Everyone followed Hart's gaze!

I saw a white figure wrapped in an extremely cold snowstorm and flying towards it at high speed!

His whole body was covered in icy white ice armor, but the ice armor was already on the verge of breaking!

There are hundreds of wounds on his body, big and small, and he looks extremely embarrassed!

The blood flowing out of the wound has already dyed the ice armor red, even clotted!

Pretty face... Sure enough, there is no hair!

A head of snow-white long hair, eyebrows and eyelashes are all gone!

Obviously, he was poisoned by Dali Xuechen!

At this moment, his brows were tightly wrinkled, his face was as white as paper, and he was already in a state of severe coma, and it was unknown whether he was dead or alive!

Wrapped and carried by the extreme cold and snowstorm, drifting with the wind!

It hit the space crack with a "bang", the ice armor on his arm was torn off, and a new injury was added to his body!

Passed by everyone's eyes at an astonishing speed, and went away in an instant!

Everyone stared blankly at this fleeting white figure!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead!

(? ???) "So this little bald ladle is your Snow Maiden?"

How about pinching it with your hands?

This special meow is about to hang up, maybe it has already hung up!

Hart:! ! !

Do you want to be so smart? Are you really bald?

The key is not being bald now is the most important thing!

"Quick! Rescue Lady Xuenv quickly, how... how did it become like this?"

Needless to say, Hart, Jiangnan has already thrown out a void chain, chasing towards Xuenv, and tangled around her ankle fiercely!

The void chain collapsed straight in an instant, and Bai Kou at this moment was like a kite, being blown back and forth in the wind!

He ran into seven or eight space cracks again, and was bleeding from the chop!

Hart's eyes widened!

(?﹏●?) "Hiss~ Lightly! Lightly, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive if I cut again!"

Jiang Nan also swallowed and spit, this Bai Kou's physical fitness is also a little abnormal?

He quickly pulled Bai Kou onto the back of the Star Whale. Even so, the veil covering his face was still stained with blood, but it still didn't fall off!

Seeing Bai Kou's smooth and smooth little bald gourd, Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao turned their heads and couldn't bear to look directly at her!


The temperament of the fairy has been completely destroyed, which seems a little too out of harmony, doesn't it?

Momo covered her face, if Master Xuenv woke up and knew that she had become like this, wouldn't she go crazy?

Jiang Nan pressed his big hand on Bai Kou's chest. Although there was a groove in his chest, it did not prevent Jiang Nan from detecting his heartbeat!

The heartbeat was extremely weak, but fortunately he was still alive!

Jiang Nan directly ate a handful of small ginseng and started to drink blood!

The little leather whip sticks out and stabs directly at Bai Kou's wound!

Under the infusion of the source of life, Bai Kou's injuries were quickly healed!

The corner of Hart's mouth twitched!

It is not unreasonable to call Jiangnan a god in the world. Your space department has done all the work of the restoration department?

Until now, Hart didn't know how many tricks Jiangnan still had to use!

In a short time, all the injuries on Xuenv's body were repaired!

I saw Bai Kou slowly opened his eyes, with a hint of ignorance in his ice blue pupils!


Can't help but sit up and look around!

Jiang Nan's vigilance has also been raised to the peak, after all, Bai Kou is a ceiling-level powerhouse!

It is more likely to be a fierce man who has lived from the ancient Soviet era to the present!

Who knows what she will do!

Bai Kou's eyes fell on Hart!

(??????) "Wow~ You completed the mission so quickly and took them back as prisoners? Well done!"

Hart was sweating profusely on his forehead, his eyes were dodging, and his hips were stretched!


Take Jiangnan as a prisoner? I don't have this ability either?

Not only was the mission not completed, but he was also rescued by others, otherwise the group would probably be wiped out now!

Jiang Nan's little mouth flicked!

(?°?д°?) "Knife, butt! Open your eyes, do you think I look like a prisoner? I have always been the one to capture others, okay?"

Bai Kou was startled, and then noticed Jiang Nan in front of him, and couldn't help shrinking his pupils, a little surprised!

(??????)???? "Jiangnan? Aren't you dead? Why..."

Hart smiled wryly, and quickly explained what happened to Bai Kou!

Bai Kou was also shocked when Jiangnan faked his death and played around outside with a trumpet!

Can you play like this?

Co-author Luo Tianqing didn't come at all, Jiang Nan played the role the whole time?

Hearing that it was Jiangnan who saved her, Bai Kou couldn't help but look at Jiangnan seriously!

(??????) "Thank you for healing me, but thank you, can you take your hands off my chest first? Your hands are so hot!"

Jiang Nan's face froze, and he withdrew his little hand like lightning, with an embarrassing expression on his face!

(乛?乛????) "Aha~Ahaha~ Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to heal your injuries, I need to monitor your heart rate!"

[Resentment value from Xia Yao +777! ]


[Resentment value from Zhong Yingxue +777! ]

Pooh! You did it on purpose!

Why didn't you watch him monitor his heartbeat when he was treating Hart?

Bai Kou stood up with killing intent on his face!

(??’~?’) "Bell? I can only see the idiot in front of me, I will make him pay for it!"

Jiang Nan couldn't help nodding!

( ?????) "Yeah, go hit him, beat him!"

Bai Kou wanted to talk, but found that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes!

Especially Momo and Hart, they seem to be different from before!

Um? Why is their hair gone?

(???.??)???? "You two..."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of cold wind blew by, Bai Kou suddenly felt his scalp cool, and his expression froze!

He raised his hand and touched the back of his head, it was smooth and clean, not a blade of grass grew!

Jiangnan: (?′?ж?) Pfft~

"Don't... don't get me wrong, I didn't laugh at you, I just remembered something happy!"

There were two blushes on Bai Kou's pretty face, only then did she realize that all her hair and eyebrows had fallen out!

I saw the cold air overflowing from his body, and snow-white ice strands sprouted from his bald head, turning into long snow-white hair!


Even on the brow bone, a little snowflakes condensed, turning into snow-white eyebrows!

Regain the fairy temperament!

Jiang Nan was stunned, is this all right?

Also wear a wig?

Bai Koudai frowned slightly: "Why is the Fusion Skill of this Falcon Blizzard so weird? Why does it blow people's hair off?"

"Before I knew it, it was fine!"

Momo opened her mouth to speak, but Jiang Nan glared at him, and the barrier knife in her hand also appeared!

Aba, who was so scared that Momo was on the verge of his mouth, held back, and hid behind Hart with a weak expression on his face!


Jiang Nan smiled brilliantly!

(???????) "Who knows? This is really weird, maybe it has mutated or something, aha~ahaha~"

Bai Kou looked at Jiangnan seriously: "I hope you can give me the star ring fragments!"

"This is about the rise and fall of the times, the efforts of generations, I don't want to do anything to you!"

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense!

Hart and Momo's hearts also raised their throats!

The two of them were originally on the side of Xuenv, but now that Jiangnan has favored them, they can't continue to attack Jiangnan!

Now there are no people in the middle!

Jiang Nan grinned:

(o?~?) "If my guess is correct, you want this star ring to go to the moon, right?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the field, even Hart and Momo looked horrified!

Going to the moon?

The two of them didn't even know about this before!

Bai Kou frowned: "How do you know? Has Huaxia arranged nails in the Goose Country Deep Space Agency?"

Jiang Nan shrugged, slowly took out the ancient edict and unfolded it in front of Bai Kou!


"It's written very clearly, so don't you plan to explain it?"

"Is this ancient edict written by you yourself? Your signature is on it!"

"A strong man from the ancient Su era, an old woman who has lived for more than a thousand years?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes widened!

∑(°口°( ° △ °(??? ????)


Is this news going to be so explosive?

Is this ancient edict that has been passed down for thousands of years really written by Bai Kou himself?

Reminiscent of the three-month blizzard that blew on the permafrost 11 years ago, and the sudden appearance of Bai Kou...

She really came from the ancient Su era?

Is there anyone? Humans can live so long?

I saw that there was no surprised expression on Bai Kou's face, but rather plain!

I'm just surprised that Jiangnan can understand Eisino's ancient Chinese!

"I forget if I wrote it, but it should be my handwriting. It has been frozen for too long, and the sequelae are very serious. My brain is not very easy to use!"

"Many memories are vague, and many things are forgotten!"

"However, more than a thousand years is not accurate. I have experienced the ancient Su era twice! I have fought two god-killing wars!"

"This era is the third spiritual recovery I have experienced! I was born in the Gusu era more than two thousand years ago!"

"How long... I forgot..."

At this moment, everyone on Star Whale's back was in a daze!

Jiang Nan looked at Bai Kou in horror!

(?'mouth'? ?)?

Wo Nima! Although Jiangnan had guessed before!

But after all, I still underestimated Bai Kou!

She has lived for more than two thousand years? At that time, China was still in the Qin Dynasty, right?

At that time there was Bai Kou?

Face to face with people more than 2,000 years ago, Jiangnan always feels like a dream!

She, she, she...is an antique?

"Are you really a human? Is it time-type you? No? Your ability is from the ice-snow type?"

"Oh, I see! You must know a man named Ying Zheng? Do you care if he takes the elixir of life?"

Zhong Yingxue and Mira covered their faces one after another, the elixir of immortality wow!

But Bai Kou lived for more than two thousand years? This is really scary!

Mira was also stunned!

(*???) "Two thousand years? I don't even know if I can live that long~"

Bai Kou leaned on her chin!

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Yingzheng... the ancient emperor of China? The first emperor of all ages, I have heard of it, but I was still young at that time..."

A mouthful of old blood in Jiangnan almost spit out, God special meow you are still young!

"You are an old woman over two thousand years old, how young are you?"

Bai Kou looked unhappy!

(???~??) "How can I be so old? I'm only less than a hundred years old!"

"Before the ultimate spirit, I will use my spiritual skills to freeze myself, and wait until the next time the spiritual energy recovers, and the time is right to thaw it!"

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