Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1409 Black Snow! (plus more)

After all, Gervas went down to reunite with Nicky!

Gasman combination, now it's neat!

Armor-piercing Nicky!

Cause of death: Gap to the elder brother's teeth!

Gas tank kvass!

Cause of death: Died in a tragic car accident, hit by a bicycle!

No one will believe me when I say this special meow, right?

What are some shameful ways to die?

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue and the others were all staring blankly at Jiangnan!

At the level of Diamond 3, killing Xingyao 3 solo, he just killed Mang!

The dazzling methods make people dizzy, it is simply too strong!

Xia Yao was a little disappointed!

(???~??) "Suddenly I feel that I have been left behind again, and I have to work harder!"

Zhong Yingxue couldn't help nodding!

(??????)? "We must catch up, I am still too weak!"

Mira pursed her mouth!

(? ? ??) "I suddenly want to level up!"

Katerina on the side covered her head and almost couldn't listen anymore!

?(*?????)? Are you still weak?

How embarrassing is this for me!

Anyway, I am also a diamond!

I was ashamed of the soy sauce I made all the way, and suddenly felt that what Mira said before was not wrong...

Katrina feels hurt!

After killing Kvass, only about two-thirds of the energy of the Tears of the Gods in Jiangnan's body was used up!

The uncomfortable Jiangnan couldn't bear it anymore, and began to frantically teleport and release spiritual skills to consume the energy of the tears of the gods!

I saw Jiangnan's eyes were red, and the void and black holes were going crazy!

Mouth roaring non-stop!

?(?°?口°??)? "Ola Ola Ola~"

The ground is full of huge round pits, like the surface of the moon!

I still don't forget to stuff the condensed black beads into the alien space to prepare for beating people in the future...

Wu Liang's eyes twitched watching this scene!

( ???(エ)?? ) "Brother Nan dislikes that one kvass is not enough to fight, it's not fun!"

"So edit the map again to implement your previous style?"

Mo Mo covered his face. With Jiangnan's combat power, even if he signed another dimensional creature, he wouldn't be his opponent, would he?

The well-deserved world's strongest diamond!

The sound of roaring can be heard endlessly, but they don't know that Jiangnan is just venting unused energy!

However, Jiangnan, who was extremely violent one moment, lay on the ground and remained motionless the next moment!

As if the electricity was gone, the energy of the Tears of the Gods in the body was finally exhausted!

At this moment, Jiangnan was covered in white smoke, lying motionless on the ground!

Σ_(??? ”∠)_

Jiang Nan, who was sore and swollen all over, didn't want to move a single muscle, and he couldn't even open his eyelids!

The cost of forcibly using Tears of the Gods is not ordinary, and the damage caused by overloading the body is also great!


There was a bang, and Jiangnan's level was logically broken from Diamond Three to Diamond Four!

Originally, Jiangnan had already drilled the three peaks, but this time he sucked the tears of the God of God was not without gain!

At least some clean space power can be absorbed by oneself.

But even so, Jiang Nan didn't want to suck the tears of the God of God anymore, the loss outweighed the gain!

After all, it is not for human use, if you pollute your original space spiritual power, you will lose a lot!

Infinite spirit clouds swept over, and Jiang Nan's body was like a shriveled sponge, absorbing the gathered spirit energy!

The physical injuries are also being repaired at a very fast speed. Even the little leather whip has reached the level of diamond seven after such a long period of training and drinking blood!

At this moment, Jiang Nan was lying on the ground dangling his little feet, turning his head to look at Bai Kou with a teasing expression on his face!

(#???) "Hey, hey! Isn't it? I killed Kvass, and your side is not over yet?"

"It's the ceiling-level Daotian! Please ~ you are very weak ~ don't you want my help? Diudiu~"

Hart:? ? ?

Are the Jiangnan brothers so brave that they dare to talk to Lady Xuenv like that?

Bai Kou gave Jiang Nan a bitter look!

(??????)? You are weak!

It's not appropriate for you, a diamond, to say that, okay?

"Give me three minutes!"

While speaking, he waved the blue ice long sword in his hand!

The earth roared on the snow field, and ice thorns over a hundred meters pierced towards Bell like giant swords!

At this moment, Bell has completely turned into a beast!

Like a bloody lightning, it travels across the snowy field at extreme speed!

Opened his bloody mouth wide, crushed the huge ice thorn and swallowed it into his stomach!

Even if he was pierced or scratched, the injuries on his body would recover in an instant!

"You can't do anything to me, ahahaha!"

Bai Kou's face remained unchanged, and the ice sword cut again!

"Cold and windy!"

The endless cold wind blew out, like a bone-scraping steel knife, and the thousand-meter-high rocky mountain was chopped into pieces!

Go straight to Bell Shrouded!

Bell opened his mouth to the maximum!

"I swallow!"

The infinite cold wind was eaten by Bell!

The belly of the gluttonous behemoth is so big that it looks like a pregnant woman!

Immediately, she pointed her mouth at Bai Kou: "I'll give it back to you! Roar~"

The cold wind that was eaten just now made Bell spit it out!

The power didn't attenuate at all, and it blew towards Bai Kou!

Jiang Nan smacked his lips when he saw this scene!

Bell is also a very playable hand, the ability is really tricky, almost invulnerable!

The reason why he was at a disadvantage when fighting against himself was because Bell couldn't swallow the space!

Otherwise, if you fight with ordinary elemental output, the magic skills released will be eaten by Bell and released to hit the opponent!

Really disgusting!

I saw the cold wind blowing in front of Bai Kou and it would disperse automatically!

Ke Beier also took this opportunity to rush to Bai Kou!

"Tearing Heaven Claw Knife, go to hell!"

At this moment, Bell's four beast claws lighted up, and they grabbed Bai Kou's body madly!

The crossed claws flashed, and the rocky mountain behind Bai Kou was cut off!

But Bai Kou's whole body turned into a cloud of snow dust and drifted away with the wind, with infinite coldness in his eyes!


A terrible blizzard began to blow on the snow field, the sky and the earth were completely white, and the temperature plummeted!

The sound of the wind was like a cannon firing, and Bai Kou's body was completely hidden in the snowstorm!

A lot of hoarfrost formed on Bell's body, and his body was almost frozen!

Can't help roaring: "Can you do it? I ate up all the extreme cold and snowstorms in the Oracle Lingxu!"

"I'm just waiting for you! Roar~"

The extremely cold snowstorm stored in Bell's body was released by him!

The fierce confrontation with Bai Kou's blizzard began!

However, Bell's complexion gradually became ugly!

Because he gradually lost control over the extreme cold and snowstorm!

Just as he took control of Falcon King back then, Bai Kou also took control away from Bell!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! I have been saving for so long, how can your spiritual skills be so much stronger than mine?"

Instead of suppressing Bai Kou, the snowstorm he released became Bai Kou's weapon?

People kill me and I pass the knife?

Bell's expression was uglier than eating Xie Te!

The endless extreme cold made Bell's body stiffer, as if he would freeze into an ice sculpture at any moment!

The terrifying snowstorm covered a radius of 30,000 meters, and it continued to expand!

In front of Bell, the endless wind and snow condensed and turned into Bai Kou again!

(? ̄? ~ ̄?) "This era has only developed for more than 20 years, and many concepts are still very immature!"

"You are just a poor frog in the well! All you can see is the sky as big as the mouth of the well!"

Bell's eyes were scarlet: "Why are you so arrogant? I can't compare to you, so I will swallow it back!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and began to swallow the blizzard again!

Jiang Nan looked disgusted!

(?)′-﹏-`) Spit it out and then eat it? You are a real loser, you!

However, Bai Kou said coldly: "You have no chance!"

"Big cold!"

I saw a phantom snowflake appearing behind Bai Kou, and the infinite cold air spread out from her body!

Bell couldn't help but his eyes were full of horror, he was shocked to find that he couldn't move under the erosion of cold air!

At this temperature, even the cells will be frozen, and the atoms will become inactive!

Bell opened his mouth wide to try to eat this magical skill, but it didn't work at all!

There was no emotion on Bai Kou's face!

"Deadly Black Snow!"

As Bai Kou's voice fell, he saw heavy black snow floating in the sky!

Even though the cold wind was extremely strong, Heixue was not affected at all, and fell slowly on his own!

At this moment, the wind and snow were whistling, black snow was falling, and the whole world seemed to have turned into black and white!

The black snowflakes fell on the snow, dyeing the white snow black!

Black snow fell everywhere, even dyed the entire blizzard black, and a smell of death drifted away!

Bell, who was frozen by the great cold, watched the black snow fall on his skin!


Shocking screams came from Bell's mouth. Where the snow fell, Bell's silver scales began to fall off, skin necrosis, flesh and blood rotted, and black blood flowed horizontally!

The power of Qi and blood in Bell's body surged, frantically repairing his injuries, but he couldn't completely expel the dead silence brought by Hei Xue!

The frozen body can't swallow anything else at all, the moment when the power of Qi and blood is exhausted!

I saw Bai Kou looking at the black snow all over the sky in silence, and stabbing the ice sword in his hand into the ground!

That is the only whiteness in this black world!

Then he just turned around and left, there was no need to stay, because the ending was already doomed!

At this moment, Bell's skin was festered by the black snow, his flesh was bloody, and even his skeleton was exposed!

He couldn't help but anxiously said: "Teace! Truce! I am Daotian, I can serve the Goose Kingdom, and I will not touch the star ring!"

"Let me do whatever I want, stop it! Step on the horse and stop it for me!"

However, Bai Kou didn't care at all, the opportunity was already given to you, it was you who didn't cherish it!

From begging for mercy to cursing to howling, Bell could only watch his body rot and die!

The body was completely swallowed by the black wind and snow, and even the screams could not be heard!

The moment Bai Kou stepped out of the snowstorm, the black snowstorm dissipated!

The snow field with a radius of 30,000 meters turned black, and one of the conspicuous ice swords stood upright!

Bell was no longer in it, completely melted by Hei Xue, not even bones left!

Bai Kou glanced at Jiangnan provocatively!

(???~??) "Three minutes! Isn't it here yet?"

Jiang Nan swallowed and spit, sweating profusely on his forehead!

(??w?? ?) Black snow, what kind of trick is that?

Is it so weird?

Sure enough, the old antique who has lived for more than two thousand years has a lot of cards in his hands!

Did you beat Bell?

Thinking back to how bravely he climbed to the top before, he also said that Bai Kou was a parallel importer, a little spicy chicken?

Jiang Nan's heart was a little bit palpitating, and he couldn't help saying weakly:

(? ?????) "Then what~ pretend I didn't say it!"

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