing: (?°??°?)

"It's better for the shark to fall!"

silver:! ! !

"Don't, don't, don't! As long as there is a way to survive, we can do whatever we want!"

Those scavengers also followed suit!

I saw 18 small leather whips protruding from Jiang Tianqing's back, which looked like palms!

Then slowly put on nine pairs of small slippers and nine pairs of passionate gloves!

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others all shivered, obviously knowing what Jiangnan was going to do!

All of you present, one counts as the other, I am afraid that all of you will inevitably have a big mouth full of enthusiasm!

Jiang Tianqing grinned: "I, Nanshin, have always convinced people with virtue. Although you want to keep it a secret from me, there is no guarantee that you will betray me!"

"In order to be safe, it is better to delete the file!"

"Dabai Xiaobai, organize them into a group of ten and line up to delete files!"

Everyone is confused, delete files? What's the meaning?

However, under the coercion of a group of polar white bears, they still formed a group of ten people and formed a bow-shaped long queue!

At this moment, ten scavengers stood in front of Jiangnan with nervous faces!

I saw Jiang Tianqing showing a kind smile!

(? ̄? ̄?) "Don't worry! It won't hurt, I'll be fast!"

While speaking, he had already put on two extremely fast slippers on his hands, and put on his passionate little gloves outside!

The next moment, before everyone could react, the little slippers started instantly!

The moment it started, a phantom was thrown out like a windmill, and it couldn't stop at all!

18 vine branches, plus Jiangnan's hands, bow left and right, slapping his mouth like crazy!

Crackling like a hanging whip!

The ten scavengers stood in front of Jiangnan and were beaten and swayed from side to side, with a dazed look on their faces!

At this moment, the entire queue was as silent as death!

They all looked at Jiang Tianqing who slapped ten people on the mouth in horror at the same time!

━=????(??? ????(?口?????)

Only the crisp "pop" sound echoed!

"He... what is he doing? Is he going to beat people stupid? Physical amnesia?"

"The devil! He really belongs to the devil. How hard must he hit it? Look! There are more than a dozen teeth flying out!"

"No! I don't want to become an idiot, I'd rather die and count!"

Looking at the ten people who were beaten straight to the teeth, the scavengers were frightened physically and mentally!

But under the supervision of the Fat Uncle Legion, there is nowhere to escape!

At this moment, Bai Kou and Mo Mo are also staring at Jiangnan blankly!

How many slaps does it take to make people stupid?

People don't slap people in the face when they beat people, but Jiangnan is better, so he just slaps in the face?

At this moment, Jiangnan is silently checking the number!

One slap deletes one minute of memory, nine days of memory, each person only needs to slap 12960 slaps!

With the little slippers, I am now a ruthless slapping machine! Amnestic Eternal Motion Ji!

You don't have to worry about it at all, you just need to hang up and check the number.

Just be aware that you need to change your gloves every 30 minutes!

At that time, it will be ok to cut off the vine branches and replace them with a new batch!

I'm such a little genius!

Soon Jiangnan had enough investigations, and the faces of the ten people in front of Jiangnan were as swollen as pigs' heads!

Half of a mouthful of teeth is missing, and I feel dizzy, that is more than 10,000 mouths!


I saw that when the Jiangnan Bengling Curse Formation opened, it knocked ten people into the air and threw them towards Bai Kou!

"Bai Kou! Blizzard!"

Why doesn't Bai Kou know what Jiangnan means? Do you want their memories to seamlessly connect with those nine days ago?

With a wave of his bare hand, the infinite snowstorm turned into a giant wind column and blew out, heading towards the direction of the space gate!

Blow the ten scavengers that collapsed out of the space gate!

At this moment, Mouth Amnestic Ji was still running, Jiang Tianqing frowned.

(??????) "What? Need me to remind you? The next group, come over and stand up!"

The scavengers who were queuing up were mournful, and they walked up with a pair of solemnity and grandeur on their way to the execution ground!

A new round of amnestics has begun!

After beating Bengfei, the blizzard will send you away, endless loop!

The silver team at this moment is already looking stupid, this is still produced on an assembly line?

Is it too cruel? Is it a mentally handicapped manufacturing factory?

As time went by, the crackling sound never stopped!

It took a full afternoon to finish off the scavengers, and even the flare gun team couldn't escape the enthusiastic set meal!

No one was spared, seeing the last group of flare gun squads!

But it is an odd number, only nine people!

Jiang Nan's eyes fell on Yin's body!

Silver forehead was sweating profusely: (??w?? ?) "Can I not..."

(`⌒′メ) "Huh?"

∠(o﹏′*) "Hit! Hit whatever you want!"

I saw Yin gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, it was better to be beaten stupid than hanged!

Then he bit the bullet and went up to act as the tail of the team!

The crackling mouth started, and Yin was beaten so hard that he shook his head, left and right!

Lilith Kelly and the others were all trembling!

As for Bai Lian, leaning on his chin, he said with a pensive expression!

(︶?︶?) "You hit 12,960 times in each set! Accurate!"

"And the opening time of the Oracle Lingxu is exactly nine days, which means that every time you slap, you will lose a minute of memory, right?"

Everyone looked at Bai Lian in astonishment!

It's not because Bai Lian told the truth!


Is there really someone who would be so bored as to find out how many mouths Jiangnan has slapped?

Jiang Nan smiled brilliantly!

(o?????) "Ouch~ isn't it good? You little clever ghost!"

Bai Lian begged!

(⌒ .?⌒) "Since I'm so smart, can you not hit me? I promise I won't tell!"

Jiang Nan said pitifully: (?i ~ i?) "Okay! Since you are so smart, I will reward you two more for being stupid!"

Bai Lian:? ? ?

Jiang Nan's expression froze when he just turned around!

(°ー°〃) "Damn it? How much did I find?"

Once interrupted by Bai Lian, Jiang Nan immediately forgot!

"Forget it! Just in case, it's better to check again!"


silver:? ? ?

At this moment, Lilith Kelly and the others looked at each other, their eyes brightened!

Started to check the number silently, and when Jiangnan was about the same...

Lilith hands up!

(o?w?)? "Nanshin, can you split up to 18 pieces of that little leather whip? It looks so powerful!"

Jiang Nan laughed straight: (?ˇ ??ˇ?) "Hey, isn't it amazing? I'm... eh~"

(?`~′?) "Don't interrupt me! Forgot again!"

Jiang Nan was a little annoyed, so he checked again!

Lilith's eyes were full of excitement, and she nodded towards a few people!

Bai Lian and Kelly secretly made gestures!

As long as you keep interrupting Jiangnan, such obsessive-compulsive disorder must be checked again!

In this case, maybe we will stop playing when we are tired. How about asking Lilith to delete our memory?

Even if you still have to fight, you can delay the time to go to the execution ground, and die later if you can!

Kelly: (???.??) "Nanshin? How many have you found?"

(?~??) "Hmm~ I found out... Tsk!"

"If you cut off the little leather whip, will it hurt you too? I'm so curious!"

"Not at all! It's... Assi! Don't talk to me!"

At this moment, Lilith and the others are looking for various reasons to chat with Jiangnan, interrupting the counting frantically!


In the blink of an eye, it's been almost half an hour, and Jiangnan's number has not been checked enough!

Yindu was beaten into a bun face, and he was slapped in the mouth for more than half an hour!

The nine flare gun fighters were also wiped out!

I saw that Jiang Nan, who was in a state of desperation, collapsed into a blizzard for several people in one fell swoop!

After fanning for so long, it should be enough!

Immediately, their eyes fell on Kaili and the others, who were sweating profusely on their foreheads, after all, they still did not escape the fate of being slapped!

Let Lilith delete her memory? Don't worry about Jiang Nan!

After slapping a few people and throwing them out, Jiang Nan stretched fiercely and rubbed his sore and swollen arms!

Feeling that his arms had grown stronger, his eyes couldn't help falling on Hart, Momo, Baikou and the other three!

Katerina also panicked, and quickly hid behind Mira!

(??﹏?) "No! Don't delete my memory, I don't want to forget the news that you are still alive, I will keep my mouth shut!"

Bai Kou's face darkened: (*? ■? ■? *) "You don't even want to slap me, do you?"

Jiang Nan smiled embarrassingly!

(¬w¬?) "Come on, I haven't lived enough!"

"As for Hart and Momo, forget it. You two still owe me favors. Wouldn't I be at a loss if I forgot?"

Hart: (?_●)

Why am I a little bit glad I owe this guy a favor?

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