Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1379 The Woman Destined to Be the King of Treasure Hunting

Before the scavengers could react from the shock!

More than four thousand perverted fat uncles have already grabbed snowballs and smashed them over!

The sight was covered by snowballs all over the sky, and there were deafening sonic booms!

The expressions of the scavengers gradually became frightened!

(??w???‖) "Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack! Brothers, hurry up and defend against the enemy!"

"It's really Qingtianzhu. Didn't she just bring six or seven people in? Where did these fat uncles with no clothes come from?"

"How come there are more younger brothers brought in by this horse than A-Ka?"

"Wow, why is there a black king character on Qingtian Zhu's head?"

On the snow field, war broke out, although there were two or three thousand scavengers!

But most of them are in the form of small teams, extremely scattered, unable to form a group combat power at all!

A wave of snowballs smashed down, and most of them were destroyed!

And Xia Yao rushed into the team of scavengers in a flash!

The sea of ​​clouds in the polar day unfolded straight away!

At full strength, the polar day cloud sea can cover a radius of one thousand meters!

The skills of spirit warriors of the same level can be sealed within the range!

And the current level of diamonds of Da Lang Mie is considered the top among this group of scavengers!

Some big moves were held back before they were released, and then the huge snowballs all over the sky were smashed into concussions!

Faced with the long-range throwing of more than 4,000 polar snow bears, the scavengers are powerless to resist!

Just 15 minutes later!

There are almost no scavengers standing in the field!

One by one, they were lying on the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces, vomiting blood!


However, the polar bears have no intention of letting them go!

With a fierce bear pounce, the scavengers were crushed under him!

Dabai's frozen expression was hideous!

(???Y???) "Wow!"

(Say! Are you taking it off yourself or should I take it off for you?)

The scavengers are freaking out!

=????(?﹏? ????)

What is this perverted uncle going to do?

Seeing that the scavengers didn't intend to take off their clothes at all, Dabai started to take off his clothes!

The scavengers couldn't help but scream in fear!

"Ahhh! What are you doing, in broad daylight, bright and clear, it is impossible between us!"

"You can't do such a beast to me~"

Did this bunch of perverted fat uncles pick up people's clothes when they came up?

Fat is really fat! Perverts are really perverts!

Who brings what soldiers!

Qing Tianzhu is not a person!

At this moment, on the snow field, polar snow bears are crushing the scavengers and frantically stripping their clothes, while the scavengers are screaming in terror!

The scene was once quite hot!

Standing there, Jiang Tianqing's eyes twitched, this... this is really a crime!

Another 15 minutes passed!

I saw more than 3,000 scavengers all looking like doormats with bruised noses and swollen faces!


All that was stripped off was only a pair of underpants, and the female scavengers were better off, with a jacket, pants and socks left!

At this moment, they were gathered into a pile, squatting on the ground and shivering!

And the polar white bears have shrunk their huge bears down to the size of normal humans!

I put on coquettish and warm cotton trousers, down jacket, military coat and so on!

They all have hiking bags on their backs!

All the materials were gathered on the side of the snow field and piled up into a hill!

Just heard a "da da da da ~" sound came!

The spirit-binding bullet pierced through the air and hit the snow field fiercely, pulling out a row of elastic strings!

Gone past the scavengers!

Scared their faces green!

I saw Xiaobai holding a binding machine gun, accidentally fired it, and let out a sound of "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh"!

(? ?????????)っ▄︻┻┳━ ·.`.

Xiong Er rolled his eyes!

(?????*) "Look at your unseen bear?"

He said and picked up a rifle: "This thing is called a gun. It's insurance. It's loaded like this, and it can be fired by pulling the trigger!"

"I ran out of bullets, so just change the clips, you know?"

Xiong Er, who had demonstrated it to Dabai, raised his rifle and fired at the scavengers' feet again!

Scavengers:! ! !

??o·(? ???????????? )?o·? Nima!

The rest of the polar white bears' eyes were bright, and they immediately picked up a gun from the equipment pile and hugged it in their arms, and quickly studied and understood how to use it!

Xiaobai had more than a dozen guns hanging on his body, an AK47 in each hand, and fired into the sky, so excited that he couldn't help himself!

"This is a gift from the gods! It's from a divine weapon!"

It's all fun!

The scavengers' livers trembled when they heard the gunshots!

Only then did I figure out what kind of perverted fat uncles this group is, it is clear that Temiao is a polar white bear that has lost its hair!

The extremely cold snowstorm in the Oracle Lingxu is indeed poisonous, and even bears are hairless!

Want to grab clothes from us?

The polar white bears who have robbed the scavengers of their equipment are almost armed to the teeth!

Jiang Tianqing stood in front of the bear with her waist crossed!

(?ˉ? дˉ?) "Did you really dig out so much? You got it?"

At this moment, Jiang Tianqing is holding 5 Tears of the Gods and a fragment of a star ring that is several meters long!

It's a pity that it's not the part I want!

The scavengers are full of resentment!

(′-﹏-`;) "I have a real girl! I only have a pair of pants left on my body, where else can I hide it?"

(*??Yi??) "Can you be a human being? It's okay to grab the baby, and you don't even keep a piece of clothes?"

(?)?(ヾ) "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooows!"

( ′?w?) "Huh? Didn't you lose all your face when you turned into a corned egg?"

[Resentment value from Chris +1000! ]

[From Malzahar…]

What about the promised gold and silver, and a bright future?

Abandoning his family and career, he broke into the Oracle Lingxu after going through life and death. He had just dug for the treasure for a day, and was robbed on horseback!

This is completely different from what I expected!

This future is really too bad!

Jiang Tianqing clapped her hands!

(??????) "Okay, don't be discouraged! I believe you will find more treasures in the future!"

"Come on! I am optimistic about you!"

"It's just that you are fighting on your own, the efficiency is too low, so I suggest that you all cooperate to dig treasures!"

"Many people are powerful, and concentrating on one area to dig treasure can also prevent useless work, so the efficiency of treasure digging will be greatly improved!"

Scavengers exploded!

?(??д?)? "Bah! You vampire! Demon robber, I really regretted eight lifetimes to come in! What you think is so beautiful!"

(`⌒′メ) "You snatched all the treasures dug out, why do we still have to work for you? Who would do it for nothing?"

(′^`o) "That's it! We're not doing it! It's not going to be cheap you bastard!"

However, E Jiang Tianqing didn't panic at all, raised her hand and snapped her fingers!

I saw the polar white bears aiming their black guns at the scavengers!

"Da da da da!"

Tongues of fire spewed out, bullets poured down, and they all hit everyone's feet!

The faces of the scavengers turned pale with fright!

There was a devilish smile on Jiangnan's face!

(??` .?′??) "Who said you did it for nothing? Don't you still earn your life?"

"I, Luo Tianqing, am the woman who is destined to become the Treasure Hunting King! I am definitely the Treasure Hunting King!"

At this moment, the faces of the scavengers turned black!


God Meow Treasure Hunter King!

Let's hunt for treasure, you are the king, right?

I almost wrote the word king on my face!

Hiss~ Is it really written on your face?

Obviously, digging treasures still has a life, if you don't dig, you will be stunned!

Jiang Tianqing smiled and said: (?????????) "Of course, you won't do it in vain! If you find a treasure, you can ask Lao Bai to change it into a down jacket!"

"How is it? I, Luo Tianqing, am generous enough, right?"

Scavengers:! ! !

Big you ghost! That was our down jacket!

You only wear a piece of clothing when you find a treasure. Are you a devil?

You, an operating capitalist, cried when you saw it, and the factory manager knelt down when you saw it!

However, a gust of cold wind blew by, and the scavengers huddled together and shivered!

(??﹏?) "Also... let's do some work, so you won't feel cold?"

(?′??﹏??`) "Come on! Let's all move! For the down jacket, woo~"

As he spoke, the brother almost cried without feeling wronged!

The grievance value was once over the top!

On the snowy field, work was in full swing again, and many polar white bears were carrying guns to oversee the workers!

The scavengers have also been upgraded from free treasure diggers to organized and disciplined treasure digging teams!

Also lost the dream!

Lao Bai manages the scene as the person in charge!

The scene became hot again, but experienced this wealth transfer!

There are still many polar white bears without clothes, and their noses are cold!

So Lao Bai has a plan to expand the treasure-digging team, so that all the brothers can wear warm clothes!

I'm still planning to grab an extra set, after all, I still need to change and wash!

Jiangnan naturally readily agreed!

"Do as you like, but don't hurt people's lives at will. As a fat uncle digging treasure group, you still have to have a bottom line!"

Lao Bai patted his chest, as the patriarch of the bear group, he is still very measured!

Xia Yao couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth when she saw the scavengers busily working!

(??﹏???) "Teacher Tianqing, are you sure we are not villains or something?"

"The villains in TV dramas and novels don't end well!"

Jiang Tianqing waved his hand!

(︶.?︶?)ノ "This is not a TV drama novel? Besides, where is our operation a villain?"

"Seeing that they are sweating while digging treasures, we kindly help them take off their clothes! Seeing that they are inefficient digging treasures, let's organize everyone to dig treasures together to improve efficiency!"

"Look at the treasure they dug up is too heavy, let's help them put the treasure away, what a villain this operation is!"

"We are clearly doing good deeds, right? Good deeds come and go!"

Katerina stared blankly at Luo Tianqing, her world view was immediately refreshed!

(o Д o*) Three consecutive good things for ghosts!

Are you too kind?

You are such a good person to ride a horse!

Zhong Yingxue leaned on her chin, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with this explanation!

It sounds like there is still so much truth in it!

Jiang Nan had a satisfied smile on his face!

Even if she is a villain, she is the treasure hunter Luo Tianqing is a villain, what does it have to do with Jiangnan

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