Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1411 Jiang Bandits Let Momo Upgrade! Not safe

As time went by, the fluctuations emanating from Momo's body became more and more intense!

Her level is always between Diamond and Xingyao!

Hart's nervous palms were sweating, and he didn't dare to take a breath!

At this moment, Momo looked serious!

(?●??)? "Abba!"

Jiang Nan's eyes brightened, are you coming?

Just hearing a "click", a large piece of space shattered, and a dark crack with a length of 100 meters opened!

The gale of infinite space blows out from it, and the bonfires in the distance are flickering!

The first thing that catches the eye is two huge spiral-shaped glass-colored horns facing the sky!

Exuding strong spatial fluctuations, it looks extremely hideous!

Jiang Nan's eyes were full of anticipation: "What is this thing? Could it be a space dragon, or Kui Niu or something? That would be really great!"

Bai Kou rolled his eyes, he summoned a contracted beast, why are you so excited?

With the two huge spiral horns poking out, a goat with a whole body of pitch black appeared in everyone's eyes!

Its body size is more than 300 meters, even comparable to that of the Star Whale!

The level is unknown, and the dimensional creature cannot be defined by the level of human beings!

But looking at the powerful spatial fluctuations emitted by his body, his strength is definitely not bad!

Speaking of which, why is the meta-creature this time so huge, hundreds of meters in size!

Is it because it is all places, so it can grow as big as it can?

After all, the creation beast is ridiculously big!

Or it's very small, like a Void Spirit Butterfly or a three-eyed mink!

Are dimensional creatures so casual?

The pan-horned goat looked solemn, stepped out of the gap between dimensions, and the black hooves even cracked the space!

A pair of dark eyes stared at Momo!

His eyes shot back and forth on her body!

Mo Mo had a weak expression on his face, and his body was shaking in fear, not daring to look directly into Argali's eyes!


I saw Argali raised a goat's hoof, with glazed light shining on it, and went straight to Momo's left chest and pressed it!

Hart was shocked: "Not good! It chose the heart, hurry up! Go back to the file!"

Even Momo's pretty face turned pale at this moment, heart?

Wouldn't it be impossible to live without a heart?

I saw Jiang Nan waved his hand!

(??? Mouth??) "Don't worry! Maybe this goat wants the poached egg on Momo's left!"

Bai Kou almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

"The poached egg on the left of Shente Meow, what kind of sp goat is this?"

Hart panicked: "What if! What if it's a heart?"

When Mo Mo heard that she wanted her poached eggs, she quickly covered her chest, closed her eyes and was full of resistance!

It's better to take the heart!

(??﹏??.) "Ababa~ yay! yay!"

(No! You’d better take the heart! Poached eggs are absolutely not allowed!)

I'm useless if you take it away!

What the hell is there only one left? It doesn't look symmetrical at all!

Others will dislike me after seeing it!

But no matter how Momo struggled, she still couldn't change Argali's decision!

The goat's hoof pressed firmly towards Momo's left chest!

Even Momo's body emits a glass-colored light, restricting her movements!

The contract is about to begin!

Jiang Nan showed a fierce look on his face: "It's not up to you to decide what you want to take away!"

I saw that Jiangnan teleported directly onto the back of the argali!

With a wave of his hand, eight void chains shot out at the same time, binding back and forth on the body of the argali!

argali:? ? ?

What are you doing?

How dare you interrupt such a sacred contract ceremony?

hum! Then I don't sign anymore!

Immediately, he wanted to turn around and teleport back to the gap between dimensions, but how could Jiangnan give it this chance?

"Lan! Get him!"

Without Jiang Nan's reminder, Lan has already teleported to the back of the argali, with both hands out of his trouser pockets!

Those two golden middle fingers were so conspicuous, they poked on the body of the argali in one go!

The argali was immediately paralyzed, the teleportation was interrupted, and the huge sheep body lay sideways on the ground, kicking its legs non-stop!

"He's so stupid, what the hell is wrong? You bastard? Let me fuck him!"

While speaking, he directly thought of Shura, and condensed the hollow saw blade, cutting fiercely at the sheep's body!

For a moment, blood spattered, and the argali throbbed in pain!

argali:? ? ?

What is it that I'm acrimonious?

What I want is the heart! Heart ah hello!

I don't sign anymore, can't I leave?

let me go! I didn't take you to do this!

Jiangnan not only chops! He also used a small leather whip to penetrate into the wound of the argali and suck it fiercely!

The six space barriers slashed at the argali!

With a lot of effort, the whole argali has turned into a blood gourd!

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded. Do you want to be so fierce?

Didn't you say that you can go back in time and start over from the archive?

Why do you still rush forward to give someone a violent beating?

Under the influence of the space chain and the paralysis ring, the argali can't escape at all!

Momo was also stunned, you are the first person who caught and beat up the contract ambassador of the argali clan during the contract ceremony!

Can't help but look anxious!

(????.) "Aba, Ababa~"

(You can't fight! Stop it, you have to respect the contract ambassador!)

However, Jiang Nan didn't care at all: "What are you doing in a daze? Hit him? Hart! Is it a man?"

"People are going to kill your wife, why don't you fuck him?"

Momo blushed: (?)? (ヾ) "Aba~"

Hart was provoked by Jiangnan, and immediately became angry!

"Tama you take it? It's not enough to take so much, but now you want to take the heart? I'll kill you!"

"Burning Star? Flame Wheel Hell!"

The terrifying thermonuclear bombarded argali vomited blood!

Xia Yao covered her face!

(′-﹏-`(ヾ) "This is not a whim at all, this is premeditated!"

Xiao Nan had been staring at other people's contracted beasts, right?

Bai Kou stared blankly at the argali who was besieged by everyone, is this okay?

After a fat beating, the argali has been beaten to the point of blood!

At this moment, he is staring at Jiangnan with eyes full of indignation!

Jiang Nan got angry: (?°?д°?) "Yo huh? You still dare to stare at me?"

As he spoke, he punched Argali in the eye!

argali:! ! !

I just ~%?...;# *’☆!

I saw Jiangnan clearing his throat: "You are not allowed to choose the heart or something! Change it to another one. Anyway, as long as it is an organ, anything can complete the contract, right?"

"Tonsils, wisdom teeth, appendix, whatever, just choose!"

"Sarcasm! Or I'll kill you!"

While speaking, the 600-meter broadsword was directly placed on the neck of the argali!

Momo is just stupid, how can the contract do this?

Bai Kou covered her face!

Shente mew tonsils, wisdom teeth, appendix! You will choose!

They are all useless things, want to use this to exchange contracts with others?

It's no wonder that Argali is willing!

A big knife on the neck, an empty glove Aries?

argali:? ? ?

Didn't take you to do this? Physical coercion?

This is a trick of torture!

appendix? What do I want that thing for?

There is no way to do business when you return to the clan, okay?

I have worked so hard to come here to make a contract, but I have suffered such abuse?

My argali clan will never give in! I want a heart!

Hack me to death if you have the ability?

Seeing that Argali's eyes are full of stubbornness!

Jiang Nan sighed: "Give you a chance, you are useless?"

While speaking, he raised his big knife and slashed down on the neck of the argali!

argali:? ? ?

Fuck? Are you really chopping?

The two sides intersect, so why not cut them off?

Don't...don't chop! Wow, it's easy to discuss!

But it's too late!

With a knife in his hand, Jiangnan chopped up the argali!

Argali hiccupped on the spot and was silent!

Momo opened her mouth wide, and felt a thunderbolt hit her head!


Nanshen stomped the contract ambassador sent by the argali clan?

What about archiving?

I saw Jiang Nan and Xiao Lan'er looked at each other, grinned, and gave a high five at that moment!

But I forgot that Lan was wearing a paralysis ring!

Accidentally poked by Lan's golden finger, Jiangnan, who was paralyzed at that time, was shocked and quickly let go!

Immediately, the two of them went to Argali, and took out the Dimensional Lingzhu, which was the size of an egg!

Can't help showing a satisfied expression!

( ?????? ?????)~?

Hart's face turned black, so he was running to kill the dimensional spirit beast, right?

Xia Yao leaned on her chin!

( ?ˉ??ˉ?) "Sure enough! The gangster Jiang made Momo upgrade! No good intentions!"

Zhong Yingxue:? ? ?

Is there any epilogue to this?

At this moment, Momo's upgrade is directly stuck, and he can't go up or down!

It is still exuding wonderful fluctuations!

Looking at the chopped-off argali wanting to cry without tears, I chopped off the contract ambassador. They won't come to me for a contract again, right?

Seeing Momo's disappointed expression, Jiang Nan couldn't help but smile brightly: "Why are you so lost?"

"Are you afraid that there will be no pig arch? Argali doesn't know current affairs, so it always has a sense of humor, right?"

"If they don't obey me again, I'll chop off every one of them! Will it be over until they do what we want?"

"Don't be afraid of my hard work, we are all friends, this is what I should do?"

Mo Mo covered her face, she couldn't see where you worked hard at all!

Clearly stronger than anyone else, okay?

Is this directly catching fish with yourself? Just follow Jiangnan's style of play!

Even the contract ambassador can't bear it, right?

Just when Momo was worried that there would be no dimensional spirit beasts coming again!

The space cracked again, and an argali, which was bigger than the one just now, poked its head out from the crack in the space!

I looked over curiously!

The contract ambassador who was just sent has not returned for so long, and the fluctuations have always existed?

So the clan sent himself to take a look!

However, as soon as he poked his head out, he saw the argali that had burped just now!

Can't help but look terrified, turn around and run!

Jiang Nan was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted: "Hold him and let him run away, Wu Liang!"

ps: There are two updates these days. You don’t have to wait at noon. I will try my best to ensure two updates. If you are sick, you will die of discomfort. Already hanging the bottle.

I asked the nurse if I could drink it, it would be faster, but she wouldn't drink it (??w???)...

Qingfeng strives to get better as soon as possible (??? )

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