Outside the terminal building, Xiong Er roared violently, and the bear's paw hit the ground heavily!

A thick stone wall rose from the ground, reaching a height of a hundred meters!

Separate the airport space from the terminal building and separate the battlefield!

The seven or eight passenger planes in the hangar were all blown up, and there were burning flames everywhere!

The people in the airport are being organized to stay away from the battlefield in panic!

The small dimple emits strong cold air to help put out the fire and prevent more violent explosions!

For those who were too late to get off the plane, the dimples directly returned to their original state!

The giant claws grabbed the wings of the plane and sent the plane to the road outside the terminal to park temporarily. The scene was in chaos!

As soon as the Lingwu troops stationed in Wudu received the news, they sent a large number of troops to rush over and gradually take over the battlefield!

However, the battle in the airport is extremely fierce at this moment, but there are three Daotians fighting!

Luo Jiaoyang and Chen Daoyi didn't dare to release the powerful spiritual skills at all! Remember http://m.\\n42zw.\\ncom in a second

For fear of hurting ordinary people!

But that Shadow Daotian didn't care, and wanted to rush towards the terminal several times!

The raging shadows fully covered half of the sky!

At this time, the victim is always weak, because there are too many things to worry about!

Chen Daoyi and Luo Jiaoyang not only have to drag the shadow to the sky, but also have to hold each other!

I'm afraid that something will come out of the collapse, and the busy man is almost dying!

But even so, there was still a lot of yellow smoke behind him, as if hanging a whip, it was very lively!

Jiang Nan had just stepped out of the golden ball of light, his face was gloomy!

He didn't pay attention to the Daotian battlefield, and his eyes fell directly on Xiangori!

Her poison is even more threatening than Daotian in densely populated areas!

I thought Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao would be suppressed by Xiangori!

In the end, I was wrong!

Wu Liang's dissatisfaction is still working for me!

She poked Wu Liang's body with her fingers until she was covered in blood, and she spit while poking!

The purple saliva that gulped Wu Liang's body!

But under the effect of singing praises of war, saliva doesn't work on Wu Liang!

But Wu Liang was so angry that he cursed: "This bald bitch is just playing around!"

Kaori's eyes are blood red!

(ꐦ͡ᵔ依͡ᵔ) "Who are you scolding? Who is the bald bitch? Your whole family is bald! Go to hell!"

Seeing that her poison had no effect on Wu Liang, Xiangori directly opened it up!

"The silence of death, the flower of the other shore!"

In an instant, the infinite poisonous mist spread out from Kaori's body, spreading in all directions!

On the wound on Wu Liang's body, blood-red Bana flowers bloomed!

Its majestic animal body was sucked into a skinny body within a few breaths!

A lot of blood was sucked away!

But at this moment, the golden light on Wu Liang's body was already shining to the extreme!

"Brutal collision!"


Four consecutive sound bursts came, and Wu Liang's body was like a giant cannonball, slamming into Xiangori against the poisonous mist!

But the moment Kaori was hit, her body turned into a black-purple poisonous mist and exploded!

Ignoring Wu Liang's collision!

"Poisonous Mist Shadow!"

"Hmph~ mere diamonds? Trying to hurt me? It's really whimsical!"

With Kaori's poisonous mist, the thick purple poisonous mist became more intense!

The ground was corroded and crackled, and even the entire plane was devoured and riddled with holes!

Lan wrinkled her little face and pinched her nose

٩(˃᷄ก˂᷅๑) "space crack!"

In an instant, the space cracked a 10-meter-long space crack, and a terrifying suction burst out from it!


Just like a range hood, it swallows all the poisonous fog spreading towards the terminal building!

And now!

I saw an extremely intense silver flash go around in a big circle at a speed that was hard to discern with the naked eye, and rushed back straight!

It was Xia Yao who opened Burning Blood Wolf King!

The silver starlight around the body has completely turned crimson!

He immediately hugged Lan into his arms, and rushed straight to Kaori in the poisonous mist!

"Xiao Lanlan, let me use it~ Lingli Shayi!"

I saw that the silver gauze was more than three meters thick derived from Xia Yao's body!

Plunging headfirst into the poisonous mist, the gauze was corroded by the poisonous mist and crackled!

But it is enough to guarantee that he and Lan will not be eroded by the poisonous fog in a short time!

"Extreme day cloud sea · cloud swirl!"

A three-meter cloud swirl field was formed, and Xiangori looked at Xia Yao who was rushing towards her!

A look of fear appeared in his eyes!

Absolutely can't enter her sealing skill field!

She is about to fly into the sky, covered in poisonous atomization!

At this moment, Xia Yao's eyes were filled with silver light!

"Heavy bones!"


With the blessing of spiritual muscles and jade bones, Xia Yao's weight has become extremely astonishing!

She stepped on the asphalt ground with spider web-like cracks!

"Steel Claw · Nine Star Flash · Ninth Flash!"


The slightly squatting snow-white legs directly crushed the ground of the airport, creating a huge crater with a diameter of over 100 meters!

I saw Xia Yao's body instantly blurred, and the crimson stars around her instantly bloomed!

Like a silver sharp knife piercing the sky, it almost reached Kaori in the blink of an eye!

Kaori's pupils shrank! How can it be so fast?

Is this really the speed a diamond class can have?

The moment Xia Yao approached her, Xiangori was immediately blocked!

The body changed from poisonous mist to flesh and blood again!

Kaori:! ! !

Facing the slashing steel claws, she just raised her arms to block

"Wolf roar! Aww~"

There was a cry of a wolf cub, and Xiangori's body froze for an instant!

Even half a second is enough!


The silver light flashed, and three deep wounds were drawn on Kaori's chest!

The shoulders were almost cut open, and blood gushed out!

With this skill, Xia Yao grabbed Xiangori's neck and turned around!

A naked choke directly strangled Kaori's neck!

"Snow Snow!"

In an instant, the poisonous mist boiled like boiling water a hundred meters away.

I saw a nine-headed phoenix bird with a size of over 60 meters and made entirely of flames take shape!

Zhong Yingxue was no longer inside!

In the Yan Ling state, she has completely merged with the Nine-headed Phoenix!

This nine-headed phoenix exuding fiery heat is Zhong Yingxue today!

The earth was melted, the air was distorted by the high temperature, the wings spread out, and endless flames swept out, as if turning the surroundings into a hell of flame demons!

"Blue Fire Pendant Flame Phoenix Cannon!"

I saw the nine phoenix heads and necks raised high, spit out nine blazing flames!

And the nine flames merged together and turned into a super giant fireball with a diameter of about 300 meters!

For Zhong Yingxue at the diamond level, the diameter of the Canghuo Pendant can already be condensed to a size of 60 meters!

And this 300-meter-long terrifying fireball is the result of the fusion of nine shots!

I saw that huge fireball was launched like a small sun!

Straight to Kaori!

Kaori:! ! !


What kind of monsters are these?

How many diamonds can't take advantage of my own Xingyao level?

Being pressed and beaten?

Jiangnan hasn't made a move yet!

Three hundred meters of fireball? Did you make a mistake? Hey!

At this moment, Kaori was struggling crazily!


Hearing only an explosion, Kaori, who had been sealed off, had no choice but to resist the bombardment of the fireball!

His body was instantly submerged in endless flames!

And just before Xia Yao was also swallowed up together!

Lan launched a teleport fiercely, leading Xia Yao away from the center of the explosion!

After a tacit cooperation, Xiangori forced a fire phoenix cannon!

Infinite flames exploded in the open space of the airport!

The earth shook, and the ground flew!

The oncoming flames roasted the Jiangnan noodle sore!

I saw Jiangnan staring blankly at the scene in front of him!

=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇) Wow!

Did you make a mistake? Hello?

Are Xuexue and the others so fierce?

Jiang Nan originally thought that he had absorbed an attack skill. In the team, it must be the absolute output responsibility?

Turn over and sing!

It turns out that I was wrong!

My Xuexue is still my Xuexue!

This is too fierce?

The output is still so scary, it just blasted a huge fire pit with a diameter of nearly a kilometer at the airport!

Among them, lava flows, and the flames soar into the sky, as if the gate of hell has been opened!

Not only Zhong Yingxue, but even Xia Yao has achieved a qualitative leap!

The blessing of Jiri Yunhai has allowed her to form her own unique combat system!

Moreover, she has mastered both spiritual muscles and bones, and spiritual gauze?

During my absence, how hard have you all worked!

At this moment, Jiangnan is full of surprises!

The members of the team were not left behind by themselves, they all tried their best to catch up in their own way!

Zhong Yingxue frowned slightly, as if she was not very satisfied with her masterpiece!

"I still underestimated the strength of the Xingyao class! Is it still impossible to seriously injure it with such an intense attack?"

The corners of Jiangnan's eyes twitched slightly!

Hey Hey hey! If you are so Versailles and heard by other diamond-level output, you may be pissed off!

I saw that Xiangori was scorched all over, and the newly grown Madoka was scorched!

With extensive burns on his body, he was lying on the ground clutching his chest and vomiting blood, his face full of horror!

The old lady was injured like this by the diamond explosion?

It just doesn't make sense!

Just about to re-element into poisonous mist to repair his injuries!

And at this moment, Jiangnan waved his hand!

"Space Barrier, Hell of Despair!"

In an instant, a space barrier with a length and width of about 100 meters on six sides was formed!

Imprison the poisonous mist that Kaori turned into!

Kaori kept attacking the barrier with poisonous mist, corroding the barrier with crackling noises!

But it was quickly repaired by Jiangnan!

The next moment, Jiangnan swung his right hand left and right, and began to snap his fingers frantically!

Void black holes emerged in the cage, and amazing suction burst out!

The poisonous mist was torn to pieces, and the torn space cracks swallowed a large amount of poisonous mist!

Kaori let out a horrified scream, watching the poisonous mist decrease crazily, and could only continuously generate a large amount of it to maintain the integrity of the body!

But how can the speed of derivation be as fast as the speed of tearing and swallowing by the black hole in the south of the Yangtze River?

I saw Jiangnan's face full of coldness!

(๑ ̄᷄ ~  ̄᷅) "Feel despair in the cage! Huaxia is not a place where you can go wild!"

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