Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1383 Nine pole formation ghosts! hopelessly powerful

With Jiang Tianqing's soft drink!

I saw him lightly raised his hands, aiming directly at Lilith who was restrained in place!

In an instant, two curse formations with a diameter of over 100 meters unfolded on Jiangnan's wrists!

Like a magic circle, exuding infinite aura, it started to spin crazily!

In the next instant, three-meter-wide and ten-meter-long spiritual pillars took shape!

Turning into the shape of a giant epee, with the rotation of the sword rain curse array, thousands of spiritual power epees cut through the air at high speed like a rain of swords!

There were bursts of ear-piercing screams, and they shot towards Lilith overwhelmingly!

Jiang Tianqing's spiritual power is endless, and the sword rain is endless!

This firepower is even more terrifying than two Gatling cannons!

Lilith saw countless epees piercing towards her, her face turned pale with fright!

But no matter how much he struggled, he couldn't break free from the shackles!

It really became a fixed target!

If this continues, he will definitely be shot into a sieve!

What kind of perverted attack method is this?

(???Y???) "Spiritual barrier! Block me!"

Infinite spiritual power gushed out from Lilith's mind, forming a thick defensive barrier in front of her!

The barrier is invisible, trying to block Jian Yu's shooting!

Just listen to the loud noise of "Boom boom!"

The heavy giant sword composed entirely of spiritual power pierced the spiritual barrier with holes!

The attack power is simply off the charts!

Lilith's seven orifices are bleeding, there is no room for mental attack, she can only defend with all her strength!

Jiang Tianqing was very satisfied with the power of the Sword Rain Curse Formation!

Originally, when the old woman Beiqiu used it, she could only condense a spiritual power sword as thick as a golden gong ham sausage!

But if you use it yourself, it's a giant epee!

"Clang clang clang!"

Countless epees pierced the spiritual barrier, and the powerful impact even bounced the epee like a ricochet!

Scratching hideous sword marks on the ground!

Soon the mental barrier was completely broken, and many epees directly slashed at Lilith's body!

Thanks to Dali Xueqiu's improvement, only a dozen bloody cuts were drawn on her body!

Otherwise, the whole person will be stabbed to pieces by the sword rain!

But the tights and the princess dress were all torn, revealing the eight-pack abs that can blind people's eyes!

Can't help shouting anxiously: (#???????????#) "Help me quickly! Luo Tianqing is absolutely perverted! I'm going to die!"


The ground exploded in an instant, and endless mercury rushed out of the ground like a river!

Stopped in front of Lilith.

"Boom boom boom!"

The land with a radius of five kilometers was torn apart by the river of mercury!

"Luo Tianqing! Today is your memorial day! Go to hell!"

"Bright Galaxy!"

The huge mercury river is like a big snake, twisting and bending underground, almost destroying the entire snowfield!

The scene was extremely shocking!

The sword rain that Jiang Tianqing shot past was blocked by the river of mercury and melted away!

Lilith breathed a sigh of relief, but she still couldn't break free!

There is a lot of mercury vapor in the air!

Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others quickly held their breath to avoid the impact of the Milky Way!

After all, once contaminated by mercury, not to mention poisoning, I am afraid that limbs will be amputated to save life!

Jiang Tianqing sneered: "I said where have you been? Did you go underground to generate mercury?"

"Return to the Milky Way? Look at you!"

"Floating spell array!"

I saw that the floating spell formation under Jiang Tianqing's feet suddenly took shape!

"Boom boom boom!"

Three white air rings spread out, and Jiang Tianqing's body was like a sharp sword, piercing straight into the sky, disappearing in the blink of an eye!

?(???????)? Phew~

Silver eyes full of confusion!

What is she doing here?

Was he frightened by the terrifying power of his own bright galaxy, afraid to run away?

(#???) "Hahaha! Qing Tianzhu is nothing more than that! She has already run away, why are you still insisting?"

"Hand over the baby obediently! I will leave a pair of pants when I take off your clothes!"

While speaking, he controlled the huge Milky Way to roll towards Xiong Er and the others!


At this moment, Jiang Tianqing added the floating magic circle and flew to an altitude of nearly 100,000 meters!

If you go further up, you can't go up, there is an invisible space film blocking it, that is, the air wall!

After all, Lingxu is not the outside world, it has an end!

Really? The sky is the limit!

Jiang Tianqing leaned on her chin!

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Hmm~ It should be about the same height, right?"

I saw Jiang Tianqing crossed his arms and hugged his chest, covered in glazed armor!

The Thunderbolt Curse Formation is added!

"Heavy bones!"

In an instant, Jiang Tianqing's weight increased dramatically, and he fell freely towards the snowy field, shooting countless spirit threads!

"Wanjun Curse Formation? Nine stages of acceleration!"

Ten thousand meters below Jiang Tianqing's feet, an array formed in the void, and an array of Wanjun spells formed!

Under the support of the powerful ten thousand times gravity field, Jiang Tianqing's body fell like a cannonball!


The curse array was broken almost in the blink of an eye!

However, in the next moment, another Wanjun curse array formed, pulling Jiang Tianqing's body to continue to accelerate!

At a distance of 100,000 meters, every 10,000 meters, Jiangnan will place a Wanjun Curse Array to accelerate!

When Jiudan speeds up, Jiang Tianqing will reach an extremely terrifying speed!

At this moment, because of the intense friction between the body and the air, a layer of intense flames even ignited outside the glazed armor!

On the ground, Yin controlled the River of Mercury and played Zhenghuan, laughing loudly with an arrogant look on his face!

But Bai Lian suddenly looked up at the sky, and finally opened his eyes!

(?????*) "Silver! Something is wrong! Heaven! Defense quickly!"

Following Bai Lian's exclamation, everyone looked up to the sky, their pupils shrank!

I saw a blazing flame crashing through the Wanjun spell array from high above and falling madly!

The nine-stage Wanjun curse array accelerates, the Thunder spell array increases, plus the weight of the heavy bone itself!

The superposition gave Jiang Tianqing strong kinetic energy, and the falling speed even exceeded 18 times the speed of sound at this moment!

Circles of white air rings spread, pulling out a fiery tail flame in the air!

Just listen to Jiang Tianqing's roar!

"Sky Cannon? Humanoid Meteor!"

"Clear the whole picture!"

silver:! ! !

Fuck wow!

I saw that he quickly controlled the Milky Way to surge up, forming a huge mercury shield in midair!

Just at the moment when the shield was formed!


The mercury shield was blown apart in an instant, flying in all directions like gorgeous fireworks!

And Jiang Tianqing's falling momentum didn't even weaken at all, and hit Lilith's cheek fiercely!

The moment he landed, Jiang Tianqing bent his knees and tied his horse, trying to relieve the powerful impact!


The powerful kinetic energy is released at this moment, just like a meteor falling to the ground!

The ground trembled wildly, and a shock wave exploded, causing everyone on the snow field to vomit blood and fly backwards!

The terrifying impact set off a 100-meter-high earth wave, which was as terrifying as a nuclear bomb explosion!

The bedrock under the snow field was crushed, and stones the size of houses were flying in the sky!

The nearest Lilith was instantly blown away, and the countless galaxies were also blown away!

Even caused a small earthquake on the snow field!

The silver eyes almost burst!


God Meow's humanoid meteorite!

But anyone with a normal mind would definitely not fire himself as a cannonball, would he?

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Using human power to imitate the fall of a meteorite?

This is a person?

The shock wave passed, and a super giant crater with a diameter of nearly 2,000 meters appeared on the snow field!

The original snow-covered snow field was covered by a layer of floating soil, and the pitch-black cracks more than ten meters wide spread like spider webs!

And Jiang Tianqing was at the very center of the giant crater!

"Tsk~ It's missed! It's too far away, so it's not easy to aim?"

Lilith:! ! !

Lilith, who was covered in blood, crawled out of the mound and vomited blood, and was seriously injured!


You have to step on the wrong side, and if you turn to the left a little bit, my head will be gone!

Bai Lian and Kelly also gasped in shock!

Is it really a map gun?

The corners of Xia Yao's eyes twitched as she watched this scene, what was frightening was not the terrifying power of Xiao Nan's move!

The scary thing is that Xiaonan has not used the space system ability at all until now, that is to say, even with this level of attack, Jiangnan still didn't take it seriously!

Not to mention showing all his strength, he is still hiding!

Still playing around!

Now she can't figure out how strong Xiao Nan is!

I saw Jiang Tianqing sitting slumped in the pit with an embarrassing expression on his face!

( ?? _ ??????) "So what? Can Mira heal my leg? I accidentally broke my leg! Powder fracture!"

I underestimated the impact of the fall, it was a bit of a joke!

Both legs are useless!

Zhong Yingxue covered her face, it was you who was talking about being handsome in less than three seconds!

After a recovery smashed down, Jiang Tianqing regained his ability to move!

The corner of the mouth can't help evoking a smile!

( ?? .? ?? ) "It's just a serious injury? It seems that we need to be a little more serious!"

silver:? ? ?

You're already on your horses, aren't you serious?

Niubaimei, you are the one who brags like that?

I saw Jiang Tianqing stood up, spread her arms, and infinite spiritual threads shot out from her body!


╰(? ̄?~ ̄?)╯?


"Wanjun? Amplification? Thunder? Zhengyuan? Huiling? Qiansi? Sword Rain? Floating? Bending Spirit!"

Following Jiang Tianqing's chanting, one after another curse formations were superimposed and unfolded under Jiang Tianqing's body!

Three perfect circles surrounded Jiang Tianqing, providing defense!

Three Sword Rain Curse Arrays floated in the void, aiming at a few people, and the Qiansi Curse Array stood by their feet at any time!

And the spirit-returning spell array provides spiritual power at all times to make up for the huge consumption!

At this moment, Jiang Tianqing's spell array was fully opened, and his whole body was submerged in countless gorgeous spell arrays!

The glazed armor covers the whole body, and the eyes glow with scarlet blood!

"Spirit pattern curse formation? Nine-pole formation ghost!"

"Now! It's time to finish, and you won't have another chance!"


Jiang Tianqing, who was carrying the Nine Great Curse Formation, instantly disappeared in place!

Rush to Lilith at an astonishing speed!

As soon as she approached, she heard a "boom", and the ten thousand times gravity field directly crushed her to the ground!

Immediately after that was the crazy shooting of the three sword rain curse formations!

Cut off her majestic body and completely lose her ability to move!

Yin's scalp was numb: "Bai Lian! Recover her quickly! Otherwise..."

There is no need for Yin's reminder, Bai Lian is about to unleash his spiritual skills!

But Jiang Tianqing rushed to Bai Lian with an astonishing speed!

Countless orange spiritual threads shot out, binding the branches of the Overlord White Lotus!

And the heavy sword rain's continuous attack also chopped off all of Bai Lian's flower bones!

Bai Lian's body was completely exposed in front of Jiangnan!

Under the ten thousand times gravity field, Bai Lian's knees softened, and he knelt on the ground with a slap!

Raise your hands with a smile!

?(⌒﹏⌒?)? "Can you be lighter? I'm afraid of pain!"

Jiang Tianqing: (o??~??) "No! Last time I was a little lighter, this time I have to hit harder!"

Bai Lian:? ? ?

Um? What last time? Why do I feel so familiar?

Something always feels wrong!

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