Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1335 Jiangnan's energy

"Don't think about it, it must be to avenge Jiangnan. How long has it been since he died? Just killed him directly? Isn't it too hard?"

"Two Daotians have been dispatched here alone? How many are there in Huaxia? It's really a heavy blow?"

"Eh... not only the country of America, the country of goose, the country of snow, and the country of Eagle, there are also people who have photographed the Chinese flying sword army!"

(picture ↷ film)·jpg

More and more snapshots were posted under the post, Chen Daoyi and Luo Jiaoyang all appeared!

Some people even reported that Yuguo dispatched two Daotians to join Huaxia's team!

No one is calm now!

For so many years, Huaxia has always had three Daotians on the surface, and the fourth one just broke out some time ago!

But now there are four of them going abroad to fight, will Huaxia keep the Dao Tianshou home?

Li Mingshan didn't even count!

After counting with their fingers, everyone's scalp is numb!

How much did Huaxia hide? Damn!

Once Jiangnan died, all of them were blown out. Is this a determined attempt to kill the Tianshen group?

Huaxia alone has dispatched four, and with the addition of Yuguo, there will be six?


How much face does Jiangnan have? One of them fell, and the six gods dispatched to avenge him?

And that may not be all!

It is conceivable that this action is enough to make the world tremble three times!

Is this the energy of Nanshen?

Even if a person is dead, Yu Wei can still make the world tremble?

This kind of scene has never happened before!

On Yang Jian's side, he directly locked on the headquarters building of the Tenshen Group in the United States!

Tens of thousands of dark nights flew towards them at a high speed, shining silver light in the sky, like magic soldiers descending from the sky!

At this moment, Knight is hiding in the shelter in the basement, enjoying life with his little sister in his arms!

A face of comfort!

(︶.̮︶◟)(꒪ั❥꒪ั*) meme~

This is a rare tranquility after the mission is over, as long as you avoid the limelight, everything will be peaceful!

And at this moment, the little brother rushed into the shelter in panic while grabbing his phone!

It directly broke Knight's good deed!

Knight was so frightened that he couldn't do it at the time, and couldn't help being furious!

(◞ʘ̆口ʘ̆) "Can't you knock on the door when riding a horse? I am so old, is it easy to come here after all? Just give me..."

Before he finished speaking, the younger brother looked anxious!

(งథ优థ)ง "Master Knight is not good, Huaxia has really come here, and there are two Daotians, tens of thousands of Lingwu troops!"

Knight's eyes widened suddenly, his scalp was numb!

(ʘ̆口ʘ̥̆Ma)՞ "What? How is it possible! This is the territory of the United States! How can Huaxia be allowed in?"

"Pierce, do they all eat shit? How long until..."

Before the little brother could answer, Ye Zhenguo had already flown over the building!

Opened his bloody mouth wide: "Dragon Breath!"

In an instant, a white energy column with a thickness of more than 100 meters sprayed down on the building like a star destroyer!

The one-hundred-story building is directly penetrated by the dragon's breath energy column from top to bottom!

From the top floor to the bottom floor, the whole building exploded!

I don't know how many people screamed and collapsed from the building by the breath of the dragon!

Tens of thousands of Dark Night Army directly blocked the battlefield, and there was a scream of shock in the field, full of panic!

I saw Wang Dalei's whole body was shining with thunder, and there was a deafening thunderous sound!

"Thunder Pond Heaven's Punishment!"

The sky is covered with dark clouds, and the purple thunder is like a startled dragon wandering in the clouds!

The next moment, the thunder fell, and the thunder, like falling rain, slashed straight towards the battlefield, like a heavenly sword!

The roaring sound was endless, and I don't know how many people were bombarded by the thunder before they had time to react!

Big pits everywhere, scorched black!

The surviving members of the Celestial Group tried to break out of the encirclement in various ways!

But what awaited them were tens of thousands of black muzzles!

I saw Yang Jian give an order: "Fire! Aim and hit!"

In an instant, endless tongues of flame spewed out, and bullets made of spirit-binding steel poured out viciously!

A dense barrage formed, the sound of machine gun fire, and the explosion of spirit-bound howitzers complement each other!

Compose a beautiful death movement!

The figures fell one by one. Faced with such a configuration of combat power and suppression of firepower, this was completely an unreasonable massacre!


The ruins exploded straight away, and infinite dark matter gushed out, turning into a dark curtain, trying to block the attack!

"Extreme night!"

I saw Wang Dalei grabbing in the air, a dazzling thunderbolt was caught in his hand, and he threw it out forcefully!

"Thunder Spear!"


The dazzling thunder tore the shady scene into shreds, and the startled Knight quickly dodged to dodge!

But what was waiting for him was Ye Zhenguo's dragon wagging its tail!

The huge tail is like a heavenly sword that can cut through everything, sweeping across!

Cut the shadow monster that Knight turned into two, and opened his mouth to spit out another dragon's breath, annihilating the shadow matter in his lower body into slag!

Knight:! ! !

"Are you crazy? In order to kill me, dispatched two Daotians? Is it worth it?"

Wang Dalei narrowed his eyes: "As long as you die, it's worth it!"

Knight was in a hurry, relying on the characteristics of the shadow to dodge the attack crazily, spawning countless shadow thorns, trying to kill the night army!

But these were all seen by Yang Jian's omniscient eyes, commanding the troops to dodge attacks flexibly, and at the same time launched a barrage suppression against Knight!

Knight's scalp is numb, does this mean that he doesn't want to survive for himself?

"Don't you just kill Jiangnan? What are you guys doing? Are you really going to break arms with the Tianshen group? Are you not afraid of the revenge of Master Bader?"

"Don't you think about the consequences of everything you do?"

Yang Jian's face was cold: "Some things really need to consider the consequences before deciding whether to do it or not!"

"But there are always some things in this world, no matter what the consequences are, they must be done! Like killing you!"

"Call me!"

At this moment, Wang Dalei turned into a thunderbolt and fought fiercely with Knight. Ye Zhenguo wreaked havoc in the arena with a dragon body over 100 meters long!

Hit Knight!

Knight is going crazy, he has to notify Boss Bader!

Huaxia is really playing!

But Wang Dalei's ability is too much for me, and he can't fight it!

"Shadow Legion!"

I saw Knight's body was blown into thousands of shadow monsters, and his body was hidden in it!

Running in all directions, trying to escape the encirclement!

As long as one escapes, he can live!

Yang Jian stared with three eyes: "Don't let one go!"

Everyone started to kill the shadow monsters frantically, and they couldn't stop killing them. Every time they were killed, new ones would be spawned!

I can't find where Knight's body is at all!

Just when Yang Jian was about to use the Lingzhu to kill Knight!

A bloody red light rushed to the field at an astonishing speed!

"The net that covers the sky!"

I saw a huge spider web woven with crystal spider silk falling down, with a diameter of over 10,000 meters!

Covering all the shadow monsters in the field, they were directly stuck by the spider silk, and began to absorb spiritual power crazily!

In the blink of an eye, the countless shadow monsters lost their spiritual support and collapsed extremely quickly!

Knight's body was almost sucked dry, revealing his flesh and blood!

Countless crystal spiders flew over and bound Knight's hands and feet!

No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't tear off the spider's thread, the spiritual power in his body was dry, and he couldn't even release a single spiritual skill!


A bloody fist hit Knight's face fiercely, hammering his head into the ground!

The ground cracked like a spider's web!

All the facial features were flattened by this punch!

Knight's physical strength in the shadow system is simply incomparable to Mi Ye's!

I saw eight blood-colored spider legs poking fiercely into Knight's body!


Knight's eyes widened suddenly, and he let out a terrifying scream, his body was poisoned into black and purple, his wounds were corroded and crackled, and white smoke billowed!

Mi Ye's eyes were full of murderous intent: "Where is Bader? Tell me! I will let you die quickly!"

Knight's eyes are full of despair!

Crimson Queen Mi Ye? It's just killing Jiangnan, how did you provoke her?

In order to grab the abyss, this crazy woman turned the sea into crimson fiercely!

It's over! It's all over!

Knight looked terrified: "Please let me go...Ah!!!"

The eight spider legs stirred in his body, and the poison continued to inject, melting his body into the bleeding hole!

"Did you not understand what I mean? Speak!"

Knight's eyes were full of fear: "In the Lost Forest of the Netherlands, please..."

Mi Ye narrowed her eyes: "If you kill someone, you will pay with your life!"

"Chi la!"

Stretching out the spider legs, Nat immediately fell apart, and even the body parts were melted into blood by the poisonous poison!

The audience was silent, even Wang Dalei and Ye Zhenguo looked at Mi Ye in horror!

Just...just die?

Is it that fast?

Mi Ye didn't even look at it and frowned, turning into a blood-colored arrow and rushing straight to the Kingdom of He!

Yang Jian hastily waved:

(゚口゚)ツ "Hey hey~ you first..."

But Mi Ye had already disappeared, obviously he was looking for Bader!

Yang Jian sweated profusely on his forehead, got it! Another crazy one!

I really don't know whether to be happy or sad for Jiangnan!

You don't have a good life, do you?

"Clean up the battlefield, clean up the remnants of the Celestial God Group, and speed up the next game, blitzkrieg!"


Not only Yang Jian and the others are fighting!

At the border of Eagle Country, Luo Jiaoyang and Clegg swung iron fists, fighting from the outside to the inside, and from the inside to the outside!

Hammered all the personnel in several Tenjin group strongholds into meatloaf!

Without Daotian level combat power to contend with, there is no chance of resistance at all!

Even if they run away, there will be An Ye following to surround and kill them!

The Night Army, who often wanders in the dark, knows the skills of killers too well, so they use the rest!

The Tianshen group is indeed powerful, but it is absolutely impossible for every stronghold to be guarded by Daotian. The overall strength cannot be compared with the national machine at all!

Daotian, as the ceiling of human combat power, is not so bad!

Luo Jiaoyang wiped the blood from his face: "That girl named Xiangori, have you found it?"

Craig smashed one head off and threw it away like garbage!

"I didn't find it! Maybe I didn't hide here, the next one?"

Luo Jiaoyang: "Keep looking! Blue Star is only this big! Where can she hide?"

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