Open a Street Stall and Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1268 Entering the Prison

The mermaids are lying at the window, holding their gills, looking like idiots!

(σ︶σʃƪ) "Wow~ That little handsome fish walking at the back is so handsome~"

(* ⊘꒨⊘) "Really~ His raised eye corners, crooked nose bridge, and everted fish lips, all of them have poked someone's little heart!"

(๛்~்)♡ "Master Shake is really too, how could such a handsome little fish have the heart to catch him?"

(*͠ຈᆺ ͠ຈ) "I love it, I love it! He is so handsome, he is the white fish prince of my dreams!"

Dimon felt that he was being stared at by many people, and his face was full of discomfort!

What are they all saying there?

(꜂꜆·̌ ൠ ̑꜂꜆)ˀ̣ˀ̣

Only Jiangnan looked at the mermaids with a terrified expression!

=͟͟͞͞(꒪﹏꒪ ‧̣̥̇)

Depend on!

What kind of shocking aesthetics is this?

How handsome is Damon?

Could it be that he was regarded as a fish head monster?

At this moment, many people on the side of the road looked at Alice with tangled eyes!

"Has Master Alice been arrested yet? She is so pitiful, I still miss her time when she was in power!"

"Heh~ What do you miss? The times have changed, humans want to eat us alive, and Alice is on the side of humans, she is a traitor!"

"Exactly! Only by following Lord Shark can Landis regain its glory!"

"But... But after Lord Shark took power, we lost a lot of people, I..."

There were scolders on both sides of the road, as well as sympathizers, and there was a lot of discussion for a while!

Alice's eyes were full of gloom!

But I heard Shark raised his hand and shouted!

\u003c(⌯゚口゚)ツ "The preparations for the heaven-sacrificing spell formation are coming to an end! The saint has also been captured! I will sacrifice to the heavens soon!"

"Pray for the grace of God, the origin of the heaven! At that time, the crisis of the failure of the Stone of Origin will be solved!"

"I, Landis, will surely continue the glory of the past!"

At this moment, countless Lantis residents cheered, with a touch of fanaticism on their faces!

Hearing this, Jiangnan's scalp was numb, and he was almost ready to summon a meteor shower?

Nima! Are you moving so fast?

Now that the tidal force is unstable and ocean disasters occur frequently, the situation in Huaxia is not optimistic!

If there is another wave of meteorite rain that can sink the continental shelf!

The Fish Country designation is gone, and the resulting catastrophe will affect the entire Blue Star!

Don't let this guy succeed!

Alice said urgently: (งớ﹏ờ)ง "Don't believe him! If so, it will only repeat the disaster of a thousand years ago. Isn't the lesson from the beginning not enough?"

"Human beings outside will never let Lantis, who is the culprit, suffer!"

"Shark is leading you to a dead end! It's... Puff!"

Shark punched Alice heavily in the stomach, vomiting blood from the blow, and her pretty face was full of pain!

Shark's eyes were full of madness: "How about human beings? What does it have to do with me? As far as I know, there are no human beings in the outside world beyond my realm!"

"As soon as the Stone of Origin arrives, I, Shark, will surely surpass the limit! Become the second King of Atlas!"

"As for you! As a sacrifice, dedicate your life to Lantis! This is your destiny!"

Alice gritted her teeth: "Kill me! No one in Lantis will be recognized by the Rod of Origin!"

Shark grinned: "I have her! She will be my wife and rule Landis together!"

"Her bloodline is purer than yours, our child's bloodline must be pure!"

"If one doesn't work, there will be three! If three don't work, there will be a hundred!"

Seeing Shark pointing at herself, Heidi couldn't help being confused!

(๑·̌.·̑)ˀ̣ˀ̣ "He... why is he pointing at me?"

Jiang Nan began to translate with a serious face!

( ・᷅ὢ・᷄ ) "He said he would sacrifice Alice and summon a meteor shower!"

"Then I will marry you as my daughter-in-law and have a hundred children with you!"

Heidi's eyes widened in horror, and she couldn't stop struggling!

˚‧o·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄口˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧o·˚ "Yeah~ Don't! I don't want to marry a fish head monster and have children!"

"Can you discuss it and treat me as a sacrifice? I'm the best at making sacrifices!"

"I voluntarily apply to be a sacrifice. You can marry Alice! I don't want to be his wife! Uwah~ bah bah bah!"

Heidi cried in fright!

Shark: \u003c(⌯❛ัヮ❛ั) "Look! She was moved to tears when she heard the good news! She is drooling with excitement!"

"The reaction is so intense, it seems that I can't wait!"

Alice: (¬_¬)...

A group of people were taken directly to a building called Xiebaoshi!

This is Landis' sky prison, the prison with the highest level of security!

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth twitched as he looked at the building's house number!

"Shente Meow is safe and dead, won't there be a rectangular yellow sponge that lives in the pineapple room working?"

Shark frowned: \u003c(ꐦ°᷄д°᷅) "How do you know? Did Alice tell you?"

"This is the most cruel prison in my Landis! I will chop up the prisoners bit by bit! I guarantee that you will die after suffering the most pain!"

"It's good to know that you are afraid!"

Jiangnan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, is he really off the bail?

As soon as everyone was escorted in, they saw a few yellow sponges rubbing against the wall in the hall!

Clean limescale from walls...

Jiangnan: (≖_≖ )…

Even if there is another crab warden or octopus jailer here, I won't be surprised at all!

But no, what came was a huge mermaid with an exploding body, clinging to starfish and clam shells!

The head is not a human head, but a huge hammerhead shark, which looks extremely hideous and terrifying!

▀₍͠° д ͠°₎▀

It's completely out of proportion to your figure!

"Master Shark, these people are..."

Ah Zhen's gaze fell on Daemon's body immediately, her eyes were shining brightly, and she couldn't help swallowing!

▀₍ ᵒ̴̶̷ д ᵒ̴̶̷₎▀✧

"Ah Zhen? These humans are all going to be sacrificed, open the empty prison!"

"Yes! My lord!"

Everyone was led directly into the deepest room of the death penalty!

The room is extremely spacious, surrounded by black stone walls, and hardening spells are engraved on the stone walls!

There are many murlocs imprisoned below!

All of them were restrained by Pata Star and couldn't move, and almost all of them were members of the Elders' Association!

Alice was in a hurry at the time, and shouted anxiously to the bottom...

(ง ˃̣̣̥᷄口˂̣̣̥᷅ )ง "Get out!"

"That's why I fucked!"

Senben Sakura: (o Д o*)? ? ?

Why did Alice still scold her master? Do mermaids also scold this?

Jiang Nan coughed violently and sweated profusely on his forehead!

(¬﹏¬ ‧̣̥̇)

That must be your grandma, right?

At this moment, both Yao Hong and Hetherine looked at Jiangnan with resentment on their faces!

Let you not teach well at the beginning!

Among the mermaids below, there was an old woman controlled by Pata Xing!

Fish head with a human body, because it is too old, the fish face is shriveled, and the face is full of wrinkles!

Seeing Alice being arrested, I couldn't help but shed hot tears!

"My grandson! Why don't you..."

Jiangnan:? ? ?

ah this...

Are you sure she is your grandma? Are you right?

Can mermaids still give birth to mermaids?

Everyone was locked in the empty prison in a blink of an eye!

Qianbenying and Yao Hong were chained to the wall by black chains!

Limbs are chained, not even the right to move!

And because Jiangnan is a space department, it is even more taken care of!

The limbs were imprisoned by huge black stone chains, and the whole person was suspended in mid-air!

Shark came to Jiangnan, squinted his eyes and sneered: "If my guess is correct, the God-killing Cannon should be on your body, right?"

"Hand it over! Otherwise, I'll let you taste the taste of death!"

Jiang Nan has a serious expression on his face!

( ・᷅◠・᷄ ) "You guessed wrong! The god-killing cannon is on her body! It's the one with pink hair!"

"She is also a space system! Why do you treat me so special? It's not fair! She should be locked up like this!"

"That's the only way to be safe! Go and interrogate her!"

Shark's eyes couldn't help falling on Qianben Sakura!

Qianben Sakura:? ? ?

(ꐦ°᷄依°᷅) "Hey! Damn Jiangnan! What did you tell him? Did you sell your teammate?"

"Don't bring you such a trick! We are all in the same group!"

[The resentment value from Qianbenzakura +1000! ]

Jiang Nan's eyes dodged!

(๑◔₃◔ิ๑) "I... how could I sell my teammate? I just praised you for looking good!"

Qianbenying stared: (oᵒ̌盛ᵒ̌) "Bah! I don't believe what you said! You must have sold me!"

Shark narrowed his eyes: "I don't believe what you said! You have a hard mouth, don't you? Hand over the cannon!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "What I said is true, why don't you believe it? I finally told the truth!"

"The giant cannon is not on me, it's on Fenmao's place!"

Shake punched Jiangnan in the stomach, causing Jiangnan to vomit old blood!

"I think you won't cry when you see the coffin?"

Jiangnan:? ? ?

Nima! I have confessed! Why are you beating me?

Why don't you believe it? Have to go through the process?

You wait for me!

I saw Shake grab the Pihai Pearl hanging from Jiangnan's neck!

"Patta Star! Stop Oxygen!"

Suddenly, Jiangnan suddenly felt that he couldn't breathe!

Can't help being shocked!

Only then did I realize that in the spirit-binding state just now, Pihaizhu no longer worked, and I had been holding my breath before!

After being controlled by Pata Xing, even if he wasn't holding his breath, he wasn't suffocated to death!

So Pata has been supplying himself with oxygen?

Now, Jiangnan directly experienced the feeling of suffocation!

Shark sneered: "Today's human beings can't breathe underwater without supernatural powers and tools and equipment!"

"Slowly experience the feeling of suffocation! The brain is hypoxic, the trachea is choked with water, and drowning is not a pleasant experience!"

"Presumably you will show the ugly face of human beings in less than three minutes!"

I saw Jiangnan staring fiercely at Shake with puffed cheeks!


This method is really cruel enough!

Yao Hong and Qianbenying looked at Jiangnan worriedly!

However, as the time passed by every minute and every second, three minutes later!

Jiang Nan was still staring at Shake, not suffocating at all!


Shark:? ? ?

"Heh~ It's enough to hold back. Let me see how long you can hold back? The human body has a limit!"

25 minutes later...

Jiang Nan's face turned crimson purple, and he couldn't catch his breath!

Shark: (′-ι_-`)...

Nima! Are you a fish?

Thousands of cherry blossoms are stupid, how can Jiangnan hold back?

The world record is just over 24 minutes, right?

At this moment, Jiangnan is close to the physiological limit, the brain is severely hypoxic, and the oxygen molecules in the body have almost been exhausted!


Jiang Nan, who couldn't hold back, spat out in one breath, entered an extremely dangerous state, and began to suffocate!

Shark sneered: "Heh... that's all! Those who are sensible are..."

However, at this moment, Alice bit her lower lip tightly, her face full of displeasure, and took advantage of Ah Zhen's negligence, and directly broke free from her!

He rushed to Jiangnan fiercely, held Jiangnan's cheek in his hands, and kissed Jiangnan's lips deeply!

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