Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1352 Flare Gun Unit! uncle and girl

The blood of the permafrost has been dark early, and this place is near the polar region!

Recently, it is going to enter the polar night period that lasts for several months, so the daytime is very short!

While the Aka organization was looking for Yin teammates, it was also planning how to deal with Luo Tianqing and the others!

Even if she didn't bring the fragment of the star ring with her, as long as someone caught it and had a hostage, the things would naturally follow her!

But no one knew that black figures sneaked into the blood capital through the night!

This group of people is fully armed, dressed in black combat uniforms, and carrying night vision goggles, and shuttles silently among the tall buildings!

The breath on his body was suppressed to the extreme, well-trained!

A red short-barreled flare gun is embroidered on the Velcro badge on the chest, which is extremely eye-catching!

These people didn't attract anyone's attention, and went straight to the Aka camp to lurk!

The number of people has reached more than a thousand!

Outside the Aka camp, on the apron of a high-rise hotel! The starting URL htt

Two figures suddenly appeared, and the aura spread out!

There are a man and a woman!

The man is more than two meters tall, with a strong figure, his face is like a knife, and his eyes are extremely sharp!

There are sparse beards on his face, and he has the temperament of a superior person spontaneously!

A scar on the corner of the lip is even more majestic!

He was wearing a black military overcoat, with a riot stick made of spirit-binding steel pinned to his waist, and his body was straight!

Surprisingly, this man only has one eye on the right! The left eye is wearing a blindfold!

The level has reached the terrifying Star Yaoba!

The only remaining eye is blue and sharp!

It was the commander of the flare gun unit!

Hart McGregor!

International code name: Blazing Sirius!

I saw Hart looking at the Aka camp, his one eye narrowed slightly!

"A-Ka is going too far, I hope I can teach them a lesson this time!"

"The task assigned by Master Xuenv in person must be completed beautifully!"

"Momo~ Are you cold?"

I saw a blond girl standing next to the uncle!

She has a petite figure, only reaching the uncle's chest, and her facial features are extremely soft and beautiful!

He was also wearing a black military overcoat, and a big flat military cap was buttoned on top of his head!

A head of blond hair hangs down to the waist, quietly like an angel who has fallen into the world!

The only difference is that she also only has one eye!

Only left eye, right eye with blindfold!

I saw Momo wrapped in a coat, with a soft smile on her face!


She doesn't seem to be able to speak, only simple tones!

Hart showed a doting expression on his serious face: "It's fine if it's not cold!"

I saw a butterfly on Momo's shoulder!

The butterfly is only the size of a palm, and its wings are translucent, exuding aura, so beautiful!

The breath is extremely terrifying, every incitement will split the surrounding space into tiny space cracks!

Beautiful but dangerous!

Momo looked at the butterfly, her big eyes bent into a crescent shape, and she stretched out her fingers to caress the butterfly!

The butterfly rubbed against her finger intimately!

The girl's name is Momo Angel!

The level is only diamond pinnacle!

International code name: Silent Angel!

It is extremely famous all over the world, because before Jiangnan got diamonds!

She is truly the strongest diamond in the world!

I saw Momo looking up at Hart!

(❀●◡ ὅ) "Abaaaba?"

Hart laughed: "Wait a minute, the flare gun unit hasn't been deployed yet!"

Momo pouted: (❀●₃◔ิ) "Ababa~"

Hart fondled Momo's head!

( ⁼̴‿●o) "I know you're amazing, but this time you're going out to get people. It's useless if people die!"

"There will be a time for you to make a move!"

The girl nodded excitedly: "Humph!"


Jiang Tianqing and his party quietly left the hotel, preparing to take action at night and go to the Aka camp to rob people!

After collecting information from the dark night, Jiangnan has a general understanding of Aka's defense and manpower allocation!

It is almost certain that the man named Silver is in their camp!

In this operation, Xiong Daxiong Er and Xiao dimple were all left in the hotel by Jiangnan to watch over the house!

After all, the heads of this pair of unrivaled twin bears are still shining, which is really too conspicuous!

Xia Yao and Lan were also left in the hotel by Jiangnan to prevent Aka's attack!

With the ability of the big wolf and Lan's teleportation, it is enough to deal with most crises!

And Zhong Yingxue, Mira and Katerina followed Jiangnan to rob people!

As soon as he left the hotel, Jiang Nan frowned slightly and looked towards Beicheng District!

Not because of other!

Just because Jiangnan felt a touch of space fluctuation over there, it's not too obvious!

Zhong Yingxue was puzzled: (๑·̌~·̑) "What's wrong?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "There is no space system in Goose Country, right?"

Katerina nodded: "Not really! But..."

Before she could finish speaking, a few people rushed to the camp, and the big beautiful girl stomped her feet in anger!

Jiangnan raised his vigilance a little more!

There are only a few space systems in the world, and I have seen almost all of them!

Who does this space fluctuation belong to?

His old friends also mixed in?

Just as Jiang Nan was thinking, several people had quietly approached the camp!

Katerina's heart also lifted up!

Jiang Nan looked back at the three of them!

With a serious face: (。・᷄◠・᷅) "Are you afraid of the dark?"

The corners of Zhong Yingxue and Mira's eyes twitched, and they raised their hands to express that they were super afraid of the dark!

ฅ(∗❛ั﹏❛ั∗)ฅ afraid~

ฅ( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́﹏ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )ฅMila is also afraid~

Katerina was all smiles!

(o՞ᗜ՞) "Hehehe~ I didn't expect you to be afraid of the dark? This place is about to enter the polar night period, what will you do then?"

Jiang Nan raised an eyebrow: (๑◔‸◔ิ๑) "Aren't you afraid of the dark?"

Katrina doesn't care!

(︶.̮︶✽) "How could I be afraid? Is this girl a fool? The night is my protective color!"

With a clear face, Jiang Nan skillfully took out a hey black garlic and stuffed it for Katerina!

Zhong Yingxue and Mira covered their faces one after another!

We knew it was this routine!

Katerina frowned looking at the black garlic in her hand!

(๑·̌.·̑๑) "What is this?"

Jiang Tianqing spread her hands: ╮( ·́w·̀ )╭ "Eat it, evil spirits, after eating, you won't be affected by my words!"

Katerina's eyes lit up when she heard it, what a good thing!

I quickly stuffed it into my mouth and ate it, so I don’t have to worry about getting a big snot bubble anymore?

As soon as she finished eating, Katerina found that her hands seemed to disappear into the night!

Even if you put it in front of your eyes and widen your eyes, you can't see it!

How did my special meow become so dark? What does Luo Tianqing mean by "not afraid of the dark"?

Black Viper:! ! !

[Resentment value from Katerina +1000! ]


(ʘ̆得ʘ̥̆●) "Luo Tianqing! I'll strangle you to death! My old lady... Hiss~ Something's wrong! There are a lot of people hidden here!"

"Damn it! It's the flare gun unit! My God!"

Under the induction of Black Garlic, everything within a radius of one kilometer can't hide!

Immediately, Katerina discovered the flare gun troops deployed around!

Jiang Nan's expression froze: "Flare gun unit? What's the situation?"

Katerina's complexion was dark: "It's bad food! The flare gun unit is the most elite special combat spiritual force in Goose Country!"

"The elite among the elites! It is directly under the jurisdiction of the snow girl Bai Kou, and its fighting power is extremely terrifying! It is definitely not inferior to the elites of the dark night of China!"

"Great reputation! Why are these animals bloody?"

Jiang Nan was stunned, good guy! Someone got ahead of me?

The flare gun troops also want to attack Aka?

Before Jiang Nan could think about it, he saw it on the rooftop of the hotel!

Hart took out a bright red flare gun and shot it into the sky!


The bright red flare pierced the sky like fiery blood-colored stars!

Lights up the night sky, very eye-catching!

Jiang Nan looked up at Yin Hong's signal flare!

(꒪ͦΔ꒪ͦo) "Who is calling the airdrop here?"

Katrina:! ! !

Airdrop your sister!

This is the attack signal of the flare gun unit!

At this moment, the defenders of Acre also noticed the signal flare in the sky!

They all frowned: "What the hell? Who dares to place flowers in the sky above our A-Ka camp?"

Nicky, who was processing information in the room, frowned at the red glow outside the window!

"Why is it so bright outside?"

The younger brother shrugged: ʅ( ・′‸・`)ʃ "I don't know? I guess some children set off fireworks indiscriminately?"

Nicky frowned and glanced up!

The next moment, his eyes widened suddenly!

(ଵ依ଵ|||) "Fuck! Flare gun? Call someone..."

Before Nikki finished speaking, he heard a burst of gunshots outside!

"Da da da da ~"

The tongues of fire were like twinkling stars in the night sky, and the sound of gunfire became one piece, breaking the long quiet night!

Countless spirit-binding bullets formed a barrage, pouring out like rain!

The team of hundreds of people patrolling in the camp was smashed by random guns!

I saw one by one wearing black combat uniforms and wearing night vision goggles! Carrying a huge ammunition box and carrying a Gatling cannon, a flare gun soldier stepped out of the dark!

Advance forward with the cannon!

The cannon kept spitting out flames!

The thick concrete wall was directly smashed into slag by bullets!

The Aka camp was hit by saturated firepower, and the heads were harvested like leeks!

Nicky got angry and rushed out through the wall!

But what greeted him were dozens of aircraft cannons with a rate of fire of 4,200 rounds per minute!

Countless spirit-binding bullets hit Nicky's body!

"Clang, clang!" The sound of hammering iron echoed endlessly!

Dazzling sparks burst out, and Nicky's clothes were smashed, but he couldn't break through his body defense!

But the powerful impact forced Nicky back into the room again!

Buildings and complexes are riddled with bullets!

Nicky was furious: "Flare gun! Why did you shoot at me, Aka?"

However, no one answered him, and the barrage continued!

From the rear, powerful fireballs, ice picks, and wind blades hit them like they didn't want money!

It is even more suffocating than the spirit-binding barrage, and there are huge ground thorns that do not live in the camp!

Howitzers, individual stinger rockets, fragmentation grenades that rained down like hail...

The entire Aka camp has become a shooting range!

Nicky's eyes are tearing apart!

It can be regarded as a thorough experience of the saturated and destructive blow of the flare gun like a mad dog!

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