Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1322 Human flesh camera! (plus more)

Bei Qiu: "That's good! My conditions... eh? What? What are you talking about?"

She widened her eyes suddenly, don't talk anymore?

Are you kidding me, Lai Lai?

The old man showed you all, but you said you don't want to play anymore?

(◞ಠ口ಠ) "Why don't we talk about it? Didn't I already show you? Everything is fine!"

Jiang Nan grinned: (๑ˉิٹ ˉิ) "I mean, this ancient Su relic has no value to me, so there is no need to talk about it!"

The veins on Bei Qiu's forehead popped up, and he immediately sneered!

(◞ ̄́~ ̄́) "It's worthless? Why are you acting like an old man? The expression on your face just now has betrayed you!"

"This Gusu relic is what you want!"

"The reason why you say that is because you want to lower the price with me, right? I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice grains!"

Fudge me? No way!

Jiang Nan looked serious!

(๑·̀‸·́) "Then you have a heavy mouth? Check for cerebral thrombosis, coronary heart disease or something!"

"When I get older, maybe someday it will be gone!"

Smoke came out of Beiqiu's nostrils, and he went up against the table!


I saw Jiangnan raised his hand and shot out the spiritual silk, and the slender spiritual silk was outlined and intertwined in the air!

"What I said is worthless... It's because I memorized all the curse patterns on it, so Gusu's legacy is useless to me!"

The spiritual threads connected in the void, drawing hundreds of thousands of densely packed mantras in the air!

No matter the arrangement or the size of the strokes of the spell lines, they are all exactly the same!

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Jiangnan in horror!

Σ( ° △ °(꒪口꒪ ‧̣̥̇)

Bei Qiu's head buzzed, his scalp tingled when he saw the incantations in the air!

Did you memorize it?

Wonima? Are you a human flesh camera?

The content of seven or eight hundred thousand mantras, it takes less than half a second to open the safe and take a look!

Normal people can remember two or three is not bad!

Even if it is carried on the back by someone, it would be good to be able to carry it all in two or three years!

Not necessarily remember all of them!

Not only did Jiang Nan memorize everything in half a second, but he also reproduced it with spiritual silk?

This is a person?

Even Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others stared blankly at Jiangnan!

This is not a problem of memory, is it?

Wu Liang swallowed his saliva!

(‧̣̥̇꒪㉨꒪) "Brother Nan! Is your brain a quantum computer?"

Luo Jiaoyang on the side couldn't help but cover his face, although he knew that this kid was talented and intelligent, he could hear it easily!

But after all, I still underestimated Jiangnan's abnormality!

Jiangnan hey hey straight music!

Just at that moment, Jiangnan directly opened the soul rubbing!

Spent 10 million skill points in exchange for 30 seconds!

The hundreds of millions of spells in the God-killing Curse Formation can be rubbed by themselves, let alone this fragmented slab of hundreds of thousands of spells!

half a second? enough!

Give shit money? Not even a single point!

Even the 10 million skill points were transformed from the billion that pitted Beiqiu just now!

Spending the Bei family's money, taking the Bei family's treasures for nothing, white wolves with empty gloves, isn't this the most basic operation?

Bei Qiu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Just showing Jiangnan a look at the kung fu, and the cards in his hands are gone?

I just ~%?...;# *’☆\u0026℃! ! !

No wonder he didn't bargain, Jiang Nan didn't even want to make a deal with him!

He just wanted to take a look and memorize it!

Nothing changed? 1 billion was also thrown upside down, and the Bei family would face the risk of being edited by the map!

Is there anything worse than me?

(ꐦథ亮థꐦ) "Get out! Get out of here! I don't want to see you again in this life! Get out!"

Routine routine! It's all tricks!

Bei Qiu felt that she was being tricked thoroughly!

[Resentment value from Beiqiu +1000]

Even Kaori, who pinched Jiang Nan's shoulders, couldn't help but feel cold!

(#ŏ ﹏ ŏ#)

With such a cautious mind, who can cross Jiangnan in a routine?

Kaori suddenly understood why her several assassinations ended in failure!

Jiang Nan grinned: (.՞ ꇴ՞) "Don't tell me? We haven't finished talking yet. This ancient Su relic is just a fragment, right?"

"Who did you get it from, and where did you get it from? I'm also more interested in other fragments!"

Bei Qiu's yellow teeth gnawed and creaked!

"Even if I die, I won't tell you. Want it? I won't let you get it in your life!"

Jiang Nan smiled lightly: "If you want a complete cultivation method of spiritual power transformation, I can give it to you, but you must agree that I put the content up to the top level in the textbook!"

"If you want Huaxia's spell interpretation content, you can also share the content of Beijia's spell array, and exchange information!"

"As for the God-killing Curse Formation and the Stone of Origin, don't even think about it, you won't be able to keep it!"

"I can give you whatever you want! But you must do what I tell you! Tell me all the information about this ancient treasure!"

Bei Qiu stared at Jiangnan stubbornly, and the atmosphere in the field dropped to freezing point!

"Don't even think about it! Without a complete spiritual power transformation thread, my Bei family's spirit pattern spell array can still be used, and the spell array is the treasure!"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Stick to the rules and live on the roots of our ancestors, and don't innovate! You will eventually be abandoned by the times!"

"The world is changing, and the future is unpredictable. Go abroad? Heh~ can you keep your Bei family abroad?"

"It's hard for them to protect themselves! After eating up your Bei family, you are just cannon fodder that can be thrown away!"

"The opportunity to get in the car is in front of you. If you cooperate, you will benefit, and if you divide, you will suffer. How to choose is up to you!"

After saying these words, Bei Qiu's eyes showed some hesitation, but there is no doubt about Huaxia's strength now!

The incident in Xijiang is enough to see!

But once you get in the car, it means you need to take greater risks...

Jiang Nan walked out the door with his little hands on his back!

(๑°᷄ ٹ °᷅) "I'll give you a few days to think about it, my patience is limited!"

"Even if you don't tell me what I want to know, I have a way to make you spit it out! Don't be embarrassed by that time!"

"At that time, I really won't save any face for your Bei family!"

"Where do I live? Is your house too empty? I'll just pick one at random!"

He went to rest while talking, only Bei Qiu was left sitting on the stool with a pensive look on his face!

And Bei Linfei was in a hurry, and trotted after him!

( ‧̣̥̇・᷄ㅂ・᷅) "Let's go out and live? The presidential suite of more than 50,000 yuan per night has been booked for you!"

"You can live there for a month!"

Jiang Nan didn't care at all: (︶.̮︶๑) "I won't go, your house is fine!"

Bei Linfei was sweating!

( ‧̣̥̇థㅂథ) "Don't! I can also arrange one-stop service for you, and you are satisfied!"

"You go! I beg you, don't live in my house!"

Jiangnan's eyes are shining!

(ง⚝꒨⚝)ง "Hey? Can you find a dragon to help me? I really want to see this kind of creature that only exists in myths and legends!"

Bei Linfei:? ? ?

Are we talking about a dragon?

Just as Jiang Nan wanted to ask for details, he felt two scarlet gazes coming from behind him!


[Resentment value from Xia Yao +777! ]

[From Zhong Yingxue...]

He couldn't help but stiffen his body, and his expression became solemn!

(⑉་ ⍸ ་⑉) "Dragon what dragon? I haven't seen any dragon? Fuck you! Hold me back and delay my sleep!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed Bei Linfei away, and went straight to the most luxurious main villa!

Bei Linfei brushed his hair anxiously: "Hey! Think about it again, even if I'm a real dragon, I can find you a service!"

However, Goose Jiangnan was not moved at all!

He found a room at random, took off his shirt when he entered the room, and stretched his waist fiercely!

"I still have to soak it for a while before I can... hiss~"

As soon as he turned around, he saw Mira and Lan following behind him!

And Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao also followed in, not only that!

Wu Liang, Xiong Er, Chen Dao and Luo Jiaoyang all followed into the house!

A lot of people were crowded in the room, even Kaori was involved!

At this moment, Xia Yao is constantly checking in the room!

Jiang Nan clutched his chest in horror!

(づŏ ﹏ ŏど) "You... what are you doing?"

Zhong Yingxue looked serious!

(๑·̀◠·́)و "Of course it is to protect your safety! Now you are being assassinated by the Tenjin Group, and you may be attacked at any time!"

Xia Yao agreed with her face: (。・᷄◠・᷅) "That's right, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years, and let me protect your safety!"

Wu Liang patted his chest: "Brother Nan, don't worry about sleeping, I'll keep watch for you, even if it's a paramecium, I won't be at ease!"

Jiangnan: (⌯꒪꒫꒪)? ? ?

Paramecium is too much, those holes under your eyebrows are microscopes?

"Go, go, go! Go back to the house and sleep. I have done all kinds of bad things. I have no conscience. I am more vigilant than any of you!"

"Do you really think that I am so easy to assassinate? You are all guarding me, how can I sleep?"

Everyone is looking at me here, I can't realize my immature plan at all, hey!

Luo Jiaoyang looked worried: "At least let Lao Chen and I hide under your bed, and you can surprise me..."

Jiang Nan's face turned dark, and he pushed everyone out of the room with a single brain!

(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄ "Go to bed, it's just a group of gods, how can you scare him?"

Seeing Jiangnan sternly refusing, everyone had no choice but to give up and go back to the house!

As for the guard, Xiao Dimple watched Kaori and locked her in the corner of the room!

Jiang Nan coughed twice, and cast a glance at Kaori in the corner!

(o ՞~՞) "Be honest with me! Or I'll kill you!"

With a painful expression on her face, Xiangori could only nod her head aggrieved, and growled with hunger!


But Jiang Nan took out a few barrels of Dali 2.0, gurgling and pouring them into the bathtub!

He muttered intentionally or unintentionally!

"Sure enough! It's a perfect match to take a vigorous bath before going to bed? Mila Lanlan, take a bath!"

Mira jumped off the bed excitedly, cheered, and her clothes were thrown everywhere!

٩(๐˃̶ ꇴ ˂̶)۶

Lan is pouting, she doesn't like bathing very much!

(. ᵒ̴̶̷ ₃ ᵒ̴̶̷)

Kaori in the corner looked at the potion of Hercules in the bathtub, raised her hand to touch her small circle, and grinded her teeth again!

Can't help but bring back the painful memories of being pressed into the bathtub when he assassinated Jiangnan last time!

But at this moment, Xiangori was startled suddenly!

and many more! vigorously?

She couldn't help but look down at the pile of spirit-binding steel chains tied to her body, and swallowed!

Then there was a frantic shake of the head!

No no no!

If found out, he will kill me!

Jiangnan Pangguang intentionally or unintentionally turned towards Kaori!

(乛乛乛 ‧̣̥̇) Tsk~

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